Bishop Diego S & C Weekly Plan: Allocated Total Time: Approximately 75 Minutes Daily (Approximately 50 - 55

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Bishop Diego S & C Weekly Plan

Allocated Total Time: Approximately 75 minutes daily (approximately 50 - 55

minutes of workout)

Sample Week Workout Schedule:

8-10 Minutes - Dynamic Warm-up and Instructions for the day (i.e. station set-ups,
focus area)

40 45 Minutes Workout Emphasis of the day. Groups divided and typically

rotated each day among:
a. Mass Workout day
b. Olympic Workout day
c. Upper Body day
d. Lower Body/Explosion day
e. Yoga (occurs multiple days to allow students to rotate through)

NOTES: On most days, we find we can get in 3 complexes of 5 exercises in 13-15

minute segments so most of above workouts (except Yoga) will allow for
approximately 15 different exercises of multiple sets in a period. Each S & C day will
typically include some core work and nervous system development. Exercises as
well as intensity and volume will vary based on periodization/ time of year (i.e. in
season vs. off-season)/ activities of multi-sport athlete (e.g. game day)/ school
special calendar days (shorter period) etc. Further, we try to be flexible depending
on apparent needs. For example, we may take a day and focus on running
mechanics, or set a day for individual goal setting and completion of goal sheets, or
two days for testing, or interjecting a high intensity circuit day to change things up

5 minutes Post Work-out Nutritional Check - all athletes are instructed on

appropriate foods to bring post work-out. This is shown to coaches/teachers and
students are given time to eat together

15 minutes Shower/dress and transition to Next Class

Procedures: This is a regularly scheduled class that commences in our 0 period

block and proceeds thru period 1. It is open to all students. Football players are
encouraged to be part of the class unless their schedule does not allow for it (i.e.
required courses or academic priority conflict). Approximately 85% of our football
players are able to participate. In essence, we start the class approximately 30
minutes before the period 1 class to ensure students have time to eat, dress and
transition to their next class. Attendance is taken daily. Generally, participation in
assigned workouts is mandatory although we make appropriate individual
adjustments to workouts for things such as level of student development, multi-
sport athlete contest days and needs, injured/limited student-athletes etc. Students
receive a grade consistent with what they would receive for a standard physical
education class. We do regularly assess students in terms of progress using
standard strength/speed/flexibility measures but, generally, grades are given based
upon effort level and progress.

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