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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2017), 30(2): 738751

Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

Process of establishing design requirements and

selecting alternative configurations for conceptual
design of a VLA
Bo-Young Bae a, Sangho Kim a,*, Jae-Woo Lee a, Nhu Van Nguyen b,
Bong-Cheul Chung b

Department of Aerospace Information Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Republic of Korea
Konkuk Aerospace Design, Airworthiness Research Institute, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Republic of Korea

Received 18 January 2016; revised 11 August 2016; accepted 27 October 2016

Available online 17 March 2017

KEYWORDS Abstract In this study, a process for establishing design requirements and selecting alternative con-
Aircraft conguration; gurations for the conceptual phase of aircraft design has been proposed. The proposed process
Conceptional design; uses system-engineering-based requirement-analysis techniques such as objective tree, analytic hier-
Design requirements; archy process, and quality function deployment to establish logical and quantitative standards.
Requirement analysis; Moreover, in order to perform a logical selection of alternative aircraft congurations, it uses
Very light aircraft (VLA) advanced decision-making methods such as morphological matrix and technique for order prefer-
ence by similarity to the ideal solution. In addition, a preliminary sizing tool has been developed to
check the feasibility of the established performance requirements and to evaluate the ight perfor-
mance of the selected congurations. The present process has been applied for a two-seater very
light aircraft (VLA), resulting in a set of tentative design requirements and two families of VLA
congurations: a high-wing conguration and a low-wing conguration. The resulting set of design
requirements consists of three categories: customer requirements, certication requirements, and
performance requirements. The performance requirements include two mission requirements for
the ight range and the endurance by reecting the customer requirements. The ight performances
of the two conguration families were evaluated using the sizing tool developed and the low-wing
conguration with conventional tails was selected as the best baseline conguration for the VLA.
2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author. 1. Introduction

E-mail address: (S. Kim).
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA. The life-cycle of an aircraft is divided into the following
phases: concept studies on customer requirements, conceptual
design, preliminary design, detailed design and development,
Production and hosting by Elsevier production, operation and maintenance, decommissioning,
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Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 739

and recycling. The conceptual design phase includes several For the requirement analysis, the voices of users, designers,
important tasks such as the design requirement analysis, the and clients were collected through a survey of various groups of
feasibility study of development, the demand forecasting and people including VLA pilots, students and faculty in aerospace
market analysis, the conceptual aircraft conguration design engineering, and aviation company engineers. The proposed
and subsystem denition, and the establishment of initial plan- process of selecting baseline congurations used the quantita-
ning for aircraft development. Accordingly the conceptual tive requirements analysis methods (see Fig. 1). It also used ini-
design phase is most inuential in the aircraft life-cycle. tial sizing and a performance analysis respectively to generate
Although relatively small investments are necessary during the baseline aircraft congurations and to evaluate whether
the conceptual design phase, large efforts should be made since they satisfy the mission and performance requirements.
70%90% of a design is dened in this phase. Therefore,
development of a logical and efcient conceptual design 2. Building model
method will be of great importance. In the conventional con-
ceptual design approaches, the process of selecting the best 2.1. Brainstorming
conguration typically employs a trial and error method based
on the experience of a designer. This increases the development
The systematic method proposed in this paper uses a series of
time and cost due to the large number of design iterations.
decision-making models to address the design requirements
Efcient conceptual design requires a series of well-
and the design alternatives in a more logical, objective, and
organized processes that enable designers to make logical
quantitative manner.5 In this section, the decision-making
and objective decisions on an aircraft design. Many method-
models used in the present method are briey described.
ologies that can be applied to such processes have been pre-
sented in the eld of industrial engineering, but there have
2.2. Affinity diagram
been very few developments and applications of the method-
ologies in the conceptual design phase of aerospace engineer-
ing. Mavris et al.1,2 successfully established an objective and This method is a long-term human intellectual activity to orga-
efcient design process. They excluded a designers subjective nize data by grouping the data into groups based on natural
judgment from their proposed aircraft conceptual design pro- relationships. The term afnity diagram was devised by Jiro
cess, which includes concept establishment, selection of alter- Kawakita in the 1960s and has been used as a business tool to
native congurations, and an assessment process. Park3 organize ideas and data.6,7 The method allows a large number
improved Mavris design process for optimum alternative con- of ideas stemming from brainstorming to be sorted into groups
gurations that reect user requirements. Yoon et al.4 pre- for review and analysis.
sented an optimum baseline aircraft conguration selection
process using a decision-making model that considers both air- 2.3. Tree diagram
worthiness certication regulations and user requirements dur-
ing the concept design phase. The tree diagram8 is a graphical method that lays out a hierar-
In this study, a systematic design requirement analysis, chical structure of objectives and measures systematically to
which is an early stage of the aircraft conceptual design phase, nd the most appropriate measures in order to achieve the
is conducted to produce the design requirements considering goals. In general, this method is used for spreading out the
user requirements, marketability, and certication regulations. subordinate goals of the primary goal or for breaking down
Moreover, a baseline conguration design process is estab- a large-scale project into progressively smaller feasible tasks.
lished to suggest objective and reasonable baseline congura-
tions that satisfy the resulting design requirements. 2.4. Analytic hierarchy process
For aircraft design purposes, we have strived to make a log-
ical ow in order to select the design requirements and baseline A psychology and mathematics based method, the analytic
congurations. In addition, the internal data of the process hierarchy process (AHP), is a multi-criteria decision-making
were consistently managed to reect the design requirements (MCDM) method for making decisions about complicated
properly. A two-seater very light aircraft (VLA) was selected problems rationally and efciently. The AHP was developed
for the present study because it is anticipated that two-seater by Satty in the 1970s based on the fact that the brain uses a
VLAs will be in demand as aero leisure sports are becoming phased or hierarchical analytic process when a human makes
popular domestically and globally. a decision.9

