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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Students Voices: Views on Wearing of School Uniforms

A Research Paper Presented

to the Faculty of the

Numancia Integrated School

Numancia, Aklan

In Partial Fullfillment

of the Requirements for

Practical Research I
Numancia Integrated School


Phoebe Loren F. Cayetano

Irvy Gale T. Inventado

Nio D. Gonzales

Teave T. Nacar

March 2017

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


A Research Paper for the Subject

Research in Daily Life I


Phoebe Loren F. Cayetano

Irvy Gale T. Inventado

Nio D. Gonzales

Teave T. Nacar

Approved by the Research Committee:

MT II, Research in Daily Life I Teacher

Teacher II, Member

MT II, Chairman

Principal I

March 2017

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our


- Thornton Wilder

This study would not be possible without the support and guidance of the people

that God has given to the researchers. With grateful hearts, the researchers express

their thanks for the generous consideration and superb assistance of the following


Ms. Famela R. Retamar, research adviser, for the guidance and encouragement

as well as her limitless patience in looking through this paper despite the fact that she

has numerous papers to attest.

Ms. Madelyn V. Rasgo, chairman of the research panel, for her great assistance

and support to attend to the queries of the researchers.

Ms. Ednalyn M. De Miguel, member of the research panel, for her expertise in

amending the paper for further improvement.

Mr. Kurt Gil M. Fuentes, Teacher I, English teacher, for his suggestions and

expertise in validating the instrument as well as looking through the overall paper.

Mrs. Jocelyn N. Nillasca, Principal I, for her approval and accommodation.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Senior High School Teachers of Numancia Integrated School, for lending their

precious time in accommodating the queries of the researchers.

Grade 11 students of Numancia Integrated School, for the encouragement and


Friends of the researchers, for the support, kindness and inspiration.

Families of the researchers, for the unconditional love, endless patience and

great support.

God Almighty, for giving the researchers power of mind and strength to continue

until the end. With Him, everything is possible.

Phoebe Loren F. Cayetano

Irvy Gale T. Inventado

Nio D. Gonzales

Teave T. Nacar

March 2017

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


An abstract


A Research Paper Presented

to the Faculty of

Numancia Integrated School

Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research I


Phoebe Loren F. Cayetano

Irvy Gale T. Inventado

Nio D. Gonzales

Teave T. Nacar

March 2017

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Cayetano, P. L. F., et al.,Students Voices: Views on Wearing of School Uniforms.

Unpublished research paper, Numancia Integrated School, Numancia, Aklan,
March 2017.


The research aimed to explore the views of students on wearing of school

uniforms and determine the importance of this to them. The research was conducted in

Numancia Integrated School which is located at Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan. The

participants of the study were Grade 11 students enrolled in the second semester of

school year 2016-2017 of Numancia Integrated School, Numancia, Aklan and the Senior

High School teachers in the said school. Students were given a set of checklist to

determine their views on school uniforms and interview questions were asked to the

advisers about the effects of school uniforms to students individual identity. Results

revealed that in wearing of school uniforms, majority of the students feel proud and

prefer to follow the dress code of the school rather than wearing what they feel to wear.

Also, students are in favour of the implementation and consider school uniforms as a big

help to many of them. Students view school uniforms important in making students more

disciplined. But according to them, it can be an addition to parents financial concern.

Furthermore, students seemed disciplined yet; some feel awkward and uncomfortable in

their uniforms. Those who do not wear uniforms were considered to be noncompliant

with school rules. When asked what could be teachers advice for students who are not

wearing school uniforms, results state that students must be responsible and disciplined

in abiding school rules.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Table of Contents


Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgment iii

Abstract vi

Table of Contents viii

List of Tables x

List of Appendices xi


1. Introduction of the Study 1

Background of the Study 2

Statement of the Problem 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5

Definition of Terms 6

2. Review of Related Literature 7

Importance of Wearing of School Uniforms 8

Effects of Uniforms towards Schools and Students Behavior 10
Wearing of School Uniforms across Different Countries 11
Positive Aspects of School Uniforms 14
Negative Aspects of School Uniforms 17
DepEd Order 21
Summary 22

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Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

