Levant Homogeneity Aut 05-2004

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Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830


Brief paper
Homogeneity approach to high-order sliding mode design
Arie Levant
School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, 69978 Tel-Aviv, Israel

Received 28 July 2003; received in revised form 2 November 2004; accepted 22 November 2004

It is shown that a general uncertain single-inputsingle-output regulation problem is solvable only by means of discontinuous control
laws, giving rise to the so-called high-order sliding modes. The homogeneity properties of the corresponding controllers yield a number
of practically important features. In particular, nite-time convergence is proved, and asymptotic accuracy is calculated in a very general
way in the presence of input noises, discrete measurements and switching delays. A robust homogeneous differentiator is included in
the control structure thus yielding robust output-feedback controllers with nite-time convergence. It is demonstrated that homogeneity
features signicantly simplify the design and investigation of a new family of high-order sliding-mode controllers. Finally, simulation
results are presented.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Discontinuous control; Finite-time stability; High-order sliding mode; Robustness; Output feedback

1. Introduction
(Slotine & Li, 1991), the sliding-sector method (Furuta
Control under heavy uncertainty conditions is one of the & Pan, 2000) is suitable to control disturbed linear
central topics of the modern control theory. The sliding- time-invariant systems. The sliding-mode-order approach
mode control approach (Utkin, 1992; Zinober, 1994; (Emelyanov, Korovin, & Levantovsky, 1986; Levant, 1993)
Edwards & Spurgeon, 1998) to the problem is based on considered in this paper is capable of removing both the
keeping a properly chosen constraint exactly by means of chattering and the relative-degree restrictions preserving the
high-frequency control switching. Although very robust and sliding-mode features and improving its accuracy.
accurate, the approach also features certain drawbacks. The Consider a smooth dynamic system with a smooth output
standard sliding mode may be implemented only if the rel- function , and let the system be closed by some possibly-
ative degree of the constraint is 1, i.e. control has to appear dynamical discontinuous feedback. Then, provided that suc-
explicitly already in the rst total time derivative of the cessive total time derivatives ,  , . . . , (r1) are continu-
constraint function. Also, high-frequency control switching ous functions of the closed-system state-space variables and
may cause the so-called chattering effect (Fridman, 2001, the set  =  = = (r1) = 0 is non-empty and consists
2003). locally of Filippov trajectories (Filippov, 1988), the motion
High-gain control with saturation is used to over- on the set  =  = = (r1) = 0 is called r-sliding mode
come the chattering effect approximating the sign func- (rth order sliding mode) (Emelyanov et al., 1986; Levant,
tion in a boundary layer around the switching manifold 1993, 2003a). The rth derivative (r) is mostly supposed to
be discontinuous or non-existent.
The standard sliding mode is of the rst order (  is
discontinuous). Asymptotically stable higher-order sliding
This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was
modes (HOSM) appear in many systems with traditional
recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor A.
Astol under the direction of Editor H.K. Khalil.
sliding-mode control (Fridman, 2001, 2003) and are de-
Tel.: +972 3 6408812; fax: +972 3 6407543. liberately introduced in systems with dynamical sliding
E-mail address: levant@post.tau.ac.il. modes (Sira-Ramrez, 1993). While nite-time-convergent
0005-1098/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
824 A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830