Fig. 1 Quantitative requirements analysis methods.

740 B.-Y. Bae et al.

During the AHP, the entire decision-making process is Hwang and Yoon in 1987. It is based upon the concept that
divided into several phases and each phase is analyzed to make the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from
a nal decision. Users rstly decompose their decision problem the positive ideal solution (PIS) and the farthest from the neg-
into a hierarchy of more easily comprehended sub-problems. ative ideal solution (NIS). Using this method, the alternatives
Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically presented as the solutions to a multi-criteria decision-making
rank the order of importance of the elements in the same hier- problem may be the closest to the PIS; that is, the most bene-
archical level by performing pairwise comparisons with respect cial alternative solutions are to be selected.
to their impacts on an element above them in the hierarchy. As the design requirements are determined in more detail,
Since the AHP converts these evaluations into numerical val- brainstorming, the afnity diagram, the tree diagram, the
ues that can be processed until numerical priorities are calcu- AHP, and QFD are used sequentially based on the character-
lated for each of the decision alternatives, it has been widely istics of the decision-making models. Similarly, as the design
used for MCDM problems. alternative congurations are dened in more detail, QFD,
the morphological matrix, and the TOPSIS are used systemat-
2.5. Quality function deployment ically. A detailed description of how the decision-making mod-
els are used in the design requirement analysis and the design
Quality function deployment (QFD)10 was originally devel- baseline conguration selection process can be found in Sec-
oped as a quality assurance method by Mizuno and Akao in tions 3 and 4.
199411 and has been used in a wide variety of services and con-
sumer products. QFD is described as a method to transform 3. Systematic process
user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions
forming quality, to deploy methods for achieving the design In this study, a systematic process of establishing a quantita-
quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately tive standard for the design requirement analysis and the base-
to specic elements of the manufacturing process. Quality line conguration selection in the conceptual aircraft design
methods prior to QFD focused on reducing internal defects, phase was developed by applying the quality design technique
but QFD focuses on transforming customer needs into engi- and the decision-making technique. The whole process can be
neering characteristics of a service or product. The house of divided into the design requirements analysis process in the ini-
quality (HOQ) tool is used to materialize QFD (see Fig. 2). tial conceptual design phase and the baseline conguration
selection process. The two processes can be schematized into
2.6. Morphological matrix one process using the decision-making model as shown in
Fig. 3. For the design requirements analysis process, the
Morphological analysis12 is a structured or systematic method requirement categories are divided into user requirements,
developed by Fritz Zwicky (1967, 1969) for exploring all the competition-based requirements, and certication regulation
possible solutions to a multi-dimensional, non-quantied com- requirements for analysis. The requirement analysis results of
plex problem.13 The method uses a morphological matrix to the three requirement categories are used to establish tempo-
analyze and list the major components of a system and to gen- rary design requirements and mission prole of the aircraft.
erate and identify alternative congurations of the system by Based on those temporary design requirements and mission
exploring possible combinations of the components listed. A prole, design alternatives are selected and then primary
designer can determine some possible alternatives, eliminating design requirements are suggested through the verication pro-
the illogical solution combinations. cess composed of both initial sizing and performance analysis.
The process of selecting baseline congurations among the
2.7. Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution alternatives is also performed using the resulting primary
design requirements as the decision standards. During this pro-
cess, the selected alternative congurations and baseline con-
The technique for order preference by similarity to the ideal
gurations are used as necessary input parameters for the
solution (TOPSIS)14 was rstly developed and introduced by
sizing analysis tool. Finally, the best baseline conguration is
selected for the rest of the conceptual design.
The key concept of this study, the decision-making process,
can be carried out by aggregating information on the alterna-
tives and preferences of the decision makers. There is a need to
quantify the standard elements to conduct a quantied evalu-
ation of the design candidates since there is a risk of contradic-
tions among the standard elements in simple comparison. The
user requirements analysis process uses an afnity diagram and
tree diagram in order to organize the user requirements col-
lected through the survey and brainstorming as shown in
Fig. 4.
The MCDM methods, AHP and QFD, are used in grasping
and laying down the priorities of the organized design ele-
ments. The results of the AHP and QFD are then used for set-
ting the range of the design requirements and evaluating the
Fig. 2 House of quality (HOQ).10 baseline conguration.
Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 741

