Abstract of Living With Animation: Examining Digital Animators' Lives in Their Field

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Abstract. In the realm of technology, advancements are made continuously.

This progress not

only aids day to day life, but provides conveniences. The effects of technological progress can be
seen in the entertainment industry. Due to technology constantly being upgraded, newer forms of
entertainment emerge. One such form of newer entertainment is digital animation. Digital
animation is the use of computers or other devices to create animations. The global digital
animation industry has been around for some time and Filipino digital animators have been part
of the industry longer than people think. Most producers of old cartoons, Hanna-Barbera in
specific, have outsourced digital animators from the Philippines. Filipinos contribution to the
field of digital animation is not news anymore except to Filipinos themselves. This research
endeavor aimed to know the values a digital animator must have, the struggles, weaknesses and
strengths of digital animators. The researchers hope that this research study could give voice to
the underappreciated field of digital animation here in the Philippines. In the study, three (3)
digital animators from Top Peg Animation Studios participated in a focus group interview.
Results of the interview were then analyzed and interpreted and used to create a diagram that
showcases the lived experiences of Filipino digital animators in the field.

Keywords: Filipino, Digital Animator, Phenomenology

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