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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is dehorning necessary?

A. Yes. Dehorning significantly decreases the risk of injury to farm workers, horses, dogs
and other cattle. Dehorned animals are far easier to handle and transport, and command
higher prices at auction than animals with horns.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recognizes that dehorning is a

necessary management practice for human and animal safety.1 The vast majority of dairy
and beef farmers dehorn their animals, or raise polled animals, which are born without

Q. Is dehorning painful?

A. Yes. The corneal nerve, running from behind the eye to the base of the horn, supplies
sensation to the horn. Studies have shown that dehorning stimulates both an acute pain
response and a delayed inflammatory reaction.2

According to Dr. Todd Duffield, a researcher at Ontario Veterinary College at the University of
Guelph, With the possible exception of caustic paste, calves perceive and react to acute
pain during dehorning, regardless of method, when no local anesthetic is used. 2

The American Veterinary Medical Association recognizes that dehorning causes pain, and
recommends the use of procedures and practices, including approved medications, to
eliminate or mitigate discomfort.1

Q. At what age should cattle be dehorned?

A. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends dehorning at the earliest age
practicable.1 Young calves tend to recover quicker and have fewer complications than calves
dehorned at an older age. It is generally accepted that the younger the animal, the less
painful the procedure is.2

Q. Besides the American Veterinary Medical Association, which other organizations

recommend disbudding at a very young age?

A. Several national and international organizations and universities support early-age

disbudding of cattle:

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association recommends disbudding within the first
week of life.3

In the United Kingdom, paste disbudding is recommended in cattle up to seven days


In Australia and New Zealand, chemical dehorning is permitted if performed within the
first few days after birth.3

University of Missouri researchers recommend paste dehorning at birth to reduce stress

in beef calves.4

Texas A&M recommends castrating and dehorning be performed at birth.5

Researchers at the University of Tennessee recommend dehorning be performed at less

than one month of age, before the horn bud attaches to the skull, to avoid complications
and set-backs.6

The National Milk Producers Federations Farmers Assuring Responsible Management

program (FARM) supports dehorning at the earliest age practicable, with disbudding
being the preferred method.

The Global Animal Partnership 5 Step Animal Welfare Programrequires producers who
practice disbudding to perform the procedure prior to six weeks of age.The Northeast
Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA) recommends that calves be dehorned before eight
weeks of age.

Q. Why is dehorning believed to be less painful for very young calves?

A. In calves less than two months of age, horn buds are free-floating. Eventually, the buds
begin to grow and attach to the skull overlying the frontal sinuses. Then the horns acquire a
blood supply. Dehorning at this late stage is more invasive, causes blood loss, exposes the
frontal sinus cavity and increases the risks of sinusitis, prolonged wound healing and

Q. What kind of dehorning methods are used?

A. Dehorning methods range from disbudding with caustic paste or a hot-iron when horn
buds are not yet formed, to the use of saws, wires, knives and other cutting instruments for
removal of already-developed horns. In a 2008 survey of northern dairy farms in the United
States, about 70% use a hot-iron to disbud their calves,7 while most beef cow-calf producers
use saws, Barnes or guillotine dehorners.8 Only about 10 percent of producers use caustic

Q. Which dehorning method is least painful?

A. All methods of horn removal are painful. However, in an article published in the Journal of
Dairy Science, researchers from the University of British Columbia found that calves
dehorned with caustic paste experienced less pain than calves dehorned with a hot iron,
even when a nerve block was used.9 The authors concluded that, caustic paste dehorning
with xylazine sedation might be a more humane, simpler, and less invasive procedure than
hot-iron dehorning with sedation and local anesthesia.

Q. What are other ways producers can mitigate the pain of dehorning?

A. Administering a sedative prior to dehorning, such as xylazine, can help calm the animal.
Injection of a local anesthetic (nerve block), like lidocaine, can control acute pain associated
with horn removal. Post-operative pain relief may be obtained with non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, such as ketoprofen. This combination of a sedative, local anesthetic and
NSAID therapy, along with low-stress animal handling practices, can greatly reduce the calfs
pain and distress during dehorning and in the hours that follow. Producers should always
consult their veterinarians before administering any injections or drug therapies.

Q. What do animal welfare groups think about dehorning?

A. While not all animal welfare groups have policies or position statements on dehorning,
here are some that do. For more information, visit each organization's Web site or contact
them directly.

The American Humane Association, which administers the American Humane Certified
program, prohibits dehorning without anesthesia after four months of age.

The Animal Welfare Institute prohibits dehorning, but permits paste-disbudding of calves
up to seven days old.

Mercy For Animals has no official position on dehorning per se, but MFA Director Nathan
Runkle has told ABC News that cows dehorned in this undercover video were too old
for the process.10

The Humane Society of the United States. disapproves of dehorning in general.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals disapproves of dehorning in general.

Q. Do horns ever grow back?

A. If the disbudding or dehorning procedure is performed correctly, horns should not grow
back. However, if some horn cells remain (when a hot-iron isnt hot enough, for example),
the animal will need to be dehorned a second time.

Q. Are cattle ever born without horns?

A. Yes. The presence or absence of horns is a genetic trait, and breeding hornless or polled
cattle is a non-invasive way to dehorn. Polled livestock are becoming common among beef
cattle, but are still unusual among dairy breeds.

1. American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Welfare Policy. Castration and Dehorning
of Cattle. Approved April 2008.
2. Duffield, Todd. Current Data on Dehorning Calves. AABP Proceedings, Vol. 41, September
3. AVMA Backgrounder: Welfare Implications of the Dehorning and Disbudding of Cattle.
January 28, 2010.
4. Pasture Weaning Cuts Stress, say University of Missouri Researchers. Beef, May 1, 2001.
5. Faries, Floron C., Jr. Immunizing Beef Calves: A Preconditioning Immunization Concept.
2000. AgriLife Extension Service at Texas A&M University.
6. Hopkins, Fred M., et al. University of Tennessee. Cattle Preconditioning: Dehorning
Calves. July 9, 2009.
7. Fulwider, W.K., et al. Survey of Dairy Management Practices on 113 North Central and
Northeastern United States Dairies. J. Dairy Sci. 2008. 91:1686-1692.
8. USDA APHIS, Veterinary Services, National Animal Health Monitoring System, October
2008. Reference of Beef Cow-Calf Management Practices in the United States, 2007-
9. Vickers, K.J. et al. Calf Response to Caustic Paste and Hot-Iron Dehorning Using Sedation
With and Without Local Anesthetic. April 2005. J. Dairy Sci. 88:1454-1459.
10. ABC News The Blotter. Dehorning: 'Standard Practice' on Dairy Farms. January 28,

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Disbudding and Dehorning

Dehorning Methods





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