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~~ sTucK@Pre, ww Jars, Jarring and Jar Placement {A ja® is an impact tool installed in the drillstring to free stuck pipe. Essentially unchanged for 20 years, jars are among the least glamorous devices in the oil field. But some rules of thumb about jarring dynamics can lead to improper application. This introduction covers the latest on the technology, use and placement of jars. Denny Adelung Warren Askew Jaime Bernardini AT. (Buck) Campbell, Jt Sugar Land, Texas, USA Mike Chattin (Onyx Energy Co. Houston, Texas, USA Rodney Hensley Buiish Peoleum Exploration Co. Houston, Texas, USA Bill Kinton British Petroleum Exploration Co, ‘Anchorage, Alaska, USA Randy Reese Don Sparing (Onyx Energy Co. Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Cilfield professionals have long recognized that preventing stuck pipe is always less expensive than unsticking pipe. Successful prevention lies in understanding the mecha- nisms of pipe sticking. These mechanisms hhave long been known, but only in the past few years have some operators converted this knowledge into a usable form, reducing fishing time and hole cost. Despite these improvements there is con- sensus, although no statistical proof, that the incidence of stuck pipe across the industry has remained relatively unchanged. This isa “technical fi": the smarter we become at preventing stuck pipe, the more risks we take. We drill high-angle and horizontal wells, multiple targets or formations consid cred too risky in the past, oF use topdrive 10 make hole faster than cuttings can be Cleared. The incidence of stuck pipe there fore remains stable. The means of lowering this figure, according to experience at British Petroleurn (BP), lie as much in tech hique as in technology. Teach drillers to di smarter, BP found, and less pipe will become stuck inthe first place. But because no prevention program is uarantced, research has continued into jars And jaring physics. Because jar location in the drillstring can mean the difference between success and failure, work is under ‘way to streamline jar placement programs, making them faster, more powerful and eas- jer to use. Jars themselves have been sub- mitted to objective testing! and the limits of their performance are being extended. ‘What are Jers? From the outside, a diiling jar looks about the same as a drill colar, having the same ‘ulside diameter (OD) and being hollow to permit the passage of mud. Inside, a jar is basically a sliding mandrel that allows a brief and sudden axial acceleration of the dillsting above the jar (next page, above). “Tavel oF this mandrel is limited by a stop {the hammer that strikes a stop on the outer sleeve the anvil. ‘Most jars release—called a trip, hit or lick—both up and down; afew work in one ditection only. Between the end of upstroke and end of downstioke is the cocked pos: tion. In jarring up, for example, the driller pulls and stetches the drillpipe. When the jar releases, the dillpipe contracts and the ‘mass of drillstring above the jar accelerates ‘up the length of the wip mandel for 5 10.9 in, (13 to 23 centimeters crm), depending ‘on jar design and diameter. When the ham- mer hits the anvil, the mass stops and trans- mits a shock wave that travels up and down the drillsring several times (next page, befow). The intention is to break the drill: string loose from the stuck point 'A properly designed jatring up assembly usually exerts more force than jarring down, llfield Review October 1991 ‘Shook wave travel Jar hammer velocity Frcton sleeve Tip rmandtol Tip | fal Mi ‘Tipped Down = Compression wave = Compression wave | invcalere naallppe — Tension wave Impact reaches stuck pont ° a a @ Velocity added trom ‘contraction of dele Ss Veto from Contraction of ‘ra colar | var hits ° z a Tre oe Cross section of Anadril's mechanical BARTHQUAKER jar, showing the tripped up, cocked (or neutral) nd tripped down positions. Dillsring dynamics in the time ‘between jar release and when the ham- ‘mer hils the cmvil. Ia this example, 1 is length of collars above the jar and 1/2 is the distance between the jar and the stuck point, taxon avbitrarily as'/2, but it ‘could be