3. Methodology 24

Research Design 25

Locale of the study 25

Subjects and/or Respondents/Participants of the study 25

Sample Size and Sampling Techniques 26

Research Instrument 26

Data Gathering Procedure 26

Data Analysis Procedure 27

4. Results and Discussion 28

Views of Students on Wearing of School Uniforms 29

Behavior of Students When in Uniform 35

5. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 37

Findings of the Study 38

Conclusions 39

Recommendations 40

References 41

Appendices 45

List of Tables

Table Page

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Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

1 Students feelings when wearing of school uniforms 29

2 Students thoughts on school with and without uniforms 30

3 Students preference on what to wear in school 31

4 Thoughts of students on school uniforms 32

5 Students views on the advantages on school uniforms 33

List of Appendices

Appendix Page

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

A Letter to Senior High School Teachers 47

B Letter to the Validator 49

C Validation Sheet for the Instrument 51

D Questionnaire for Students Views on Wearing of 53

School Uniforms

E Interview Questions for Senior High School Teachers 56

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Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Chapter I

Introduction to the Study

Chapter One has five parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Statement of the

Problem, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Scope and Delimitations of the Study, and (5)

Definition of Terms.

Part One, Background of the Study, presents the background, concepts and

realistic observation on why the problem exists.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem, presents the interrogative statements that

the researchers aim to answer.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, details the important contributions of the

research and its results to the people and the community.

Part Four, Scope and Delimitations of the Study, sets the limits and states the

scope and the coverage of the study as well as its constraints and restrictions.

Part Five, Definitions of Terms, provide important terms and its definitions to how

they will be used in the study.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Background of the Study

School uniform or school clothing is a practice which dates to the 16th century in

the United Kingdom. It is believed that the Christ Hospital School in London in 1552 was

the first school to use a school uniform (

29047752). The earliest documented proof of institutionalized use of a standard

academic dress dates back to 1222 when the then Archbishop of Canterbury ordered the

wearing of the cope about 800 years ago (Brunsma, n.d.)

The practice of having school uniform has been adopted by other countries, and

is now common in many parts of the world. Uniforms can be regarded as promoting

social equality among students and school-pride, but the practice has also been

criticized for promoting a form of uniformity characteristic of militarism. The decision as

to whether to implement school uniform policy or not is a controversial one and also

polarized in societies and countries. In countries such as the United Kingdom, South

Africa and a number of Asian nations, school children have to wear approved school

uniforms that conform to the uniform policy of their respective school (McCourt, 2013).

There are some independent schools and state schools that do not have a

school uniform policy and that pupils are at liberty to dress in a way considered to be

appropriate by themselves, their parents or guardians.

In the Philippines, school uniforms (Filipino: uniporme or kasuotang pang-

paaralan; Literally: school attire) are of voluntary basis in public schools but officially

required in private schools.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Public school uniforms for primary levels are typically white, short-sleeved,

buttoned-up shirts, with deep skirts for girls and light brown or black knee-length slacks

for boys(School uniforms by country, n.d.).

Most high schools, both public and private, require school uniforms. The primary

reason offered is to keep prices for school clothing low. The colors are generally the

same as used for the elementary pupils, although there is often a slight difference to

identify the older high school students. Some schools require the girls to wear a school

tie with a seal on it. The boys wear long pants coordinating the color of the girls skirts.

Commonly they wear a polo shirt with a seal on the pocket (School Uniforms: The

Philippines, 2009).

In tertiary levels (Colleges and Universities), the situation varies. Some colleges

require uniforms and some do not. This is true both in private or public schools.

Universities and some colleges are often not very particular about uniforms(School

Uniforms: The Philippines, 2009).

Colors of uniforms in the Philippines are mostly from the official colors of the

school, but usually consist of cotton material for the warm weather (School uniforms by

country, n.d.).

However, the question of whether students should still be wearing school

uniforms is a timely one. While there is no widespread opposition to the prescription of

standardized classroom attire, we have asked if the practice is serving a purpose; what

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

are the advantages and disadvantages; if it benefits the students and their parents; and

what the students say about this for they are the most significant part of the study.

Statement of the Problem

A school uniform is a symbol in part of preparation and duty towards learning.

This study aimed to explore students views on wearing of school uniforms and to find

answers to these questions:

1. What are the students views about wearing of school uniforms?

2. Do school uniforms have something to do on students individual identity?

3. Why is it important for students to wear uniforms?

Significance of the Study

The image of the school reflects the behavior of the school community, most

importantly, the students. As stated by Chloe Spencer, 2013you hate your school

uniform but its there for a good reason.

