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May 4, 2007 Vol. 46, No.

Spaceport News
John F. Kennedy Space Center - America’s gateway to the universe

AIM begins two-year study of cloud formation

ASA’s AIM spacecraft, the Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.,
first mission dedicated to and released a Pegasus XL rocket
exploring mysterious ice carrying the spacecraft at a drop
clouds at the edge of space in point over the Pacific Ocean, 100
Earth’s polar regions, successfully miles offshore west-southwest of
launched at 4:26 p.m. EDT April Point Sur, Calif. Approximately 10
25 in California. minutes after launch, communica-
The AIM mission — short for tions from a Tracking Data and
Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesos- Relay Satellite confirmed space-
phere — will study clouds that are craft separation, and the solar
noctilucent, meaning they can be arrays deployed autonomously
seen from the ground only at night, soon thereafter.
when they are illuminated by The spacecraft was operating
sunlight no longer visible from the nominally at approximately
Earth’s surface. 5:45 p.m., when it passed over the
Kennedy Space Center’s ground station in Svalbard,
Launch Services Program was Norway.
responsible for launch vehicle and Throughout a 30-day checkout
spacecraft integration and launch period, all the spacecraft sub-
countdown management. The systems and instruments will be
mission marked the 50th success- evaluated and compared to their
ful launch for the Launch Services performance during ground testing
Program. to ensure satisfactory operation in
A modified L-1011 jet called the space environment. The
Stargazer departed from THE STARGAZER L-1011 jet carrying the Aeronomy of Ice in the
(See AIM, Page 2) Mesosphere spacecraft takes off at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

NASA Administrator Griffin addresses program transitions

By Linda Herridge Griffin said the agency will
Staff Writer look for new roles and missions
during the transition period

ASA Administrator Mike between the shuttle’s retirement in
Griffin talked to the 2010 and Constellation’s first
Kennedy Space Center manned lunar launch, targeted for
work force during an informal all 2015.
hands meeting on April 18 about He spoke of focusing on
the challenges each center will performing new work during the
face as the Space Shuttle Program transition, such as broadening
winds down and the Constellation avionics and operations capabili-
Program ramps up. The question- ties. Among the key needs for
and-answer forum was broadcast Orion are a thermal protection
internally on closed-circuit TV. system, cockpit avionics and
Griffin fielded questions technologies for launch.
relating to the role of NASA and Griffin said sustaining engi-
KSC in science and research, the neering is important in order to
International Space Station, support the long line of design and
technology development, the development needed for the Ares
transition from space shuttle to launch vehicles and Orion NASA ADMINISTRATOR Mike Griffin (left) and Kennedy Space Center
Ares launch vehicles, and several spacecraft, the lunar lander, lunar Director Bill Parsons listen to a question from an employee at the April 18
other topics. (See GRIFFIN, Page 7) all hands meeting in the Training Auditorium.
Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS May 4, 2007

Melnick humbly accepts National Space Club’s Debus Award

By Jeff Stuckey these sports.”
Editor Melnick related how his new
passions will compare to his career.