any distance. In the fop diagram, ‘Cis the speed of sound in steel, and #/e is the time of the fist shock wave round.tip >botwoen the jar and the top of the dell collars. The lower diagram shows jar ham ‘mer velocity over the same time inforvel intr anicle CAP Computed Ara pd Pace tae eARQUAR oH DRAQUGH as For hp n prepaaion of is ance thanks ton {alc Bash Peolcum poration, Heo, Tes, USA Rene Baus ar Phare Pore, See atonal Er aguae, Pau, ances el, evr us, ches nga, oa Kos, ons snr, More ge Samantha ile, Mary Poor an Robt Noung, Ane, Sapo Lane Tear, OSA Roger Cancer, Cort, Hb, lem USA ‘Maoh Kaan Wang Kl Epc Sig tard, Yao, USA 1 ling A and Hae GW: “Peixmance sig has peeer ADCP 201, preset a 1990, THOCSPe Ding Cretan en, Tess, USA Febuary 27 rh 2, 1990, 53 Ratio of jar force to up hit setting Ratio of jar force to down hit setting J Neoative impact —>}«— Posttve impact —>} 54 je impact —e|+— Posie impact —>{ be Nese Up Jar Impact i Up hit eotting=117,000 to Maximum foroe=47 1836 lb Graph is for stuck point at bit ‘Multiply ratio tmos up hit siting to obtain the force atthe stuck point in, 0 “Time aftr jr tps, msec 700 Down Jar impact 700 LJanting force at the stuck point, chosen as the bit, showing an example in own hit setting =26,000 tb Maximum force 164,818 Ib ‘Graph is for stuck point at bit "Mustipy ratio times down hit setting to obtain the foroe at the stuck point in, =25 moo Eo} Time ater ar trips, meee 300 ‘which the up jesring force Cop) fs about threo times that of down jarring Gottom). Note that ie productive jaring force lasts about 25 milliseconds, (which Is directly related fo the length of collars moving above the feu. Jar- zing magnitude changes betwoen up and down jarring but not duration. (From Askow. reference 6.) a Tis is because the diller can pull on the dillpipe with a greater force than can be exerted by compression from slacking off ailpipe weight (le) “Thete are jars for fishing and jars for these have similar designs but are construct and used diferent Fishing jars ate not standard drillpipe length, are not designed to withstand the stesses of dling land are run inthe hole only ater backing Off, Drilling jars are standard drillpipe lengths, ae curable enough to withstand dling stresses and are tun in the bottom hole assembly (811). “There ave two main types of cling jars, mechanical and hycaulic. Mechanical jars ‘operate using a series of springs, lock and release mechanisms. Hydraulic jas operate Using the contolled passage of hydraulic fluid. Hydromechanical jars are 9 hybrid of both designs, usually hydraulic up and mechanical down ‘A mechanical a ips up ata preselected tensile force, and down at a preselected compressional force The jar ips only atthe Set threshold, which i normally beyond the forces reached while dling. The postion ‘ofthe mechanical jr during dilling ether cocked or extended (ripped up); is a mate ter of driller preference. Driling is never conducted with the jar tripped down because unnecessary down jarring might damage the bit and measurement while- ling (WWD) equipment “The release threshold of a mechanical jar is set either downhole or at the surface, depending on jar design. There are two tain designs, One uses the principle of the torsion spring, and its release force can be varied downhole by 10 to 15% by applying torque to the dillpipe Left torque decreases felease tension; right torque increases i ‘Another design uses an expanding sleeve ‘with slots, fags and aneillary springs (next age). The overall necessary 1 tip the jar Can be reduced downhole by increasing red flowrate ‘Mechanical ciling jars predate hydraulic cones, bt the idea of a hydraulic jar is not new. Hyerauic jars fr fishing first appeared inthe 1950s, but were troubled by seal fail tres and were not sturdy enough for ailing ‘pplications. With advances in seal technoh ony, a second generation for drilling Sppeated In the 1970s and 1980s. Today, tydaulic and mechanical jars have compa rable life expectancies (ee “Comparison of Mechanical and Hydraulic Drilling Jas” next pase) “The main difference between the to jas is thatthe hydraulic jar does not trp. at a ollfield Review preselected threshold. When, and how forcefully