Implementation of uniforms in a school is inevitable and most likely

understandable yet complaints have long stayed in schools, commonly in public schools.

This study then aimed to explore students views about wearing of uniforms.

However, school uniforms give students a sense of belonging to a particular

school and develop good identity.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Hence, the following will benefit from this study:

School administrators will be able to consider thoughts of students and parents in

wearing of uniforms. They may be able to relay the importance of wearing of school

uniforms to the students.

Parents play a critical role in making sure that their children wear their uniform

smartly and correctly to school every day. In this study, importance of school uniforms

will be fully imparted to the students.

Students will be able to realize the need of wearing of school uniforms.

Researchers can reflect from the views of the people involved in the study and

be more knowledgeable about the importance of wearing of school uniforms.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study aimed to provide information regarding views of students on wearing

of school uniforms and how the dress code affects students personally.

Representatives from each section of NIS senior high school duly enrolled in the

second semester of school year 2016-2017 were chosen to answer the questionnaire.

In determining how school uniforms affect students individual identity, the

researchers have interviewed the advisers of the participants about the behavior when

wearing of uniforms to have an accurate analysis.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Definition of Terms

Uniform. The distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or

body or by children attending certain schools. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, uniform was referred to the set of standardized clothes worn by

students in school. This was where the study focused about.

Behavior. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward

others. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, behavior referred to the manner in which the participants act in

school when wearing of school uniforms.

School. An institution for the teaching of children. (Merriam Webster Dictionary,


In this study, school referred to the establishment where the research will be


Safety. The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or

injury. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, safety referred to the form of being safe of the students from trouble

by wearing of uniforms.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

For better comprehension of the study, related literature that can support the

study is reviewed in this chapter. This chapter consists of five parts, namely:

(1)Importance of Wearing of School Uniforms, (2) Effects of Uniforms towards Schools

and Students Behavior, (3) Wearing of School Uniforms across Different Countries, (4)

Positive Aspects of School Uniforms, (5) Negative Aspects of School Uniforms, (6)

DepEd Memorandum and DepEd Order, and (7) Summary

Part One, Importance of Wearing of School Uniforms, represents how school

uniforms need to be worn.

Part Two, Effects of Uniforms towards Schools and StudentsBehavior, denotes

how school uniforms affect students behavior and school identity.

Part Three, Wearing of School Uniforms across Different Countries, describes

how the school uniforms affects students and the result of it to school.

Part Four, Positive Aspects of School Uniforms, represents the good features of

school uniforms.

Part Five, Negative Aspects of School Uniforms, represents the disadvantages of

school uniforms.

Part Six, DepEd Memorandum and DepEd Order, states the mandate of the

Philippine government towards school uniforms.

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Region VI Western Visayas
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District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Part Seven, Summary, briefly sums up the topics discussed.

Importance of Wearing of School Uniforms

For the past decade, schools, parents, and students have clashed over the issue

of regulating student attire. (Marian Wilde, 2007) Determining its importance can be

related to incidents where it served its purpose.

A Muslim group calling itself Al Harukatul, led by rebel leader Abu Sayyaf,

according to a March 2000 news report, was holding 33 hostages, including Filipino

Father Rhoel Gallardo, 34, also a Claretian (Roman Catholic priest or brother). The

kidnapping took place on March 20 on Basilan Island. The rebels forced their way into

the Claret School in Tumahubong village and then three other schools in the area, taking

more than 50 hostages. The rebels are part of Muslim guerilla groups fighting for

independence in the southern Philippines. "I spoke to some of the teachers and

students," Father Rivas said. "A group of Muslim children told me they saved a Christian

teacher by giving him a school uniform to wear and mixing him up with the students, so

the rebels didn't notice he was a teacher."

