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Inquiry Report Sarah Johnston

Assignment 2 Student ID: 2166013

How has the Inquiry Report experience advanced my understanding of what

good health education might be, and why?
Within the textbook Second Opinion written by John Germov discovers
health education as a complex issue that is used in a variety of ways in
society. Health is a social issue that focus on the social patterns of health
and illness. However, the inquiry report has experienced my
understanding of what good health means and recognize health education
in a different perspective.
At the beginning of the topic health education to me was about daily
physical activity and eating the correct serve of fruit and vegetables daily.
Yet, upon reading chapters within the second opinion it became apparent
to me that health is not only a personal but a social issue. The sociological
imagination consists of four interrelated parts that I strongly feel are
effective ways to understand how to think and analyse (Germov, 2014 p.
8) health in a social way. Historical factors, cultural factors and structural
factors and critical factors are four sociological aspects to issues or
problems within society. Therefore, for me currently the most important
issue within society are drugs. Drugs in particular Methamphetamine also
known as ice. Thus, the inquiry project was a great foundation to
advance my understanding on this chosen topic.
Inquiry Report:
Germov states approaches to the drug problems vary between countries.
Not only do laws and punishments differ, but other social responses do as
well (Germov, 2014 p. 283). Therefore it helped narrow the inquiry project
report question down to what are the prominent health risks of the ice
epidemic on young adolescent aged 18-25 in South Australia?
From having the aged between 18-25 and in South Australia it purely is
based around issues that our generation are living in, which therefore is
becoming blatantly obvious of the health problems that are occurring in
the society this generation are living in. Previously, I noticed the medias
attention towards this allist drug but never realised how the media portray
the drug Methamphetamine.
Health risks and problems that occur when on the substance are
Dehydration, Malnourishment Heart complications, Kidney failure and
Vein/bacterial infections (Healthgovau, 2017). Previously I knew most of
the health risks and problems that drugs appeared to have on the body.
This might be due to reading and seeing articles and stories on my social
media platforms daily.
The Advertiser states South Australia as the second highest ice users
(Adelaidenowcomau, 2017) having read this article I know wonder and
question about the epidemic the advertiser is portraying South Australia
Inquiry Report Sarah Johnston
Assignment 2 Student ID: 2166013

to have. Furthermore, upon research articles, peer-reviewed journals and

at this point in my researching it has because apparent to me that
Methamphetamine is an epidemic within South Australia.
At the beginning of the assignment it became obvious to understand the impacts/
effects that ice may have on a person. From analysing and talking with each group
member it became apparent quickly that ice was a drug that we all visualised as a
violent and dangerous drug which lead us to graphic visualisation of young
Australians being reframed to the hospital beds. Therefore, it lead the group to get in
contact with a former user of Methamphetamine Alex, who currently is working for
a drug and Alcohol service also known as DASSA within Adelaide.
Prior to meeting up with Alex it was imperative that the group had reliable resources
of information because conducting the interview was an important aspect of the
completion of the assignment as it answered any unanswered questions that the
group had.
Alex starting using the substance at the age of 17, however it didnt become
problematic until he was at the age of 18. Alex states at the age of 18 I would have
the drug once a fortnight and then after that it became once a week, and then it got
to the point of everyday (A,Unknown personal communication, May 11th , 2016). At first I
noticed as the age went on he became more pronoun to the drug which leads me to
question, was it because it was becoming more easier to get as the years went on?
Alex became involved through friendship groups but he felt that peer pressure was
not the reason he decided to take the substance as he felt strongly about the
adventures side he has always had in him which therefore lead him to try it.
Yet, Alex expresses the positive side of taking Methamphetamine such
as; feeling really good, having energy and being productive ( A. Unknown May 11th ,
2016) he also expresses this is the reason why young Australians are using and
turning to drugs. Like this demonstrates the reasons why young adults are turning
towards allist drugs but it also displays some underlying issues that these young
Australians may be comforted with within their life. Alex also makes clear the
problems that these drugs can have on a person. It was interesting when Alex
explains that the reason behind young Australians taking the drug is because of
some underlying issues in their life. However, the more you take the substance the
more issues arise. Having learned I now understand why drug users especially users
from Methamphetamine continually use the drug until help is seek.
A question that arose from the interview was of the people that utilise the
DASSA rehabilitation services, what majority of people are/were Crystal
Methamphetamine users? Alex response was that he does not know how
many patients that come and use the clinic which was extremely
surprising as the Advertiser and other media articles portray as South
Australia going through an ice epidemic. This underlying message that
the media are portraying is not as accurate as what it portrays to be. As
South Australia may have a drug problem, but obesity is a problem. There
is always going to be health issues within society, yet because I did not
understand in detail about drugs especially Methamphetamine I will now
Inquiry Report Sarah Johnston
Assignment 2 Student ID: 2166013

need to research and talk with personal experience individuals that

specialised in the area. Seeking rehabilitation help is a vital step for all drug
addicted patients. From our interviewees current job status and witnesses his
passion to help others through this tough process it has become apparent that good
health isnt just about the physical aspect but also the social aspect. Having
discussed this topic with Alex I now feel that doing drugs will have major health
consequences mentally and physical. However, I have learned that good health
education is about education young Australians about the importance of doing drugs
safety and in the right matter. Before, interviewing Alex I had a closed mind that good
health is about living the perfect healthy ideal life. Meaning, exercising daily, eating
correctly and living a balanced lifestyle. Yet, all of these aspects to health are still
imperative to me, however the deeper and underlying issues that the society are
facing with such as; drugs need to be arises and talked about and most importantly
educate young Australian children about drugs.
Therefore, drugs will always be a social health problem which are linked to social,
cultural, political and economic factors. A sociological perspective can help future
educators understand how these different interests shape our individual views and
those of the societies in which we live.
In conclusion, the inquiry project has experienced by understanding of what good
health education might be by considering the different issues that our society are
currently dealing with. Having interviewed a former users of methamphetamine it has
developed my knowledge and forced me to question about the approaches that
future educators should use. I strongly feel that from the inquiry project it has given
me a strong foundation of learning about drugs in a different perspective. As a next
step, I need to go out in the community and bring real, personal and emotional
experiences as I feel that will create my belief and options on health and health
education as a whole.


Healthgovau. (2017). Healthgovau. Retrieved 7 June, 2017, from

Germov, J. (2014). Second opinion: an introduction to health sociology| NOVA. The

University of Newcastle's Digital Repository.
Alex, Unknown personal communication, May 11th , 2016.

Adelaidenowcomau. (2017). Adelaidenowcomau. Retrieved 7 June, 2017, from
secondworst-in-nation/news-story/eb53d853ebb7b397984d9096ab6271dd -

Abcnetau. (2017). ABC News. Retrieved 7 June, 2017, from
Inquiry Report Sarah Johnston
Assignment 2 Student ID: 2166013

Todaytonightadelaidecomau. (2014). Today Tonight Adelaide. Retrieved 7 June, 2017,



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