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Constellation - A group of associated or similar people or things.

Monolingual - (of a person or society) speaking only one language.

Pivotal - Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of
something else.
Apex - The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.
Foreground - The part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in a
picture or photograph.
Assessment - The action of assessing someone or something.
Orientation - The action of orienting someone or something relative to the points
of a compass or other specified positions.
Reminiscent - Tending to remind one of something.
Omission - Someone or something that has been left out or excluded.
Embellishment - A decorative detail or feature added to something to make it
more attractive.
Defendant - An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of
Waive - Refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim)

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