he National Space Club “When you think about diving, it
Florida Committee pre- is really an unforgiving sport,” he
sented Bruce Melnick with said. “If you haven’t done it
the Debus Award on April 28 at the recently, you can get in trouble
18th annual Debus Award Banquet real quick, so I’m going to make
at the Dr. Kurt H. Debus Confer- sure I know what I’m doing before
ence Facility. The award, named I go back into it.”
after Kennedy Space Center’s first Just like the space business,
director, is given to select people you must know the capabilities of
involved with space launch or the equipment and your own
payload activities, ground support limitations.
systems, educational activities or “I’m going to race one day,”
aerospace research. Melnick said. “My esteemed
Melnick said when he was colleague, Bob Sieck, who I’ll
notified he would be this year’s never be the same type of racer he
recipient of the award, he was is, is who I’m going to compete
extremely surprised. “I felt I always BRUCE MELNICK accepts the National Space Club Florida Committee’s like. Bob will tell you: You won’t
maintained a low profile, did my 2007 Dr. Kurt H. Debus Award on April 28 at the Visitor Complex’s Dr. Kurt always have the fastest car, but a
H. Debus Conference Facility. A portrait of Debus is shown at the right.
job and thought I would sneak out winner will know how to win with
of here without anyone knowing I who are still in the fight out there, I space. He flew as a mission that lesser hand.”
left,” he said. wish you the best of luck to keep specialist on the STS-41 mission in Sometimes in the space
Melnick recently retired as this human spaceflight program 1990 and the first flight of business, you are dealt a lesser
vice president for Boeing Florida going and vibrant.” Endeavour, STS-49, in 1992. hand, but you can win with that
Operations, where he oversaw Prior to joining Boeing, which A lot of people have asked hand, according to Melnick.
engineering, facilities and mainte- was McDonnell Douglas at that Melnick what his plans are now He asked how many people in
nance support to NASA and the time, Melnick was vice president that he has more time on his hands. the audience work at the space
Department of Defense for Space of Space Shuttle engineering at Melnick’s reply includes some- center and forget the big picture of
Shuttle, International Space United Space Alliance from 1994 thing for every day of the week, what they are working on. Melnick
Station and Delta rocket programs. to 1996. He has also worked for much like his career in the U.S. said employees should sit back
Some of his last responsibili- Lockheed Martin Space Opera- space program. and enjoy that great program that
ties included working with NASA tions as director of process “What I’m going to do is race they’re a part of.
in the execution of the Vision for improvement technology. one day, dive one day, hunt one Lynn Cline, NASA’s deputy
Space Exploration. During 1987 to 1992, Melnick day, fish one day, golf one day, associate administrator for space
“It’s been a great ride,” served in NASA’s astronaut corps then take the weekend off,” operations, then talked to the
Melnick said. “For those of you and logged more than 300 hours in Melnick said. “A lot of what we do audience about the Vision for
in the space business relates to Space Exploration.

AIM . . . college and university to have the

(Continued from Page 1) principal investigator and total
mission responsibility for a NASA
instruments will maintain their satellite mission,” said Program
protective covers to shield the Executive Victoria Elsbernd of
near-pristine optical surfaces from NASA Headquarters, Washington.
contamination while the spacecraft NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
outgases volatile materials. Center in Greenbelt, Md., is
Next week, the optical covers responsible for the overall AIM
will be removed in sequence by mission management in collabora-
ground commands and the tion with Hampton University in
instruments will begin scientific Virginia, the University of
operations. Colorado in Boulder, and Virginia
During the next two years, AIM Polytechnic Institute and State
scientists will methodically University in Blacksburg.
address six fundamental objectives AIM is the ninth small-class
that will provide critical informa- mission under NASA’s Explorer
tion needed to understand cloud Program, which provides frequent
formation and behavior. flight opportunities for world-class BRUCE MELNICK (third from left) joins past recipients attending this
“This mission has many firsts, scientific investigations from year’s Debus Award banquet, including from left, Dick Beagley, Dr.
including that Hampton University space within the heliophysics and Maxwell King, Tip Talone, Ernie Briel, Lyle Holloway and Adrian Laffitte.
is the first historically black astrophysics science areas.
May 4, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 3

Carver helps launch Delta rockets by the book

United Launch Alliance employee Rosie Carver produces
step-by-step guides to prepare Delta rockets for launch.

By Anna Heiney the type of work and the vehicle’s

Staff Writer configuration (for example, many
Delta II procedures will differ from

