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Tracy Williams

Prof. Williams

Gifted In-field Endorsement Class


Intelligence Theory Reflection

Which theory/theorist best matches your thoughts on intelligence? Explain your similarity of

I most align with Howard Gardeners theory of multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner

suggests that an intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued

within one or more cultural settings. He established 7 different types of intelligences: Visual-

Spatial; Bodily-Kinesthetic; Musical; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic; and Logical-

Mathematical. I too, recognize that students can be intelligent in different ways, and that their

learning style maybe different, but they may still arrive at the same conclusion.

Which theory/theorist do you think is the most off base? What evidence can you offer to

support your position? Is the person just plain wrong, or are there things they chose not or

forgot to consider?

Arthur Jenson and Phillip E Vernon seem to falsely-arrive at the notion that race is an important

predictor of intelligence. What they failed to address, is the fact that experience and cultural

habit/attitudes are the true reason for the disparities in intelligence of African-Americans. During

their time period, the oppression of African Americans did not allow them the same freedoms

and knowledge as their Caucasian counterparts. A persons environment has a stronger

If you were to undertake the development of a theory of intelligence, what variables do you feel
would need to be addressed in your research? About what are you the most curious?
I am thoroughly interested in students who have learning disabilities and at the same time are

gifted. I think that in order to discover how this is, I must have to study what specific

psychological issues present themselves that interrupt their learning process. What is it about

their learning process in areas that they excel in that could be applied to areas that they can apply

to areas in which they are weak?

Supposing that time travel was available, or that the individual were still alive, with who would
you most enjoy studying intelligence? Explain the appeal.

I would love to learn more about intelligence from Calvin Taylor. Calvin Taylor, who is similar

to Howard Gardener, believes that students learn in multiple intelligence. He brought awareness

to the idea that creativity should be a proponent of learning.

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