the jr trips is determined by the sgnitude of the applied tension or com: pression. In tripping up, for example, the force of the blow is proportional to “over pull” the pull on the moving pipe in excess ofits weight in ar of fluid? The greater the coverpull, up to the tool's maximum, the sooner the jar tips and the harder the blow This gives the hydraulic jar the aclvantage of having a continuously variable jarting force within its design limi, In tipping up, for ‘example, averpull of 100,000 Ib [43,360 kg] may produce a large blow in 20 sec ‘ond, whereas averpull of 10,000 Ib [4536 kg] may produce a small blow in 200 sec fonds. A second advantage is that a hydraulic jar of OD less than 6.25 in. (16 cm) has a larger inside diameter (ID) and can more easly admit a wireline cable than 3 comparable mechanical jar During drilling, itis recommended that the hydraulic jar that fires both up and down be run in the extended position. If run in the cocked position, there is a risk of tnintended firing, unless tension and com- pression atthe jar are exactly balanced: tunlkely condition, If drilling is conduct with the jar in the cocked position, up movement when picking up off bottom rust be slow to bleed the jar open and avoid a forceful tri. As with a mechanical jat, drilling with a hydraulic jar in the tripped down position is usually avoided. A hydraulic jar consists of two reservoirs of hydraulic fluid separated by a valve (next page). When tension o compression is applied to the tool in the cocked position, fluid from one chamber is compressed and passes through the valve at high flow resis- tance into the second chamber. This allows the tool to extend o¢ contiact, The distance traveled is called the metering stroke. When the stroke reaches a certain point, the com- pressed fluid is allowed to suddenly bypass the valve, The jar trips as the fluid rushes into the second chamber, instantly ecualiz ing pressure between the two chambers The greater the force on the jar, the greater the compression of the fluid and the sooner nd more forceful the release. Once a hydraulic jar is cocked, it wil fre if given enough time to complete the meter * aed Stan ean Teas ‘Ovepl ta esis of sch fc, Ove is ‘Spay manor le ding o detect stcrg October 1991 Ein eee een eed fequpment and sting shots incination wes, rimpossibiein righ ‘Capabilities ‘Mechanical Hydraut ‘Overpalseting varaaity | One setting made at surface | Continuously variable 19f 10,000 6 180,000 I, downhelo, tween ‘epanclng oa ja size. 10,000 anc 135,00 Ease of admiting wireline | Easler passage wih irgor | Typical has a lagariD than cable fr surveying (OD tools. Passage ciffeut | mecharica jr with same OD, ‘which an advantage UP to ‘an OD of about 6. ‘Abi To ncrease or No—Anadel decrease tension eating from the surface 10-16%, “Temperature sensvity Yes—Dalley and similar designs can change by ‘Neglgble. Wil function in \wols 250% 260°C), Have been used in (gecthermal wal. Yes 400* (208°C) bottomhole Staci approximate mt. AS ‘Temperate increases, oo! ‘may release sooner anc ‘without reaching ful tension, ‘With high-temperature packing, ofs and greases, Soma jars have operated successtlly at 850°F (208°C) =] e it | nu 55) See PTT TT pL ee Ft es a , Tiip sloove for the 4Yain (10-cm) ‘diameter EARTH- ‘QUAKER mochantcat Jar. Note that the Sleeve acts as racial ‘pring along ils Iongtn insed. At the preset Tension or compos ston, the outside fecth of tho tip sloove ‘pring out into match- ing grooves on the {fetion sleeve ID. ‘When this happens, the trip sleeve releases the tip man- deel that is inside the fnip sleeve, with simi. lar testh and grooves, ‘and tips the jer ing stroke. This gives hydraulic jars an advantage in directional, high-angle and horizontal wells In these conditions, excess drag may prevent the driller from applying sufficient tension or compression to trip a mechanical jar. A cocked hydraulic jar, however, will eventually fire, even with :minimal tension or compression, ‘A characteristic drawback of the hydraulic design is that repeated jarring can overheat the fluid. This reduces its viscosity, which shortens the metering time and tips the jar before the desired tension can be