AIS Sperry Marine

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Operator's Manual

Electronic Systems

Sperry Marine
Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine BV
Copyright '...
The entire contents of this manual and its appendices, including any future updates and
modifications, shall remain the property of Saab TransponderTech AB at all times. The
contents must not, whether in its original form or modified, be wholly or partly copied or
reproduced, nor used for any other purpose than the subject of this manual.

While reasonable care has been exercised in the preparation of this manual, Saab-
TransponderTech AB shall incur no liability whatsoever based on the contents or lack of
contents in the manual.

This manual is valid for R4 Display SW 1.0.74 and R4 Transponder SW 4.0.8.

How To Contact Us

For Installation, Service and Technical Support:

Please visit our home page, fill out a Problem Report Form and
fax/mail it to us.

Telephone, support: +46 8 627 49 20
Fax, support: +46 8 627 49 49

For Sales of Accessories:

Address: Saab TransponderTech AB
PO Box 4113
SE-17l 04 Solna

Telephone: +4613188000
Fax: +46 8627 49 49
Home page:
Table of Contents

Product Description 5
System Overview 5
Main Features 6
Optional 6

Getting Started 1.7

Front Panel Keys 7
How to Operate the R4 Display 8
Views and Function Keys 8
Change Settings 8
Alarm and Alert pop-ups 9
Reading Remote Ship Information 10
Target List View 10
Plot View 11
Set and Read Voyage Related Information 12
Handling Safety Related Messages (SRM) 13
Read Received SRMs 13
Send SRMs 13
Alarms and Status Lists 14
Setting the Navigational Status 15
Display Settings 15

Reference 19
Icon Description 19
Miscellaneous Symbols 19
Navigational Status (Own Vessel Icons) 19
Target Symbols (Target List, Plot View) 19
System Modes 20
AIS Mode 21
Target List 22
Plot 24
Voyage 25
Safety Related Messages (SRM) 26
Auxiliary Info 30
Long Range Messages 32
Regional Areas 33
Alarm and Alert Pop-ups 35

7000 108-045 B 3
Alarms 35
Failed to send SRM 35
New Long Range Message 36
Loss of connection to the R4 Transponder 36
Configuration Mode 37
Display Settings 38
Buzzer 39 I

Ship I AIS Static Data 40 I

Long Range Settings 42

Appendix 43
Alarm Messages 43
Alarm Description 43
Indication Messages 45
Long Range Definitions 45
GUI Hierarchy 46

Glossary 49

Index 51

4 7000 108-045 B
Product Description

System Overview

Th e R4-A IS Clas s A Transpo nder Sys tem co nsists ofa radio transceiver unit, a GP S
receiver, a contro ller unit and a separate displav (MK D) un it. T he transceive r co nsist of
on e trans m itter and three independen t VHF receiver s, two tunable TD MA receivers and
on e DSC receiver. Th e tran smitter alternates its transm issio ns be tween the two operati ng
TDMA channels and can also be used to reply a DSC interrogation (ITU-R M.825-3,
Anne x I). Th e co ntro ller unit creates and schedules data packets (containi ng dynamic,
static and voyage renlted dat a) for transmission base d on the IMO performance standard
for A IS.

Th e R4-A IS sha ll be con nected to the ship's senso rs as requi red by the insta llation guide-
lines publ ished by lALA. T he R4-A IS can interface external navigat ion and prese ntatio n
sys tems tha t support requi red IEC 6 1162- 1 sentences as set out in R4-A IS Installat io n
Man ual. Th e R4 Tran sponder is prepared for connect ion to Long Range systems like
Inrnarsat C.

Th e R4 Disp lay has a user-friendl y interface for plotting of other ships on a radar-like
display, as well as a display of listed information abou t ot her vessels sorted by range or
by bea ring. The display is also used for confi gura tion and send ing/receiving messag es.


R4 Display R4-AIS

E xternal
I AIS A/am-

P ,lot

Ee OIS Sensor " Sensor

ARPA 2 !. 3

7000 108 -045 B 5

Main Features

Broadcast of Dynamic, Static and Voyage related information.

Standardized interface for connection to ship sensors e.g.GNSS, Gyro, Rate of Turn
Indicator, ECDIS/ECS and ARPA.
High resolution 6" graphic day and night display providing for example a radar-I ike
display presenting up to 500 targets in vicinity of own ship, situation display with
capability to view vessels in the most interesting bearing and range, messaging dis-
play for generation and presentation of safety related text messages.
The mandatory pilot plug is integrated in the display.
Upgradeable without hardware modifications due to fully integrated DSP soluuon.
VHF transceiver with one transmitter, three receivers.
Channel management capability for areas without access to the worldwide allocated
AIS frequencies.
Possibility to generate Long Range AIS reply over satcorn equipment for example
Inmarsat C.


DGNSS capability (New DGNSS standard).

6 7000 108-045 B
Getting Started

Front Panel Keys


o (Esc)

(Power) Used for turning the R4 Display on and off To turn the power off press and hold
the key for 3 seconds.
(Mob) No function.
(Display) Displays controls for fast configuration of backlight, contrast, LED illumina-
tion and button illumination. Two separate configurations are available, for day and night
(Status) Used for fast change of navigational status for the own ship.
(Mode) Used for toggling between AIS mode and Configuration mode.
(Alphanumeric keys) These keys are used for entering messages, passwords etc. To
write a number press the key once. To write a character press the key multiple times. Press
once for the first character, twice for the second character and so on.
(Page) Retrieves function keys to show main view alternatives.
(Enter) Used to start editing and for confirming data entry.
(Esc) Returns display to previous page, or restores a data field's previous value.
(/\ v) Moves the field highlight up and down from field to field (arrow keypad).
Moves the field highlight left and right from field to field (arrow keypad).
[Function keys) These keys have different functions depending on the current view. The
function is displayed above each key on the screen.

Note: The arrow keypad also have four diagonal directions, which can be used in the plot

7000 108-045 B 7
How to Operate the R4 Display

Views and Function Keys

The user interface is built upon a number of views. Navigation between different views is
done with thejimction keys below the screen and the (Ese) and (Page) keys on thc right
side of the front panel.