arbitrary-order sliding-mode controllers are still studied the rth total derivative of  (Isidori, 1989). In that case the
theoretically (Levant, 2001, 2003a; Floquet, Barbot, & output  satises an equation of the form
Perruquetti, 2003), 2-sliding controllers are already suc- j (r)
cessfully implemented for the solution of real problems (r) = h(t, x) + g(t, x)u, g=  = 0,
(Bartolini, Ferrara, & Punta, 2000; Bartolini, Pisano, Punta,
& Usai, 2003; Ferrara & Giacomini, 2000; Levant, Pridor, h = (r) |u=0 . (2)
Gitizadeh, Yaesh, & Ben-Asher, 2000; Sira-Ramrez, Here h and g are unknown smooth functions. The uncertainty
2002;Orlov, Aguilar, & Cadiou, 2003; Spurgeon, Goh, & prevents immediate reduction of (1) to the standard form
Jones, 2002;Shkolnikov & Shtessel, 2002;Shkolnikov, Sht (2). Suppose that the inequalities
essel,Lianos, & Thies, 2000; Shtessel & Shkolnikov, 2003).
j (r)
The construction of r-sliding controllers, r  3, is ex- 0 < Km    KM , |(r) |u=0 |  C (3)
tremely difcult due to the high dimension of the prob- ju
lem. Thus, only one family of such controllers (Levant, hold for some Km , KM , C > 0. Note that (3) is formulated
2001) was known until recently (Levant, 2003b). Almost in inputoutput terms. These conditions are satised at least
all known HOSM controllers possess specic homogeneity locally for any smooth system (1) having a well-dened
properties. The corresponding homogeneity of r-sliding con- relative degree at a given point with  = = (r1) =
trollers is called in the paper the rth-order sliding homogene- 0. Assume that (3) holds globally. Then (2), (3) imply the
ity. This paper proposes the homogeneity-based approach to differential inclusion
the construction of new nite-time convergent HOSM con-
trollers. The homogeneity makes the convergence proofs of (r) [C, C] + [Km , KM ]u. (4)
the HOSM controllers standard and provides for the high- The problem is solved in two steps. First, a bounded feed-
est possible asymptotic accuracy in the presence of mea- back control
surement noises, delays and discrete measurements (Levant,
1993). An output-feedback controller with the same asymp- u = (,  , . . . , (r1) ), (5)
totical features is obtained, when a recently developed ro- is constructed such that all trajectories of (4), (5) converge
bust exact homogeneous differentiator of the order r 1 in nite time to the origin  =  = = (r1) = 0 of
(Levant, 1998, 2003a) is included as a standard part of the the r-sliding phase space ,  , . . . , (r1) . At the next step
homogeneous r-sliding controller. the lacking derivatives are real-time evaluated, producing
It is shown in this paper that the nite-time stability and an output-feedback controller. The function  is assumed
the asymptotic accuracy are robust with respect to any small to be a Borel-measurable function, which provides for the
homogeneous controller perturbations. In particular, this al- Lebesgue measurability of composite functions to be ob-
lows the standard controllers (Levant, 2001, 2003a) to be tained further. Actually all functions used in the sliding-
easily regularized, drastically improving their performance. mode control theory satisfy this restriction. In particular,
Computer simulation results are presented illustrating the any superposition of piecewise continuous functions is Borel
main results of the paper. measurable.
Note that the function  has to be discontinuous
at the origin. Indeed, otherwise u is close to the con-
2. Statement of the problem stant (0, 0, . . . , 0) in a small vicinity of the origin,
and, taking c [C, C] and k [Km , KM ] so that
Consider a dynamic system of the form c + k (0, 0, . . . , 0) = 0, achieve that (5) cannot stabilize
the dynamic system (r) = c + ku. Thus, (r) is to be discon-
x = a(t, x) + b(t, x)u,  = (t, x), (1) tinuous when calculated with respect to the original system
(1), (5), which means that the r-sliding mode  0 is to
where x Rn , u R is control,  R is a measured output, be established. All known r-sliding controllers (Bartolini,
smooth functions a, b,  are assumed unknown, the dimen- Ferrara, & Usai, 1998; Bartolini et al., 2003; Levant, 1993,
sion n can also be uncertain. On the contrary, the relative 2002, 2003a,b) may be considered as controllers for (4)
degree r (Isidori, 1989) of the system is constant and known. steering ,  , . . . , (r1) to 0 in nite time. Inclusion (4)
The solutions are understood in the Filippov sense (Filippov, does not remember the original system (1). Thus, such
1988; also see below), and system trajectories are supposed controllers are obviously robust with respect to any pertur-
to be innitely extendible in time for any bounded Lebesgue- bations preserving the system relative degree and (3).
measurable input. Although it is formally not needed, the
weakly minimum-phase property is often required in prac-
tice. The task is to make the output  vanish in nite time 3. Homogeneous differential inclusions
and to keep  0.
In a simplied way, the constancy of the relative degree A differential inclusion x F (x) is further called a Filip-
r means that for the rst time u appears explicitly only in pov differential inclusion if the vector set F (x) is non-empty,
A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830 825

