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Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543

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Experimental investigation of sinus beams with end-plate connections

Abdulkadir Cneyt Aydn a,n, Mahyar Maali a, Mahmut Kl a, Merve Sarolu b
Ataturk University, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey
Erzurum Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erzurum, Turkey

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Using high-strength steel with reduced weight in buildings and industry is important because, as the
Received 19 June 2015 weight of the buildings is reduced, the behavior of steel in various situations becomes important. In this
Received in revised form study, momentrotation curves of sinusoidal beams were investigated using xed end-plate connections.
4 September 2015
Use of a new sinusoidal beam model is proposed. Results were compared with experiments performed
Accepted 5 September 2015
not only with IPE prole but also with similar manufactured prole. In the result, weight was reduced for
sinusoidal 70 beams, showing improvements in terms of moment resistance.
Keywords: & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sinusoidal beams

1. Introduction 2. Specimens and test procedure

In engineering buildings, selecting optimum dimensions is very The experimental test models were selected considering var-
important. It is important to use bearing elements with optimum ious issues; primarily, selection was limited by laboratory equip-
dimensions and low weights for engineering considerations. For ment and fabrication capabilities. The selected plate should be
this reason, many studies are performed to provide optimum di- capable of easily creating all common sinusoidal angles without
mensions and to reduce weight. In some studies, researchers have introducing geometrical defects that change the bearing capacity.
tried to increase moment resistance by making changes not only Finally, for better realism, plates were selected from widely used
materials, and sinus beams should be selected to allow compar-
to the structure, but also to the shape of the beams. Lee et al. 2015
ison not only with IPE prole but also with similar manufactured
[1] investigated the structural performance of pre-stressed com-
posite girders with corrugated steel plate webs. In this investiga-
In this research, a total of four specimens were manufactured
tion, Lee et al. conducted various composite experiments by and tested. Among these four models, labeled sinusoidal, sim-
changing the web shape of girders and obtained measured results. ple (manufactured; made of three plates by welding), and IPE
In another method, optimum conditions may be obtained by using standard prole were tested. The experimental program is shown
high-strength steels in elements [2]. in Figs. 1 and 2, and Table 1. The details of the beam and column
In this research, end-plate connections are used in beam-to- are shown in Table 1. Hand-tightened fully threaded grade
column joints, and connection dimensions are selected from the 8.8 M10 bolts in 12-mm drilled holes are kept constant for all the
research of Coelho et al. [2]. This study aims to investigate the tested specimens.
effect of the sinus angles in the web of I-beam with end-plate The test program included a single steel grade for the beam;
connection to the momentrotation curves. Accordingly, moment the column and plate are of S235 with nominal values of yield
rotation curves are drawn for four end-plate optimum connec- strength fy (235 MPa) and ultimate tensile strength fu (360 MPa).
tions. The purpose of these experiments is to understand the ef- The coupon tension test on the structural steel material was per-
fects of sinus beam connections on the end-plates. Among these formed according to the appropriate UNE procedures [3]. The real
mechanical characteristics were obtained using tensile tests on
four models, two models using sinus beams, one simple (manu-
coupons cut from the ange and web of the beam and column and
factured) model, and one IPE beam model are prepared. The mo-
from the plates. For each component, three tests were performed.
mentrotation curves are compared and the effects of sinus beams
Table 2 gives the values for the static yield and tensile stresses fy
are examined at end-plate connections. and fu. Three bolts were tested under tension in order to de-
termine the mechanical properties of the bolt material in ac-
Corresponding author. cordance with UNE-EN 10002-1 [3]. The average properties are set
E-mail address: (A. Cneyt Aydn). out in Table 2.
0263-8231/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
36 A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543