Use the function keys to step into a specific view, and (Esc) to get hack up one level.
Pressing (Page) will retrieve function keys to show main view alternatives. An example
view is shown below. In the following sections of the manual the most frequently used
views are described .
. I

Lat 59 1.973' N 12 MJy 10:07

Status io":icalor,
Long is- 2.175' E for {h~ system
(refer to the
YVETTE Reference chapter.
MMSI: 4003 Icon Description,

Range: 1. 7 rrn
Searing: 250
Heading: DO
SOG: 1.0 kn
Function key label Function keylabel
leading 10 I sub Zoom fev!!: 7 for the Zoom our
Plotouterr.ldius: 10.DOnm function

~ r=-:--C"7I1 Send SRM I Izoom"llzoomout~

The function keys are view-specific and the function of each key is specified with a label
on the screen. Note that unlabelled keys are not active in that specific view. Also, in some
views the function keys might serve as switches, e.g. toggling a parameter.

Change Settings

Some views have a specific Change Settings function key used for entering text and nu-
merical data.

To change one or more parameters press function key (Change Settings] and select the
desired parameter by using the (A v < key. Press (Enter) to enter data in one of three

Numbers and characters: Use the (Alphanumeric keys) keys according to "Front Panel
Keys" on page 7. To delete a character, press function key (Backspace].
List of predefined values: Use the (A v) key to select between the predefined
Bar graph data: Use the key to increment or decrement the parameter.

8 7000 108-045 B
Press (Enter) when ready. If desired, use the (/\ v < key to select a new parameter to
be edited, else press function key [Apply and Exit].

Alarm and Alert pop-ups

The R4 Display has two different types of pop-ups that can appear at any time, alarms and
alerts. To acknowledge an alarm or an alert and to close the pop-up window, press
(Enter). Examples of an alarm message and an alert message are found below.

Alarm 10'
Alarm Description:
AIS: External EPFS Lost


For more information on alarms and alerts see Reference, section "Alarm and Alert Pop-
ups" on page 35. For alarm definitions see Appendix, section "Alarm Messages" on
page 43.

7000 108-045 B 9
Reading Remote Ship Information

Target List View

The R4 Display will power up in Target List view. This view, also referred to as the
minimal display, displays a list of all targets sorted by range from own ship (closest first).
The Iist includes MMSI, ship's name, range (RNG) and bearing (BRG). The total number
of ships in the list will be shown in the upper right corner of the list and the index of the
currently selected ship will be shown on the right side. By toggling the (Sort By Bearing)
/ (Sort By Range] function key the list will be sorted either by range or by bearing. If the
Iist is sorted by bearing, the start bearing will be in own COG direction. Each bearing sec-
tor covers 30 and moving through the sectors is done in 15 steps by using the function
keys 1_15 -j.and 1+15 -->1.

lat 59 0.232' N 12 MJy 09:56

long ie-
0.255' E

4001 CATRINE 1.3 43

4002 MICHElLE 2.5 32
4003 YVETTE 3.6 28
4004 ANNA 4.S 30
.... 4005 SETTAN 6.0 28
.. 4006 CMOlA 7.1 28
4007 DAGNY 8.2 28
4008 ELIZA 9.3 28

For extended information about a target in the list, select the ship with the (1\ v) key and
press function key [Extended Info] or (Enter).

The Extended Information view includes static, dynamic and voyage related data for the
selected target.

lat 59 1.212' N EO 12MJy 13:11

long 18 1.336' E l
6124..303'518S5.118'E Under way using

Range/Bearing: HeadinglRate of Turn:

1438 nm 193 7 13 lmin

P .. ssenger Ship~ 150*50 III
c.argo: All ships
9.0 kn /90.0 Draughl: >25.5 meters
ETA: Okt 5 19:00 MMSI:
Has OTE: 'Tes IMO:

Press (Esc) to return to Target Lisi view.

10 7000 108-045 B
Function key [Send SRMI in Target List IS used to send a safety related message (SRM)
to the currently selected target. For more information about sending SRMs, see Reference
chapter, section "Safety Related Messages (SRM)" on page 26.

Plot View

The Plot view displays the targets closest to your ship. The Plot view is accessed by
pressing (Page) followed by the function key [Plot]. Use the (h v < key to select any
of the targets on the display. The arrow keys can also be used to select targets in diagonal
direction. Brief information about the selected target is shown to the left. Use the [Zoom
in] and [Zoom out] function keys to zoom in or out.

tat 59 1.973' N 12 MJy 10;07

Long IS 2.175' E
MMSt: 4003
Range: 1,7 nm
Bearing: 250
Heading: (JO

SOG: 1.0 kn
Zoom level: 7
Plot cuter radius: 16.00 M'1

I Zoom In 11 Zoom DU' I

For extended information about a target, select the ship with the (h v < key and press,
function key [Extended Info].

Pressing the function key [Send SRMI sends a safety related message (SRM) to the
currently selected target. For more information about sending SRMs, see Reference chap-
ter, section "Safety Related Messages (SRM)" on page 26.

7000 108-045 B 11
Set and Read Voyage Related Information

Voyage related information is displayed in Voyage view, and is accessed by pressing

(Page) and then function key (Voyage). Voyage related data includes information such as
destination, estimated time of arrival (ETA) and number of people aboard.

La! 59 1.212' N b 11 May 13:11

Long IS 1.336' E

Nav,Status II.~r-"J'::I ;\C1:Il.J;ir-;-=-";li,.-::

ETA 11 :'-1)000:00
Draught I i)

Reg. app. flags ,-,}----

Ho. people aboard 1 1:.6

Destination -------

For more information about changing voyage related data, see Reference chapter, section
"Voyage" on page 25.

-------------------------- -

12 7000 108-045 B
Handling Safety Related Messages (SRM)

Safety related messages (SRM) can be sent to a specific target (addressed message) or
broadcast to all targets. Maximum length for an addressed message is 156 characters and
for a broadcast message it is 161.

Read Received SRMs

The received SRMs can be accessed in the view Received SRMs. To get to this view, press
(Page) -ISRMsl-[Rx list!