closed, convex, locally bounded and upper-semicontinuous A set D is called dilation retractable if d D D for any
(Filippov, 1988). The latter condition means that the max-  < 1.
imal distance of the points of F (x) from the set F(y) 3 . A homogeneous differential inclusion x F (x) (equa-
vanishes when x y. Solutions are dened as absolutely tion x = f (x)) is further called contractive if there are 2
continuous functions of time satisfying the inclusion almost compact sets D1 , D2 and T > 0 such that D2 lies in the inte-
everywhere. Such solutions always exist and have most rior of D1 and contains the origin, D1 is dilation-retractable,
of the well-known standard properties except uniqueness and all trajectories starting at the time 0 within D1 are lo-
(Filippov, 1988). calized in D2 at the time moment T.
It is said that a differential equation x = f (x) with a
locally-bounded Lebesgue-measurable right-hand side is un- Theorem 1. Let x F (x) be a homogeneous Filippov in-
derstood in the Filippov sense, if it is replaced by a spe- clusion with a negative homogeneous degree p. Then prop-
cial Filippov differential inclusion x F (x). In the most erties 1 , 2 and 3 are equivalent and the maximal settling
usual case, when f is continuous almost everywhere, the time is a continuous homogeneous function of the initial
procedure is to take F (x) as the convex closure of the set conditions of the degree p.
of all possible limit values of f at a given point x, obtained
when its continuity point y tends to x. In the general case Proof. Obviously, both 1 and 2 imply 3 , and 1 im-
approximate continuity (Saks, 1964) points y are taken (one plies 2 . Prove that 3 implies 1 . There is such a number
of the equivalent denitions by Filippov, 1988). A solution 0 <  < 1 that D2 d D1 D1 . Indeed, this follows from
of x = f (x) is dened as a solution of x F (x). Values of the continuity of the distance between D2 and the boundary
f on any set of the measure 0 do not inuence the Filippov of d D1 with respect to  in the Hausdorff metrics. Thus,
solutions. Note that with continuous f the standard denition trajectories starting in D1 enter W1 =d D1 in time T. Denote
is obtained. Wj = d D1 , j Z, W0 = D1 , and achieve that trajectories
A similar procedure is applied to the differential inclusion starting in Wj nish in Wj +1 in the time jp T , and
(4), (5). To this end the above Filippov procedure is applied
W1 W0 W1 , Wj = Rn , Wj = {O},
to the function  and the obtained Filippov set is substi-
tuted for u in (5), producing a Filippov inclusion to replace where O is the origin. Hence, any trajectory starting in Wj
(4), (5). Any solution of (4), (5) is dened as a solution of converges in nite time to the origin, the convergence time
the built Filippov inclusion. Every time when a differential being estimated by the expression jp T (1 + p + 2p +
inclusion is considered in this paper, an appropriate Filip- ) = jp T /(1 p ).
