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Disclaimer: Passing the UPDA exam depends on the candidate's ability to understand
engineering concepts and apply it in real life. There is no guarantee that studying this guide
alone will help in passing the exam. You should have your own engineering knowledge that you
have studied from university and through the work experience you have gained over years.

1. Concepts: Like for every engineering exam in university, No questions will be asked from
the guide exactly, only the concepts will be the same. All the questions in the exam will be
just application of the concepts. This guide is prepared to refresh your engineering
concepts so that you can have a better chance of passing the exam. However it depends on
the person's ability to understand concepts and apply it in real life.
2. Topics: Full topics of engineering cannot be covered in one full document, so this is just
and overview of the basics in electrical engineering


1. The property of a conductor due to which it passes current is called
(a) resistance
(b) reluctance
(c) conductance
(d) inductance
Ans: c

2. Conductance is reciprocal of
(a) resistance
(b) inductance
(c) reluctance
(d) capacitance
Ans: a

3. A thermistor has
(a) positive temperature coefficient
(b) negative temperature coefficient
(c) zero temperature coefficient
(d) variable temperature coefficient
Ans: c

4. If/, R and t are the current, resistance and time respectively, then according to
Joules law heat produced will be proportional to
(a) I2Rt
(b) I2Rf
(c) I2R2t
(d) I2R2t*
Ans: a

5. Nichrome wire is an alloy of

(a) lead and zinc
(b) chromium and vanadium
(c) nickel and chromium

(d) copper and silver
Ans: c

6. When a voltage of one volt is applied, a circuit allows one micro ampere current to
flow through it. The conductance of the circuit is
(a) 1 n-mho
(b) 106 mho
(c) 1 milli-mho
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

7. Which of the following can have negative temperature coefficient ?

(a) Compounds of silver
(6) Liquid metals
(c) Metallic alloys
(d) Electrolytes
Ans: d

8. Conductance : mho ::
(a) resistance : ohm
(b) capacitance : henry
(c) inductance : farad
(d) lumen : steradian
Ans: a

9. 1 angstrom is equal to
(a) 10-8 mm
(6) 106 cm
(c) 1010 m
(d) 10~14 m
Ans: c

10. One newton meter is same as

(a) one watt
(b) one joule
(c) five joules
(d) one joule second
Ans: b

1. Kirchhoffs current law is applicable to only
(a) junction in a network
(b) closed loops in a network
(c) electric circuits
(d) electronic circuits
Ans: a

2. Kirchhoffs voltage law is related to

(a) junction currents
(b) battery e.m.fs.
(c) IR drops
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) none of the above
Ans: d

3. The concept on which Superposition theorem is based is

(a) reciprocity
(b) duality
(c) non-linearity
(d) linearity
Ans: d

4. An ideal voltage source should have

(a) large value of e.m.f.
(b) small value of e.m.f.
(c) zero source resistance
(d) infinite source resistance
Ans: c

5. To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across a resistor, it is necessary to

(a) value of current through the resistor
(b) direction of current through the resistor
(c) value of resistor

(d) e.m.fs. in the circuit
Ans: b

6. Maximum power output is obtained from a network when the load resistance is
equal to the output resistance of the network as seen from the terminals of the load.
The above statement is associated with
(a) Millmans theorem
(b) Thevenins theorem
(c) Superposition theorem
(d) Maximum power transfer theorem
Ans: d

7. Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by a single current

source whose current is the algebraic sum of individual source currents and source
resistance is the parallel combination of individual
source resistances.
The above statement is associated with
(a) Thevenins theorem
(b) Millmans theorem
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) None of the above
Ans: b

8. Efficiency of power transfer when maximum transfer of power c xerosis

(a) 100%
(b) 80%
(c) 75%
(d) 50%
Ans: d

9. In Thevenins theorem, to find Z

(a) all independent current sources are short circuited and independent voltage
sources are open circuited
(b) all independent voltage sources are open circuited and all independent current
sources are short circuited
(c) all independent voltage and current sources are short circuited
(d) all independent voltage sources are short circuited and all independent current

sources are open circuited
Ans: d

10. While calculating Rth in Thevenins theorem and Norton equivalent

(a) all independent sources are made dead
(b) only current sources are made dead
(c) only voltage sources are made dead
(d) all voltage and current sources are made dead
Ans: a

11. The number of independent equations to solve a network is equal to

(a) the number of chords
(b) the number of branches
(c) sum of the number of branches and chords
(d) sum of number of branches, chords and nodes
Ans: a

12. Choose the incorrect statement.

(a) A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and open circuit has
the characteristic of an open circuit.
(b) A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and a short circuit has
the characteristic of a short circuit.
(c) A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and an open circuit has
the characteristic of an open circuit.
(d) A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and a short circuit has
the characteristic of resistor R.
Ans: a

1. A field line and an equipotential surface are
(a) always parallel
(b) always at 90
(c) inclined at any angle 0
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

2. The ability of charged bodies to exert force on 6ne another is attributed to the
existence of
(a) electrons
(b) protons
(c) neutrons
(d) electric field
Ans: d