applied. AAs a result, jarring force declines over time. To cope with this problem, some jars are designed to compensate for heating of hydraulic fluid, Evidence on the success of these designs is equivocal. Experience at BP in North America indicates that problems associated with heating have been solved in the past few years, A 1990 study at the Rogaland Research Institute in Stavanger, Norway, however, found that heal-compen- salting designs are ineffective in all but one ofthe jars tested.” Vices and virtues aside, the choice between a mechanical and hydraulic jar is Usually made based on the deilling man: ager’s familiarity. Sometimes preferences vary by hydrocarbon province; other times they are uniform throughout a company. For example, in Oryx Energy Company, 60 to 70% of jars are hydraulic, and in areas known for high hole dag, at least 70% of jars are hydraulic, n BP Alaska, mechanical jars are run most of the time andl particularly ‘when the dillr anticipates a milling opera- tion. Mechanical jars are thought to be Immune to damage from metal cuttings, which may damage seals of a hydraulic jar. One major prefers mechanical jars for iling because of the perception of higher durability and the certainty thatthe jar will rot fie until the threshold is reached. Jar Operation Incorrect jar installation and usage may sometimes contribute more to the problem than tothe solution, Here area few caveats. ‘BHA components. The tsk of sticking the jar itself and drilsting above the jar is Hydraulic ar Metering (Sew movement of mand, ee dl) Flow rest Hoysing Seal Spine <= Woverent FA Soire ryt Mandel Bypass Fest moverent of mance pressie equation) Up it ane Hammer Low. FNC pressure Down it rv —— Noverent Up hit fans werent ‘Cross section of Anacirill's HYDRAQUAKER hydraulic drilling jar ave lots charbor Sy and a achomalle (alsov) ofthe valve a ol reservlr. ae assembiles during metering and tripping (bypass) of the far. tah presse Fin chamber sare Gtrng coum nt Down nit - Fluid escapes fotns chaneer onown ht Botton as 56 Oilfield Review reduced if dillsting components above the jar do not exceed jar diameter Risk ‘of damaging the jar mandrel is reduced i a flex joint is run next to the jar mandrel. This limits flexion stress at the mandrel Small BHAs (4%/s-in, collars, 3¥/2-n. drillpipe), because of their low weight, can sometimes produce insufficient jar- ring peak force. sJarting direction. Improper jarring direc ion can be countesprortuctve (sce "Rec- ‘ommended Jarting Direction,” right). AS a rule, jarring is most effective when itis ‘opposite the direction the drillpipe was traveling when the pipe got stuck: jar down if sticking oceurs while tripping out and jar up ifsticking occurs while tipping, in, Key seating, for example, can be a problem in deviated wells (See “Tech- niques for Breaking Free,” page 30), Ifthe pipe lodges in a key seat while tripping out, jarring down may force it free, whereas jarring up may work the pipe fa ther into the key seat ‘Peak. jrting force. Maximum jarting force is based on allowable averpull. impact damage tothe dillsting, is not a concern. ‘Although one major oil company reports buying dozens of MWD tools damaged by jatring, this costs found 0 be negli ‘ble compared to that of sidtracking. ‘Initial jarring force. Choice of intial jaring force varies. Starling with peak jarring force is often preferred when sticking pr- iresses quickly, such as in differential sticking. Some operators nearly always start at the maximum to move the pipe as soon as possible. Others, such as El, will start lower and work up as needed. The premise is that more force than needed endangers pipe joints, and fishing for parted pipe is far mote expensive than the Fig time needed to increase jarring force ‘over several hits Elf also advocates jarring, lightly in both directions at frst to see which is more successful. Violent jaring in the wrong direction can convert a minor proiplem into a major one, *Drag anc extension force, These two fac: fors can make a jar appear to trip with insufficient oF excessive tension and must be accounted for when relating, surface load to tension at the jar. Drag on rillpipe increases overpull. In