Nomenclature Sj.p-1 Post-yield rotational stiffness of a joint

Cd Rotation capacity of a connection
Fu Ultimate or tensile stress Mj.max Rotation of the connection at maximum load
Fy Yield stress M.j.Rd Connection rotation analytical value at which the
X Cartesian axis; distance moment resistance rst reaches Mj.Rd
tp Stiffener thickness of end-plate connection min K-R Rotation between the lower bound of the knee-
E Youngs modulus range of the joint momentrotation curve and the
I Moment of inertia rotation capacity
M Bending moment sup K-R Rotation between the upper bound of the knee-range
Mj.Rd Joint exural plastic (design) resistance of the joint momentrotation curve and the rotation
Mj.max Maximum bending moment capacity
Mmin.K-R Lower resistance bound of the knee-range of the j.max load Joint ductility index evaluated for rotation at
joint momentrotation curve maximum load
Msup.K-R Upper resistance bound of the knee-range of the j Joint ductility index
joint momentrotation curve Rotation
M.Cd Bending moment at fracture of the joint DTi LVDT DTi
P Concentrated force STi Strain gauge STi
Sj.ini Initial rotational stiffness of a joint

Fig.1. Shapes of beam models. (a) Sinus shape. (b) Sinusoidal Angle. (c) Manufactured (simple) beam. (d) Standard IPE prole.
A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543 37

models after completion.

3. Test machine and instrumentation

The specimens are subjected to a static force applied by a 900-

kN hydraulic jack with a maximum stroke of 300 mm. Tests are
performed under displacement control with a constant speed of
0.01 mm/s up to the collapse of the specimens. The test arrange-
ments are shown in Fig. 5. In order to prevent the lateral torsional
buckling of the beam while loading, a two-column guidance de-
vice near the beam is provided. From the experiments, it is ob-
served that lateral torsional buckling of the beam in the course of
loading did not occur. The instrumentation plan is described in
Fig.2. Shape of end-plates: (a) sinusoidal and (b) IPE160. Fig. 5 [811]. The lengths of the beam and column (1500 mm) are
chosen on one hand to ensure that a realistic stress pattern is
Because the web and ange of the sinusoidal beam have 2.5- developed at the connection, and on the other hand so that frac-
mm and 4-mm thicknesses, respectively, sheets with dimensions ture of the several specimens, i.e., ultimate load, is attained with
of 1500  6000 mm2 were rst prepared. Next, these sheets were the specic testing machine. The full instrumentation plan is de-
divided into ten and eighteen parts for the web and ange, re- scribed below. The primary requirements of the instrumentation
spectively, using a cutting device. The cylindrical device was then are the measurement of applied load (P), displacements (DT) of the
prepared as shown in Fig. 3. This device works with three cylin- beam, and strains (ST) at the end-plate connections. The results
ders. To run 30- and 70-angles, the upper cylinder and two lower are collected using a data-logging device that records all mea-
cylinders were made with diameters of 269.1 mm and 238.85 mm, surements for the load cells at one-second intervals. All the data
respectively. After making the cylinders, the sheets were made are recorded for the duration of the tests. Displacements are
into a sinusoidal shape inside this device. These sinusoidal sheets measured using linear variable displacement transducers with a
are shown in Fig. 4. To realize all planned lengths, because the maximum displacement of 100 mm (LVDTs are shown as DT in
sheet length was 1500 mm, sheets were welded by using arc Fig. 5). TML YEFLA-5 (maximum strain of 1520%) strain gauges
welding with a continuous 45 llet weld. The llet welds were are added to the system to provide insight into the strain dis-
made in the down-hand position. The procedure involves manual tribution, as shown in Fig. 5.
metal arc welding using a consumable electrode. Three main zones
could be identied after the welding process: weld metal (WM),
the heat-affected zone (HAZ), and base metal (BM) which is the
part of the parent plate that was not inuenced by the heat input. 4. Test results
The HAZ is the portion of the plate on either side of the weld that
The momentrotation curve shows the behavior of the moment
is affected by heat, because of which the metal suffers thermal
disturbances and structural modications that may include re- connections that describe the relationship between the applied
crystallization, rening, and grain growth. The hot WM causes the moment (M) and the corresponding rotation () between the
plate to bend upward owing to shrinkage during cooling and, members. The rotation and the bending moment (M) are predicted
therefore, considerable force is exerted toward this end. The re- by using displacements of the beam or the top-and-seat angle
sidual stresses can then be expected in the HAZ. Obviously, this connection as well as multiplication of the distance between the
inuences the overall behavior of the connection. The composition load application point and beam end bolted to the column (Lload),
of the WM deposited with the electrode compared to that of the respectively:
BM is of great importance because this will naturally alter the M = PL load (1)
properties of the steel at and near the weld toe. For each steel
quality there are often a large number of electrode types to choose The rotational deformation of the joint () is equal to the
from [47]. After making sinusoidal sheets, wing sheets of 4-mm connection rotation. The beam rotation is approximately given by
thickness and 180-mm width and 2.5-mm thickness and 160-mm (Fig. 5.)
width are made; these sheets are cut using the cutting device.
arctan(DT 1 DT 5 b. el(DT 1))
Next, wing sheets are carefully welded to web sheets by arc =
L1 (2)
welding. Because of the sinusoidal shape of the web, its vibration
is also sinusoidal. The sinusoidal sheets are shown in Fig. 4. These where DTi and b.el(DTi) are the vertical displacements and the
sheets are easy to weld and, as a result, the precision of the op- beam elastic deection at LVDT DTi, respectively. b.el(DTi) is eval-
eration is increased. Fig. 4 shows the shape of the sinusoidal 70 uated as follows:

