04 Listening Korean For Beginners PDF

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Korean Language The National Institute of the Korean Language The International Korean Language Foundation for beginners 718] | BBlHO1 2 - SEBOLISIRHEL Zum! | OlsHey - ZFS - WIL tal CD included 0 Hollym Scope and — equence “Unit Title f Task : + Introducing myself 1 Intocucion ene « Understanding the location of objects 2 focalon - Placing objects in the appropriate places a x | 7 + Listening to and understanding time | Listening to and understanding daily activities 4 Shopping + Buying products 5 Fo - Listening to and understanding food-related expressions | = Ordering food and drink } : é eco - Understanding discussion about a variety of weekend activities pears) Family + Listening to and understanding family introductions - Listening to and understanding making and cancelling 8 Appointments appointments L _ - Finding public places 9 ee - Listening to explanations eae + Finding a location - Getting telephone numbers 10 Telephone - Answering the phone and taking amessage Vocabulary/Expression Pronunciation/Intonation Grammar ae Nasalization 1 aera Intonation of a statement Suc suct «ob + Intonation of an interrogative SLI es Lh}? ‘sentence - Place | - ~Ol) VCH St + Location + Liaison 1 . ee + Basic objects | - Time expressions om - Days of the week + Tensification 1 Pa | Daily activities «Numbers E + Counting words + Contraction and deletion in - -(2)AI@ + Store types spoken language + ol? + Shopping - Names of food aon (Q)2 Hols — roto, of "BESIEF and |, Ordering om & - Weekend activities sua - Days of the week + Aspiration 1 (2) LuI/ 24 + Adverbs of frequency (2)4 7ICH/(2) Family ae “Age - Liaison 2 +H - Honorifios + Appointments | (Q)ent2"? Cancelling appointments __- Tensification 2 (Q)eH2 + Rescheduling appointments 2)U7 Transportat ae lean + Inv-insertion a ~OPA/O1AL -712? + Telephone | 7 ; 2 | + Pronouncing ‘number 6' (2) H2/=H12 | «Telephone numbers eas aaue Scope and ~>equence Unit Title Task Using various means of transportation 11 Transportaon _ - Understanding directions given of way to get to your destination = Listening tothe world's weather nz eae + Getting information about weather and daily life | 13 Hobbies + Understanding discussions about hobbies - Talking about travel experiences 16 Travel + Obtaining information about recommendations for travel destinations 15 Looking for lost things + Looking for lost things + Understanding descriptions of shape and color + Explaining symptoms 16 lines + Getting help + Listening to directions and cautions for taking medicine 7 House Listening to explanations about houses - Recognizing the person 18 coining + Listening to clothing recommendations + Getting information about performances and exhibitions 19 Performances _ - Reserving and canceling tickets - Discussing opinions after attending a performance on oe - Listening to and understanding how to make food + Explaining how to make food f z = ay , Vocabulary/Expression Pronunciation/Intonation Grammar | . ~(2)z - Transportation - » oie + Liquid + ~OfoF Sict/OjoF Skt -(Q)a481 a ! - - Weather =a ee “Coda rule = complex coda TS ay zich ~ Types of hobbies and activites ; -EX | + Leisure activities ee -71 uct | . = me | ee + Pronunciation of “2 in + =Of SACH/o} Sich feos | spoken language + OFAI/O}At? | ~ Shape + Colors . Descriptive words for lost” "/ (Appointments) A A) (Finding your way) AAS} (Telephone) 2 36 42 56 62 68 % Lesson 11 3L3= (Transportation) Lesson 12 ‘t44) (Weather) Lesson 13 444] (Hobbies) Lesson 14 ©} (Travel) Lesson 15 24 7] (Looking for lost things) Lesson 16 ¥¥ (iltness) Lesson 17 %] (House) Lesson 18 -% (Clothing) Lesson 19 @&@ (Performances) Lesson 20 2] (Recipes) - tHe /2)42(Script) et(Answers) 3 8G (Key for the Puzzle) ayel(Index) 82 88 9h, 100 106 16 120 126 132 138 Introduction oy eee Goals © Tasks: Introducing myself, Greeting © Vocabulary & Expressions: Name of person, Nationality, Job © Pronunciation/Intonation: Nasalization 1, Intonation of a statement, intonation of an interrogative sentence © Grammar: -@UCH/eUch, -Lnt/aLt? Where is this place? ‘Whaat is this person doing? Activity 1 Introduction XH71&7H Do you know the following vocabulary? Look over the map with a partner and find out. ve a aoa a HR Aah orga Beta again eee Activity 2 Connect the greetings on the left with the correct responses on the right. og tone cerns aout ogc sao | see ov -soListen 1/7) Which country are the following people from? What kind of work do they do? Connect the pictures on the left with the country and line of work to the right. 1) & yy oa . V a, 2) a : al 4 e e, é, ° SEPA ° alah 1 a 3 e us ag Introduction KPA sontisten2 Listen to the following introductions and check the correct response. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) O oO oO (E) ehg3] AAI. ehgspy] 2? ehg 5] 7H)2. aie Ue 7c. DLg 7] is Se ARETE. alto) gesuch. BANS vs APEPOOILA, ARLE nlal.a., Apeigheh, » for » Troi] 2., GAA] BO].2. au clr clr ele » ast ARB C, 2 F # oft, 3] AVI. waked. WHUOAY eS, lo a oo Usten 3 You will hear three people appearing on a quiz show, Fill in the blanks on their quiz show applications, 1) 2) 3) aa) aad o aqaou 4 oz “ae ojg oR jg = a4 estou | Fa) a4 Al tek aa aa 020 APIA, ~~» Pronunciation Focus eee Listen and repeat. ) 28FICh, 2) NigeUct., 3) ajeps Bch, Wrapup eee Activity 1 It is the first day of your new Korean class. Introduce yourself to your partner. Remember to include your name, nationality, job along with any other information. eee Activity 2 In groups of three, practice introducing yourself and your partners to each other. Self Evaluation — Use the following chart to evaluate your progress. No problemi Pretty well [I Not very well | can introduce myself in Korean. | can ask and understand ques- tions about nationality. | can ask and understand ques- tions about jobs. | can make simple introductions in Korean, Listening Korean for beginners This book aims to improve one's speaking ability in Korean, the most essential part of the language for new learners. It is specifically designed to give those who cannot easily converse with native Korean-speakers the chance to experience real life conversations. In addition, Listening Korean for Beginners is set up so that it can be combined with the series’ other textbooks on reading, writing and speaking, functionally uniting those different areas while centering lessons around one's ability to properly communicate in Korean. ae ei Wi ISBN 978-1-56591.24

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