Lat 59 1.127' N 12 ~y 10:10

Long 1So 1.242' E

Rx lid
Read AdlBr Sender Arrived
Yes Br 4000 12 May 10.18. .
Yes Br 4001 12 May 10:18


I Read 11 Fo,wa<d 11, 1 IDelete SRMI

Select an SRM with (/\ v) to see the entire message. For more information about sending
SRMs, see Reference chapter, section "Safety Related Messages (SRM)" on page 26.

Send SRMs

SRMs are composed and sent in the Send SRMview. To get to this view, press
(Page) -[SRMs] - [Send SRM].

Lat 59 1.0S7' N 12 May 10:01

Long 1So 1.199' E

AddressedIBroadcasl: To:

Charaders I eft: 148 :::J


7000 108-045 B 13
The message can either be composed manually, or taken from a predefined list. For more
information about how to create and send a safety related message see Reference chapter,
section "Safety Related Messages (SRM)" on page 26.

Alarms and Status Lists

Current alarm status can be viewed under the Alarm List view. To enter this view, press
(Page) - (Auxiliary Info]- [Alarm List]. Active alarms are marked with an exclamation
mark (I). For more information on alarm messages see Appendix, section
"Alarm Messages" on page 43.

Lat 59' 1.212' N 12 May 13;11

Long 18' 1.336' E

Abrm List

Deserr tion A
AIS: Tx Malfunction
AI5: Antenna VSWR exceeds rmit
AIS: RxChannel 1 malfunction
AIS: RxChannel 2 malfuncton
A15: RxChannel 70 malfunction
AIS: General Failure
AIS: MKD Connectm Lost
AIS: External EPFS Lost
a le; I'\In 11.::llirl c:~qv Onotinn -iol

Current status of indications and the latest events are listed in the Status List. To enter this
view, press (Page) - [Auxiliary Info] - [Status List). For a list of status messages see
Appendix, section "Indication Messages" on page 45.

Lat 59" 0.004' N 12 Miy 10:60

Long 18" 0.004' E

Sbtus: Indiulion List

TIme status lncication

5 Feb 14 50 AIS External DGNSS In Use
3 Feb 23:37 AIS: Primary Position Source In Use
1 feb 03:38 AIS: Rate orTurn Indicator In Use
1 Feb 03:30 AIS: Heading Valid
23 Jan 02:56 AIS: E::xternal SOG/COG In US;!
20 Jan 01:35 AIS: SOG From External Position 50<.1-..

AIS: UTe Clock lost

14 7000 108-045 B
Setting the Navigational Status

The ship's navigational status can be set in the Navigational Status view. This view is
reached by pressing the (Status) key. The status information is selected by
pressing the appropriate function key. Use the [More) function key to toggle between the
different status messages alternatives.

Lat 59 1.212' N 12 M3)' 13:11

Long 18" 1.336' E

Navigational Status:

Not Defined


Display Settings

The display backlight, contrast, LED illumination, button illumination and day or night
settings can be changed in the Display Settings view. To enter this view, press the
(Display) key.

Lat 59 1.212' N 0J 12MJy 13:11

Long 18" 1.336' E t

Display Settings
Current setting: DAY

To change between day and night mode, press [Switch to DaylNight]

7000108-045 B 15 59 1.212' N 6 12May:3:11
Long 1S 1.336' E I ~

Display Settings


'-'==-..J I~acklight I1 Contrast IILed IIIum.',-,==-..J

To change the contrast setting, press (Contrast) and increase/decrease with


Lat 59 1.212' N 6 12Mly 13:11

Long 1S 1.336' E ~ l

Display Settings


L..:=:=""JI OOllcklight 11 Contrad Illed IIIumI,-,==---,

To change back light setting, press (Backlight] and increase/decrease with ,

16 7000 108-045 8
lat 59 1.212' N () 12M::Jy 13:11

Long 18 0 1.336' E ~ ~

Display Settings
Led ]lIumin~tion:


L.:~~-.JIB.Cko;ghlllCon'"" fi'ed IIlum,IL~!".o--.J

To change the LED illumination, press ILED illurn.] and increase/decrease with .

Lat 59 1.212' N () 12 M3y 13:11

long is- 1.336' E f l

Display Settings
Button IlIumin.tion:


L="'--.J I aOlcklight 11 Contrad Illl!!d Ilium. L~=---1


To change the button illumination, press [Button illurn.] and increase/decrease with
To exit the Display Settings view, press (Display) or (Esc)

7000 108-045 B 17

Icon Description

Miscellaneous Symbols

(DJ Active Alann(s)

EQJ Unread SRM

~ Unread Long Range messages (AUTO)

ED Unacknowledged Long Range interrogations (MAN)

BJ Engineering mode

.., Connection to R4 lost

'!i!J lW mode (Only displayed if Ship Type = Tanker and IW mode is active)

Navigational Status (Own Vessel Icons)

"'.o.? Navigational status is undefined

At anchor or moored

Under way using engine

Navigational status is one of; Not under command, Restricted manoeuvrability,

Constrained by her draught, Aground, Engaged in fishing, Under way sailing, Re-
served for future use.

Target Symbols (Target List, Plot View)

tJ Ship (class A or B)

Base Station


o Aids-to-Navigation

7000 108-045 B 19
System Modes

The R4 Display has two system modes, A1S and Configuration. The system modes allows
the user to either con figure the R4-AIS, in Configuration mode, or to perform normal
operations, in AIS mode,

Accessing AtS mode views when in a Configuration mode view

I. Press (Mode).
2. Press function key (AtS). Target List view will now be displayed.
3. To continue to other views press (Page).
4. Press the function key associated with the desired view.

Accessing Configuration mode views when in an AIS mode view

I. Press (Mode).
2. Press function key [CONFIG).
3. Press the function key associated with the desired view.

20 7000 108-045 B
AIS Mode

AIS mode is a set of views for displaying remote targets and their related information on
a plot or list format, alarms and status/indications. regional area information, read and
send safety related messages (SRMs) and long range (LR) messages.

AIS views
Target LISt lists brief information about the closest targets.
Plot shows the closest targets on a plot and displays external information for the
marked target.
Voyage displays the current voyage related setungs.
SR,l1s allows the user to read and send safety related messages (SRM).
AZLYiliWT Info displays alarms and status/indications.
Long Range allows the user to view and acknowledge long range (LR)
Regional Areas allows the user to view and con figure regional areas.