Table 1
Experimental models.

Name of model h (mm) b (mm) t (mm) s (mm) L (mm) Weight (kg/m) tp (mm)

Simple (manufactured) 15.68 8

Sinusoidal 30 160 150 4 2.5 85.8 12.7 8
Sinusoidal 70 200.2 16.57 8
IPE160 160 82 7.4 5 15.8 8

tp thickness of end-plate.
38 A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543

Table 2
Average characteristics of structural steels and bolts.

Stress (MPa) Beam web Beam ange Column web Column ange Plate (4 mm) Plate (2.5 mm) Bolt (M10, grade 8.8)

fy 358.74 378. 8 349.19 351 324.08 351.11 789.98

fu 454.918 457.6 485.31 439 465.14 448.12 871.63

and rotation mink  R, and with its upper limit at Msupk  R and
rotation supk  R. The bending moment capacity is M.Cd and its
corresponding rotation capacity is cd.
Table 3 and Figs. 7 and 8 are obtained from the momentro-
tation curves of the tested systems. As seen from Table 3, the knee-
range is observed for the simple (manufactured) model. the knee-
range values of the simple (manufactured) model is higher than
the sinusoidal 30, sinusoidal 70, and IPE160 models by 44.68%,
17.33%, and 59.23%, respectively. The knee-range values of the si-
nusoidal 70 model is higher than the sinusoidal 30 and IPE160
models by 33.48% and 50.07%, respectively. In addition, the knee-
range value of the sinusoidal 30 model is higher than the IPE160
model by 25.85%. As a result, it is observed that the moment re-
sistance is increased with the increasing sinus degree of the web.
Furthermore, it is observed that the knee-range is increased
with the increasing sinus degree of the web from 30 to 70.
Fig. 3. Sinusoidal sheet manufacturing system. In addition, as seen from Table 3, the maximum bending ca-
pacity is observed for the sinusoidal 70 model. Moreover, MjRd
(plastic exural resistance) and Mjmax (maximum bending mo-
P X3DTi LloadX2DTi
b. el(DTi) = ( )( )( ) ment) values of the sinusoidal 70 model are higher than for the
EI 6 2 (3) simple (manufactured), sinusoidal 30, and IPE160 models by
1.64%, 22.16%, and 39.57%, and by 11.3%, 25.12%, and 44.87%, re-
where i is the moment of inertia and E is Young's modulus for the
spectively. Moreover, MjRd (plastic exural resistance) and Mjmax
beam. Some differences among the results from DT3 are expected
(maximum bending moment) values for the simple (manu-
when compared to the remaining LVDTs. The results from LVDTs
factured) model are higher than the IPE160 model by 38.63% and
DT1DT2 are identical, as expected. Therefore, all of the de-
37.73%, respectively, while MjRd (plastic exural resistance) and
formation values presented throughout the remainder of this
Mjmax (maximum bending moment) values for the sinusoidal 30
section refer to the readings from DT1.