Fig. 3 Quantitative requirement analysis process for baseline conguration selection.

Fig. 4 User requirements analysis process.

742 B.-Y. Bae et al.

The function that determines the scope of design require- analysis results. This process can be applied to two-seater
ments is built through survey and analysis of the competing VLAs as well as to diverse aerospace systems including other
models. In addition, the certication regulations, which are a xed-wing aircraft and rotary-wing aircraft.
social restriction, are investigated and applied to the require-
ments setting. Through this process, temporary design require- 4. Implementation and results for a two-seater VLA
ments and mission proles can be developed and veried using
a simple sizing analysis tool. Finally, the primary design 4.1. Introduction to two-seater VLA and purpose of development
requirements are generated as a result of the initial conceptual
design and may be revised and supplemented during the rest of
A two-seater VLA is an aircraft classied under the Certica-
the conceptual design phase.15
tion Specications for Very Light Aircraft (CS-VLA) by the
As shown in Fig. 4, the baseline conguration decision pro-
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). It has two or fewer
cess uses the morphological matrix to generate alternative con-
seats. Its maximum take-off weight is 750 kg or less and its
gurations. The multi-attribute decision-making method,
stall speed is 83 km/h (45 kn) or less. It is a single-engine plane
TOPSIS, is used to obtain an optimal alternative. The AHP
that is only allowed to y during the day, and the engine must
and QFD results presented above are used as weighting factors
have an ignition plug or be a compressed ignition type engine.6
for the evaluation of alternatives. Two or more families of
It is predicted that two-seater VLAs will account for over
baseline congurations can be selected for design.
50% of global sales in the next ten years, and the demand
The enhanced in-house sizing methodology and tool were
for VLAs is on the rise. The US government has supported
developed and validated for various type of aircraft such as
the aviation industry with the law of the American Society
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned combat aerial
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for light sports aircraft
vehicles (UCAVs), regional jet aircraft, and electric powered
(LSA), newly enacted in 2004, to fulll the desires of the
light aircraft from the given set of requirements including users
American people for ying. Currently, more than 230,000 light
and airworthiness regulations.16 The sizing tool is composed of
aircraft are in operation, and light aircraft for leisure will be in
the integration of a simplied aerodynamics, corrective weight
great demand globally in the near future.
fraction from recent aircraft database and a simplied mission
The advantages of the competing aircraft models presented
and performance analysis module to perform the inverse per-
as part of a sales strategy by other companies were examined
formance design by the support of an optimization loop to
to establish a development goal of the two-seater VLA in this
ensure the satisfaction of users and airworthiness regulation
study. The resulting advantages were ight attributes (speed,
requirements. In addition, the proposed sizing tool reduces
ight range, fuel consumption rate, stability, etc.), comfort
the assumptions at the preliminary sizing stage by introducing
on long ights (interior, pilot seat size, passenger seats, etc.),
a rough estimation from a similar aircraft database collection.
visibility (front, sides, openable windows during ight, etc.),
The in-house sizing tool yields relatively good and quick
aircraft with stylish exterior, safety (fuel tank location, mate-
results at the maximum error of 15.23% compared to the exist-
rial, safety devices, etc.), smooth landing (landing gear, seats,
ing MQ-1 Predator wing area data in the sizing stage, while the
etc.), doors for comfortable entrance and easy loading, and
existing sizing tool provides many assumptions for aerody-
electrical equipment for easy and stable piloting (Garmin
namics analysis and an over-predicted empty to gross weight
products, various cockpit forms, electrical piloting, etc.). Based
ratio based on meta aircraft regression data. Therefore, the
on this information, the development goal was established as
in-house sizing tool is developed and used for selecting the
shown in Fig. 5.
alternative conguration for the conceptual design of VLAs.
This sizing tool with the AHP, QFD, and mission analysis
4.2. Analysis of competing models
results will be used to constitute the optimization problem. The
sizing analysis is carried out for each family of baseline
congurations. The CS-VLA is the certication regulation applied to the two-
Then a nal baseline conguration can be selected through seater VLA. This class of aircraft has a maximum take-off
the TOPSIS analysis using the sizing and the user requirements weight (MTOW) of 750 kg but the target MTOW was set as

