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QETF/003 Cutting, forming

and assembling engineering


Credit Value 5 Level 1 GLH 40

Delivery pack
Unit purpose/aims
This unit is intended to give learners a broad introduction to the different methods used to cut, form and
assemble sheet metal components. The content of the unit includes the use of guillotines, bending equipment
and mechanical fastening. The knowledge requirement is intended to introduce a variety of methods to the
learners and the practical activities allow the learner to focus on the methods/processes that may have local

This unit involves the use of tools, equipment or machinery and as such must be delivered in a secure and safe
environment; learners must be supervised at all times by competent and qualified staff to ensure their safety. All
tools, equipment or machinery must be maintained and presented in a safe and fit state for use.

The higher risk activities within this unit require safeguarding at all times.

Summary of learning outcomes

The learner will:

3.1 Demonstrate different cutting, forming and assembling processes

3.2 Prepare for cutting, forming and assembling activities

3.3 Carry out cutting, forming and assembling activities

3.4 Check cutting, forming and assembling activities are carried out correctly

Assessment requirements
An assessed research task that will cover learning outcome 3.1.

An assessed practical task that will cover learning outcomes 3.2 3.4.

The overall grading criteria and recording sheet for this unit is attached to learning outcome 3.4.

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3.1 Learning outcome
Demonstrate different cutting, forming and assembling processes
The learner will need to have the following practical skills and knowledge in order to complete this learning

Practical skills
The learner can
Use resources to research information
Demonstrate the industrial applications of cutting, forming and assembling processes

Knowledge requirements
The learner can
Define the safety requirements of using cutting, forming and assembling processes
Identify different cutting, forming and assembling processes for different applications

Delivery advice - is intended to assist the delivery staff in ensuring coverage of the learning outcome
requirements are achieved.

Learners must be aware of the safety considerations of the different cutting, forming and assembling processes.

Cutting equipment:
Guillotines trapping zones, methods of guarding, access to the machine rear and correct blade setting
Hand tools (tin snips etc) correct type for job, condition, correct methods of use
Bench lever shears condition, position on bench, security of fastening on bench

Forming equipment:
Folders - trapping zones, methods of guarding, access to the machine rear and correct setting relative to
material thickness
Rolls - trapping zones, setting clearance, (pinch and pyramid)
Hand forming - condition of hammers, mallets and stakes

Assembling equipment:
Riveting condition of hammers and riveting equipment
Nuts, bolts and screws condition of equipment, suitability for task, correct type

Learners should understand the mechanical properties that make forming possible.

For every process of joining the learner must be able to state or show a typical use for each joining process
mentioned. They must be able to identify possible defects that may occur as the result of using the processes
and know how distortion is prevented and controlled.

Learners should be shown (using suitable media) the various industrial applications of the different joining
methods. A car is a good example that contains most methods of joining materials. They should be able to
identify the advantages and disadvantages of different joining methods and be able to understand why different
joining processes are chosen for different applications.

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3.1 Learning Outcome
Demonstrate different cutting, forming and assembling processes
Assessment details This assessment is intended to introduce the learners to the common cutting,
forming and assembling processes and to encourage the learners to consider the
applications of them.
Learners should put at least one answer in each answer cell of the table to
achieve a final unit grade of pass and at least two in each answer cell to achieve
a merit, (refer to grading sheet attached to outcome 3.4).
Objective of the assessment The learners should demonstrate an ability to use and record a range of
information sources whilst undertaking the assessment.
Preparation required The learning outcome knowledge requirements should be taught prior to the
assessment being completed.

Resources needed Blank assessment table

Access to information sources, such as:
o text books
o your notes
o the internet
o catalogues and manuals

Solutions and marking criteria

Attached to this learning outcome are:
Learner Instructions assessment 3.1: Investigate cutting, forming and assembling processes
Solutions assessment 3.1: Investigate cutting, forming and assembling processes

The unit grading sheet is attached to learning outcome 3.4.

This sheet is to be filled in when the unit is completed and the learner is being assessed for an overall grade from
pass, merit and distinction.

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Unit 03 Learner instructions
Assessment 3.1: Investigate cutting, forming and
assembling processes

WHY are we doing this?

To investigate why certain cutting, forming and assembling processes are used for certain

WHAT do we need?
Blank tables and pen or pencil
Access to information sources, such as:
o text books
o your notes
o the internet
o catalogues and manuals

HOW do we make a start?