hen NASA’s Dawn the same procedures for a Delta
spacecraft lifts off from IV).
Launch Pad 17-B at the The first draft of a procedure
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, document is an oversized, cover-
Rosie Carver won’t be sitting at a less book called a “flimsy.” The
console in the control room. She flimsies are passed to the vehicle
won’t even be in the same engineers, who mark their changes
building. and return the books to Carver,
But her work will be. Carver, who works their updates into the
who works for United Launch final version — a bound volume
Alliance, leads the team that about the size of a textbook.
assembles the massive procedure “They bleed all over it,” Carver ROSIE CARVER of
books that dictate every step to be said good-naturedly, gesturing United Space
taken in processing and launching toward a book opened to a page Alliance is in charge
a Delta rocket, including the filled with edits and additions in of producing the
launch countdown. It’s the bright red ink. “They make massive procedure
importance of her job — and the changes like this. They’ve added books for
dedication and enthusiasm she steps. Because Dawn is a Heavy processing and
launching Delta
brings to it — that make her an and we haven’t done a Heavy in a
rockets. She has
unsung hero. while, there were a lot of updates created more than
She estimates she’s created at that we needed to add to the 15,000 procedures
least 15,000 procedures for more procedures about things that have since February 1980.
than 300 missions since the Solar changed.”
Maximum Mission, which These are living documents.
launched Feb. 14, 1980. The Whenever an issue or new solution creates the complex, scripted “I want the customer to see that
documents cover all Delta vehicle pops up during the prelaunch countdown procedure used by our procedures are professional
processing work, from the time process, it’s added to the appropri- every launch controller. She knows and our work is professional, and
rocket parts are shipped to the ate procedure, ensuring that the her procedures are critically that we’re going to give them the
launch site until after liftoff when best practices are used on every important — and that NASA and best ride anybody can give them,
the pad is clear. mission. other launch customers are so that they come back,” she said
Carver uses a specially de- Carver produces about a watching. with pride.
signed computer program that hundred procedure books for each
numbers each step and task in mission. Each procedure is made
these massive, complex procedure up of multiple tasks, which in turn NASA recognizes Diaz for Ares
documents. The program also consist of page after page of steps
keeps track of photos, test equip- — sometimes 400 pages or more. test flight transition efforts
ment, items to be worked on or These aren’t small books.
removed before flight, and other “I had one (procedure) that was By Linda Herridge
data. This tracking ability is stacked in my room that was three Staff Writer
critical to launch safety and books this high,” she remembered,

success. holding her hand 18 inches above round Systems Equip-
“If they find out they have a the desktop. ment Project Engineer
torque wrench that did not meet Since the books need to be David Diaz’s plate is full
calibration, I have usage files that ready to use the moment they’re at Kennedy Space Center. Since
will tell me exactly which proce- needed, sometimes Carver and her transferring to NASA in July
dure and step used that torque co-workers only have a week or so 2006 after nearly 20 years with
wrench,” Carver explained, adding to pull the documents together. United Space Alliance, Diaz
that technicians can use that That sounds challenging enough, worked on shuttle projects and is
information to go back and repair but consider this: Carver is currently involved in the launch
or double-check previous work. currently working on six upcom- pad transition, Ares I-X test flight
When the Delta team is ing missions. preparations and Constellation
notified that rocket parts for a new On launch day, Carver is projects.
mission are on their way to the typically in her office, hard at work He transferred to NASA for
spaceport, Carver’s work begins. on documents for another mission. the opportunity to work on a
The procedures vary according to But her work is clearly visible: She DAVID DIAZ is a ground systems
(See DIAZ, Page 6) equipment project engineer.
Page 4 SPACEPORT NEWS May 4, 2007

STS-120 astronauts train with Node 2 elements

n the Space Station Processing
Facility, STS-120 Mission
Specialist Daniel Tani (left)
examines equipment for the Node
2, another element to be added to
the International Space Station.
Looking on, at right, is astronaut
Peggy Whitson, who served on
Expedition 5 aboard the space
station. During her six-month stay
aboard the space station, Dr.
Whitson installed the Mobile Base
System, the S1 truss segment and
the P1 truss segment. Tani and
other crew members were at
Kennedy Space Center last week
for equipment familiarization.
Node 2 will provide a passage-
way between three station science
experiment facilities: the U.S.
Destiny Laboratory, the Kibo
Japanese Experiment Module, and
the European Columbus Labora-
tory. STS-120 is targeted for
launch in late October.

STS-120 MISSION Specialists Scott Parazynski (left), Paolo Angelo Nespoli (center),
who represents the European Space Agency, and Douglas Wheelock practice using
some of the equipment for the Node 2.
IN THE Space Station
Processing Facility,
STS-120 Commander
Pamela Melroy (right)
learns more about the
Node 2, another
element to be added
to the International
Space Station. With
her is astronaut
Peggy Whitson, who
assisted the STS-120 THE MISSION STS-120 crew members are getting familiar
crew, served on with the Node 2, another element to be added to the
Expedition 5 aboard International Space Station. Seen here are Mission
the space station. Specialists Paolo Angelo Nespoli (left) and Douglas H.
Wheelock. Nespoli represents the European Space
May 4, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 5