Fig. 5 Development goal.

Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 743

a maximum of 650 kg in order for the VLA to have stronger craft quality. The Level 3 user requirements are the voice of
competitiveness so that it can also enter the LSA market, with engineer (VOE), namely, what engineers consider in aircraft
simple modication if necessary. An LSA is dened as an air- design to satisfy the customer needs with regard to aircraft
craft that is a heavier-than-aircraft or a lighter-than-aircraft, quality.
other than a helicopter, with a maximum gross take-off weight The AHP18 and QFD were conducted through a survey
of no more than 560 kg for a lighter-than-aircraft, or 600 kg based on the resulting tree. A total of 31 personnel including
for a heavier-than-aircraft not intended for operation on water VLA developers, VLA pilots, and foreign advisors participated
or 650 kg for an aircraft intended for operation on water. For in the survey. Every pair of the top-level user requirements,
these reasons, both VLA class and LSA class aircraft need to namely marketability, performance, environmental friendly
be considered as competitors. The authors have conducted and safety, were compared using the AHP technique in order
research on the exterior features, performance, materials, and to estimate the relative importance of the top-level user
engines of the selected VLA models that were available for sale requirements. Only data with a consistency index of less than
and the best-selling LSA models based on the market share 20% were used to ensure a reliable estimation. The results
data provided by the Federal Aviation Administration are shown in Fig. 9.
(FAA) as of December 2010 (Fig. 6). The AHP and the primary QFD are linked, and the pri-
mary QFD and the secondary QFD are linked. The primary
4.3. Analysis of user requirements and secondary QFD results for Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the tree
diagram are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The values of the
In order to analyze the user requirements for the two-seater weighting result are normalized so that the sum of the weight-
aircraft in a quantitative and systematic way, we have con- ing result becomes 1. The Level 2 categories of the tree dia-
ducted an analysis of the user requirements by applying the gram and the results of the primary QFD are used as the
decision-making model.17 User requirements have been deter- evaluation categories and weights when the baseline congura-
mined through a survey and brainstorming in which under- tion is selected. The categories from the results of the sec-
graduates, aircraft developers, and VLA pilots participated. ondary QFD that are directly related to the design
Then, an afnity diagram and a tree diagram were completed requirements affect the design requirement settings so they
based on the user requirements investigated. Using the afnity are used for the competing model-based requirement analysis
diagram (see Fig. 7), the top-level user requirements were clas- and the mission analysis
sied into marketability, environmental friendly, safety, and
performance as shown in the gure. Fig. 8 shows the results 4.4. Analysis of competing model based requirements
of the analysis using the tree diagram.
Here, the Level 1 user requirements are the voice of cus- Data gained by examining the competing models were used to
tomer (VOC), namely, what customers need with regard to air- analyze the trends in weight and performance. The importance

Fig. 6 Analysis of competing models.

744 B.-Y. Bae et al.

Fig. 9 AHP results.

Fig. 7 Afnity diagram.

Fig. 10 Primary QFD results.

Fig. 11 Secondary QFD results.

