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NP Caryn

During my visit, I noticed the members left leg was swollen from the knee
down and was tender to the touch.
I spoke with the 86-year-old womans daughter about the condition and
suggested they go to the hospital so her mom could be evaluated for potential
deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
The daughter was hesitant. Just a couple of days ago, her mother had been to
her gerontologist, who had seen the swelling and was not concerned.
I called her doctor to discuss the situation. He remembered the swelling and
confirmed he didnt think it was remarkable. However, he agreed that as a
precaution she should go to the ER for evaluation.
Then, it was the members turn to be resistant, saying she thought the
swelling had gone down some and she really didnt want to spend the time in
the ER.
After a little nudging and giving her daughter the worst-case scenario, they
agreed to visit the ER.
Her daughter called me some time later. Thank you for being so persistent,
she said. Her mother had a lower extremity DVT.

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