Also, a Japanese aid worker, Hiro Kawashima, working with Filipino schools to

help supply the necessities to poor children write, "It is maybe true that wearing the

same uniform will develop the healthy identity or unity among the members but it shall

not disturb the poor economy of the parents. Uniform might even curb the schooling rate

Republic of the Philippines
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Region VI Western Visayas
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Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

if it's forced. (School Uniforms: The Philippines, 2017). Retrieved from

In the 1980s, public schools were often compared unfavorably to Catholic

schools. Noting the perceived benefit that uniforms conferred upon Catholic schools,

some public schools decided to adopt a school uniform policy. President Clinton

provided momentum to the school uniform movement when he said in his 1996 State of

the Union speech, "If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer

jackets, and then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear

school uniforms." (Wilde, 2007)

A study by Perry (2006), all students start their day by deciding what to wear to

school. Some school children are limited to specific regulated clothing such as uniforms,

and others can wear almost anything. With the recent impact of school violence and

awareness of academic standards, uniforms and strict dress codes in public schools

have become topics of interest to school boards and administrations. School districts

want reform to improve school climate. Furthermore, Perry believed that clothing can be

used as a status symbol with students. It also has been linked with violent school crimes

and gangs. Therefore, an attempt was made to explore the views of teachers and to find

if elementary teachers felt that student behavior would improve with a strict dress code

or uniform policy.

According to recent research, school uniforms and strict dress codes are not

clear cut answers to behavior issues in the classroom. It is obvious however, that the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

use of school uniforms or strict dress codes is an attempt to improve the overall school

climate. The purpose of this study was to explore the feelings of teachers regarding the

link between student dress and student behavior. This study uncovered the views of

teachers and to find if they felt that student behavior would improve with a strict dress

code or uniform policy. It also sought to find views of teachers regarding how dress

effects student behavior. Data was collected through a survey distributed to teachers in

one elementary building at Marietta City School District. The teachers were asked to

provide feedback on their personal views of how behavior and dress are linked. Perry,


Effects of Uniforms towards Schools and Students Behavior

Does dress have an impact on behavior? What differences does dress make?

In a study conducted by Gentile and Imberman (2009), concerns about safety in urban

schools have led many school districts to require uniforms for their students. According

to Duvall (2004), in an effort to decrease school disciplinary issues, school safety and

low academic standards, strict uniform policies have been proven to help enhance the

school climate. As an integral part of changing and improving school climate,

professionalism and safety are two key factors that a uniform policy can fulfil. In addition

to these key factors, uniforms will also help place the emphasis back to a focus on

education rather than peer pressure, violence, and the lack of motivation in students.

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Region VI Western Visayas
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District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

A case study of Sundergarh District by Mr. Mantu Kumar Mahalik (2015) found

out that mandatory public school uniform practice has been the primary focus in the

recent educational policy of both developed and developing countries. Proponents of

such reform emphasize the advantage and disadvantage of student uniforms on specific

behavioral and academic outcomes. School uniforms are supposed to help stop issues

of cliques, prevent gangs from forming and help students concentrate on their studies.

Enabling a dress code helps to boost the students etiquette and marks. Numerous

school districts have embraced school uniforms as an innovative step to add on to safety

and reduce aberration in the schools. The consequence of school uniforms allowed

added security, a reduction in peer pressure and an overall decline of diversion.

Students should be ignorant of the social evils like money and class system and this is

what school uniforms focus on.

Wearing of School Uniforms across Different Countries

Do uniformed students have better behavior? At John Adams and Truman Middle

Schools of Albuquerque Public Schools, the data showed during the first semester of

1998-99 school years, after the implementation of uniforms, both schools experienced a

clear improvement in student conduct from the previous year. At John Adams Middle

School, discipline referrals fell from 1,565 during the first semester of the previous year

to 405. At Truman, referrals dropped from 1,139 to 850. Students at both of these

schools were surveyed before and one year after uniforms was implemented. Before the

use of uniforms, the survey showed 25.2% of the students felt uniforms decrease

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

violence. A year later after wearing the uniforms the belief dropped 4.5%, with only

20.7% of students agreeing that uniforms decrease violence (Elder, 1999). This was

attributed to comments made by the majority of the students that they did not like

wearing uniforms.