The AIS views are accessed using the function keys. If the desired view is not listed, press
(Page) one or several times until the function key for the view is shown.

La! ss- 1.212' N 12 MJy 13:11

Long 18 1.336' E

4000 lSABElLE 1.4 134
4001 CATRINE 2.0
4003 YVETTE 2.3
4002 MICHELLE 2.3
4004 ANNA 4.3
4005 BETTAN 5.4
4006 CARQA 5.5
4007 DAGNY 7.8
4008 ELlZA 8.0 vi
11 voyg_11 SRM'(

7000 108-045 B 21
Lat 59' 1.212' N 12 Mily 13:11

Long 18' 1.336' E

4000 ,ISA8ELLE ' ,.:. '.1,5 135
4001 CATRINE 2.1 133
4003 YVETTE 2,3 27

4002 MICHELLE 2.3 56
4004 ANNA 4.3 47
4005 BETTAN 5.4 42
4006 CAROLA 5.5 47
4007 DAGNY 7.7 35
4008 ELIZA 8.0 27 .",'1
I Range

Accessing an AIS view when in another AIS view

I. Press (Page).
2. Press the function key associated with the desired view.

Target List

The Target List view displays a list of all targets sorted by range from own ship (closest
first) The list includes MMSI, ship's name, range (RN G) and bearing (BRG). The total
number of ships in the list will be shown in the upper right corner of the list and the index
of the currently selected ship will be shown on the right side. By toggling the
[Sort By Bearing)/[Sort By Range) function key the list will be sorted either by range or
by bearing (If the list is sorted by bearing, the start bearing will be in own COG direction.
Each bearing sector covers 30.)

To get detailed information about a target or to send an SRM to a specific target, enter the
subviews Extended Info or Send SRM

Lat 59' 0.232' N 12 Mly 00:56

Long 18' 0.255' E

4001 CATRINE 1.3 43 1I
4002 MICHELLE 2.5 32
i i

4003 YVETTE 3.6 2B

4004 ANNA 4.8 30 :'' ;1,
4005 BETTAN 6.0 2B L:!
4006 CAROLA 7.1 2B
4007 DAGNY 8.2 2B
400B ELIZA 9.3 2B ,~.I

22 7000 108-045 B
Selecting a target
I. Choose a target using the (/\ v) key.

To get extended information about a selected target

I. Press function key [Extended Info] or (Enter)

la! 59 1.212' N (); 12 May 13:11

long is- 1.336' E ~ l

61-24..)03'518"S5.171"E Under w"'!I using

Range/Bearing: He<K1lng/R<Jte of Turn;

1438 nm 193 7" 13 /mln

Passenger Ship.. 15050 m
Cugol All ~hips

9.0 kn 1 90.0 Draught: >25.5 meters

Desti nati on: STOCKHOLM
ETA: oj 5 1'J:00 MMSI: 4337
Has OlE: Ye:l IMO: 14000

Sending an SRi'" to a selected target

1. Press function key [Send SRM].
2. To send SRMs, refer to "Send SRM" on page 28.

Sorting by bearing (BRG) or by range (RNG)

I. Toggle the function key [Sort By Bearing)/[Sort By Range)

Changing displayed sectors when targets are sorted by bearing

I. Use the function keys [_150 (-) and [+15~) to step through the sectors
anti-clockwise or clockwise. (Starting sector is in own COG direction.)

7000 108-045 B 23

The Plot view displays the targets closest to your ship and brief information (MMSI,
range, bearing, heading and SaG) about the currently selected target. To get detailed
information about a target or to send an SRM to a specific target, enter the subviews
Extended Irfo or Send SRM.

The inner radius of the plot is at half the distance of the outer radius.

Lal 59 1.973' N 121141y 10:07

Long is- 2.175' E

MM5I: 4003
Range: 1.7 rm
Seamg: 250
Heading: 00
SOG: 1.0 kn
Zoom level: 7
Plot: otJter radius: 16.00 nm

I Zoom "'11 Zoom Ou'l

Selecting a target
I. Choose a target using the (1\ v < key. The arrow keys can also be used to
select target in diagonal direction.

To get extended information about a selected target

I. Press function key [Extended Info] or (Enter).

Sending an SRM to a selected target

I. Press function key [Send SRJW).
2. To send SRMs, refer to "Send SRM" on page 28.

I. Use the function keys [Zoom In) and [Zoom Out) to zoom in and out.

24 7000 108-045 B

Voyage view displays voyage related data such as navigational status, estimated time of
arrival (ETA), draught, number of people aboard, destination and cargo.

Lat ss- 1.212' N 12IWy 13:11

Long ia- 1.336' E

Nav . status

ETA I.)I).I)U (I( :.: :

Draught I'J
Reg. app. flags ; ".
'1 ) - - - -

No. people :aboard 1 1::<8

Destination 1----------

Itoll .=:hip.:

Change settings
1. Press function key (Change Settings].
2. Select parameter using (A v) and press (Enter).
3. Enter desired value using the keypad or if it is a drop down list, select a value
using (A v), and press (Enter).
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 if necessary. When ready press function key (Apply and

Reg. app. flag is intended for use in regional applications only and should be set to zero
(0) in other applications. Definitions of values I to 15 shall be provided by a competent
regional authority if used.

A special function called" I W mode" is made available when the own ship is a tanker
(i.e, Ship Type is set to Tanker in the Ship Static data configuration view). For further
information about the "I W mode" see International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers &
Terminals (ISGOTT). For instructions on how to change ship static data, see
7000 108-011 Installation Manual R4-AIS Shipborne Class A Transponder System.

Turning the" I W mode" on or off

I. Toggle the function key [1 W mode ON]! [1 W mode OFF].

7000 108-045 B 25
Safety Related Messages (SRM)

Safety related messages (SRM) can be received from remote targets or created and sent
to a specific target (addressed message) or broadcast to all targets. Maximum length for
an addressed message is 156 characters and for a broadcast message it is 161.

Lat 59 2.522' N 12~y 10:10

Long 18 2.781' E


Rx list
The Rx List view allows the user to read. delete and reply or forward a received SRM.
Lat 59 1.127' N 12 MJy 10:19

Long 18 1.242' E
R.x Ust
Read AdlBr Sender Arrived
Yes Br' 4000 . 12 May 10:18 -.
Yes Br 4001 12 May 10:18


I Rood 11 Fo,w.,d 11 Reply 1

Read a received SRM

I. Press function key [Rx List].
2. Select SRM from the list using (1\ v).
3. If necessary press function key [Read] to see the entire message.

