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Dear Constituents,
Just as families across the state sit down around the dinner table to look at their
finances and plan their future, the state too must ensure its finances are in order to pass
a balanced, two-year budget plan.

But after six years of Republican tax-shifting that I believe has failed to deliver new jobs Ohio House Dems
and economic growth, Ohio is facing a budget crunch.1
Are Now On:
That is why last month, the governor and Republican legislative leaders announced they
would have to make nearly $1 billion in cuts to House Bill 49, the state budget bill, due
to unexpected revenue shortfalls.1

However, the House ultimately voted on a budget that, according to my estimate, still
needs an additional $400 million in cuts to bring it into balance. I believe that just as
families struggling to make ends meet dont have the luxury of keeping an unbalanced
checkbook, neither should the state.

In my view, passing an unbalanced budget would not only violate our constitutional duty
as state lawmakers, but would be fiscally irresponsible and could jeopardize Ohios
already weak economy.

As the budget process continues, I hope that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will
come together to craft a real plan that reverses the failed economic policies of the past
and focuses on the future so the next generation of working people can have economic
stability and a clear path to the middle class in our state.


Emilia S. Sykes
State Representative
Ohios 34th House District


In This Issue
Summer school lunches/Compare energy supplier rates

State Rep. Kent Smith (D-Euclid) recently announced the

passage of House Bill (HB) 80, bipartisan legislation to
combat child hunger in Ohio. This bill would help ensure that
children have access to food even when school is out of

The State of Ohios Energy Choice website allows all energy

customers to shop for energy options from a diverse group
of competitive suppliers certified by the Public Utilities
Commission of Ohio (PUCO).

Click here for more.

Legislative update/Engaging your legislature

In an effort to keep you more connected to your

government and whats happening at your Statehouse, I
have compiled a list of bills recently passed by the House
during the final days of the previous General Assembly.

The formal votes during House sessions may give the

impression that every vote has been decided in advance.
This is indeed the case because in-depth examination of
legislation takes place in committee hearings.

Click here for more.

77 South High Street

Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-3100 Phone
State Representative (614) 719-6944 Fax
Emilia Sykes (800) 282-0253 Toll Free
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2017 State Representative Emilia Sykes

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