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Works Cited

Blau, Francine D., and Lawrence M. Kahn. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and

Explanations. Research report no. 9656, Jan. 2016. IZA Discussion Papers. The National

Bureau of Economic Research, www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/130341/1/dp9656.pdf.

Accessed 4 Apr. 2017.

This source focuses on the extent, trends, and decline of the gender wage gap. This

source is also about exploring the causes of the gender wage gap. Gender differences in

occupation and family roles and discrimination against females are the main cause of the

gender wage gap. This source was helpful in understanding the causes of the gender wage

gap and how it is declining at different rates in the three wage distributions. There was no

bias or opinion stated.

China/USA/France. World Economic Forum, reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-


China/US/France. World Economic Forum, reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-


"Closing the Gender Gap: Tips and Resources for Women to Rise in Their Careers." Learn How

to Become, www.learnhowtobecome.org/closing-gender-gap/. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

This source explains the causes, effects, and current efforts being made to decrease the

gender wage gap. The source focuses on how a woman's actions affects the gender gap
and what they can do to decrease gender inequality in the workplace. This source was

very helpful in understanding what the US is doing to close the gender gap.

"Gender Pay Gap Widens for Higher-Earning Women." International Labour Organization, 5

Dec. 2014, www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_324651/lang--

en/index.htm. Accessed 19 Apr. 2017.

This source gave an overview of the key points highlighted in the Global Wage Report of

2014/15. It explains the causes of the gender wage gap, and the policies being used to

decrease the gap. This source featured data from 38 countries and has international

comparisons. This source was especially helpful as it helped me keep the big picture of

looking at all nations instead of just the United States. The article was written in an

unbiased manner as it was based only on the statistics from the International Labour


Heinrich, Martin. "New Report Examines the Causes and Effects of Gender Pay Inequality."

United States Congress Joint Economic Commitee, 8 Apr. 2016,


causes-and-effects-of-gender-pay-inequality. Accessed 30 Mar. 2017.

This source focuses on the long-term effects of the gender wage gap. The source explains

how a gap between a woman and man's wage can affect the economy, women, and their

families. This source is a summary of a report released by the US Congress Joint

Economic Committee so all the claims are supported by government released statistics.

There is no bias or opinion stated.

Hill, Catherine, and Kate Nielson. The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap. 2017. AAUW,


Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

This source focuses on the causes and effects of the gender wage gap, what the wage gap

is, and how one can make a difference. Written as a guide, it explains multiple causes of

the gap like gender discrimination. Written as a guide, this source was especially helpful

as it was written for the average person so it was easy to understand. This source also got

its statistics to back its claims from the US Census Bureau so they are. There is a slight

bias towards women as it is meant for their readership and opinions are used when the

authors give the readers advice to use when facing problems related to the causes/effects

of the gender wage gap.

ILO. Global Wage Report 2016/17: Wage Inequality in the Workplace. Geneva, ILO, 2016,


publ/documents/publication/wcms_537846.pdf. Accessed 20 Apr. 2017.

This source focused on wage inequalities and economic growth internationally. It

explained gender pay gaps between the top, middle, and bottom wage distributions. This
source was extremely helpful as it was a report on the economy and wages for 2016/17.

There was no bias or opinion stated.

Jayachandran, Seema. The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries. Nov. 2014,

faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~sjv340/roots_of_gender_inequality.pdf. Accessed 19 Apr.


This source focuses solely on the reasons for gender inequality in developing countries.

This source explains gender roles in developing countries and explores the relationship

between a country's GDP and the gender inequality experienced there. Seema

Jayachandran has expertly written this source. This source was helpful in understanding

current and historical gender roles in developing countries where the gender wage gap is

evident on a much greater scale than in the United States. There was no bias or opinion


"Pay Equity & Discrimination." Institute for Women's Policy Research,


This source briefly explains the reasons for the gender wage gap. This source also

focused on racial inequalities that affect and increase the wage gap between women of

color and white men. The facts and statistics in this source is from a fact sheet on the

gender wage that is updated biyearly by the Institute for Women's Policy Research so all
claims are true. There is a slight bias towards women as the authors research to provide

policymakers, journalists, and advocates with data to help combat the gender wage gap.

United States, Congress, House, Joint Economic Committee. GenderPay Inequality:

Consequences for Women, Families and the Economy. Apr. 2016,



This source focuses on the effects the gender wage gap has on US women, their families,

and the US economy. This source explains every aspect of the gender wage gap and it

exclusively focuses on its effects only. All the data is from the institutes branching from

the US government or from other credible sources like the Economic Policy Institute and

IWPR. This source was especially helpful as it broke down the effects of the gap into

organized categories and had many figures with tables and graphs. There was no bias or

opinion stated.

"The Wage Gap: The Who, How, Why, and What To Do." National Women's Law Center, 19

Sept. 2016, nwlc.org/resources/the-wage-gap-the-who-how-why-and-what-to-do/.

This source explains the affects, causes, and what the wage gap itself is. The source also

contains statistics showing the racial and sexual inequalities of the gap. The writers also

explored the solutions that could help achieve equal pay for all. The institute behind this
source is a strong advocate for women, equal rights, and equal pay. Fueled largely by

statistics, this source is unbiased to a certain degree.

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