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4 Week Bench Peaking Program

Benching Accessory Work:

Enter 1RM: 130 Wednesday: Bench Press Accessory
Saturday: Tricep Accessory Work

Week 1 Weight Sets Reps Difficulty (1-5) Total Volume:

Monday 91 4 9 5 3276
Wednesdy 97,5 5 6 5 2925
Friday 104 6 5 4 3120
Saturday 110,5 10 3 1 3315
Total Difficulty: 15 12636
Week 2 Weight Sets Reps Difficulty (1-5)

Monday 96 4 9 1 3456
Wednesday 102,5 5 6 2 3075
Friday 109 6 5 3 3270
Saturday 115,5 10 3 4 3465
Total Difficulty: 10 13266
Week 3 Difficulty (1-5)

Monday 106 4 9 3 3816

Wednesday 112,5 5 6 4 3375
Friday 119 6 5 4 3570
Saturday 125,5 10 3 4 3765
Total Difficulty: 15 14526
Week 4 Difficulty (1-5)

Monday 111 4 9 1 3996

Wednesday 117,5 5 6 4 3525
Friday 124 6 5 3 3720
Saturday 130,5 10 3 2 3915
Total Difficulty: 10 15156
Week 5
Monday: 91 5 5
Test new 1RM on Thursday of Week 5
Enter New 1RM: 365
Total 1RM Increase: 235

otal Volume:



1. Enter 1RM
2. Enter daily difficulty after workout between 1 and 5 (5 being the hardest).
3. Following weeks will adjust accordingly based on difficulty entered.
4. Enter new 1RM below week 5

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