When Disaster Comes Our Way: By: Romeo A. Abuhan, JR

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When Disaster Comes Our Way

by: Romeo A. Abuhan, Jr

It was 7 oclock in the morning when the radio announced that there is an
approaching hurricane. The radio commentator exhorted everyone to be additional
cautious while going outside the house. The tropical storm has an extremely strong
wind and gustiness, thus everyone was being warned.

The storm will strike the entire part of the Philippines and numerous are cautioned
not to go out their homes to maintain a strategic distance from untoward
occurrences. I myself, by one means or another gone to work and overlooked the
news. It was a gloomy day in the office and soon with rain shower at short time later.

It was 2 oclock in the afternoon when the substantial rain simply seen. It has an
extremely solid blast of wind. Everyone in the workplace quit working and gazed
outside as the trees and coconuts are clearly moving and dancing. All I thought it will
simply keep going for an hour. Sadly, it has not quit down-pouring with a solid wind
with it. Until such time we have seen plywood, bit of steel sheets were taken off,
branches of trees were breaking. What we did was just to gaze at what is occurring
outside my office.

It was 5 o'clock toward the evening, when the downpour was slowly vanished. I was
riding a tricycle that time going home from the office. I have seen a great deal of
trees and shrubs were declined down. When I arrived home my mother narrated me
what had happened while drizzling outside my home. She let me know that they
were so apprehensive what may have happened. Our home was almost practically
flown by the wind. Our plants were all bankrupt. Indeed, even our solid and plentiful
papaya has broken its natural products all vibe into the ground and broke its
branches that outcome to fall.

Fortunately, there were no losses from the news about the episode. It was the
purported " Bagyong Pablo" who stroke the whole territory of Mindanao which is
one of the unforeseen most grounded tropical storm in the Philippines.

Indeed, natural disaster event is truly unforeseen however we have organizations

that screen the status of our environment, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Service Administration (PAG-ASA). We should dependably get ready
for any debacle that come our direction. Because at last, regardless of what who can
help you in middle of calamity however the restricted you can be spared is being
ready and comprehend what to do when disaster comes. As advice when you hear
the news you should set up the vital materials, for example, making an arrangement:
Plan what to do on the off chance that you are isolated amid a crisis; Plan what to do
in the event that you need to empty; Let Your Family Know You're Protected. Above
all, you ought to set up an Emergency treatment Unit expected just for disaster
It is critical to ensure that the whole family is arranged and educated in case of a
catastrophe or crisis. You may not generally be as one when these occasions
happen and ought to have plans for ensuring you can contact and discover each

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