vertical swells, drag can be negligible, but in direc- tional wells drag is taken, by rule of thumb, to increase overpull needed to fre the jar by 10% (see “Effect of Drag on Tension at Jas” above, right October 1991 Recommended Jarring Direc daring Direction “Type of Sticking ‘Up. Down Key seathg XK wih torque Diferenta sticking x x ‘Seting shales Mechancalseking e {onsips, arn of unceeaner, ; eae ant way iora | wen pene Poortoleceaning Sloughing sales ‘Unconsolidated formations f at connections x Tobie Yomations (salt, some shales) s Effect of Drag on Tension at Jar Caleuation of tension athe jr, while accounting forthe eect ofa, right be: “ola string weight in mut: 200.0008 50,0008 150,00010 Maximum overpl value +100,00010 {minus 10,000 tb for safety) ‘Maximum sate overpll at surtace: 290,000» {In this scenario, the driller cannot safely pull more than 280,000 Iba the sara allects the string above the jar onl, Hectvely increasi weit by 10%, to 165,000 Ib. The maximum pull avaiable athe jar is near this v othe pipe alone; ise higher, it may nt fire ata Extension force, created by pressure inside the diillstring exerted by circulating, mud, can also make a jar appear to tip pre- maturely or late. Extension force is deter- mined by the internal cross-sectional seal area of the jar times the pressure drop across the tool. If mud pressure is high enough, extension force will open the jar, Iterally iting the dillsting. When jarting up, this force must be added to the surface foverpull to obtain actual tension at the jar Jarring down while circulating requires overcoming extension force before the jar can be fired, Jarring up can sometimes be achieved or assisted by extension force. In cases of severe sticking or drag, overpull can't tip a ‘mechanical jar or induce a lange enough blow from a hydraulic jar In either case, a Jar can sometimes be tipped by increasing = 125,000 Ib. The mechanical jr release Is therelore set tthe release is set oo fow, the jar may ite from movement the mud pump rate of by a combination of increasing mud pressure and pulling. This is a safe procedure with a mechanical jay, but involves some risk with a hydraulic ja, Jar ‘manufacturers provide information on cal- culation of safe extension force. ‘Accidental jarring.+ A virtue of the hydraulic jar—that once cocked, it will eventually fire—can also be a liability During drilling, the jar is normally ‘extended (ripped up). Ifthe driller slacks off enough weight, the jar will cock. ‘When the driller next picks up off bottom, the jar will start metering and may fire, In 3, Sci F“Desgin BLS for Bees Daag a ‘Peamance” Worl O19, pa 3 tebe 12): 4. For reconsassions ij placenta 20d 3c hel wing rng eign etree 3 57 vertical wells, this has been known 10 knock pipe out of the slips and result in requiring 3 fishing job. In dzectional wells, such accidental jarring is usually not a cconcem because pull on the pipe is not sufficient to induce a large shock, and because the shock is damped by the pipe Iying on the law side ofthe hole. Jor Placement ‘Many operators, particularly in North Amer. ica, obtain satisfactory jarring from empiri cally determined jar placement. Oryx runs ‘mainly hydraulic jars in tension (above the ‘neutral point} high enough in the sting to permit sufficient weight on bit and to have enough weight on top to cock them easily from the tripped up position. In most cases this means the jar i betwoen the fourth and sisth dell collars rom the top of the BHA. ‘A continuing debate in jar placement is ‘whether the jar should be postioned in ten sion or compression. Widespread practice has been to always place the jar in tension, ‘policy maintained by many companies. There are two main reasons for this: ‘To achiewe a wreater peak force. Higher jar position (in tension) also means less accelerated mass above the jar, and there- fore greater velocity of pipe above the jar and greater peak force. ‘To minimize the pessiblity of geting stuck above the jar. The higher the jar, the smaller the chance of being stuck sbove i ‘There is a perception that jars may buckle under compression, o¢ that flexion of the jar will affect deviation control. Jar stifiness, however, exceeds