model are higher than the IPE160 model by 22.80% and 26.26%,
The M curve of the connection may be characterized by
respectively. When the Mcd (bending moment capacity) values
using the aforementioned relationships. The main features of this
are taken into consideration, for the sinusoidal 70 and simple
curve are moment resistance, rotational stiffness, and rotation (manufactured) models, sinusoidal 30 and IPE160 beam, it is
capacity. In particular, the following characteristics are assessed observed that the bending moment capacity of sinusoidal 70
for the different experimental tests [8, 1214], as illustrated in beam is higher in values by 28.43%, 28.95%, 60.50%, respectively.
Fig. 6: Mcd (bending moment capacity) values for the simple (manu-
In Fig. 6, the plastic exural resistance Mj.Rd corresponds to the factured) model are higher than for the IPE160 and sinusoidal 30
intersection point of the previous two regression lines obtained for models by 44.77% and 0.72%, respectively, while Mcd (bending
the initial stiffness (Sj.ini) and for the post-limit stiffness (Sj.p  l) and moment capacity) values for the sinusoidal 30 model are higher
its corresponding rotation M.Rd. The maximum bending moment than the IPE160 model by 44.37%. As a result, it is observed that
is Mj.max and its corresponding rotation is M.j.max. The knee-range the moment resistance is increased with the increasing sinus de-
of the M curve is dened as the transition zone between the gree of the web.
initial and post-limit stiffness, with its lower boundary at Mmink  R In the experiments, the highest stiffness is observed in the

Fig. 4. Sinusoidal 70 sheets.

A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543 39

Fig. 5. Location of the displacement transducers (DT LVDTs) and the strain gauges: ST1 and ST2 are parallel to the column web while ST3 and ST4 are vertical to the column
web (L1 770 mm, Lload 1415 mm).

Fig. 6. Momentrotation curve characteristics.

Table 3
Main characteristics of the momentrotation curves.

Experiment Resistance (KN.m) Stiffness (KN m/rad) Rotation (rad)

KR (knee-range) Mj.Rd Mj. max MCd Sj.ini Sj.p  l Sj.ini/Sj.p  l M.Rd Min.K.R Msup.k.R Mj. max Cd

Simple (manufactured) 1.569.58 8.88 10.55 8.28 1.60 0.36 4.44 0.14 0.02 0.16 0.23 0.36
Sinusoidal 30 3.457.86 7.06 8.91 8.22 1.73 0.45 3.84 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.25 0.30
Sinusoidal 70 4.811.43 9.03 11.90 11.57 1.21 0.59 2.05 0.18 0.09 0.24 0.27 0.30
IPE 160 2.876.14 5.45 6.57 4.573 3.09 0.43 7.18 0.08 0.04 0.15 0.22 0.39
40 A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543

Fig. 7. Momentrotation and strain curves for all model tests.