Fig. 8 Tree diagram.

the competing models was suggested using the performance
functions. These suggested design requirements for perfor-
gures related to performance among the user requirement mance were tentative and will be rened after a feasibility
analysis results are presented in Table 1. Performance func- study using the initial sizing and the performance analysis.
tions for the maximum take-off weight were extracted from
the performance trends investigated. Trends of stall speed 4.5. Analysis of certification regulation requirements
(for landing conguration), speed limit, service ceiling, maxi-
mum cruising speed, take-off distance (including ground roll), Two-seater light aircraft need to satisfy the CS-VLA as the
landing distance (including ground roll), ight range, and VLA class certication regulations to acquire the VLA type
endurance were formulated as functions. As the development certication. In addition, the ASTM standard was analyzed,
goals previously presented, a 10% improvement in the design as shown in Table 1, to secure the competitiveness against
requirement values for performance compared to those of LSA class aircraft.
Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations
Table 1 Analysis of certication regulations requirement.19
Design specication KAS-VLA ASTM for LSA
Regulation Content Flight condition Regulation Content Flight condition
Basic Number of KAS-VLA 1 1 or 2 4.2.1 1 or 2
characteristics seat Minimum
useful load
Power plant Type of KAS-VLA 1 Single engine, ignition plug FAA Single engine, ignition
engine of compressed ignition type plug of compressed
engine ignition type engine
Weight Maximum KAS-VLA 1 Less than 750 kg (1) 1 pilot, 1 passenger (each FAA Less than 600 kg
take-o 86 kg), full oil, minimum 1 h fuel (ground), less than 650 kg
weight for full throttle (water)
(2) 1 pilot (86 kg), full oil, full
Useful 4.2.1 Wu = 1690 + P, (N)
load Minimum P = rated engine power,
useful load kWSO, Wu = 195 kg
Structure Target of g KAS-VLA 337 1.5  n  3.8 5.2.5 Limit 2n4
limit Limit maneuvering
maneuvering load load factors
Performance Maximum KAS-VLA 1505 The maximum structural (1) Cruise speed: EAS (FAA) 220 km/h (120 kn) (1) Level ight
cruise Airspeed cruising speed VNO must be Vemin: Function of positive load Maximum
speed limitation 0.89VNE established, not less factor and W/S speed
than the minimum value of
VC and not more than the
lesser of VC
Stall speed KAS VLA 49 May not exceed 83 km/h (1) Power condition set forth in 4.2.1 Stalling Not exceed 83 km/h (1) MTOW
(VS0) Stall speed (45 kn) Subparagraph (c) speeds (45 kn) (2) Landing conguration
(2) Propeller in the take-o (3) Throttle closed
position (4) Most unfavorable CG
(3) Landing gear extended (5) Still air condition,
(4) Wing aps in the landing standard ICAO atmosphere,
position S.L., IAS or CAS air speed
(5) Cowl aps closed
(6) CG in the most unfavourable
position within the allowable
(7) Maximum weight

(continued on next page)

746 B.-Y. Bae et al.

4.6. Analysis of temporary design requirements

Notes: VC Design cruising speed; Wu Minimum useful load; kWso kW (unit revised); n Load factor; VNE Never exceed speed; VNC Maximum structural cruising speed; CG Centre of
standard ICAO atmosphere,

standard ICAO atmosphere,

S.L., IAS or CAS air speed

S.L., IAS or CAS air speed

The design requirements in the initial conceptual design phase

(4) At least 1.3VS1, 15 m

gravity; ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization; S.L. Sea level; IAS Indicated air speed; CAS Calibrated air speed; VS1 Stalling speed; MTOW Maximum take-off weight.
(4) Still air condition,

(3) Still air condition,

for aircraft were classied into the user requirements, compet-

(2) Climb ap angle

ing model-based requirements, and certication regulation

(3) Full throttle

Flight condition

(2) Full throttle

requirements for analysis. Mission proles for two-seater
VLAs comprising warm up, taxiing, take off, climb, cruise,
(1) MTOW

(1) MTOW
descent, reserve, landing and taxiing&shutdown were set up,

as shown in Fig. 12. The missions for ight range and cruising
time for the analysis of user requirements are suggested in
Table 2. The results of the temporary design requirement set
are shown in Table 3 and a sizing interpretation tool was used
Over 95 m/min (321 ft/

to provide feasible values of the ight range and endurance

under the given mission conditions.
min, 1.6 m/s)