that of dillpipe, and well, trajectory is usually controlled in the BHA significantly below the jar ‘About the only point of agreement is that ‘a hylraulic jar that i less affected by exten ‘ion force should never be run at or near the ‘neutral point, At this location, itis prone to repeated cocking and firing as the neutral point travels up and down when the driller pulls up and slacks off. This not only pro: duces unnecessary jaring, 1 also wears the jar prematurely. This problem does not 58 affect mechanical jars because travel of the neutral point does not produce enough Farce to cock or fire the jar. I also does not affect jars that are easily opened by exten- Son force, since they require more slack off weight to cock, ‘There are diferent jar philosophies for different geographic areas within BP. BP Alaska, for instance, places its jars in tension berween heavyweight dillpipe ane collars to reduce the risk of sticking, The advantage Of this location is a low risk of becoming stuck above the jar. The disadvantages are that the jar may be farther from the stuck pons, usually law in the BHA, and jarting down isles forceful. Bowen Tools, Inc. has addressed this concern by offering an up jar that goes in the upper part of the string and a down jar in the lower part, where a lot of ‘weight can be stacked, ‘Although many operators still prefer 10 run jaes in tension, studies at Anadill have shown that its jars will endure drilling in ‘compression, and that running a jar too high above the neutral point can result ina short impulse and ineffective jarring, This Is espe cially tue in directional wells with heavy- ‘weight drillpipe and few dill collars in the BHA. In these wells, the neutral point is often up in heavyweight drillpipe, far from the stuck point. Ifthe jar is placed above this neutral point, jarring force at the stuck point may be greatly reduced because of ‘wall drag above the jar and damping from heavyweight deillpipe and drill collars. ‘Anadrill has also found thatthe stuck point is often closer to the bit than is usually thought, Placing the jar near the top of the BH, atthe fourth or fifth heavyweight joint, ray prevent sufficient force from reaching, the stuck point “The frontier of jar development, as with so ‘much in drilling today, fies in high-angle and horizontal wells. Operators are still ‘experimenting with optimal jar placement and selection, Use of multiple jas is also under investigation. A decade ago, use of multiple jars was not recommended because of the uncertainty of drillsring behavior, which reduces control of the jar ring operation.» Today, using finite-clement code to model wave propagation along the {ilisrng, more opettors are aterpting the technique. An operaior in the Middle East has had success with two [ars in a hozon- tal well a hydraulic jar 50 to 100 st [15 40 30/ml above the final kickoff and a mechan- ical jar in the horizontal section atop the BHA. Tho upper jar was used to free stuck pipe atthe kckof the most common point Gf sticking in horizontal wells, and the hore zontal ja: fora stuck BHA. The mechanical jar was placed inthe horizontal section for fear that fing ofthe upper jar would dam. age a hydaulc jr i twas below. Inthe USA, one ofthe most active drillers ‘of horizontal wells in the Austin chalk has been Orys. which drilled approximately 100 horizontal wells between early 1989 and early 1981. Horizontal sections aver aged 3000 ft (915 mi early inthe project, thi have inceeased to an average of 4000 ft 10220 Earlier this year, Oryx polled approxi- rately 20 diling foremen working in hor: Zontal wells in the chalk about thei pre- ferred jar type and use. Hydraulic jars were the clear choice, always placed above the Kickoff o avoid tipping dificlty associated swith hole dag. Ory as found that in hot Zot well, jaring i not useful for freeing key-seated pipe or stabilizers suck by cut tings. A ja above the kickoff is useful for ‘overcoming sticking associated with Ktion dlveloped while making connections. Oryx ‘uns jars inal ts horizontal wells but needs them only 510 10% ofthe time, usualy 0 jar down and urge bits and stabilizers though bends. When rotating out fils to free pipe stuck fom a cullings bed or key seat, Ory backs of as lowe a possible and lowers the jar position so itis nearer the stuck point Ih Oryx’ experience, the main considera tion in far placement in horizontal wells i having sufficient weight above the jar to cock it Fon the taped up position. Weight below the final kiekoft isn’t a concem Ihacaute the pipe ising onthe low side of te hole 5: Te newal pant mt aso whee she ait tect zea Ppe shoe he uta pt in ae ‘enson, below final empresson. 