A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543 41

Therefore, the ductility of a joint (j) is related to the maximum

rotation of the joint (Cd) and the rotation value corresponding to
the joint's plastic resistance, MRd[6]:
j =
MRd (4)

The rotation values at the maximum load and corresponding

ductility levels, j.max.load are also related by
Mj. max
j.maxload =
MRd (5)

Eurocode 3 [12] gives quantitative rules to predict joint exural

plastic resistance and initial rotational stiffness for major beam-to-
column joints of end-plate connections. These structural proper-
Fig. 8. Momentrotation curves. ties are evaluated below using the geometric and mechanical
nominal properties in Eurocode 3.
IPE160 specimen and the least is observed in the sinusoidal 70 The j and j.max.load values of the sinusoidal 30 model are
specimen. The rate of rise of the initial stiffness to the post-limit higher than for the simple (manufactured) and sinusoidal 70
stiffness values for the simple (manufactured) model is higher simple (manufactured) models by 22.82% and 50.15% and by
than the for sinusoidal 30 and sinusoidal 70 models by 13.51% 40.79% and 45.85%, respectively (Table 4). Moreover, it is observed
and 53.83%, respectively, and the rate of rise of the initial stiffness that j in the IPE160 model is greater than in the simple (manu-
to the post-limit stiffness values for the IPE160 model is higher factured), sinusoidal 30, and sinusoidal 70 specimens by 47.22%,
than for the sinusoidal 30, sinusoidal 70, and simple (manu- 31.62%, and 65.91%, respectively. The j.maxload values of the IPE160
factured) models. Additionally, the rate of rise of the initial stiff- beam are greater than those of the sinusoidal 70 and simple
ness to the post-limit stiffness values for the sinusoidal 30 model (manufactured) models by 45.45% and 40.36%, respectively.
is higher than for the sinusoidal 70 model by 46.61%. In the re- Table 4 shows that energy dissipation capacity values of the
sults, it is observed that the moment resistance is increased with simple (manufactured) model are higher than for the sinusoidal
the increasing sinus degree of the web. 30, sinusoidal 70, and IPE160 models. Moreover, energy dis-
The rotation for all specimens is shown in Table 3. The rotation sipation capacity values of the sinusoidal 70 model are higher
at the maximum bending moment (Mjmax) has the highest value than for the sinusoidal 30 and IPE160 models.
for the sinusoidal 70 model. When the other models are com- As a result, the sinusoidal 70 model has less ductility capacity
pared with the sinusoidal 70 model, it is observed that the rota- and higher energy dissipated compared with the other models. It
tion capability of the sinusoidal 70 model at the maximum seems that the improved knee-range (plastic exural resistance)
bending moment is higher than for the IPE160, sinusoidal 30, and and maximum bending moment are increased with the increasing
simple (manufactured) models by 18.5%, 7.4%, and 14.8%, respec- sinus degree of the web. However, the ductility of a joint and the
tively. Moreover, the Mjmax value of the sinusoidal 30 model is rate of rise of the initial stiffness to the post-limit stiffness is de-
12% greater than for the IPE 160 model and the Mjmax value of the creased with increasing sinus degree of the web. Moreover, the
simple (manufactured) model is 4.35% greater than for the IPE 160 ductility of a joint for the sinusoidal 30 model is greater than for
model. As seen in Table 3 and Fig. 7, the rotation plastic exural the simple and sinusoidal 70models. However, for a exural
resistance (Mj.Rd) of the sinusoidal 70 model is 2.25, 2, and member, the ductility of a joint is most important and is essential
1.2 times greater than those of the IPE160, sinusoidal 30, and to performance in terms of the moment strength capacity.
simple (manufactured) models, respectively. As a result, it is ob- Therefore, despite the fact that the ductility of a sinus beam joint is
served that the rotation plastic exural resistance is increased with lower than in other models, the energy dissipated by sinus models
the increasing sinus degree of the web. are greater than in other models; as a result, the sinus models are
In Fig. 7, the momentrotation curves of 4 models are com- better than other models for use in industry.
pared. According to the comparisons, it is observed that the mo- The similar performance of momentstrain curves for the
ment resistance of sinusoidal 70 model is greater than all of the models are shown in Fig. 8 for both horizontal and vertical strain
other models. Thus, it is suggested to use various sinus beams with gauges. The observed values from strain gauges 1 and 3 are ap-
end-plate connections, while the equal weight design phenom- proximately two times greater than the values from strain gauges
enon is thought for mentioned models, namely the moment re- 2 and 4. Although vertically connected strain gauges have been
sistance, the stiffness, and the rotation, etc. exposed to plastic deformation in some regions, horizontally
In this study, the ductility of a joint (j) is a property that re- connected strain gauges have been exposed to elastic deformation.
ects the length of the yield plateau of the momentrotation re- The observed collapse modes of the models are presented in
sponse. The purpose here is to dene ductility as the difference Fig. 9. All of the bolts used in the models show similar failure
between the rotation value corresponding to the joint plastic re- patterns with 45 angles. However, the number of broken bolts is
sistance (MRd) and the total rotation capacity (Cd) [910]. four, except for the sinusoidal 70 model, which have three broken