pov inclusion replaces it, and the corresponding procedure For any R > 0 there is such >1 that any trajectory start-
is claried. ing in d D1 will not be able to leave the disk x  R in
A function f : Rn R (respectively, a vector-set eld the time p T due to the local boundedness of F (x). That
F (x) Rn , x Rn , or a vector eld f : Rn Rn ) proves the Lyapunov stability. Applying the inverse trans-
is called homogeneous of the degree q R with the di- formation G1 achieve that the trajectories starting in D1
lation d : (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )  (m1 x1 , m2 x2 , . . . , mn xn ) are conned in some compact D0 during the time T. Sim-
(Bacciotti & Rosier, 2001), where m1 , . . . , mn are some pos- ilarly, denoting Dj = d D0 , achieve a sequence of embed-
itive numbers (weights), if for any  > 0 the identity f (x) = ded sets retracting to the origin O. Thus, any trajectory
q f (d x) holds (respectively, F (x) = q d1 F (d x), or starting at O has to belong to all of these sets and cannot
f (x) = q d1 f (d x)). The non-zero homogeneity degree leave O.
q of a vector eld can always be scaled to 1 by an appro- The set of transient trajectories starting at a given point
priate proportional change of the weights m1 , . . . , mn . is compact in the C-metrics (Filippov, 1988). The maxi-
Note that the homogeneity of a vector eld f (x) (a vector- mal convergence time  of all solutions starting from x is
set eld F (x)) can equivalently be dened as the invariance some homogeneous function (x). It equals 0 at the ori-
of the differential equation x = f (x) (differential inclusion gin. Its continuity at the origin follows from the homogene-
x F (x)) with respect to the combined time-coordinate ity: the maximal convergence time tends to zero when a
transformation G : (t, x)  (p t, d x), p = q. disk d D of initial conditions retracts to the origin with
1 . A differential inclusion x F (x) (equation x = f (x))  0. Any solution starting close to x comes in the time
is further called globally uniformly nite-time stable at 0, if (x) to a point close to the origin. The residual convergence
it is Lyapunov stable and for any R > 0 exists T > 0, such time is small due to the continuity of the function (x)
that any trajectory starting within the disk x < R stabilizes at the origin. 
at zero in the time T.
2 . A differential inclusion x F (x) (equation x = f (x)) Due to the continuous dependence of solutions of the
is further called globally uniformly asymptotically stable at Filippov inclusion x F (x) on its graph  = {(x, y)|y
0, if it is Lyapunov stable and for any R > 0, > 0, T > 0 ex- F (x)} (Filippov, 1988), the contraction feature 3 is ob-
ists such that any trajectory starting within the disk x < R viously robust with respect to perturbations causing small
enters the disk x < in the time T to stay there forever. changes of the graph in the Hausdorff metrics.
826 A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830