Reply to a received SRM

I. Press function key [Rx List].
2. Select SRM from the list using (1\ v).
3. Press function key [Reply].
4. Continue from point 2 under "Send an SRM with manually entered text" on
page 28.

26 7000 108-045 B
Forward a received SRM
I. Press function key [Rx List]
2. Select SRM from the list with (A v)
3. Press function key [Forward].
4. Continue from point 2 under "Send an SRM with manually entered text" on
page 28

Delete a received SRM

1. Press function key [Rx List!
2 Select SRM from the list using (A v)
3. Press function key [Delete SRM]

Tx List
Sent SRMs are stored and can be retrieved in the Tx List view. Use this view to read and
delete previously sent messages. Also, an SRM can be used as baseline for a new message
by selecting the desired message followed by the function key [Forward]. The selected
sent SRM's text field is then copied into the new SRM's text field.

Lat 59' 2.522' N 12Miry 10:21

Lon9 18' 2,781' E

T.- list

Status I Ad/Br I Rectever I Sent I

fJMfi!l ut ...


Read I1 Forward I

Send an SRM based on a previously transmitted SRM

I. Press function key [Tx List].
2. Select SRM from the list using (A v)
3. Press function key [Forward)
4. Continue from point 2 under "Send an SRM with manually entered text" on
page 28.

Delete a transmitted SRM

I. Press function key [Tx List].
2. Select SRM from the list using (A v)
3. Press function key [Delete SRM].

7000 108-045 B 27
Send SRM
The Send SRM view allows the user to create and send an SRM, addressed or broadcast.
The message text can be taken from a predefined list or entered manually. A manually
entered text can be stored in the list ofpredefined SRM texts as a user predefined SRM.
A user predefined SRM can also be removed from the list (factory predefined messages
cannot be removed).

Lat 59 1.087' N 12 MJy 10;01

Long IS 1.199' E
Addressedl8roadcast: To:

O'laracters left: 14.


Send an SRiH with manually entered text

1. Press function key [Send SRM].
2. Enter message text using the alphanumeric keypad and press (Enter).
(To erase characters use the [Backspace] function key.)
3. Select the Addressed/Broadcast field and press (Enter).
4. Use (A v) to choose Addressed if you want to send the SRM to a specific target
or Broadcast if you want to send the SRM to all targets, then press (Enter).
5. If Addressed is selected: Press ( and (Enter). Type in the target address and
press (Enter). If you have selected a target in Target List or Plot view, the
target address is already filled in.
6. Select the Channel field and press (Enter).
7. Select between AUTO, A, B or A+B with (A v) and press (Enter).
8. Send the SRM by pressing function key [Send].

Save as predefined SRM

1. Press function key [Send SRM].
2. Enter message text, select addressedlbroadcast and channel, as described under
"Send an SRM with manually entered text" above.
3. Press the function key [Save as Predefined].

28 7000 108-045 B
Lat 59' 1.212' N~ 12 May 13;11

Long 18' 1.336' E

Predefined SRM's


I S.~c1 I I 0.1.,. I
Send a predefined SRM
1. Press function key [Send SRM).
2. Press function key [Choose Predefined).
3. Choose SRM text with (1\ v).
4. Press the function key [Select).
5. Continue with the point 2 under "Send an SRM with manually entered text"

Delete a user predefined SRM

1. Press function key [Send SRM).
2. Press function key [Choose Predefined).
3. Choose the user predefined SRM using (1\ v).
4. Press the function key [Delete).

7000 108-045 B 29
Auxiliary Into

The Auxiliary Info view has two subviews, Alarm List view displaying a list of current
alarm status, and Sea Ills List view displaying a list of current indication status and latest

Lat 59' 1.212' N 12 ~y 13:13

Lcng 18 1.336' E


Alarm List
The Alarm List view lists current status of all alarms. Active alarms are presented in the
top of the list and are marked with an exclamation mark (!).

Lat 59 1.212' N 12~Y 13:11

Long 18 1.336' E
Alum list

Descrl tion A
AIS: -Tx MalfunctIOn - .
AIS: Antenna VSWR exceeds Omit
AIS: RxChannell malfunction
AIS: RxChannel 2 malfunction
AIS: RxChannel 70 malfuncUon
AIS: General Farure
AIS: MKD Comection Lost
AIS: External EPFS Lost
8 le; I\In \f;::lbrl <;,::>n<nr Pndtinn

30 7000 108-045 B
Status List
The Status List view lists current status of indications and the latest events.

Lat 59' 0.ClJ4' N 12 MJ~ 10:50

Long 18' 0.004' E

Shltus: [ndic..tion List

li me status Indicaticn
5 Feb 1450 - AlSExternal OGHSS In Use -
3 Feb 23:37 A1S: Pri mary Position Source In Use
1 Feb 03:38 A1S: Rate Of Turn Indicator In Use
1 Feb 03:30 AIS: Heading Valid
23 Jan 02:5S AIS: ~xternal SOG/COG In Use
20 Jan 01:35 AlS: SOG From ::x1ernal Position Sou ..

AJS: UTC Oock lost

Own Ship Data

The Own Ship Data view shows the ships own data, which is transmitted to other vessels.
The first view displays the ships dynamic information.

Lat ss- 0,038' N 12 MJy 11:25

Long 18' 0,042' E

Lot: 593.317' " UTC: o

Long: 183.623' E RAIM: No1 in use
coo: 30.0 0 Ref. Pas: 0,0.0,0
soo. 5.0 kn AGE: o
ROT: 51Jrnin
Sync S1ate: UTC Direct
Type of EPFS; GPS

I Next ...

7000 108-045 B 31
Pressing the function key [Next] d isplays ship static an d voyage related data.

Lat ss- 0.038' N 12MoIy 11:25

Long 18 0.042' E


MMSl 3000 Reg. App Flag: 0

~. 13000 Has DTE Yes
Cellsign: DOH AGE: 0
ETA: Jun 6 12:30 ShlplCargo type:
Draught >25.5 Pilot V ess el
(carg o)
Destination: STO CKHOLM

Pre viou s I ....

