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This spring I came a across a very difficult situation.

Heres what happened:

A student who was a regular visitor the Deans office was involved in a physical altercation with
another student. He has been involved in multiple fights, harassment situations and redirections.
The other student who was involved in the altercation had also been involved in multiple fights
this school year. I DO NOT believe that out of school suspensions resolve, correct or make
situations better for students. Both students went home for the day with their parents and then it
was time to problem solve. When I met with one of the parents she was on the verge of a
breakdown due to her sons behavior. She was a point of serious depression and was
seemingly helpless. Due to progressive discipline, both students wouldve been out of school
for quite some time suspended. I immediately called upon one of our educational equity staff
members who works with both boys to collaborate. I knew we had to make a change and do
something different. As a team: With our building principal, assistant principal, OEE district lead,
OEE liaison and myself, we created a plan.
1. Both boys would arrive at school for 1 week each day and then be driven to the Office of
Educational Equity by our district van.
2. They could be working on homework with support.
3. The students would restore their relationship with each other.
4. They would remain in a structured educational environment rather than unsupervised.
5. Families would be relieved of the stressful situation.

The outcome of the situation worked out to be the best for everyone involved and affected. We
were all satisfied and found the plan to be reasonable and equitable for our students and
families involved. I felt relieved that we were able to resolve the situation as a team and they
were supported with respect and care.

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