You must observe health and safety procedures at all times.

Firstly you should start looking through the information sources you have to hand and gather
information before starting to complete the table.

Try to put as many examples as you can in the table from everyday things that you use at home
or in school/college.

(If you fill the table up and want to put more examples in ask your tutor for another table to

Ask your tutor to help you if you are unsure of any points or terms used

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Unit 03 Assessment 3.1: Investigate cutting, forming and assembling processes

Learner name: Learner no:

Date; Attempt no:

Cutting, Forming What are the types of What are the advantages of What are the disadvantages What are the health & Assessor
and Assembling equipment/methods available? using this equipment? of using this equipment? safety issues?

Cutting sheet

Folding sheetmetal

Rolling sheetmetal


Learners and/or assessors comments:

Assessor signature: Date:

Date of re-assessment:(if applicable)

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Unit 03 Assessment 3.1: Investigate cutting, forming and assembling processes (possible solutions)

Learner name: Billy Bloggs Learner no: 12345

Date: 04/04/04 Attempt no: 1

Cutting, Forming What are the types of What are the advantages of What are the disadvantages What are the health & Assessor
and Assembling equipment/methods available? using this equipment? of using this equipment? safety issues?
Answers like: Answers like: Answers like: Answers like:
Cutting sheet Guillotines Straight lines Big Trapping/chopping
metal Tin snips Curved edges Thin materials only Sharp
Bench shears Thicker materials Dangerous Trapping/chopping

Folding sheetmetal Answers like: Answers like: Answers like: Answers like:
Folders Straight lines Thin materials Trapping

Press Thicker materials Big Automated
Answers like: Answers like: Answers like: Answers like:
Rolling sheetmetal Manual rolls Easy to use Hard to use by hand Trapping fingers
Powered rolls Thicker materials Trapping (automated) Trapping fingers

Answers like: Answers like: Answers like: Answers like:

Assembling Nuts and bolts Can be taken apart Can come loose Must use correct tools
sheetmetal Self secured joints Strong Cannot be taken apart Trapping fingers
Screws Can be taken apart Can come loose (hammers etc)

Learners and/or assessors comments:

Good answers, well done

Assessor Signature: A Pedagogy Date: 05/04/04

Date of re-assessment: (if applicable) N/A

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3.2 Learning outcome
Prepare for cutting, forming and assembling activities
The learner will need to have the following practical skills and knowledge in order to complete this learning

Practical skills
The learner can
Prepare tools and equipment for cutting, forming and assembling activities
Read and follow task instructions

Knowledge requirements
The learner can
State the types and function of the tools and equipment used in cutting, forming and assembling
Check the tools and equipment used for cutting, forming and assembling

Delivery advice - is intended to assist the delivery staff in ensuring coverage of the learning outcome
requirements are achieved.

This learning outcome should link with the content of the Using Hand Tools outcome in the mandatory unit.

This outcome should cover the types and function of the tools and equipment (refer to learning outcome 3.1)
used in for cutting, forming and assembling.

Before starting practical activities learners must understand the requirements of preparing both the workplace
and a plan of how are to carry out the operations. They should consider:
The health and safety issues around the processes to be used
The requirements for a simple risk assessment
The availability and condition of tools and equipment (including PPE)
The specification, quantity and condition of the material to be joined
How and when the quality will be checked
Leaving the work area in a clean and safe condition/disposal of waste

Learners should also be made aware of how to produce a production plan of how they intend to carry out the
joining activities. This plan can be used as part of the practical task in learning outcome 3.4.

Learners must also know how to prepare the tools and consumables used for the specific practical task
undertaken,this must include:
Checking guarding is in good condition
Checking for condition
Suitability for task

Describe the tools and methods used to mark out sheet metal:
Methods and equipment used
Allowance for material thickness and bending/folding

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3.2 Learning Outcome
Prepare for Cutting, Forming and Assembling Activities
Assessment Details The assessment for this learning outcome is common between outcomes 3.2
3.4. The learner completes a electronics box and jointing exercise.
The cutting, forming and assembling processes used during the practical tasks
are dependant on local requirements. In all cases the task should follow the
drawing/learners assessment sheets. The learners should complete the task and
report sheets as directed.
Objective of the Assessment The learners should demonstrate an ability to correctly prepare for cutting,
forming and assembling activities.
Preparation Required Suitable tools and equipment checked and prepared prior to any activities being
carried out.