To return to the view disp lay ing dynam ic data, press the function key [Previous].

Lo ng Range Messages

Received long range (LR) interrogations and transmitted replies are displayed in the Long
Range view. T he user can delete LRs and manua lly send replies to LRs that have not been
ac knowledged. For a list oflong range definitions see Appendix, section " Long Range
Defin itions" on page 45.

Note that the reply mode for the R4 can be set up to auto matically acknow ledge, or to let
the user manua lly acknow ledge any LR interrogation . To change the LR reply mode, see
7000 108-0 11 Installation Manual R4-AIS Shipbome Class A Tra nsponder System .

Lat ss - 0.005' N 12 foby 10:54

Long 18 O.OOS' E
l ong Range messages
AlTived Sender ABC EFIOPlfW

Reply into sent :

Interr . ??????????
Reply ?????????1-

I Reply
S .nd 11 Reply
"". I I 0.'.'. I
Re ply to a n LR interrogation (only when current LR reply mode is set to manual)
I. Select LR message using (1\ v ).
2. Press function key [Send Reply].

32 7000 108-04 5 B
Refuse to rep ly to an LR interrogation (only when current LR repl y mode is set to
I. Select LR messa ge using (1\ v ) .
2 . Press function key (Refuse Reply] .

Delete an LR interrogation/message
I . Select LR message using (1\ v ).
2. Press function key [Delete] .

Regional Areas

The Regional Areas views allows the user to list, edit and delete ex isti ng reg ional areas
and to add new regional area defin itions.

Lat 1.172' N
59 12)by 11:1)

Long 18 1.293' E

Regional Areas
Updat ed at Lat NE Long NE Ut SW Long SW

12 May OO :OO 3o-JD.0" N 026'"4D .a E 30"00.0' N 025"0) D' E

12 May 00 :00 N 012"40-1)" E 29110.0' N 021"OJ rr E
12 tuby 00:00 30'"30.0' N 028""40 .0" E 30"00.0' N 027'00 .0' E
12 Ma y 00 :00 27"30.0' N 026"<10 .0' E 27"00.0' N 0 25 "l)~ .D E

11 May 00:00 2a-30.Q' N 02 0~ .0" E 28"00.0' N 025"O)J)' E

12 MDy 03:05 27'"30.0' N 022"'10 .0" E 27"00.0' N 021"0' .0' E
12 Ma y 03 :05 28"30 .0' N D22-.w.0' E 28"DO.O N 021"OC1 D' E

Create a New Regional Area

Lat 59 0.005' N 12~ 10:55

Long 18 0.005' E

Ch A: r - - SW: !Normal iJtJ:.~j r Rx: r

Ch s : r - - sw !Norma' i'Jk r R" r
Power : IH igh ~ NE Lat : IOGlUO.O' N

Zone Size : 11 i1 NE l ong : I aoo'Uo.o E

SW Lat : Iao'Go.o' N
SW long : Iooo -oo .o- E
I App ly lIon/off I
I. Press function key [New Area] .
2. Use (1\ v < to select the parameter to be entered and press (Enter).
3. Enter the value using the keypad, or ifit is a drop dO\\TI list, se lect a value usin g
(1\ v ) and press (Enter). To check the Tx and Rx check boxes. use the [On/Off]
function key.
4. Press function key [Apply] and confirm with (Enter).

7000 108-045 B 33
Delete a Regional Area
I. Select Regional Area using (/\ v).
2. Press function key [Delete Area] and confirm with (Enter).

Edit a Regional Area

Lat 59 1.543' N 12 Ma, 12:41

Lcng 18 1.701' E
In Use: Ho Tim@oflnuse: 030512.00
Updated AI: 12 May lrIo Source: Milnu.r Input

Ch A: ~ SW: INormal :o::J~ J;1 Rx: W

Ch B: ~ sw: !Normal "':]rx: P Rx: ~
Po-wer: IHigh ::::J NE lat: I=O'N
Zone Size: ----'iJ
1'-, NE long: 1026'40.0' E
SW Lat: \29"00.0' N
sw long: I025'00.0' E
IEdit Aru I
L Select Regional Area using (/\ v).
2. Press function key [Display Area).
3. Press function key [Edit Area).
4. Use (/\ v < to select the parameter to be edited and press (Enter).
5. Enter the new value using the keypad, or ifit is a drop down list, select a value
using (/\ v) and press (Enter). To check or uncheck the Tx and Rx check boxes,
use the [On/Off] function key.
6. Press function key [Apply) and confirm with (Enter).

34 7000 108-045 B
Alarm and Alert Pop-ups

There are two types of pop-up windows, alarms and alerts..Alerts pop-ups that can occur
are Failed to send SRM, New Long Range Message and L05s ofconnection to the R4
Transponder. To acknowledge an alarm or an alert and close the pop-up window, press


Whenever a new alarm occurs, a pop-up window will appear on the R4 Display. Active
alarms are listed in the Alarm List view. For explanation of different alarms, see Appen-
dix, section "Alarm Messages" on page 43.

Alarm ID:
AJ ar m Descri ption:
AIS: External EPFS Lost

Failed to send SRM

If an SRM has not reached the addressed target or if it has failed to be sent, the user will
be notified and offered to re-send the SRM.

Failed 10 send Ihe SRM

IlHI II~ do you want to try


7000 108-045 B 35
New Long Range Message

In the case a long range (LR) interrogation is to be manually acknowledged at reception

of an interrogation, an alert pop-up window will appear on the R4 Display. The LR
interrogation is listed in the Long Range view, where the user can choose to send a
positive acknowledge, a negative acknowledge or simply ignorethe interrogation.



Loss of connection to the R4 Transponder

If a loss of connection to the R4 Transponder is detected, the following pop-up window

will appear.

The connection to R4 was



Note: The icon Connection to R4 lost (see "Icon Description" on page 19) will also be
activated when the connection is lost. The icon will disappear when connection to the R4
is re-established.

36 7000 108-045 B
Configuration Mode

Configuration mode is a set of views that allows the user to modify the configuration
settings for the R4-AIS To get to the Configuration views, press (Mode) followed by
function key ICONFlG]. To reach the configuration top view from one of the configura-
tion views press the (Page).