Corollary 1. The global uniform nite-time stability of ho- parameter 0 . Let D1 satisfy |xi | < ai . Now, applying the
mogeneous differential equations (Filippov inclusions) with transformation G with  = /0 and taking i = ai /m 0

negative homogeneous degree is robust with respect to ho- achieve the needed asymptotic bounds of the attracting set
mogeneous perturbations causing locally small changes of for any . 
the equation (inclusion) graph.

Let x F (x) be a homogeneous Filippov differential 4. Homogeneity features of high-order sliding modes
inclusion. Consider the case of noisy measurements of xi
with the magnitude mi Suppose that feedback (5) imparts homogeneity proper-
ties to the closed-loop inclusion (4), (5). Due to the term
x F (x1 + [1, 1]m1 , . . . , xn + [1, 1]mn ),  > 0. [C, C], the right-hand side of (5) can only have the homo-
geneity degree 0 with C = 0. Indeed, with a positive degree
Applying successively the closure of the right-hand-side the right-hand side of (4), (5) approaches zero near the ori-
graph and the convex closure at each point x, obtain some gin, which is not possible with C = 0. With a negative de-
new Filippov differential inclusion x F (x). gree it is not bounded near the origin, which contradicts the
local boundedness of . Thus, the homogeneity degree of
Theorem 2. Let x F (x) be a globally uniformly nite- (r1) is to be opposite to the degree of the whole system.
time stable homogeneous Filippov inclusion with the homo- Scaling the system homogeneity degree to 1, achieve
geneity weights m1 , . . . , mn and the degree p < 0, and let that the homogeneity weights of t, ,  , . . . , (r1) are 1,
 > 0. Suppose that a continuous function x(t) be dened for r, r 1, . . . , 1, respectively. This homogeneity is further
any t  p and satisfy some initial conditions x(t) = (t), called the r-sliding homogeneity. The inclusion (4), (5) and
t [p , 0]. Then if x(t) is a solution of the disturbed controller (5) are called r-sliding homogeneous if for any
inclusion  > 0 the combined time-coordinate transformation
x(t) F (x(t + [p , 0])), 0 < t < , (6) G : (t, ,  , . . . , (r1) )
inequalities |xi | < i mi are established in nite time with  (t, r , r1  , . . . , (r1) ) (7)
some positive constants i independent of  and . preserves the closed-loop inclusion (4), (5).
Note that the Filippov differential inclusion correspond-
Note that Theorem 2 covers the cases of retarded or dis- ing to the closed-loop inclusion (4), (5) is also r-sliding
crete noisy measurements of all or some of the coordinates homogeneous. Indeed, the convexity, the limiting process
and any mixed cases. In particular, innitely extendible so- and the Lebesgue measurability are invariant with respect
lutions certainly exist in the case of noisy discrete measure- to the linear time-coordinate transformation (7). Recall that
ments of some variables or in the constant time-delay case. the values of  on any zero-measure set do not affect the
corresponding Filippov inclusion.
Proof. The trajectories of the inclusion x F (x) which Transformation (7) transfers (4), (5) into
start from any disk D0 centered at the origin converge in
d r (r )
nite time to the origin, are conned in some larger disk, [C, C]
and their convergence time is uniformly bounded. There- (d t)r
fore, with some small parameter 0 the trajectories of (6) + [Km , KM ](r , r1  , . . . , (r1) ).
which start from D0 gather in some small compact vicinity
W D0 of the origin in some nite time T. The trajecto- Hence, (5) is r-sliding homogeneous iff
ries starting at the origin stay at the origin in the original (r , r1  , . . . , (r1) ) (,  , . . . , (r1) ). (8)
system, thus also the trajectories of (6) starting within W do
not leave some small vicinity of the origin during the time Such a homogeneous controller is inevitably discontinuous
T. Let D1 be the set of the points of all these trajectories at the origin (0, . . . , 0), unless  is a constant function. It
during the time interval [0, T ], W D1 D0 . Obviously, is also uniformly bounded, since it is locally bounded and
D1 is an attracting invariant set of (6). takes on all its values in any vicinity of the origin.
The transformation G : (t, x, )  (p t, d x, ) pre- A controller is called r-sliding homogeneous in the
serves the inclusion (6) changing . Let 0 <  < 1, D1 broader sense if (7) preserves the resulting trajectories of (4).
d D0 D0 , then applying G1 achieve that the trajecto- Thus, the sub-optimal 2-sliding controller (Bartolini et al.,
ries starting from D1 = d1 D0 D0 gather in D0 with 0 1998, 2003) is homogeneous, though it does not have the
changed to 1 0 . Since 0 < 1 0 , the trajectories of (6) feedback form (5). Almost all known r-sliding controllers,
also satisfy the inclusion with 0 changed to 1 0 . Thus, r  2, are r-sliding homogeneous. The only important excep-
the trajectories of (6) starting in D1 enter D0 and pro- tion is the terminal sliding mode controller u =
sign( +
ceed into D1 . Successively applying the transformation G1  ), where = (2k + 1)/(2m + 1),
, > 0, k < m, and
achieve that D1 is a global attracting set with the disturbance k, m are natural numbers (Man, Paplinski, & Wu, 1994).
A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830 827

