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Chemistry & Biology 13, 109111, February 2006 2006 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved DOI 10.1016/j.chembiol.2006.02.



Spinning Corncobs into Socks

Farming Plastics with Green Chemistry

Since the 1950s, cheap, durable One approach is to convert bio- Magic Carpet
plastics derived from fossil fuels mass into monomers such as suc- Dr. Jeff Lievenses wife chose their
have become ubiquitous in every cinic acid or adipic acid and either Mohawk SmartStrand stain-resis-
part of our lives. Yet as plastics have polymerize or copolymerize them tant pale yellow carpet to remind
proliferated, the very qualities we with petroleum-derived monomers, her of the Tampa beach while in the
appreciate about themtheir low yielding polymers such as DuPonts Midwest winter. The carpet is spun
cost, durability, and long lifehave ( Sorona from DuPonts Sorona PTT fiber. To
made them an environmental prob- polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) Lievense, now vice president of En-
lem. They degrade slowly and accu- made from 1,3-propanediol, gener- gineering and Biochemicals R&D at
mulate in the environment. The ated from corn and terephthalic Tate & Lyle (http://www.tateandlyle.
toxins that plastics release as they acid. com/), a British food and industrial
decompose can be ingested by ingredients producer, the carpet is
birds, animals, and marine life, or the a souvenir of his five years as
plastics themselves can clog the a member of the Tate & Lyle-DuPont
creatures digestive systems if swal- research team that developed the
lowed. Biologically produced fermentation process to make the
For decades, companies have polyester has almost the 1,3-propanediol (PDO) for Sorona
been pursuing routes to plastics de- commercially viable. DuPont de-
rived from bacteria and plants rather
same functional proper- cided to take an alternate synthesis
than from fossil fuels. Only now do ties as the petroleum- route to brew the PDO monomer
advances in genetic engineering based material. The eco- out of corn sugar. The reason for Du-
and process technologies promise Pont to take the bio road? PDO used
to make bioplastics commercially vi-
nomics of producing it, to be scarce and expensive.
able. Besides the environmental is- however, have just gotten In the early 1990s, DuPont scien-
sues associated with petroleum- more attractive. tists engineered microbes that could
based plastics, the recent surge in ferment sugar to PDO in a single
oil prices is making bioplastics step. To make a commercially com-
more attractive. These develop- petitive product, DuPont collabo-
ments could be the next wave of rated over a 10 year period with Gen-
a new kind of industrialized biotech- Corn is also fermented to lactic encor International to optimize the
nology or Green chemistry. The acid, a precursor for polylactic acid microbes, and with Tate & Lyle to de-
green chemistry movement started (PLA) developed by Cargill Dow velop and optimize the fermentation
with the 1990 Pollution Prevention Chemical ( process for large-scale commercial
Act and was spurred both by govern- in the late nineties. Cargill Dows production. DuPont Staley Bio Prod-
ment grants and private initiatives. subsidiary NatureWorks, LLC, (http:// ucts Co., LLC, was formed with Tate
The movement advocates chemistry pro- & Lyle to produce PDO. We in-
that has minimal impact on the envi- cesses PLA into textile fibers under vested between the two partners ap-
ronment by making processes less its Ingeo brand, that end up in con- proximately $100 million dollars to
toxic and more energy efficient while sumer goods such as socks. Under build a large scale fermentation
reducing waste products. the slogan We milk the cows and plant, which will start up later this
grow the bottles, Naturally Iowa, year. Let there be no doubt we are
LLC, is using PLA for milk containers. doing that because we believe we
Not Your Moms Polyester Walmart announced that starting will make money selling Bio-PDO,
Polymers are macromolecules con- late 2005, it is using PLA containers to Lievense says.
structed from smaller molecules package fresh fruit and vegetables. We are part of the green revolu-
called monomers. Most of the bio- Another green strategy is to har- tion, if you will, says Dr. Karl San-
mass that surrounds us exists as vest natural polymers such as poly- ford, vice president of Technology
polymers. Materials such as DNA hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) directly Development at Genencor Interna-
and RNA (deoxy- and ribonucleic from genetically engineered bacte- tional. According to Sanford, biolog-
acid), proteins (polypeptides), wood ria or plants. The polymer itself is ically produced polyester has almost
and pulp (cellulose), and starch produced in vivo with this approach. the same functional properties as
(amylose) are all chain polymers. PHAs are currently made by Cam- the petroleum-based material. The
The challenge is to convert the bio- bridge-based Metabolix (http:// economics of producing it, however,
mass into usable form. have just gotten more attractive.
Chemistry & Biology

