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1. What would you like to know about police officers?

a. Locally, is there a lot of violence against police?

b. How many calls do you get in a day, on average?
c. If you could, would you change your career?
d. Have you ever had to use your firearm? Why?
e. How do they act against different races?
f. Why are you stereotyped for liking donuts?
g. Why do you continue to put up with the violence?
h. How do you deal with teens compared to adults?

2. What are some stereotypes about teens?

a. Rebllious
b. Do idiotic stuff
c. Attitudes
d. Rude
e. Demonic
f. Emotional
g. All do drug
h. All are hooligans
i. Bad influences
j. Party all the time
k. Aggressive
l. Shady
m. Lazy
n. Irresponsible
o. Disobedient
p. Stubborn

3. How do you think most interactions between police & teens go?
a. They go well
b. Bad
c. They dont get along
d. They dont understand each other
e. Both parties assume that the other has bad intentions and things get sloppy from
f. Tension rises, kids get stubborn

4. What are some stereotypes about police officers?

a. Racist
b. Eat donuts
c. Use sirens to pass red light
d. Usually men
e. Like dunkin donuts
f. Mean
g. Trigger happy
h. Friendly
i. Caring
j. Sexist
k. White male
l. Pervy
m. Chubby

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