Indeed, the identity sign( + (2 ) ) = sign( +  ) In the absence of measurement noises the convergence
requires = 21 and  0. time is bounded by a continuous function of the initial con-
Asymptotic features of the known high-order sliding ditions in the space ,  , . . . , (r1) , z0 , z1 , . . . , zr1 which
mode controllers (Levant, 1993, 2001, 2003a; Bartolini vanishes at the origin (Theorem 1).
et al., 2003) are easily obtained from Theorem 2. Any r-
sliding homogeneous controller can be complemented by an Theorem 4. Under the conditions of Theorem 3 the
(r-1)th order differentiator (Atassi & Khalil, 2000;Bartolini, discrete-measurement version of the controller (9), (10)
Pisano, & Usai, 2000; Krupp, Shkolnikov, & Shtessel, provides in the absence of measurement noises for the in-
2000; Levant, 1998, 2003a; Kobayashi, Suzuki, & Furuta, equalities || < 0 r , | | < 1 r1 , . . . , (r1) < r1  for
2002;Yu & Xu, 1996) producing an output-feedback con- some 0 , 1 , . . . , r1 > 0.
troller. In order to preserve the demonstrated exactness,
nite-time stability and the corresponding asymptotic prop- The asymptotic accuracy provided by Theorem 4 is the
erties, the natural way is to calculate  , . . . , (r1) in real best possible with discontinuous (r) and discrete sampling
time by means of a robust nite-time convergent exact ho- (Levant, 1993). A Theorem corresponding to the case of
mogeneous differentiator (Levant, 2003a). Its application discrete noisy sampling is also easily formulated based on
is possible due to the boundedness of (r) provided by Theorem 2. The results of this section are also valid for the
the boundedness of the feedback function  in (5). The sub-optimal controller (Bartolini et al., 1998, 2003).
resulting dynamical feedback has the form
u = (z0 , z1 , . . . , zr1 ), (9) 5. Example of homogeneity-based sliding-mode design
z0 = v0 , v0 = 0 L 1/r
|z0 | sign(z0 ) + z1 ,
Construction of new high-order sliding-mode controllers
z1 = v1 , is difcult due to the high dimension of the problem. It can
v1 = 1 L1/(r1) |z1 v0 |(r2)/(r1) sign(z1 v0 ) + z2 , be signicantly simplied by the homogeneity reasoning
... (Levant, 2002, 2003b). In particular, Corollary 1 allows new
controller structures to be produced transforming known ho-
zr2 = vr2 , mogeneous controllers. Once a new controller is produced,
vr2 = r2 L1/2 |zr2 vr3 |1/2 sign(zr2 vr3 )+zr1 , its parameters are adjusted regardless of the controller pro-
totype. Let q be the least common multiple of 1, 2, . . . , r,
zr1 = r1 L sign(zr1 vr2 ), (10) and 1 , . . . , r1 > 0. Dene
where L  C + sup ||KM , and parameters i of differen-
Ni,r = (||q/r +| |q/(r1) + +|(i1) |q/(ri+1) )(ri)/q ;
tiator (10) are adjusted in advance. A possible choice of the
differentiator parameters with r  6 is r1 =1.1, r2 =1.5, 0,r = sign , i,r = sign((i) + i Ni,r i1,r ),
r3 = 3, r4 = 5, r5 = 8, r6 = 12. Adjustment of the i = 1, . . . , r 1.
parameters is described in detail in Levant (1998, 2003a).
Taking the homogeneity weight r i for zi , i = Then u=
r1,r (,  , . . . , (r1) ) denes the standard
0, 1, . . . , r 1, obtain a homogeneous differential inclusion r-sliding controller (Levant, 2001, 2003a). Its r-sliding ho-
(4), (9), (10) of the degree 1. Due to the nite-time conver- mogeneity is easily checked. Here i can be chosen only
gence of the differentiator (Levant, 2003a) the correspond- once for each r, and the magnitude
> 0 is adjusted with
ing Filippov inclusion is also globally uniformly nite-time respect to C, Km , KM in order to stabilize (4) in nite time.
stable. Let  measurements be corrupted by a noise being an In particular, the following controller is obtained with r = 3:
unknown bounded Lebesgue-measurable function of time.
Then solutions of (1), (9), (10) are innitely extendible in u =
sign( + 2(| |3 + ||2 )1/6 sign( + ||2/3 sign )).
time under the assumptions of Section 2, and the following (11)
Theorems are simple consequences of Theorem 2.
Let  > 0. Then the 3-sliding homogeneity of (11) follows
from the identity
Theorem 3. Let controller (5) be r-sliding homogeneous
and nite-time stable, and the parameters of the differen- sign( +2(|2  |3 +|3|2 )1/6 sign(2  +|3|2/3sign 3 ))
tiator (10) be properly chosen with respect to the upper
= sign( + 2(| |3 + ||2 )1/6 sign( + ||2/3 sign )).
bound of ||. Then in the absence of measurement noises the
output-feedback controller (9), (10) provides for the nite- The main drawback of these controllers is some trajec-
time convergence of each trajectory to the r-sliding mode tory chattering during the transient (see the simulation re-
 =0, otherwise convergence to a set dened by the inequali- sults in Fig. 1) caused by the complicated structure of the
ties || < 0 , | | < 1 (r1)/r , . . . , (r1) < r1 1/r is en- control discontinuity set. The output-feedback performance
sured, where  is the unknown measurement noise magni- with noisy measurements is also problematic (coefcients
tude and 0 , 1 , . . . , r1 are some positive constants. i from Theorem 3 are relatively large).
828 A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830