When we undertook the program, giant agroprocessors to whom they PDO marketed in a PTT polymer
oil was at $15 a barrel, now it is at sell look at profit and developing dubbed Corterra for, among other
$60 a barrel, Sanford says. new markets. things, carpet. Because both Shells
At Genencor, new product ven- petrochemically derived and Du-
tures are evaluated by a complete Green, as in Cash Ponts bio-derived PTT require less
lifecycle assessment, including sus- Dr. Jim Stoppert, senior director of terephthalic acid per pound, they
tainability. It is a new way to think, Minneapolis-based Cargills Indus- could be potentially cheaper to pro-
says Sanford. A number of leading trial Bioproducts development duce than rival polyester PET, de-
companies are reporting an audit group, was the first CEO of Nature- pending on volatile raw material
of environmental sustainability as Works. Stoppert is interested in prices. PTT requires less terephthal-
a way of appeasing their stock- translating green chemistry into ic acid to produce than PET because
holders and institutions that invest green cash. At Cargill, we are build- the percentage of terephthalic acid
in them. It is good business. It gets ing whole families of products based carbons in the repeat units of PTT
very, very expensive to keep clean- on renewable feedstocks, Stoppert is lower than in PET. To large-scale
ing up stuff. says. In the past, a lot of effort in this industrial producers, a few cents in
area was driven by environmental is- materials adds up fast.
Growing AstroTurf on Erie Street sues. Taking ethanol out of it, the
On Erie Street near MIT, Metabolix is bio-based industry was nothing, Hidden Fees
growing plastics in grass, the ulti- compared to the $1.5 trillion chemi- An underlying issue is how green ex-
mate in AstroTurf. Metabolix was cal industry, Stoppert says. The actly are these biomass-derived ap-
cofounded in 1992 by professors Ol- misperception was thinking people proaches? Corn production in the
iver Peoples and Anthony Sinskey would pay a premium for environ- U.S. is subsidized and produced by
based on their metabolic engineer- mentally friendly solutions. People intensive farming. As a conse-
ing work at MIT. The 38 person com- will pay a premium for functionality, quence, it is inconclusive whether
pany has been genetically engineer- Stoppert suggests, but continued producing plastic from biomass re-
ing bacteria to produce PHA more that if you base your business on ally consumes less energy than mak-
efficiently. In 2001, Metabolix people paying a premium for envi- ing it conventionally. Moreover, the
bought Monsantos PHA, Biopol, ronmental friendliness, you will U.S. Department of Agriculture 10
and integrated it into its research lose your shirt. year forecast (http://www.ers.usda.
program. Environmental concerns are gov/briefing/corn/2005baseline.htm)
Metabolix plastics are function- growing, however. People are be- projects that corn prices will rise
ally equivalent to a range of petro- coming more aware of CO2 emis- because of increasing demand, and
chemically based plastics, Peoples sions, Stoppert says. According increased yield is to come from ge-
says. We were driven by the idea of to Stoppert, biotechnology-based netic engineering, gated by available
degradable materials from day plastics take less energy to manu- water. If new markets for biopoly-
one. According to Peoples, Meta- facture than hydrocarbon-based mers emerge, we may be looking at
bolixs plastics do not hydrolyze in products. Another advantage is the a totally different demand and price
water and have good UV stability smaller factory size that lowers structure.
but will degrade in active microbial capital costs. I guarantee that the Dr. Tillman Gerngross, assistant
environments. chemical industry is taking this seri- professor of engineering at Dart-
Now, Metabolix is focusing on har- ously, Stoppert says. Almost mouth College, is not optimistic.
vesting PHA directly from geneti- every chemical company has a pro- Gerngross worked at Metabolix for
cally engineered switch grass. gram. several years and believes green
Switch grass is the holy grail of the As with Metabolix, it boils down to chemistry is energy inefficient and
field, Peoples says. Switch grass, what kind of yield can be expected. will not result in notable cost sav-
high in cellulose that can be con- Everybody has their own parameters ings. According to Gerngross, mak-
verted to sugar, is easy and cheap in calculating the overall cost of ing a biopolymer still requires con-
to grow and is a promising feedstock making bioplastics. You can buy sumption of fossil fuels, so overall,
for both ethanol and plastics. The PLA that is cost competitive with not only the fossil fuels required to
genetic engineering tools for switch PET [polyethylene terephthalate, make the monomers but the farming
grass are in the early stages of devel- the plastic used in soft drink bot- and processing costs must be con-
opment. We can introduce multiple tles], Stoppert says. NatureWorks sidered as well. It is necessary to
genes and have pathways working. analyses are done from seed corn look at total energy consumption in
We see switch grass as an advanced through polymer pellets, which the the process, Gerngross says.
production platform for bioplastics, company sells. The company says What the previous work has shown
Peoples says. that PLA is cost competitive with rather convincingly is that the energy
The question facing Metabolix and PET at $30/barrel of oil. According required to make these polymers far
its collaborator, agribusiness giant to NatureWorks lifecycle analysis, exceeds the energy required to
Archer Daniels Midland (http://www. the company can produce PLA at make conventional polymers. Ac-, is what should the 25% to 55% below the cost of PET, cording to Gerngross, as oil prices
PHA yield be to make it a viable com- depending on volume. increase, energy and processing
mercial product? Although biotech- DuPonts PDO has petrochemical costs go up as well. In fact, they
nology firms like Genencor and Met- competition. In 1998, Shell Chemical are very correlated, and that is
abolix talk about sustainability, the introduced a petroleum-derived because of the heavy dependence

[on fossil fuels] of the corn wet-mill-

ing industry as well as the farming
activity, Gerngross says. That is
the case for PLAs. The economics
for PHAs are even worse. Accord-
ing to Gerngross, the more energy
used, the more CO2 emissions. In
my view, these processes are not
green at all, Gerngross says.
The greening of plastics involves
more than just the production side.
Carbon is the basic building block
of polymers, says Dr. Ramini
Nayaran, professor of chemical en-
gineering, Department of Chemical
Engineering and Material Science
at Michigan State University. Nar-
ayan argues for plastics based on
organic sources that use carbon
sustainably. He cautions that before
compostable biopolymers will have
a real environmental impact, we
must improve our waste-collection
and disposal systems.
Wendy Wolfson (
is a science technology writer based in
Oakland, CA.

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