4.7. Selection of baseline configurations


The decision-making model was employed to quantitatively

and systematically determine a baseline conguration for

two-seater VLAs as shown in Fig. 13. The vertical location

4.4.2 Take-o

of the main wings, tail wing conguration type, use of fuselage

4.3.3 Climb

strut, and engine location were used as the baseline congura-

(a) Not more than take-o power

o from a dry, level hard surface

must be determined and must not

(c) Wing aps in take-o position

rational and conservative manner

(b) This must be determined, in a
(a) The distance required to take

and climb over a 15 m obstacle

(d) Cowl aps in the position
(b) Landing gear retracted

used in the cooling tests

Flight condition

exceed 500 m

Fig. 12 Mission prole.

Table 2 Mission conditions.

Mission Base Flight condition
1 Maximum 2 pilots, maximum fuel, best cruise
Less than 500 m (15 m

range speed
2 6 h ight 2 pilots, maximum fuel, maximum
Minimum 2 m/s

range cruise speed


Table 3 Design requirements in initial conceptual design

Parameter Value


Weight MTOW (kg) <620


Useful load (kg) >250


Baggage (kg) >70

Structure Target of g limit 2<g<4

Performance Maximum cruise speed (km/h) >217

Take o
rate of
Table 1 (continued)

Stall speed (km/h) >74

Design specication

Never exceed speed (km/h) 272

Maximum climb speed (m/s) >5
Service ceiling (m) >4500

Take-o distance (m) <140

Landing distance (m) <150
Range (nmile) >722
Endurance (h) >6
Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 747

tion elements in the initial conceptual design phase as shown in

Table 4 Baseline conguration elements.
Table 4. A total of 16 different combinations could be made
using the conguration elements, and the realizable congura- Content Conguration design elements
tions were then chosen as alternative congurations, as shown Wing location High wing Low wing
in Table 5. Table 6 shows the result of the TOPSIS20 analysis Tail wing conguration T-tail Conventional tail
conducted on each alternative conguration based on the Fuselage strut (yes/not) Yes Not
objective categories in Level 2 of the tree diagram used in Engine location Tractor Pusher
the analysis of customer requirements. Two families were
selected as the resulting baseline congurations of the TOPSIS
analysis. A high wing, a conventional tail wing, a fuselage
strut, and a tractor-type engine were selected for the rst base- user requirements has received the highest score and that air-
line conguration, while a low wing, a conventional tail wing, planes with high wings hold a high rank, the quantitative anal-
no fuselage strut, and a tractor-type engine were selected for ysis of the user requirements and the selection of the baseline
the second baseline conguration. The two selected baseline congurations have promoted awareness of the safety of air-
congurations, Family 1 and Family 2, were generated and planes with high wings. On the other hand, since the safety
their performances were analyzed in the conceptual design. of VLAs can be conrmed by obtaining the type certication,
This selection method for baseline congurations is more sys- the Family 2 conguration could also be a strong alternative
tematic, quantitative, and time-effective than the experience- for VLAs based on the marketability and performance cat-
based baseline conguration selection process, which forms egories of the user requirements.
various types of families through an initial conceptual sketch
and reduces the number of families throughout the design 4.8. Verification and suggestion for design requirements
In this phase, the conguration design elements must be The temporary design requirements including the two mis-
well determined. Quantitative measures for decision-making sions, maximum ight range, and endurance are veried using
can be suggested through the TOPSIS analysis using the deter- a simple sizing tool and a performance interpretation tool. As
mined conguration design elements. a result, the primary design requirements are presented in
For example, the TOPSIS analysis results in Table 6 indi- Table 7. Six-hour endurance and a ight range of 1400 km
cate that, in light of the facts that the safety category of the are also presented as the mission goals.

Fig. 13 Process of selecting baseline congurations.

748 B.-Y. Bae et al.

Table 5 Possible alternative congurations.

Alternative conguration Main wing Tail wing Strut Engine Feasibility
1 High wing T Yes Tractor Yes
2 High wing T Yes Pusher Yes
3 High wing T No Tractor Yes
4 High wing T No Pusher Yes
5 High wing C Yes Tractor Yes
6 High wing C Yes Pusher Yes
7 High wing C No Tractor Yes
8 High wing C No Pusher Yes
9 Low wing T Yes Tractor No
10 Low wing T Yes Pusher No
11 Low wing T No Tractor Yes
12 Low wing T No Pusher Yes
13 Low wing C Yes Tractor No
14 Low wing C Yes Pusher No
15 Low wing C No Tractor Yes
16 Low wing C No Pusher Yes

Table 6 Results of Pugh concept selection and TOPSIS.