Config views
Display Settings allows the user to configure settings for the R4 Display.
Buzzer allows the user to configure event related sounds.
Ship / AIS Static and its subviews allows the user to see current ship static data,
GNSS antenna positions and VHF radio senings. (To configure these
parameters, see 7000 108-01 I Installation Manual R4-AIS Shipbome Class A
Transponder System.
Long Range allows the user to see current long range reply mode and filter
settings. (To configure these parameters, see 7000108-01 I Installation Manual
R4-AIS Shipbome Class A Transponder System. 59 1.212' N 12 May 13:11

Long ia- 1.336' E


7000 108-045 B 37
Display Settings

The Display Settings view allows the user to adjust display back light, contrast, LED
intensity and button illumination. Two serparate settings are provided, for day or night

Lat 59 0.456' N 12 Mly 11:00

Long 18 0.503' E

Ooy Settings - - - - ' r N " i g I t Sel!ings - - - - - ,

Baoklight: Bacldight:
J Jr------
Contrast: Contrast:
J Jt-------
LEO Light Intensity: LED Light Intensity:
Button Ilumination: Button DJumination:

J Jt-------
DAY settings

Changing display settings

I. Press function key [Display Settings].
2. Press function key [Change Settings).
3. Select Day Settings or Night Settings with .
4. Select the setting you want to change using (1\ v) and press (Enter).
5. Modify the setting with and press (Enter). Repeat step 3 to 5 if necessary.
6. Press function key [Apply and Exit].

(Note: As previously described in the "Getting Started" chapter, it is also possible to

change display settings by pressing the (Display) key.)


38 7000 108-045 B

The Buzzer view allows the user to associate an event with a specific sound. The settings
can be restored to their default values.

Lat 59' 1.212' N 12 May 13:28

Long 18' 1.336' E
Configure buzzer associated with event

Key pressed IClick -=.J

Al.-.m waiting for ACK I Beep ::::J

LR request IBeep ..:J
Unread text messages IBeep o:=:J
Man over board I Beep -=.J

Changing Buzzer settings

1. Press function key [Buzzer].
2. Press function key [Change Settings].
3. Select the setting you want to change using (/\ v) and press (Enter).
4. Modify the setting with (/\ v) and press (Enter)
5. Press function key [Apply and Exit).

7000 108-045 B 39
Ship I AIS Static Data

The Ship / AIS Static views allows the user to see current ship static data (MMSI, IMO
No, Ship Name, Call Sign, Height Over Keel and Ship Type), GNSS antenna positions
and VHF radio settings. To configure these parameters, see 7000 108-011 Installation
Manual R4-AIS Shipbome Class A Transponder System.

Ship Static Data

Press function key (Ship Static].

Lat 59 1.212' N 121W'y 13:11

Long 18 1.336' E
Ship static Data
t.4MSI: ____
1:300') lPwdl
IMONo: I~-::.: '.'6-
1 ... _ (
Ship Name:

call Ion:

Height Over Keel:


GNSS Antennas
Press function key [GNSS Antennas].

Lat 59 1.212' N 12 MJy 13:11

Long 18 1.336' E
GIISS Antennas
External: 1ntema1:
A r:;s- A r0-
B 1120 B r0-
e r:;s- e r0-
D j 120 D ro-

40 7000108-045 B
Dimension Distance 1:':1)

511 = 51 J :n or greater
0- 511;
B 511 = 511:n or greater
63 = 63 m or greater
D 0-63;
63 = 63 m or greater

The dimension A should be in the direction of the transmined heading information (bowl.
Reference point of reported position not available, but dimensions of ship are available:
A ~ C ~ 0 and B " 0 and D " o.
Neither reference point of reported position nor dimensions of ship available:
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ 0 (e default)

VHF Radio Settings

Press function key [VHF Radio Settings]

Lat 59 1.212' N 12 Miy 13:1\

Long 18 1.336' E

VHF Radio Settings (pwd)

ChafVlel A:. 12087 SW: I tlor m:. 3 Tx:

ChalYlel B: J 2088 SW: INor rr.s, ...: ] Tx:

Power: I High ::J

7000 108-045 B 41
Long Range Settings

The Long Range view allows the user to see the current settings for Long Range (LR)
interrogations. To change the senings, see 7(01)() 108-011 Installation Manual R4-AIS
Shipbome Class A Transponder System.

Lat 59 1.212' N 12Miy 13:11

Long 18 1.336' E

Long Range Settings

Reply filter: p Sti~ ID Current Mode:

I"lfTC MMlu~1

~ PoStion
I" coo
I" soo
J;;' DesUETA
I" ""
P Ho. Persons

42 7000 108-045 B

Alarm Messages

The alarm messages and the corresponding identities are listed below:

ID Message text
001 Tx malfunction
002 Antenna VSWR exceeds limit
003 R.x channel I malfunction
004 Rx channel 2 malfunction
005 Rx channel 70 malfunction
006 General failure
008 . MKD connection lost
025 External EPFS lost
026 No sensor position in use
029 No valid SaG information
030 No valid COG information
032 Heading lost/invalid
035 No valid ROT information

Alarm Description

Tx Malfunction
A Tx Malfunction alarm is generated if there is a malfunction in the radio transmitter
hardware or if the antenna VSWR exceeds an allowed ratio. If the radio transmitter returns
to normal operation or if VSWR returns to a value below the allowed treshold, the alarm
is cleared.

Antenna VSWR Exceeds limit

The VSWR of the antenna is checked for every transmission and ifit exceeds a given ratio
then a VSWR alarm is generated. If the VSWR goes below the allowed threshold, the
alarm is cleared.

Rx Malfunctions
The radio receivers are continously monitored and if any part of the receivers hardware
should malfunction, a Rx Malfunction alarm is generated for that receiver. If the radio
receiver returns to normal operation, the alarm is cleared.

General Failure
This alarm is generated if the R4-AIS Transponder fails to initiate the radio. Ifthis alarm
occurs, contact your retailer.

7000 108-045 B 43
MKD Connection Lost
This alarm is active if the communication between the R4-AIS Transponder and the
display unit does not work. The alarm popup will appear if the display to transponder
communication is lost and the transponder to display communication still works.