3. If the sheet of a bakelite is inserted between the plates of an air capacitor, the
capacitance will
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remains unchanged
(d) become zero
Ans: b

4. Capacitance increases with

(a) increase in plate area and decrease in distance between the plates
(b) increase in plate area and distance between the plates
(c) decrease in plate area and value of applied voltage
(d) reduction in plate area and distance between the plates
Ans: a

5. A capacitor consists of
(a) two insulators separated by a conductor
(b) two conductors separated by an insulator
(c) two insulators only
(d) two conductors only
Ans: b

6. A gang condenser is a
(a) polarized capacitor
(6) variable capacitor
(c) ceramic capacitor
(d) none of the above

7. Which is the most superior dielectric out of the following ?
(a) Air
(b) Glass
(c) Bakelite
(d) Paper
Ans: c

8. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field the field strength

(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) reduces to zero
(d) remain unchanged
Ans: a

9. To prevent the generation of static charges on rubber or flat leather

(a) surface is moistened
(b) conductive dressing is done
(c) oil compound dressing is done
(d) talcum powder is sprayed on the surface
Ans: b

10. Which of the following capacitor is preferred in case of single phase motor ?
(a) Mica capacitor
(b) Paper capacitor
(c) Electrolytic capacitor
(d) Ceramic capacitor
Ans: c

11. A capacitance is a circuit component that opposes the change in circuit

(a) current
(b) voltage
(c) impedance
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

12. A condenser suitable for D.C. only is

(a) metallic plate variable gang condenser
(b) metallic paper capacitor

(c) oil impregnated paper condenser
(d) poled aluminium electrolytic condenser
Ans: d

13. In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in

(a) metal plates
(b) dielectric
(c) dielectric as well as metal plates
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

1. The left hand rule correlates to
(a) current, induced e.m.f. and direction of force on a conductor
(b) magnetic field, electric field and direction of force on a conductor
(c) self-induction, mutual induction and direction of force on a conductor
(d) current, magnetic field and direction of force on a conductor
Ans: d

2. Which of the following type of materials are not very important for engineering
applications ?
(a) Ferromagnetic
(b) Paramagnetic
(c) Diamagnetic
(d) None of the above
Ans: c

3. The susceptibility of paramagnetic materials generally lies between

(a) KT3 and 1CT6
(b) 1CT3 and 1CT7
(c) KT4 and KT8
(d) 102 and KT5
Ans: a

4. For which of the following materials the net magnetic moment should be zero ?
(a) Diamagnetic materials
(b) Ferrimagnetic materials
(c) Antiferromagnetic materials
(d) Antiferrimagnetic materials
Ans: c

5. The attraction capacity of electromagnet will increase if the

(a) core length increases i
(b) core area increases
(c) flux density decreases
(d) flux density increases
Ans: d

6. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(a) The conductivity of ferrites is better than ferromagnetic materials
(b) The conductivity of ferromagnetic materials is better than ferrites
(c) The conductivity of ferrites is very high
(d) The conductivity of ferrites is same as that of ferromagnetic materials
Ans: a

7. Temporary magnets are used in

(a) loud-speakers
(b) generators
(c) motors
(d) all of the above
Ans: d

8. Main causes of noisy solenoid are

(a) strong tendency of fan out of laminations at the end caused by repulsion among
magnetic lines of force
(b) uneven bearing surface, caused by dirt or uneven wear between moving and
stationary parts
(c) both of above
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

9. Strength of an electromagnet can be increased by

(a) increasing the cross-sectional area
(b) increasing the number of turns
(c) increasing current supply
(d) all above methods

10. Core of an electromagnet should have

(a) low coercivity
(6) high susceptibility
(c) both of the above
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

11. Magnetism of a magnet can be destroyed by
(a) heating
(b) hammering
(c) by inductive action of another magnet
(d) by all above methods
Ans: d

1. If the area of hysteresis loop of a material is large, the hysteresis loss in this
material will be
(a) zero
(b) small
(c) large
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

2. Hard steel is suitable for making permanent magnets because

(a) it has good residual magnetism
(b) its hysteresis loop has large area
(c) its mechanical strength is high
(d) its mechanical strength is low
Ans: a

3. Silicon steel is used in electrical machines because it has

(a) low coercivity
(b) low retentively
(c) low hysteresis loss
(d) high coercivity
Ans: c

4. The unit of retentively is

(a) weber
(b) weber/sq. m
(c) ampere turn/meter
(d) ampere turn
Ans: b

5. Reciprocal of reluctance is
(a) reluctivity
(b) permeance
(c) permeability
(d) susceptibility
Ans: b

6. While comparing magnetic and electric circuits, the flux of magnetic circuit is
compared with which parameter of electrical circuit ?
(a) E.m.f.
(b) Current
(c) Current density
(d) Conductivity
Ans: b

1. The co-efficient of coupling between two air core coils depends on
(a) self-inductance of two coils only
(b) mutual inductance between two coils only
(c) mutual inductance and self-inductance of two coils
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

