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As. r fttbin Vnnnof
Notice of Deprivation of Rights
Notice to Robin R. Lundt De.partment of social Services children Division
under color of Law Title 18 sec.242,Kidnapping Title 18 sec.1201, Genocide
Title 18 sec'1091 and
property, violation of Canon
Human Rights Violations against the Lrdigenous people, theft of intellectual
Law 2036-2057

Brown, Anne
Attention Robin R Lundt You are accused of conspiring with Robin Vannoy, Christopher
claim an
Marie Clarke,Mary Davidson, Diarra Cross-Davis and Cardinal Gleruron staff, to use and
interest in the Birth certificate of the Indigenous Children Michael Anthony
Fullilove Jr now known as
Sha ul me'el. Knowing
Samon Wrjaya Sha ul me el, Etheryah Haley now known as Aleshanee Kerensa
certificate via our
that such documents have been voided out for Fraud UCC 3-305 (a)(l)(iii) the birth
property of Marshawn
Statutory Declaration. You are also aware that such documents are the intellectudl
of ownership and
Sha,ul me,el, priya Sha ul'me'el which were stolen to create a false assumption
jurisdiction to commit the acts of Kidnapping as well as human rights violations. You as a attorney
Peoples the Law'
operating in the public, are without excuse for violating the Rights of the Indigenous
you would be consider to be incompetent to make any claims that you don't know what The Rights of the
Indigenous peoplesare, as you are deem to know the Law and are unable to use ignorance as your remedy
of our
for violating our Indigenous Rights. As you make fraudulent claims of having legal custody
nor any other
Children, you are already aware as being a public Official/servant, that Robin Vannoy
acts constitutes
Officials/servant can Not give you Legal or Lawful custody of our children in such
held blameless 42 U.S'C'
kidnapping and Genocide. These facts are you are ready aware of and cannot be
as well as internationally'
19g6. Treaty Law is the Supreme Law of the Land and is enforced domestically
The UNDRIp is supported domestically by Executive order i3107, which is the
implementation of the
be unaware of these
Human Rights Treaties approved under the Obama administration if you claim to
in the
facts you are guilt of perpetrating a fraud and are incompetent and are Not worthy of operation
public. This is more true than not as you nor any of the above name agents have produced any
titles of
is the product of the
authority. As such the authority which you are exercising does Not exist. This court
have no authority over the
1940 Nonpartisan court plan, created without the authority of congress and
you have any proof of
Indigenous people without receiving fust I'11 free, prior and informed consent. Do
such a contractual agreement which you believe exist? We are the descendants
of the original lndigenous
people on this Land known as Turtle Island. we have Rights that areprotected by treaties which are the
health practices as
Supreme Law of the Land. We have Rights to our own traditional medicine and
24 LINDRIP. We have a right to not have our Children under go any surgeries.
conformed in article
been feeding our
could,ve been prevent if Danielle Junger/Louis, the school staff and Annie had not
suggested treatments
children meat candy, which we strictly forbid and outright refused and neglected the
you are trying to enforce
we instructed Danielle Junger,/Louis for the care of our children's teeth. Now
(by the court) have
surgery on our children as a remedy when those who are in trusted to care for them
abuse their medical needs which are the same accusation alleged against us.
You are only proven to
is to violate our rights and to
expose our children to far more dangerous situation and your true objective
continue to commit acts of Genocide against us. It is to be noted that you Robin
R Lundt are operating in
complete fraudulent capacity as the legal representative of the Missouri children Division, administrator
and are without lawful title and authority. See the late, great senator James
Traficant jr 1993 speech on the
greatest Bankruptcy and reorganizalionof the LINITED STATES govemment in
history and supporting
public documents HJR 1g2 and public Law 73-10. The corporate STATE in MISSOURI seed it sovereign
bankrupt in 1933 and
authority over to the "union states" 1821 known as UNITED STATES which when

dissolve organic government and exist today in name only. The mere fact that this court and other agents
alike are operating under Admiralty Lailjurisdiction, which is contract Law, confirms the fact that
agreement between 2 or more parties must exist to enforce of obligation, which mutual consideration
must exist for a bonding, violate agreement/contact to be lawfully. Not base consideration, coercion or
fraud which nullified any agreement. The fact that you have label me Priya sha ul'me'el and Marshawn
Sha'ul'me'el as trustees and are tryrng to enforce payment with the assistant of agents operation out
Division 14A, lacking illegible signatures and proof of process of service, confirms the existence of a
cestui que vie trust. This fact along confirms your capacity for fraud for failure to dissolve the cestui que
vie trust when we tender our Statutory Declaration to the govemor of MISSOIJRI, who stayed silent and
accepted the conditions of our violated binding treaty agreement which you have violated. This makes
you guilty of fraud and requires your immediately punishment as it is stated in Judicial canon law 2057 .
See: Judicial canons 2036-2057. You must present facts to support your claims, and sense you have
asserted nothing more than assumptions, your claims are nullified forever. You have no authority in this
matter and are guilty of fraud, kidnapping and Genocide. As this point you Robin Lundt for your roll and
allowing the continue abuses to our children by Danielle Junger/Louis, Shilo Santiago, Annie, Ashley
Latimore and feeding our children candy and meat products which worsen hypothyroidism they were
allegedly diagnose with, your roll in facilitating culture Genocide against our children, the mental and
physical anguish you exposed us to and the separation from our flesh and Blood Indigenous Children with
no authorit! to do so, are responsible for monetary damages per day per child in functional cu:rency and
damages to the Indigenous Parents name here in. A total amount in for these damages plus interest will be
present to you in a timely matter. You are responsible for these damages for violation the Rights of the
Indigenous Peoples, violating reconcile and friendly relations with Indians in section 8113 of hr 3326
Department of defense appropriations act, HJR 194, International trade Law, UNCITRAL and the Federal
statues name herein. You do Not have legal custody of our children and any allegations and hopes of
supports that claim is a fraud. The physical custody which you may claim to is admittance of kidnapping
and Genocide which is punishable by a term of 20 years to life imprisonment, which we will be seeking
for your willful violation of Title 18 Federal statutes. The allegations against you should view as serious,
as we are aware that you are operating under Admiralty Law Title 28 U.S.C 1333. We are Not your
slaves, Chattel Property and never have consented to any of your unlawful acts and as a result you are
guilty as charged. This information will be posted on intemet for public knowledge.. In The Great Spirits
of our Ancestors...

United Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous Peoples-
orl .un.ors./esa/socdev/ United Nations Convention on
331?a '<
aal Economic, Social & cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Article 55 &.56, Presidential
ro'3 (nl
@-- JO, rcll proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194, S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200, HJR-3
--a ro
r6' oo Brl
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to and subscribed before me this day of June 2017
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n,or,# Yw.oS My Commission Expires t-:J Jl ;uJl
Sh:urr. &t J Soiu s4ri ta(d b*hrn- *. Jrr".X , Jr.&tr 5.ADfl-
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