Physicist Hawking takes Zero Gravity flight

oted physicist Stephen who is Hawking’s aide.
Hawking (center) enjoys The modified jet took off from
zero gravity during a flight the Kennedy Space Center Shuttle
aboard a modified Boeing 727 Landing Facility. After the 727
aircraft owned by Zero Gravity reached an altitude of 24,000 feet,
Corp. (Zero G). Hawking, who the plane made a series of ascents
suffers from amyotrophic lateral before plunging into a dive. Each
sclerosis (also known as Lou free fall gave all those aboard a
Gehrig’s disease) is being rotated feeling of weightlessness for
in air by (right) Peter Diamandis, approximately 30 seconds.
founder of the Zero G Corp., and At the celebration of his 65th
(left) Byron Lichtenberg, former birthday on Jan. 8 this year,
shuttle payload specialist and now Hawking announced his plans for
president of Zero G. a zero-gravity flight to prepare for
Kneeling below Hawking is a sub-orbital spaceflight in 2009
Nicola O’Brien, a nurse practitioner on Virgin Galactic’s space service.

AT THE Shuttle Landing Facility, a modified Boeing 727 aircraft owned by WELL-WISHERS greet Stephen Hawking (in the wheelchair) at the
Zero Gravity Corp. takes off with its well-known passenger, physicist Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility after a zero-gravity flight.
Stephen Hawking. Zero Gravity Corp. is a commercial company licensed Next to him at left is Peter Diamandis, founder of the Zero Gravity Corp.
to provide the public with weightless flight experiences. that provided the flight aboard its modified Boeing 727.

Second part of Kibo module ready for processing

he second of two pressur- This pressurized section will
ized components for the be the first Kibo segment attached
Japanese Experiment to the space station by the crew of
Module Kibo recently arrived at the STS-123 shuttle mission, and
the Kennedy Space Center. In the will serve as a storage area for
Space Station Processing Facility, materials, tools and supplies. In
representatives from both the addition, it will deliver eight
Japanese Aerospace and Explora- experiment racks that will later be
tion Agency (JAXA) and NASA transferred to the main Kibo
were on hand to mark the begin- laboratory module.
ning of the final preparations for Other speakers at the event
flight. Teams of Japanese and included Russ Romanella, director
American technicians will work of International Space Station and
together to perform checkout and Spacecraft Processing; Dr. Kichiro
processing activities prior to Imagawa, project manager of the
launch. JEM Development Project Team
Kibo, which means hope, is for JAXA; and Melanie Saunders,
AS PART of the ceremony to welcome the final component of the
Japan’s first human space facility associate manager of the Interna- Japanese Exploration Agency’s Kibo module, Bill Parsons, director of
and its primary contribution to the tional Space Station Program at Kennedy Space Center, talks about the International Space Station.
International Space Station. Johnson Space Center.
Page 6 SPACEPORT NEWS May 4, 2007

Starfighter F-104 makes test flights at landing facility

he Starfighter F-104 comes
to a stop on the KSC Shuttle
Landing Facility after its
test flight with pilot Rick Svetkoff
and co-pilot Dave Waldrop. The
aircraft took part in a series of
pathfinder test missions from the
space shuttle runway.
The two flights generated test
data to validate sonic boom
assumptions about the potential
impacts of suborbital and orbital
commercial spaceflight from the
facility. Starfighters Inc. of
Clearwater, Fla., will perform the
flights to help in assessing
suborbital space launch trajecto-
ries from the runway and paving
the way for future commercial
space tourism and research flights
from the facility. The company is
conductng flights out of the
Shuttle Landing Facility under a
Space Act Agreement with KSC.

KSC celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

ennedy Space Center will and the KSC Asian Americans and
celebrate Asian/Pacific Pacific Islanders Working Group.
American Heritage Month All employees are invited to
with a commemorative event from join the center’s senior manage-
1 to 2 p.m. May 11 at the KSC ment at the event. Light traditional
Training Auditorium. refreshments will follow the
Each May, the center honors presentation.
the achievements and contribu- The rich cultural program
tions of Asian/Pacific Americans. includes the Honorable Judge Alli
The center will celebrate this B. Majeed from the Brevard
year’s theme, “Pursuing Excel- County Court, 18th Judicial
lence Through Leadership, Circuit, as the guest speaker and
Diversity and Unity,” with a several cultural performances.
collaborative commemoration by Contact Diana Navas at
United Space Alliance’s Office of
Diversity and Compliance, the or Paula Nosca Lay at
Boeing Asian American Profes- for
sional Association, the Japanese information. THE ASIAN/Pacific American Heritage Month celebration on May 11 at the
Aerospace Exploration Agency, Training Auditorium will include this Japanese dance group.