6 Skeem i Fede MB ay Woe: “Dlg, (Dyoes Dur Option,” Journal oto Teun Techoloy tvenie 1979 1381-1285 Oilfield Review Jar Placoment Programs ‘Although many operators place jars based ‘on empirical evidence, use of jar placement ‘computer programs, either proprietary or from a service company, has expanded in the past few years. These programs analyze \wave propagation along the dilltring dur ing jarring to model jatring force for differ cent jar positions, BHA configurations and ‘well trajectories. The goal isto find the jar position that maximizes the peak force and the impulse, which is the integral of force with respect to time (below). To do this, placement programs optimize two variables: ‘velocity of BHA above the jar just before the hammer hits the anvil, which detet- imines peak force ‘length of BHA above the jar that con- tributes the most momentum to jarring, ‘which determines impulse, % 8 A aa Low Hah Tho fantag tradeot(above)—tnding the at iocllon that optimizes both peck force Gmpact) and ciation Gmpuleoy A fore of tng curation il ct move the {anit tho poak orc doesnt exceed ticking “orce. on oor ht pote {orc that oncoeds the alicking force but teas only a her time wl nt conse ‘ues fh movement resulting in nef Clont jring aay hte wil bo ete to {fo tho fish The clarstop fre ghd [tates stection of ar locaton, Based cn inp em to Kas program, ised Dy SP Biporton in Alaska pact orc {nd impulse ore potod er Son 201 19- ‘Pipe moc veo sft ut tape is Inevesing. Me oplmum combination of Impaibe and impact taxon et he right nit of to impact step, just tee it rps eit to no nxt level Pronto, jon {bcaton at point & res high impact but {Bwvimpslo, gies good impact and & {ier input the tra chotco ging ie sine pt bt higher imps, D gives th highest ‘rapa, otto lowe! pact. (om Aikow tloronce Bed courtesy of fraprctnn) October 1991 Peak force increases with the velocity of BHA above the jar—the faster it travels, the higher the peak force produced. Impulse increases with the length of BHA above the Jar—the longer the moving pipe, the longer it takes to stop moving and longer the impulse, Peak force and impulse are gener- ally inversely elated: the higher the jar is in the BHA, the less mass is moving, so the greater the acceleration and peak force, but the smaller the impulse. Conversely, the Tower the jar isin the BHA, the more mass and the greater the impulse but the smaller the peak force. Somewhere in the BHA, thereiore, is a point at which a jar can be placed to achieve the optimum combina tion of peak force (velocity) and impulse Amass). Where is this point? This problem was first addressed by ‘Skoem and colleagues in 1979. They did ‘one-dimensional modeling of wave prope: gation along the drillsting to derive the tim: ing, duration and qualitative value of peak jarting force at a known stuck point. From this, they verified the inverse relationship between peak force and impulse, They also showed that lengthening jar stoke from 4 10 8 to 12 inches {10, 20 and 30 cm] increases both peak and impulse fora given jar posi- tion in the BHA, They concluded, however, that the optimum position depends on the ‘often unknown sticking mechanism, Differ. ential pipe sticking, for example, occu along a length, not at a point. The jacring peak force must therefore not only exceed the sticking force, but must be maintained ong enough to move the length ofthe stuck BHA, This may take a few blows or tens of blows, They also assumed that the stuck point is known, whieh it oten is not The need for a more powerlul predictor of jar placement prompted Kalsi and col: 700,000} 00.000 Impulse, sac o 30 120 1010 Heavyweight above jars t 59

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