Alternative conguration Main wing Tail wing Strut Engine Pugh concept selection TOPSIS
Result Rank Result Rank
Baseline High wing C Yes Tractor 0 3 0.7200 1
1 High wing T Yes Tractor 0.2487 6 0.3782 6
2 High wing T Yes Pusher 0.5167 8 0.2071 11
3 High wing T No Tractor 0.001111 2 0.4814 5
4 High wing T No Pusher 0.42 7 0.2340 7
5 High wing C Yes Pusher 0.5166 8 0.2071 11
6 High wing C No Tractor 0.1280 1 0.5595 2
7 High wing C No Pusher 0.4198 7 0.2340 7
8 Low wing T No Tractor 0.07080 5 0.4828 4
9 Low wing T No Pusher 0.4198 7 0.2340 7
10 Low wing C No Tractor 0.011112 4 0.5338 3
11 Low wing C No Pusher 0.04198 7 0.2340 7

4.9. Analysis result for conceptual designs in two baseline analysis tools. These were left as problems to be resolved as the
configurations development of VLAs was carried out henceforth.
In order to select a suitable conguration that meets the
Through the analysis of the user requirements and the selec- user requirements between Family 1 and Family 2, the concep-
tion of baseline congurations using the TOPSIS, a high wing, tual design results corresponding to the evaluation categories
a conventional tail wing with a fuselage strut, and a tractor- in Level 2 in the user requirements analysis were quantitatively
type engine were selected for the rst baseline conguration, compared. In other words, the weight and the performance as
while a low wing, a conventional tail wing, no fuselage strut, well as the stability coefcient values computed through the
and a tractor-type engine were selected for the second baseline conceptual designs of Family 1 and Family 2 were used for
conguration. The rst iteration of the conceptual design was the TOPSIS analysis to extract the nal baseline conguration.
executed with these two baseline congurations, Family 1 and The TOPSIS analysis was conducted considering the follow-
Family 2. As a result, we were able to develop the congura- ing: the lighter the empty weight, the less it costs; the larger
tions shown in Fig. 14, and the performance results were the internal space, the more it improves the comfort; the lighter
obtained as summarized in Table 8. the maximum take-off weight, the more it satises the weight
A comparison of the design requirements and performance requirements; the lower the fuel consumption rate, the more
analysis results shows that the results for take-off distance and it reduces fuel consumption; and the more the stability coef-
endurance do not fulll the design requirements. Therefore, cient values satisfy the design requirements, the more they
there is a need to alter the sizing to gain improved performance satisfy the basic characteristics of the aircraft. As a result,
and satisfy the design requirements. Moreover, the current con- Family 2 received a higher score than that of Family 1. For
cept analysis tool used is not sensitive to conguration changes that reason, a low wing, a conventional tail wing, no fuselage
in terms of maximum cruising speed, actual climb limit, and strut, and a tractor-type engine were selected as an optimal
endurance. Thus, there is a need to provide more sophisticated baseline conguration.
Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 749

Table 7 Primary design requirements.

Design Specication Flight Condition
Basic characteristics Model No. V02
Type of aircraft KAS-VLA
Number of seat 2 Including 1 pilot
Power plant Type of engine Four-cylinder,
Power (hp) 100
Weight Maximum take-o weight (kg) <620 (1) 1 pilot, 1 passenger (each 86 kg), full
oil, at least 1 h fuel for full throttle
(2) 1 pilot (86 kg), full oil, full fuel
Useful load (kg) >275 Useful load=MTOW Empty weight
Cabin comfort level Cabin maximum height (m) >1.15 Maximum IML dimension of cross
Cabin maximum width (m) >1.2 section
Down vision angle () >10
Structure Structure type Composite semi monocoque
Pressurization None
Target of g limit 2 < g < +4
Performance Maximum cruise speed (km/h) >217 (1) Maximum cruise power
(2) Level ight
(3) 1 pilot + 50%fuel
(4) FL50
(5) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Stall speed (km/h) <74 (1) MTOW
(2) Landing conguration
(3) Throttle closed
(4) Most unfavorable CG
(5) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Never exceed speed (km/h) 272 (1) MTOW
(2) Full throttle
(3) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Maximum rate of climb (m/s) >5 (1) MTOW
(2) Climb ap angle
(3) Throttle below climb throttle
(4) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Service ceiling (m) >4500 (1) 1 pilot+50%fuel
(2) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Take-o distance (m) <140 (1) MTOW
(2) Full throttle
(3) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Landing distance (m) <150 (1) Closed throttle
(2) Extended aps
(3) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed
Maximum range (km) >1400 (1) 1 pilot, 1 passenger
(2) Full fuel
(3) Best fuel speed, with 30 min VFR fuel
(4) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed

(continued on next page)

750 B.-Y. Bae et al.

Table 7 (continued)
Design Specication Flight Condition
Endurance (h) >6 (1) 1 pilot, 1 passenger
(2) Full fuel
(3) Maximum endurance speed, with
30 min VFR fuel reserve
(4) Still air condition, standard ICAO
atmosphere, S.L., IAS or CAS airspeed

lished, and it was applied to a two-seater VLA, resulting in

design requirements and baseline congurations at the initial
conceptual design phase of the VLA development project.
For the requirement analysis, the voices of users, designers,
and clients were collected through a survey from various
VLA experts and the survey data were efciently reected in
the decision-making process. The user requirements, mar-
ketability, and certication regulations were taken into consid-
eration for the analysis of the design requirements. In addition,
measures to evaluate whether the current design technology
can satisfy the user requirements in the early development
stage were sought. A tree diagram up to Level 3 was made
through the user requirements analysis, and the AHP analysis
results showed that safety was the most important element.
The order of priority and the gures of importance for each
category were obtained through the primary and secondary
QFD, which were linked to the design requirement settings
and baseline conguration settings. Functions for computing
the performance with respect to aircraft weights were formu-
lated through the marketability analysis, that is, the analysis
of the competing model-based requirements. The computed
Fig. 14 Baseline congurations of Family 1 and Family 2.9 performance outputs were provided as the performance stan-
dard values for the design requirements. The results of the cer-
tication requirements analysis given by the CS-VLA and
Table 8 Performance results for Family 1 and Family 2.9 ASTM were set as constraints on the design requirements.
Parameter Requirement Family 1 Family 2 As a result, the temporary design requirements including
two mission proles were suggested. By applying the TOPSIS
MTOW (kg) 620 618.4 612.5
to the alternative congurations developed as combinations of
Empty weight (kg) 350 354.8 317.5
Maximum cruise speed >217 241.2 241.2 conguration design elements in the conceptual design phase,
(km/h) the baseline congurations were set in two families. A high
Stall speed (km/h) >74 72.72 71.89 wing, a conventional tail wing, a fuselage strut, and a
Never exceed speed (km/h) 272 5.18 5.34 tractor-type engine were set for Family 1, while a low wing,
Maximum climb speed (m/s) >5 15180 15180 a conventional tail wing, no fuselage strut, and a tractor-type
Service ceiling (ft) >15,000 160 144 engine were set for Family 2. For the two family congura-
Take-o distance (m) <140 138.1 136.8 tions, the conceptual design and analysis were used in conduct-
Landing distance (m) <150 1464 1487 ing the TOPSIS based on the quantitatively measured user
Range (nmile) >722 5.49 5.49
requirements. In conclusion, Family 2 was selected as the opti-
Endurance (h) >6 0.45 0.40
mal baseline conguration. The proposed requirement analysis
Coecient of stability Cma Negative 1.0403 1.0004
Coecient of stability Cnb Positive 0.09699 0.07870 and alternative conguration selection process provided
improved objectivity and quantitation by systematic composi-
tion of the decision-making tools, QFD and TOPSIS. In par-
ticular, the present process introduced the initial sizing
5. Conclusions analysis tool to enforce the quantitative assessment in cooper-
ation with the TOPSIS analysis. The efciency of the process
This study has devised a method of establishing logical and has been validated by applying it to the VLA development.
quantitative standards by applying the decision-making
method. This study also proposed a process of evaluating Acknowledgements
and selecting various alternative congurations based on the
devised standards in the initial conceptual design phase for air- The authors are grateful for the support provided for this
craft development. A baseline conguration selection process research by a grant (No. 1615001723) from the Light Aircraft
using a quantitative requirements analysis method was estab- Development Program funded by the Ministry of Land,
Process of establishing design requirements and selecting alternative congurations 751

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