According to Becky Thompson, branch chief for ground systems

DIAZ . . . (Continued from Page 3) equipment, Diaz was instrumental in the Launch Pad 39B transition
program from the ground up. “This organization is a great place to be,” endeavors, which included developing the Pad 39B Hubble Space
Diaz said. “There’s a lot of freedom to do the work to prepare for the next Telescope launch-on-need plan and the integrated maintenance plan.
generation of space vehicles.” “He demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities as the NASA lead
Diaz works in the Engineering Integration Division of the Ground for the teams that developed these plans,” Thompson said. “His technical
Projects Branch in the Launch Vehicle Processing Directorate. His work expertise and shuttle ground systems equipment knowledge were key to
in developing processes for transferring ground systems equipment from meeting deadlines and providing quality products for both plans.”
the Space Shuttle Program to the Ares 1-X test flight earned him recogni- Diaz is the ground systems integration lead for the Ares I-X test flight
tion as the May employee of the month from the directorate. scheduled to launch in the spring of 2009. The test flight will demon-
Diaz said he was honored to receive the recognition but was quick to strate ascent flight control system performance. Diaz’s work involves
add many people are doing a lot of work to prepare for the Ares test developing processes, defining design requirements and ensuring they
flight. “It brings into focus the group’s shuttle work, as well as the work are integrated within the Engineering Directorate. He also supports the
on future programs,” he said. Constellation Directorate with engineering studies.
May 4, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 7

Remembering Our Heritage

43 years ago: Orsino township gives birth to a space-age city
By Kay Grinter THIS 1963 aerial
Reference Librarian photo of the Orsino
township was

n May 1964, Kennedy Space taken looking
toward the ocean.
Center’s industrial area sprang
The land eventually
to life on the site of the Orsino became Kennedy
township. Space Center’s
Seventeen essential support Industrial Area, with
buildings in NASA’s fledgling new facilities,
spaceport were completed or including an office
almost ready for occupancy. The building for the
structures provided more than U.S. Army Corps of
250,000 square feet of floor space Engineers, a
central telephone
and housing for about 500
exchange and a
employees. hypergolic test
The property had been pur- building.
chased from private owners by the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at
NASA’s direction. NASA also
tasked the Corps with overseeing
the center’s facility construction.
The new facilities included
everything from an office building station, shipping and receiving environmental control structure. State Route 3 between Orsino and
for the Corps, a central telephone building, dispensary, central NASA also awarded the the Wilson township to the north,
exchange and a sewage plant, to a supply area, fluid test support Houdaille-Duval Company a to support the traffic anticipated
plant maintenance building, facility, hypergolic test building, contract in May to construct two between the industrial area and the
heating plant and cable storage cryogenics building, radar and additional lanes of highway to budding Launch Complex 39.
area. The area also housed a fire boresight structure, and an parallel the existing section of

GRIFFIN . . . tion. The agency is paying

(Continued from Page 1) attention.”
He focused on having 10
base system and systems that will healthy centers with everyone at
get us to Mars. “We cannot let every center performing work that
Orion slip any later than 2015,” is important to NASA.
Griffin said. Griffin said it is important that
Although NASA’s budget is the agency fulfills its obligations
determined, Griffin said the agency to its partners by completing the
can improve its performance by space station before taking on new
being clever and working smarter commitments.
while accomplishing goals. The nation’s “civil space”
THE CABLE storage building (above) was one of the first facilities built at He emphasized the importance endeavors, which include the
the Kennedy Space Center. The central supply area (below) was also of launch availability, as well as Space Shuttle Program, are
located in the old Orsino township. launch safety. strategic and important in terms of
“We don’t want to be manifest- the country’s image and standing
driven,” Griffin said. “We need to in the world. He said space
think about the fact that we are enterprises give America an
designing systems for the future.” opportunity to bind the country
The agency needs to consider together with other nations in a
new ideas and conduct trade productive way.
studies, according to Griffin. “We need contributions from
“In general, we know what our many nations,” Griffin said.
budget is and what it will be,” “Partnerships need leaders; the
Griffin stated. “It’s not going to be only logical leader is the United
easy. There will be some disloca- States.”
Page 8 SPACEPORT NEWS May 4, 2007