Norman L. Sommers (2001), an associate professor at Ashland University

conducted a study during the 2000- 01 school year on the effects of dress on school

discipline. Participating school principals were asked to conduct two or three sets

consisting of three days each. One day was to be a dress-up day, one a dress-down day,

and one a regular dress day. The acceptable school dress and behavior were relative to

the school standards. Formal School uniforms were not part of this study. From the

study, Impact of School Dress on Behavior 9 Sommers concluded that the type of dress

does have an effect on school discipline. He found that students tended to act the way

that they were dressed. In every instance and at every grade level there were less

discipline cases on days that students dressed up and more discipline cases on days

they dressed down. This study shows school dress is relevant to behavior. A uniform

was not used in this study, but a more formal dress day made a difference in the

outcome of the study. Students were able to choose their clothes on the dress-up days

long as it was within the dress code requirements, and there were less discipline cases

in every grade level.

Rodriguez, J. (2005) conducted a study where the purpose was to examine

whether school uniforms have an effect on self-esteem. The hypothesis was that school

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

uniforms would increase self-esteem. There were 87 total participants in this study; 41

students had uniforms and 46 did not. The Rosenberg Self Esteem scale was used to

measure self-esteem. The questionnaire was given to teachers to administer to the

children in their classroom. An independent samples test was performed to analyze the

data. Results were not significant showing that school uniforms did not have an effect on


The wearing of uniforms affects students perception of school climate. Students

are made to feel as if they are part of a team by wearing a uniform. School climate is

improved considerably because kids perceive they fit in because they look like

everybody else. Uniforms create a social harmony due to the uniform look of similarly

clothed students. Uniforms promote a down to business atmosphere because kids view

them as work clothes. (Kaiser, 1985) Seattle, Washington 900 middle school students

mandatory uniform policy Results: this year the demeanour in the school has improved

98 percent, truancy and tardiness are down, and we have not had one reported incident

of theft. Richmond, Virginia 262 elementary students, uniforms are voluntary Results:

Improved behavior, increased attendance, and higher student achievement. Kansas City,

Missouri 320 elementary students. Mandatory uniforms. Results: new sense of

calmness. The children feel good about themselves as school uniforms build a sense of


Positive Aspects of School Uniforms

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

First, proponents of school uniforms claim that the use of school uniforms

simplifies dress codes. Students that wear uniforms know what clothes are acceptable

and do not spend extra time each morning preparing for school. Next, uniforms reduce

peer pressure. With society putting much emphasis on the outward appearance,

uniforms are a way to avoid the competition of wearing the latest fashion trends.

Uniforms also encourage distinction of character and personality instead of appearance.

What truly matters about a person is not what brand of clothing he or she is wearing, but

the character of that person. Another positive aspect of school uniforms is that uniforms

place an emphasis on learning, not on clothing. Students go to school to learn, and the

distraction of trendy clothing can take away the focus of learning. Parents enjoy the

benefits of lower long term clothing costs and simple laundering that uniforms bring.

School shopping can be done quickly and at a lower cost each year. Uniforms also allow

for a cohesive presentation as a group. When uniformed students are on a field trip they

are able to find each other quickly and appear as a bonded group. School spirit is also

enhanced by wearing uniforms. Uniforms help students to feel as an important part of

the school. Students feel as though they belong to a group, and there is a sense of pride

by all. Another important aspect of uniform use is that uniforms can decrease property

Impact of School Dress on Behavior 11 theft. When students go to school each day with

designer clothing and expensive shoes theft occurs. Finally, uniforms help facilitate

security by identifying outsiders on school grounds. It is much easier to spot an outsider

on school property if the student is dressed much differently (Flynn & OHara, 2005).

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Region VI Western Visayas
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District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

A study exploring Societys Perceptions and Attitudes toward School Uniform

conducted by Kraft, (2003), members of society are studying the controversial issue of

school uniform policies. President William Clinton brought school uniforms to everyones

attention in his 1996 State of the Union address. The purpose of this study is to find

literature telling us what societys attitude is towards school uniforms. School districts

with a school uniform policy in place can be compared to districts with no dress/code or

uniform policy. Do the citizens of our country want to embrace a change in our school

districts attempting to control many variables; attitude, self-esteem, attendance,

academic achievement, community perceptions, inappropriate clothing, behavior, and

violence being the most noteworthy?

OBrien, Mk (2012) proposed a study regarding the pros for uniforms.

