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March 04,2017
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information:
Michelle Zhang, Media Spokesperson
Phone: 541-345-3242

Cyclist Accident

A bicyclist had been hit by a freight train at the intersection of Hilyard Street and
West Eighth Avenue at 8 a.m. on March. 1. The bicyclist was killed and the train was
headed east when the accident happened at 7:45 a.m.

Police investigator states that the train was blowing its whistle before reaching the
crossing. Witnesses also said they saw and heard the train whistle when they
approached the tracks themselves. Trains are required to do that as a safety
precaution. The railroad crossing has arms to block traffic in the roadway. The arms
do not extend across the sidewalk that crosses the tracks.

The train was going about 25 mph when it struck the bicyclist. The cyclist was
traveling south, from the bike path toward Franklin Boulevard. There is a bike-
pedestrian pathway that across the railroad tracks near the intersection. The short
pathway connects Hilyard and the west university business district with a main bike

A victim, Walter Fox, was 46 years old. He worked at the University of Oregon as a
librarian. He was on his way to work when the collision happened.

Actually, other accident occurred at the same intersection since 2009, all the result
of a train striking a bicyclist. Although crossing arms can cross the street, none can
block the bike path crossing the tracks.

Here are some safety tips for bicyclist in Oregon:

Obey all traffic signs and signals. Because you are a bike rider does not give
you license to shoot through red lights or zoom past stop signs without
Dont wear headphones or anything else. That can impair your hearing.
Look around a lot and scan behind and from side-to-side. Riding with the
traffic, never against it.
Wear light colored or high-visibility clothing as the weather get worse.
Make sure other drivers can see you.
Have a light and wear reflective clothing at night. It is easily for drivers to
see you.
Make eye contact with vehicle drives when you approach an
intersection or stopping. Make sure the drivers make eye contact.

More safety information: Pedestrian Safety Tips

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