> 0 is to be adjusted with respect to C, Km , KM . Con-
troller (12) belongs to the class of quasi-continuous r-sliding
controllers (Levant, 2003b) featuring continuity everywhere
except the r-sliding mode itself.
Of course, Theorems 3, 4 are also valid here. The discrete-
sampling and output-feedback versions of (12) are naturally
constructed (Levant, 2003a). If (3) does not hold globally, the
local controller application is justied as in (Levant, 2003a).
Following is the list of the new r-sliding homogeneous con-
trollers with simulation-checked 1 , . . . , r1 , 1 , . . . , r1
and r  4:

1. u =
sign  =
sat(/||, 0.2),
2. u =
sat[( + ||1/2 sign )/(| |2 + ||)1/2 , 0.2],
3. N3 = (||2 + | |3 + | |6 )1/6 ,

u =
sat{[ + 2(| |3 + ||2 )1/6
sat(( + ||2/3 sign )/N3 , 0.2)]/N3 , 0.2},

4. N4 = (||3 + | |4 + | |6 + |
 |12 )1/12 ,

u =
 +3( 6 +  4 + ||3 )1/12
sat[( + ( 4 + ||3 )1/6
sat(( + 0.5||3/4 sign )/
N4 , 0.2))/N4 , 0.2])/N4 , 0.2}.

sectionSimulation results Consider a simple kinematical

model of car control

Fig. 1. Comparison of two controllers. x = v cos ,

y = v sin ,
Recall that q is the least common multiple of 1, 2, . . . , r,
and dene the homogeneous norm and the saturation func-  = tan ,
tion l

