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Supporting all Neighbourhood Watch groups across the City and Council of Bristol

NEWSLETTER Spring / Summer 2017

In this Issue
The three Bristol District Spring Coordinators
meetings have now taken place. Coordinators meetings - including BNHWN
calendar information, and Force NW
Coordinators from all Districts heard about changes Association progress
to the structure of Neighbourhood Policing and the
impact of the budget cuts from their respective BNHWN First Aid training course
Neighbourhood Inspectors, as well as an overview of
the current crime patterns. New Addition - Membership card discount list

Information was presented on the new Avon and Noisy neighbours what you can do
Somerset NW Association (ASNWA), the reason for
its formation, and the need for Coordinators to help National NHWN News
in creating how the website develops by submitting
any questions they may have, or ideas in which the website could help schemes to evolve and remain
Security advice
resilient. Any suggestions can be submitted on:
If you would like to help with the development of the Association please do let us know via the link on the
ASNWA home page.
An update on the current situation of Bristol NW Network was given. Wendy was able to notify people at
the last of the Coordinators meetings (East & Central) of a difficult decision which has been taken, not to
produce a calendar for 2018 as distribution and sales could not be guaranteed this year.
A list of roles within The Network was handed out, with a request for Coordinators to consider if they could
take up one of the tasks. The position of Chair of The Network is critical to its survival when Wendy, the
current Chair, steps down from that role in September.
So far, no volunteers have come forward to take on any of the roles, which is disappointing as each role
takes up so little time. The production, distribution and sale of the calendar being the exception, a far more
time consuming task over several months, hence the difficult decision not to produce a calendar this year.

Bristol NW Network are organising FREE First aid courses for scheme
Coordinators, Deputies or scheme officials. Each course will last around 2 hours,
and according to numbers will probably be held in 3 locations: the Vassall Centre,
the Withywood Centre and the Greenway Centre. Dates and venues cannot
be finally agreed until we have some idea of numbers wishing to attend.
Those attending the Coordinators meetings were able to register their interest in attending the courses and
I would like to open registration on these courses to those people who were unable to attend also.

If you, and / or one of your scheme would like to have the opportunity to attend a course, please email: leaving the name/s of those wishing to attend, scheme name, preferred
contact details and preferred location (you will be able to select a different location or
date should you need / prefer to.)


LG Fencing Tel: 01275 343572 From dogs barking to never-ending house parties or
Mob: 07739 399554 Take a look at the full discount list enthusiastic DIYers at unacceptable hours, noise can
cause problems and affect the quality of life.
discounts-list.html If you feel able, talk to your neighbour
Our website has been updated, please take a look and let The first step suggested is to try and sort the problem
informally. It sounds obvious but sometimes it can be
us know via the Contact Us form if you spot anything
nipped in the bud as they may not even realise their sound
you think is missing or incorrect. system speaker is up against your beds wall.

NATIONAL NHWN INFORMATION Anyone worried about talking to their neighbour in

person could try writing them a letter. Explaining the
You may already be aware that Kate Algate problem clearly and sticking to the facts is the best advice.
recently resigned as CEO at National NWN Talking to other neighbours to see if they are affected is
with immediate effect. The position is at also advised.
present being covered by Maxine Edney The noise the council can investigate:
(Interim CEO.) Maxine has 28 years - Noisy neighbours - Alarms, including car and van alarms
experience across a diverse range of roles - Barking dogs - Building sites - Deliveries or waste
collections at commercial premises - Noisy equipment in
in the not for profit sector, including the street or commercial premises - Pubs and clubs -
significant interim senior management roles as a Roadworks
management consultant. She has held CEO and Director
The noise the council cant investigate:
positions in a number of charities, social care providers Traffic - Aircraft
and general needs and supported housing associations.
If the noise problem isnt sorted informally then you
Coop Insurance and ERA Security have come on board as can contact Bristol City Council, or your local authority.
new sponsors for the coming year in supporting NW This can be done online here or from Monday to Thursday
across the country, and National NHWN is again from 8.30am to 5pm or Fridays from 8.30am to 4.30pm by
providing FREE Public Liability Insurance cover for all ringing 0117 922 2500 and choosing option 4.
registered NW schemes with Access Insurance until Out of hours:
March 31st 2018. Check the policy details on: Bristol City Council does run an out of hours service at
file:///C:/Users/Chair/Downloads/Confirmation-Of- these times:
Liability-Cover-2017-18F%20(4).pdf Sunday to Tuesday, 7.30pm to midnight, Wednesdays
and Thursdays, 7.30pm to 1am, Fridays and Saturdays,
It is proposed that Home Watch will shortly be dropped 7.00pm to 3.30am
from the title of the organisation. It will then be known If you want an officer to visit you can call
as Neighbourhood Watch Network (NWN.) Additional 0117 9222050. However, the council has just two officers
necessary changes were made to the Constitution as the covering the whole city and so there could be a delay in
organisation proposes changes to its status. response and the service is not available on Bank
The noise police deal with: - Rowdy and drunken behaviour - Inconsiderate use of vehicles - Fires - Raves
Contact the police: To report noise to the police that spills over to anti-social behaviour as the criteria above, you can
report it online here or ring 101. Only dial 999 in an emergency.
Mediation - This is available FREE in Bristol, it is confidential and impartial: contact them on 0117 941 5379, email or log on by clicking here.
Excessive noise from noisy neighbours, loud parties or commercial business (such as pubs, clubs and factories) for
example, can cause disruption and distress which can affect the quality of life. If noise is ongoing and causes distress
then this may be managed as anti-social behaviour. The police, local authorities and other agencies such as social
housing landlords, all have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour and to help people who are suffering from it.
When it comes to noise it will generally be dealt with by the council.
Noise Diary
Keep a diary detailing what is happening and when. Be specific about the facts, include the time and date it happened,
exactly what was heard, for how long and where the sound was coming from including an address and whether inside
or outside. Include the names and addresses of others who may have heard the noise and details of who it was reported
to and when. You could even take recordings of the noise on your phone to keep electronically with the diary.
Still not resolved
If after all your efforts the problem has not gone away and you do not feel that enough has been done to sort out the issue
then there is another option. A community trigger means the case can be reviewed by the agencies involved and to
see if further action can be taken.
To start a community trigger you need to have reported three incidents about the same problem in the past six months
or more than five people must have made reports of the same problem in the past six months.
This can be done online here by ringing 0117 922 2500 (option 5) and asking for the community trigger or by writing to
Community Trigger, Crime Reduction Team (100TS), Fourth Floor South, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3

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