Resources Needed Learners instructions and report sheets

Suitable cutting, forming and assembling equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Solutions and Marking Criteria

The assessment for this learning outcome is attached to learning outcome 3.4.
Learner instructions assessment 3.4: Prepare cutting, forming and assembling activities
Learner report sheet assessment 3.4: Prepare cutting, forming and assembling activities

The unit grading sheet is attached to learning outcome 3.4.

This sheet is to be filled in when the unit is completed and the learner is being assessed for an overall grade from
pass, merit and distinction.

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3.3 Learning outcome
Carry out cutting, forming and assembling activities
The learner will need to have the following practical skills and knowledge in order to complete this learning

Practical skills
The learner can
Demonstrate how to set up cutting, forming and assembling tools and equipment
Demonstrate how to use tools and equipment safely and correctly
Carry out joining activities safely and correctly
Apply housekeeping techniques to the work area and leave in a safe condition

Knowledge requirements
The learner can
Outline the procedures for setting up equipment
Indicate how to use rivets and equipment
Define the types of mechanical fastener used
State the basic principles of cutting and forming

Delivery advice - is intended to assist the delivery staff in ensuring coverage of the learning outcome
requirements are achieved.

The procedures for setting up equipment listed in learning outcome 3.1

To include:
Rolling equipment
Hand tools

Learners should be shown:

The correct methods for the production of grooved seam, wired, paned down and knocked up joints

Learners should be able to identify:

Solid and hollow riveting: Mechanical fastenings:
Applications of rivets Self tapping screws
Diameter of rivets Nuts and bolts
Materials Hank bushes
Head form Rivet nuts
Tools (set and snap, pulling up hollow rivets)

Learners should understand the basic principles of cutting and forming:

The stages of cutting by shear
The relationship between the inside and outside of a bend and the effect of radius

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3.3 Learning outcome
Carry out cutting, forming and assembling activities
Assessment details The assessment for this learning outcome is common between outcomes 3.2
3.4. The learner completes a electronics box and jointing exercise.
The cutting, forming and assembling processes used during the practical tasks
are dependant on local requirements. In all cases the task should follow the
drawing/learners assessment sheets. The learners should complete the task and
report sheets as directed.
Objective of the assessment The learners should demonstrate an ability to correctly carry out cutting,
forming and assembling activities.
Preparation required Suitable tools and equipment checked and prepared prior to any activities being
carried out.

Resources needed Learners instructions and report sheets

Suitable cutting, forming and assembling equipment and consumables
Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Solutions and marking criteria

The assessment for this learning out come is attached to learning outcome 3.4:
Learner instructions assessment 3.4: Carry out cutting, forming and assembling activities
Learner report sheet assessment 3.4: Carry out cutting, forming and assembling activities

The unit grading sheet is attached to learning outcome 3.4.

This sheet is to be filled in when the unit is completed and the learner is being assessed for an overall grade from
pass, merit and distinction.

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3.4 Learning outcome
Check cutting, forming and assembling activities are carried out correctly
The learner will need to have the following practical skills and knowledge in order to complete this learning

Practical skills
The learner can
Check that completed task meets the quality criteria

Knowledge requirements
The learner can
Identify the methods used to check cutting, forming and assembling has been carried out correctly
Outline the importance of leaving the workplace and equipment in a safe and tidy condition

Delivery advice - is intended to assist the delivery staff in ensuring coverage of the learning outcome
requirements are achieved.

Describe the range of inspection equipment available:

Methods of inspection
Measuring/checking equipment

Describe the importance of datum surfaces, lines and edges when checking work.

Describe quality indication:

Accuracy Squareness
Alignment Freedom from distortion
Form and shape Surface damage

Learners must be aware of the importance of cleaning the workplace and why it should be restored at the end of
activities and all equipment stored in the correct place. They must also how to safely and legally dispose of
waste materials and consumables.

