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Bridge Design Project

Engineering Design Technology

Casey Price
Spring 2017
Temple City High School
Project Introduction
This project involves designing and constructing a model bridge out of basswood
sticks. Each team will begin by creating a bridge design on the program West Point
Bridge Designer 2016, which will assist in determining how much stress each
design can withstand. The teams will then make a 3D model of the bridge using the
computer software SolidWorks, and print out the completed sketch to act as a
template for the physical construction of the bridge.

The bridge models will be constructed using only instructor-supplied basswood

(which can be cut, resized and shaped) and glue. Each mass cannot exceed 50
grams. The bridges must be accommodated to fit a H x 2 W block to pass
through and must allow a rod to pass through perpendicular to the structure.
Project Introduction
After completion of the bridge constructions, each team must demonstrate
their structures effectiveness by having it support 15 pounds. The teams must
then use the completed bridge models to compete against each other by
testing their projects to failure. Ranking will be based upon a maximum
efficiency rating, defined as:

Weight held by bridge in lbs.

Weight of bridge in lbs.

If two bridges have the same efficiency, the instructor will determine the
Bridge Design - Simulation
To design my bridge, I used Bridge Designer 2016, a
software that allows you to model, test, and optimize
a simulated bridge based on realistic constraints. I
utilized the joint and member features to build my
design, and through a series of trial and error, Joints
reached a design layout I was satisfied with.

In the simulation, the program colors each

member depending on how much it undergoes
compression or tension as the truck travels from
one end to the other. The more intense the hue,
the more it is being compressed or stretched.

Meanwhile, a member White members feel minimal

This member is light red, so is blue when it is being tension or compression.
it is it is being compressed. stretched.
Bridge Design - Load Test Results
After testing the bridge design with the simulation
feature, the Load Test Results gave me
information such as the tension and compression
for each numbered member. I adjusted the
placement of joints and added members so that
when the load is placed on the bridge, there is
enough strength to keep the structure intact. I
tried to keep the Compression Force/Strength and
Tension Force/Strength values lower than 0.50 in
order to evenly space the internal member forces
and avoid failure.

If a member did not undergo much

compression or tension, I changed it from
a solid bar to a tube to minimize weight. For each member, I tried to
keep these lower than 0.50.
Update #2
Making the SolidWorks Representation
After completing the Bridge Designer 2016 design, I printed an
outline of the bridge structure, which includes the bridge setup
and the length of each member that makes up the design.

I used this sheet to begin my SolidWorks sketch of the bridge

design. With construction lines, I sketched half of the structure
and scaled each member
down by half the length of the
members from the Bridge
Designer measurements. I
then used the Offset Entities
feature to make each line
0.125 in thick.
I printed this sheet as
reference for SolidWorks.
Making the SolidWorks Representation
I mirrored the sketch to create the complete structure. After finishing the sketch, I extruded it 0.125
in to make one truss of the bridge. Finally, I created a plane halfway between the depth of the bridge
and mirrored the truss, finishing both sides of the bridge.
Making the SolidWorks Representation
I sketched struts and laterals on the top and bottom chords of the design to
further create structure in the bridge.
Making the SolidWorks Representation
Finally, I joined my bridge design in
an assembly file with a
instructor-provided abutments
part. I created the necessary mates
to allow the bridge to rest safely
and comfortably on the abutments.

The bridge was scaled down to 99% of the

original in order to avoid overlapping
with the abutments and inaccuracy in
measurement that was caused by the
Offset Entities feature.
Update #3
SolidWorks Rendering
One feature on SolidWorks is called
PhotoView 360, which renders the
sketch youve made into a
photo-realistic model with accurate
appearances, lighting, and backgrounds.
I rendered my completed bridge on the
abutments against a solid white
background to have an idea of what my
completed model would look like in real
Construction of Model Bridge: Materials
Next, I began construction of the model bridge. I used a
print-out of the SolidWorks sketch (to-scale) that I made
and taped it onto a foam board. Each truss would be
made of 2 different sizes of instructor-provided
basswood sticks (d), which correspond to the solid bars
and hollow tubes from the Bridge Designer simulation.
a b
An X-ACTO knife (c) would be used to cut each stick to
the proper size, and then they would be attached to the
foam board with pushpins (a). With all the sticks put in
place, I would then use Titebond (b) Wood Glue to firmly
glue the members together.

2 different sizes of
basswood sticks c d
Construction of Model Bridge: First Truss
Each stick member was cut
according to the lengths in the
print-out. The pushpins kept
the sticks in place each day so I
knew where each member
should go. The bottom photo
shows what the first truss
looked like after all the sticks
were cut and attached to the
foam board.
Construction of Model Bridge: First Truss
Next, I applied the first layer of Titebond Wood Glue to secure each member
into place. The glue dried fairly quickly and held strong.
Final Update
Construction of Model Bridge: Second Truss
After removing the first truss off of the template paper, I cut the basswood
sticks to the proper lengths to create an identical second truss. Again, I used
pins and then glue to hold it together.
Construction of Model Bridge: Completion
With both trusses completed, I connected them by gluing struts perpendicular to each joint on
one truss, and gluing them to the corresponding joint on the other truss. I decided to change
the initial SolidWorks design to include laterals with the struts on the top in order to reinforce
the strength of the bridge and increase efficiency. I cut basswood pieces and used a cylindrical
file to accommodate for the testing rod.

Added basswood
pieces to support
testing rod

Added laterals to
reinforce strength
Bridge Testing
To test the efficiency of the bridge, I used the Paxton
Computest Structural Tester. The bridge was placed on
wooden abutments and a metal testing rod was
positioned across the center of the bridge. The metal
rod was attached to the Structural Tester so that when a
dial on the side of the contraption was turned, more
pressure was added to bridge.

The bridge ultimately had a mass of 35.7 grams.

The bridges data was recorded in pounds per square

inch (psi) as a function of time on the computer program
Logger Lite.
Bridge Testing: Results
My bridge ended up supporting a
pressure of 35.19 psi. It lasted for 32
seconds before failing. The overall
efficiency of the bridge was 448.05.

There were a total of 53 teams in the


The maximum pressure

supported, 35.19 psi
The bridge eventually failed due to a shear
break because the bottom chord couldnt
support the pressure being added to it.
Despite the additional measure of wood
planks to support the testing rod, the
basswood sticks that made up the bottom
chords were simply too thin. If I wanted to
improve on my design, I would use the
thicker stick for the bottom chords to
strengthen the bridge.
This project gave me a lot of insight regarding future projects. I learned that in my
design of the bridge, I focused too much on making the bridge lightweight while
also functional by using the thinner basswood sticks, which ultimately led to its
early downfall. If I were to do another project like this in the future, I would be less
afraid of creating a stronger structure and allow it to be a little heavier.

The project also showed me how important it is to be precise and attentive when
completing tasks. The construction of the bridge required creating identical trusses
and attaching them together so the bridge is symmetrical and stable. Overall, it
was a lot of fun to construct a model bridge all on my own and be proud of the end

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