Nr = Nr,r = (||q/r + | |q/(r1) + + |(r1) |q )1/q ,  = u,

sat(z, ) = min[1, max(1, z/)]. where x and y are Cartesian coordinates of the rear-axle
Let i = 1, . . . , r 1. The new construction is as follows: middle point,  is the orientation angle, v is the longitudinal
velocity, l is the length between the two axles and  is the
0,r = sign , i,r = sat([(i) + i Ni,r i1,r ]/Nrri , i ). steering angle (Fig. 2a). The task is to steer the car from a
Obviously i,r turns into i,r with i 0, i > 0; given initial position to the trajectory y =g(x), while x, g(x)
|i,r |  1, i,r is homogeneous of the weight 0 and contin- and y are assumed to be measured in real time.
Note that the actual control here is  and  = u is used
uous everywhere except  =  = = (r1) = 0. Thus,
as a new control in order to avoid discontinuities of . The
r1,r is a small homogeneous perturbation of r1,r with
parameters l =5 m, v =10 m/s, and the initial conditions x =
small i .
y =  =  =0 are taken. The function g(x)=10 sin(0.05x)+5
According to Corollary 1, the controller
was taken for the simulation.
u =
r1,r (,  , . . . , (r1) ) (12) Dene  = y g(x). The relative degree r equals 3 and
(3) holds locally. The controller parameters
and L are
ensures the nite-time convergence to the r-sliding mode found by simulation. Apply the standard controller (11) with
 0 with properly chosen
, i and small i . It can be
= 20, and the new output-feedback controller no. 3 from
shown that i and i can be chosen once for each r, and only the list with
= 0.5 and the differentiator parameter L = 400
A. Levant / Automatica 41 (2005) 823 830 829

dardizing the proofs of the features of homogeneous high-

order sliding mode controllers. The corresponding r-sliding
homogeneity notion is introduced. It is proved that the uni-
form global nite-time stability is robust with respect to
small homogeneous perturbations, if the homogeneity de-
gree is negative. That fact is shown to be useful for the
high-order sliding-mode controller design. A new output-
feedback SISO r-sliding controller is proposed, r =1, 2, . . . ,
featuring control continuous everywhere except the r-sliding
mode itself.
No exact model of the process is needed. The only re-
quirements are that the relative degree of the controlled un-
certain process be known and the boundedness restrictions
(3) hold. Local validity of (3) provides for the local appli-
cability of controllers.


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Aircraft pitch control via second order sliding technique. Journal of Arie Levant (formerly L. V. Levantovsky)
Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 23(4), 586594. received his M.S. degree in Differential
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sliding mode control for rigid robotic manipulators. IEEE Transactions sity, USSR, in 1980, and his Ph.D. degree
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System Studies (ISI) of the USSR Academy
Orlov, Y., Aguilar, L., & Cadiou, J. C. (2003). Switched chattering of Sciences (Moscow) in 1987. From 1980
control vs. backlash/friction phenomena in electrical servo-motors. until 1989 he was with ISI (Moscow). In
International Journal of Control, 76(9/10), 959967. 19901992 he was with the Mechanical
Saks, S. (1964). Theory of the integral. New York: Dover Publ. Inc. Engineering and Mathematical Depts. of
Shkolnikov, I. A., & Shtessel, Y. B. (2002). Tracking in a class of the Ben-Gurion University (Beer-Sheva,
nonminimum-phase systems with nonlinear internal dynamics via Israel).
sliding mode control using method of system center. Automatica, 38(5), From 1993 until 2001 he was a Senior Analyst at the Institute for In-
837842. dustrial Mathematics (Beer-Sheva, Israel). Since 2001 he is a Senior
Lecturer at the Applied Mathematics Dept. of the Tel-Aviv University
Shkolnikov, I. A., Shtessel, Y. B., Lianos, D., & Thies, A. T. (2000).
Robust missile autopilot design via high-order sliding mode control. His professional activities have been concentrated in nonlinear control the-
Proceedings of AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, ory, stability theory, singularity theory of differentiable mappings, image
Denver, CO, AIAA paper No. 2000-3968. processing and numerous practical research projects in these and other
Shtessel, Y. B., & Shkolnikov, I. A. (2003). Aeronautical and space vehicle elds. His current research interests are in high-order sliding-mode control
control in dynamic sliding manifolds. International Journal of Control, and its applications, real-time robust exact differentiation and non-linear
76(9/10), 10001017. robust output-feedback control.

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