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3.4 Learning outcome
Check cutting, forming and assembling activities are carried out correctly

Assessment details The assessment for this learning outcome is common between outcomes 3.2
3.4. The learner completes a electronics box and jointing exercise.
The cutting, forming and assembling processes used during the practical tasks
are dependant on local requirements. In all cases the task should follow the
drawing/learners assessment sheets. The learners should complete the task and
report sheets as directed.
Objective of the assessment The learners should demonstrate an ability to check cutting, forming and
assembling activities have been carried out correctly.
Preparation required Suitable tools and equipment checked and prepared prior to any activities being
carried out.

Resources needed Task assessment sheets

Suitable cutting, forming and assembling equipment and consumables
Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Solutions and Marking Criteria

Attached to this learning outcome are:
Learner instructions assessment 3.4: Check cutting, forming and assembling activities
Learner report Sheet assessment 3.4: Check cutting, forming and assembling activities

The unit grading sheet is attached to this learning outcome.

This sheet is to be filled in when the unit is completed and the learner is being assessed for an overall grade from
pass, merit and distinction.

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Unit 03 Learner instructions
Assessment 3.4: Carry out cutting, forming and assembling

Why are we doing this?

To demonstrate an ability to use cutting, forming and assembling processes

What do we need?
Task instructions
Task drawings
Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
Tools and equipment

How do we make a start?

You must observe health and safety procedures at all times.

1. Prepare The Work Area

Ensure you have the necessary tools and equipment before starting the task. Check that the work
area is clean and you know how any equipment works that you may need to use.

2. Grooved Seam and Safety Edge Exercise

Using the drawing provided by your tutor make the exercise as directed.

3. Electronics Box
Using the drawing provided by your tutor make the electronics box as directed.

4. Checking Your Work

After you have finished making your electronics box and jointing exercise. Check with your tutor
on what is the best method to check your work.

Ask your tutor to help you if you are unsure of any points or terms used

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Unit 03 Learner Instructions
Assessment 3.4: Carry out cutting, forming and assembling

5. Producing A Report
You should produce a report that gives details of how you carried out the cutting, forming and
assembling and checking activities. Your report should include details of the tools and equipment
you have used.

You should also include a section on what you have learned and what you might do differently if
you did it again. If things went wrong the first time you tried them, what you did differently the
second time.

Your report should be written in a way that someone else could use it as a guide to help them to
carry out their cutting, forming and assembling activities. Produce your report either by using the
one provided by hand or produce your own using a computer. If you use a computer you must
ensure that it is all your own work.

Ask your tutor to help you if you are unsure of any points or terms used

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Unit 03 Learner report
Assessment 3.4: Carry out cutting, forming and assembling

Learner name: Learner no:

Date: Page .. of


Assessors comments:

Assessor signature:


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Unit 03 Assessments 3.1 - 3.4
Cutting, forming and assembling engineering materials Unit grading sheet

Learner name: Learner no:

Date: Attempt no:
During the activity did the learner Please tick Assessor Comments

Mandatory unit assessment
(All must be completed before grading task)
1.1 Work safely at all times during the activities
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of the
task as given on the drawing/instructions
1.3 Select and use the appropriate tools and equipment
correctly and return after use
1.4 Select and use materials, consumables and equipment
1.5 Use appropriate problem solving techniques when needed
(All criteria must be completed to achieve pass grade)
P1 Learner has completed Investigate Cutting, Forming and
Assembling task given in outcome 3.1 with at least one
example in each box
P2 Learner has successfully made the toolbox as and jointing
exercise instructed, with some defects but acceptable
P3 Learner has completed a basic written procedure of cutting,
forming and assembling activities
(All pass and merit criteria must be fully completed to achieve merit grade)
M1 Learners has made the electronics box and jointing exercise
to a high standard of accuracy in accordance with drawing with
minimal defects and distortion
M2 Learners has made the electronics box and jointing exercise
to a high standard of finish with minimal defects and distortion
M3 Learner has completed Investigate Cutting, Forming and
Assembling task given in outcome 3.1 with at least two
examples in each box
(All pass, merit and distinction criteria must be fully completed to achieve distinction grade)
D1 Learners has completed a comprehensive report detailing,
procedures, tools/equipment and an evaluation of their
Grade given (P, M or D)

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Unit 03 Assessments 3.1 - 3.4
Cutting, forming and assembling engineering materials Unit grading sheet

Assessors general feedback:

Learner comment: (optional)

Date of re-assessment: (if applicable)

Assessor signature:
Learners signature: (if applicable)

2010 EMTA Awards Limited

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Requests should be made in writing and addressed to:
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