2. An average voltage of 10 V is induced in a 250 turns solenoid as a result of a change

in flux which occurs in 0.5 second. The total flux change is
(a) 20 Wb
(b) 2 Wb
(c) 0.2 Wb
(d) 0.02 Wb
Ans: d

3. The polarity of the induced voltage can be determined by using the left-hand
generator rule.
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ans: a

4. Increasing the field or increasing the current will decrease the force on the
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ans: b

5. Reversing the field or the current will reverse the force on the conductor.
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ans: a

6. When a conductor moves in the field, so that it makes an angle 8 with the lines of
flux, the force F is given as : F = Bl sin2 0.
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ans: b

7. The self-inductance of the coil may be defined as equal to the e.m.f. induced in
volts when the current in the circuit changes at the rate of unit Weber turns.
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ans: b

1. It is noticed that during discharging the following does not happen
(a) both anode and cathode become PbS04
(b) specific gravity of H2SO4 decreases
(c) voltage of the cell decreases
(d) the cell absorbs energy
Ans: d

2. The ampere-hour efficiency of a lead acid cell is normally between

(a) 20 to 30%
(b) 40 to 50%
(c) 60 to 70%
(d) 90 to 95%
Ans: d

3. Which of the following primary cells has the highest voltage ?

(a) Manganese-alkaline
(6) Carbon-zinc
(c) Lithium
(d) Mercury
Ans: c

4. While preparing electrolyte for a lead-acid battery

(a) water is poured into acid
(b) acid is poured into water
(c) anyone of the two can be added to other chemical
Ans: b

5. Which of the following battery is used for air-craft ?

(a) Lead-acid battery
(b) Nickel-iron battery
(c) Dry cell battery
(d) Silver oxide battery
Ans: b

6. Which of the following cell has a. reversible chemical reaction ?

(a) Lead-acid

(b) Mercury oxide
(c) Carbon-zinc
(d) Silver-oxide
Ans: a

7. Which of the following is incorrect ?

(a) A storage cell has a reversible chemical reaction
(b) A lead-acid cell can be recharged
(c) A carbon-zinc cell has unlimited shelf life
(d) A primary cell has an irreversible chemical reaction
Ans: c

8. Which of the following has lower sp. gravity V

(a) Dilute H2S04
(6) Concentrated H2SO4
(c) Water
(d) Any of the above
Ans: c

9. Under normal charging rate, the charging current should be

(a) 10% of capacity
(b) 20% of capacity
(c) 30% of capacity
(d) 40% of capacity
Ans: a

10. When two batteries are connected in parallel, it should be ensured that
(a) they have same e.m.f.
(b) they have same make
(c) they have same ampere-hour capacity
(d) they have identical internal resistance
Ans: a

1. In a series resonant circuit, the impedance of the circuit is
(a) minimum
(b) maximum
(c) zero
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

2. Power factor of an electrical circuit is equal to

(a) R/Z
(b) cosine of phase angle difference be-tween current and voltage
(c) kW/kVA
(d) ratio of useful current to total current Iw/I
(e) all above
Ans: e

3. The best place to install a capacitor is

(a) very near to inductive load
(b) across the terminals of the inductive load
(c) far away from the inductive load
(d) anywhere
Ans: b

4. Poor power factor

(a) reduces load handling capability of electrical system
(b) results in more power losses in the electrical system
(c) overloads alternators, transformers and distribution lines
(d) results in more voltage drop in the line
(e) results in all above
Ans: e

5. An A.C. voltage is impressed across a pure resistance of 3.5 ohms in parallel with a
pure inductance of impedance of 3.5 ohms,
(a) the current through the resistance is more
(b) the current through the resistance is less
(c) both resistance and inductance carry equal currents

(d) none of the above
Ans: c

6. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) be reduced by half
(b) be doubled
(c) be four times as high
(d) be reduced to one fourth
Ans: b

7. In a pure capacitive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) be reduced by half
(b) be doubled
(c) be four times at high
(d) be reduced to one fourth
Ans: a

8. When an alternating current passes through an ohmic resistance the electrical

power converted into heat is
(a) apparent power
(b) true power
(c) reactive power
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

9. In each of the three coils of a three phase generator, an alternating voltage having
an r.m.s. value of 220 V is induced. Which of the following values is indicated by the
voltmeters ?
(a) 220 V
(b) 220V3V
(c) 220/V3 V
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

D.C. Generators, D.C. Motors, Transformers, Poly-phase Induction Motors, Single-phase Induction
Motors, Synchronous Motors, Rectifiers and Converters, Power Plant Engineering, Economics of
Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Switchgear and Protection, Cables, Electrical
Engineering Materials, Electrical Machines Design, Measurement and Instrumentation, Control
Systems, Electric Traction, Industrial Drives, Heating and Welding, Digital Electronics, Circuit
Theorems and Conversions, OP-AMP Circuits, ANALOG ELECTRONICS, SEMICONDUCTOR
TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS, Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifiers.
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