External EPFS Lost

This alarm is generated if the position from the external Electronic Position Fixing System
is invalid (i.e. no external GNSS). Due to the fallback arrangement for the positioning sen-
sor this alarm can be inactive up to 30 seconds (during which the internal GNSS is used)
before the alarm is activated.

No Sensor Position In Use

This alarm is active if the AIS system does not have a valid position (latitudellongitude)
. from any sensor.

No Valid SOG InfonnationlNo Valid COG Information

. These alarms are active if the AIS system does not have a valid SOG (Speed. Over
Ground) or a valid COG (Course Over Ground) from any sensor. The SOG and COG is
based on the speed log (if external GNSS is used and a valid heading is available) or the
GNSS currently in use.

Heading Lostllnvalid
This alarm is generated if either the heading information is lost/invalid (from external
sensors) or if the heading is undefined.

No Valid ROT Information

This alarm is active if ROT (Rate Of Turn) is undefined or ifno valid ROT information
is available from external sensor or internal calculations.

44 7000 108-045 B
Indication Messages

The indication messages, with identity and type information, are listed below:

ID ~ Message text
007 Status UTC clock lost
021 Status External DGNSS in use
022 Status External GNSS in use
023 Status Internal DGNSS in use (beacon)
024 Status Internal DGNSS in use (msg 17)
025 Status Internal GNSS in use
027 Status External SOG/COG in use
028 Status Internal SOG/COG in use
031 Status Heading valid
033 Status Rate of Turn Indicator in use
034 Status Other ROT source in use
036 Event Channel management parameters changed
053 Status SOG from external position source
054 Status SOG from log sensor
055 Status UTC clock OK
056 Event Channel management zone memory changed
061 Status Enter semaphore mode
061 Event Leave semaphore mode
063 Event NVM Checksum error
064 Event RATDMA overflow
066 Status Tanker Low VHF Power Mode

Long Range Definitions

A = Ship's name, call sign, and IMO number

B = Date and time of message composition
C = Position
E Course over ground (COG)
F = Speed over ground (SOG)
I = Destination and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
o = Draught
P = Ship/Cargo
U = Ship's length, breadth, type
W= Persons on board

7000 108-045 B 45
GUI Hierarchy

. Navigational Status
....... . . Under Way Eng
... At Anchor
. Moored
... IW mode ON/OFF (Only displayed if Ship Type = Tanker)
.. Not Under Command
.. Restricted Manoeuvrability
Constrained By Draught
. Engaged in fishing
.. Under Way Sail
, ":
, . Status Not Defined


Target List
, Extended Info
.................. SendSRM
, Sort By Bearing / Sort By Range
- 15 (When Sort By Bearing is chosen)
+ 15 (When Sort By Bearing is chosen)
, Extended Info
.................. SendSRM
........ . .. Zoom In
.................. Zoom Out
......... Voyage
.. Change Settings / Apply and Exit
' I W mode ON/OFF (Only displayed ifVSD Ship Type = Tanker)
.. , SRMs
, Rx List
............................ Read
............................. Reply
................... '" Forward
Delete SRM
......................... Forward
............................ Reply
............................ Delete SRM
.. " . . .. . Tx List
............................. Read
.. , .. . . . . .. . Forward
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete SRM
................ . Forward
................ . .. DeleteSRM
............... . SendSRM

46 7000 108-045 B
.. Auxiliary Info
Alarm list
........ Status List
Own Ship Data
. Next / Previous
. Long Range
Send Reply
Refuse Reply
...... Delete
.. Regional Areas
Display Area
... Edit Area
........ . .. Apply
......... Delete Area
New Area
... Apply


Display Settings
Change Settings / Apply and Exit
. Buzzer
Change Settings / Apply and Exit
Ship I AlS Static
Ship Static
.. ... .. . .. . GNSS Antennas
...... VHF Radio Settings
..... Long Range
....... Engineer Mode On / Engineer Mode Off

7000 108-045 B 47
AIS. . Automatic Identification System

ARP A Advanced Research Projects Agency

COG Course Over Ground

DGNSS .. Differential Global Navigational Satellite System

DSC. . .. Digital Selective Calling

ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System

EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System

GNSS Global Navigational Satellite System

IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IMO . .. International Maritime Organization

ITU International Telecommunications Union

LR Long Range

MKD Minimum Keyboard and Display

MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity

NVM Non-Volatile Memory

RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access

ROT. . Rate Of Turn

Rx. . . Receive

SAR .. .. Search And Rescue

SOG Speed Over Ground

SOLAS International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974

SRM. . . Safety Related Message

7000 108-045 B 49
TDMA ... Time Division Multiple Access

Tx ., .... Transmit

UTC.. .. Universal Time Coordinated

VHF.. . Very High Frequency

VSWR ... Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. (A low value indicates a problem with the an-
tenna or connections/cables to the antenna.)


50 7000 108-045 B

AIS Mode 21
AIS Static Data 40
Alarm 14
Alarm List 30
Alarm Messages 43
Alerts 9,35
Alphanumeric Keys 7
Auxiliary Info 30

, B
Backlight 16
Button Illumination 17
Buzzer 39

Call Sign 40
Cargo 25
Configuration Mode 37
Contrast 16

Destination 25
Display Settings 15,38
Draught 25

ETA 25

Failed to send SRM 35
Front Panel 7
Function Keys 8

GNSS Antennas 40
GUI Hierarchy 46

Icon Description 19
Indication Messages 45

LED Illumination 17 .
Long Range Definitions 45

7000 108-045 B 51
Long Range Interrogations 32
Long Range Messages 32

Main Features 6

Navigational Status 15, 19

Plot 22
Plot View 11

R4 Display 8
Read SRMs 13, 26
Regional Areas 33
Remote Ship Information 10
Rx List 26

Safety Related Messages 13, 26
Send SRM28
Send SRMs 13, 28
Ship Data 3 I
Ship Name 40
Ship Type 40
SRM 13,26
Static Data 40
Status List 14,31
Symbols 19
System Modes 20
System Overview 5

Target List 22
Target symbols 19
Tx List 27

VHF Radio Settings 4 I
Views 8
Voyage 25
Voyage Related Information 12


52 7000 108-045 B

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