Table 4
Joint ductility indices j and j.max.load.

Experiment MR.d (rad) .Mj.max (rad) C.d (rad) Cd Mj . max Energy dissipated (kN m rad)
j = j . max . load =

Simple 0.14 0.23 0.36 2.57 1.64 1.90

Sinusoidal 30 0.09 0.25 0.30 3.33 2.77 1.34
Sinusoidal 70 0.18 0.27 0.30 1.66 1.5 1.79
IPE 160 0.08 0.22 0.39 4.87 2.75 1.28
42 A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543

Fig. 9. Collapse of all models.

bolts. The failures of the bolts are obtained from the top down, as and sinusoidal 70 simple (manufactured) models. Moreover, it is
expected. observed that j in the IPE160 model is greater than in the simple
(manufactured), sinusoidal 30, and sinusoidal 70 specimens. The
j.maxload values of the IPE160 beam are greater than those of the
5. Conclusion sinusoidal 70 and simple (manufactured) models. The energy
dissipation capacity values of the simple (manufactured) model
The purpose of these experiments is to understand the effects are higher than for other models. Moreover, energy dissipation
of sinus-type beam composites on end-plates and to provide data capacity values of the sinusoidal 70 model are higher than for the
necessary to improve Eurocode 3. The main conclusions that can sinusoidal 30 and IPE160 models. Therefore, despite the fact that
be drawn from the test program are as follows. The knee-range is the ductility of a sinus beam joint is lower than for other models,
observed for the simple (manufactured) model. The knee-range the energy dissipated in sinus models is greater than in other
values of the simple (manufactured) model are higher than for models. As a result, the sinus models are better than other models
other models. Therefore, the knee-range is increased with the for use in industry. The similar performance of momentstrain
increasing sinus degree of the web from 30 to 70. The plastic curves for the models are obtained for both horizontal and vertical
exural resistance, maximum bending moment, and bending strain gauges. The observed values from strain gauges 1 and 3 are
moment capacity are increased with the increasing sinus degree of approximately two times greater than the values from strain
the web. Therefore, the rotation plastic exural resistance is in- gauges 2 and 4. Although vertically connected strain gauges have
creased with the increasing sinus degree of the web. The rate of been exposed to plastic deformation in some regions, horizontally
rise of the initial stiffness to the post-limit stiffness values of the I connected strain gauges have been exposed to elastic deformation.
prole is higher than in the sinus and simple (manufactured) All of the bolts used in the models show similar failure patterns
models. The rotation at the maximum bending moment and the with 45 angles. However, the number of broken bolts is four,
rotation plastic exural resistance is increased with the increasing except for the sinusoidal 70 models, which have three broken
sinus degree of the web. The j and j.max.load values of the si- bolts. The failures of the bolts were obtained from the top down, as
nusoidal 30 model are higher than for the simple (manufactured) expected.
A. Cneyt Aydn et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 97 (2015) 3543 43

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