Energy management office highlights efficient sources

By Jennifer Wolfinger was the Energy Hog Refrigerator
Staff Writer Contest, which identified two
offices that had the most inefficient

mall changes can make a big refrigerators and replaced them
impact in the world of with Energy Star-rated refrigera-
energy efficiency. On April tors. A 50-year-old refrigerator
20, Space Gateway Support’s from a Wyle Labs office and an
Energy Management Office InDyne Inc. office’s 27-year-old
celebrated Earth Day early by model were replaced. SGS Me-
teaching Kennedy Space Center chanical/Energy Engineer Kevin
employees how to make these Riley encourages everybody to
changes. replace old refrigerators with
An information booth in the efficient models when funding
Headquarters Lobby helped becomes available.
workers think globally and act The SGS Energy Management
locally, providing the latest Office’s continuous mission is to
updates about fluorescent lighting, promote energy awareness
renewables, programmable throughout KSC by providing
ROY JONAS (second from right) from the Space Gateway Support Energy
thermostats and Energy Star Management Office talks to employees about energy conservation.
information and facts about how
products, which use less energy, employees can lower energy
save money and help protect the when not in use, is the most lighting these bulbs emit, many are consumption at work and in their
environment. effective way to save energy. The now made to give out pleasant homes.
Some employees also entered easiest measure to reduce energy lighting and can be used with a For more information, contact
their estimate for the center’s April consumption is to replace your dimmer. Raffaele also suggests Ruth Ann Strunk, supervisor of
electric bill in hopes of winning incandescent light bulbs with using them in areas where lighting energy and water management, at
packages of compact fluorescent compact fluorescent lights.” effects aren’t important, such as 867-8199. For more Energy Star
bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights use garages and hallways. product information, visit
“KSC spends almost $2 million at least two-thirds less energy and Another aspect of the event
a month on electricity alone. As generate less heat, which can be
the cost of utilities is on the rise, seen in reduced cooling costs. FLORIE
Replacing one bulb with a RAFFAELE and
we need to work together to
Mike Rector of the
conserve and reduce our energy compact fluorescent light is
SGS Energy
consumption,” advised SGS equivalent to reducing carbon Management
Energy Analyst Florie emissions from 800,000 cars, Office talk about
Raffaele. “At work and at home, according to several energy alternative energy
shutting down computers and resource groups. sources in the
unnecessary lights and equipment, For those unhappy with the Headquarters

KSC Fitness Centers offer

friendly health training options

he friendly atmosphere in the Kennedy Space Center Fitness
Centers is apparent when people walk in the door. Whether a
person would like to lose weight, get stronger or whatever the
goal may be, the staff will help them get there. John F. Kennedy Space Center
The fitness centers, located in the Operations and Checkout
Building and the Operations Support Building 1, both have a myriad
of programs. There are on-site massage therapists, as well as free
Spaceport News
personal training, state-of-the art cardiovascular and strength equip-
ment, motivational and incentive programs for healthy lifestyles and a
complete group exercise series. Spaceport News is an official publication of the Kennedy Space Center and
is published on alternate Fridays by External Relations in the interest of KSC
With 20 group fitness classes offered weekly at the KSC Fitness civil service and contractor employees.
Centers, there are classes for the beginner, intermediate and advanced Contributions are welcome and should be submitted two weeks before
exerciser. From heart-pumping classes such as “Cardio Medley,” publication to the Media Services Branch, IDI-011. E-mail submissions can be
“Cardio Boot Camp” and “Sport Conditioning,” to serene and sent to
calming classes, such as “Yoga Soul” and “Pilates,” the group fitness Managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber Philman
classes provide another way to improve one’s quality of life. Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeff Stuckey
Personal training is one-on-one and can include personalized Copy editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Corey Schubert
strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training. Visit
Editorial support provided by InDyne, Inc. Writers Group. for information. NASA at KSC is located on the Internet at
USGPO: 733-049/600132

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