Decrease violence and theft

Prevents the wearing of gang colors

Instills students with discipline

Helps students and parents resist peer pressure

Helps students focus on school work

Helps identify school intruders enhanced security

Improve attendance and behavior

Increase sense of belonging and school pride

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Rise in parent involvement in decision making

Helps parents by reducing the cost of being fashionable

Blurs socioeconomic lines

Increase academic achievement

Improved social environment, builds community

An anecdotal evidence coming from NAESP Survey (2000) regarding the

advantage of school uniforms claims that, principals felt that school uniforms offered

many positive benefits to their students. Students were able to stay more focused and

disciplined throughout the school day. Principals reported that children often feel less

social pressure when everyone in the school dresses the same way. Uniforms act as

social equalizers. Students who cannot be fashionable due to limited family finances are

made to feel comfortable among their peers.

A 1996 survey of 306 middle school students in Charleston, SC, County School

District found that school uniforms affected student perceptions of school climate.

Students in the middle school with a uniform policy had a significantly higher perception

of their schools climate than did students in a school without a uniform policy. (Murray,


What research says about school uniforms Virginia Draa, assistant professor at

Youngstown State University, reviewed attendance, graduation and proficiency pass

rates at 64 public high schools in Ohio. Her final analysis surprised her: "I really went

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

into this thinking uniforms don't make a difference, but I came away seeing that they do.

At least at these schools, they do. I was absolutely floored." Draa's study concluded that

those schools with uniform policies improved in attendance, graduation and suspension

rates. She was unable to connect uniforms with academic improvement because of such

complicating factors as changing instructional methods and curriculum. (Wilde, 2007)

Negative Aspects of School Uniforms

While most parents and teachers are proponents of school uniforms many

students are not. Most research has shown that the elementary students embrace the

uniform policy more than the middle and high school students. The adolescent years

bring a time of self-expression and exploration. Some opponents insist that uniforms

squelch free expression and it violates the students right. The Millikan Middle School, in

Sherman Oaks, California has not adopted a school uniform. The faculty and parents

believe that schools should teach students how to handle decisions about appropriate

dress. Students are given the opportunity to work and earn money to buy new clothes

that are acceptable. When a student violates the dress code, photographs are taken and

the pictures are sent home after the second infraction. This district also believes that an

adolescents choice of clothing provides clues to emotional well-being. If students

clothing style changes dramatically the staff in this district takes note. It could be an

Impact of School Dress on Behavior 10 indicator of a drug problem, financial problem, or

a gang related problem. The use of school uniforms would mask these clues.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Opponents of school uniforms claim that the use of uniforms creates resentment

and conflict with the school administration and this leads to an erosion of discipline.

Furthermore, opponents state that uniforms squelch free expression and self-esteem.

Opponents claim that students should be able to dress as they wish and learn to dress

appropriately without a uniform mandate. Finally, uniforms do not serve as an emotional

barometer like regular clothing does. Students that become involved with drugs, gangs,

or students who have personal issues often change the way that they dress. Change of

dress or style can be one of the first signs that indicate a problem with a student.

OBrien (2012) conducted a study concerning cons for uniforms.

Violates a students right to freedom of expression

Simply a Band-Aid on school improvement

Make students a target from bullies from other schools

Difficult to enforce

Dress codes are much less restrictive

Increased clothing cost to parents and possibly districts

Difficult to measure impact little to no research to support uniforms

Comfort / varied sizes of students

No clear consensus as to the benefits of uniforms

Undermines efforts to appreciate diversity

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Self-selected clothing acts as a barometer

Anecdotal evidence by Pate (1999) states that, those who report success with

uniform policies claim that they improve academics, reduce truancy and violence, lower

costs and improve social environment of their schools. Opponents question whether the

benefits claimed by some districts are actually the results of uniforms or other factors.

Much of the evidence is anecdotal, based on opinions of educators, administrators, and

parents. No long range research has been completed and the research that exists is


The National Educational Longitudinal Study by Brunsma and Rockquemore

(1988) informs that uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral

problems, or attendance. There is no positive correlation between uniforms and school

safety or academic achievement. Pro school attitudes from students and their peers and

good academic preparedness did predict the desired behavior. They saw that wearing

uniforms did not lead to improvements in pro school attitudes or increased academic

preparedness. In addition, tenth grade students who were required to wear uniforms

actually scored slightly lower on standardized tests. Uniforms are a very weak predictor

of standardized test scores and that the relationship is much weaker than has been

indicated in the uniform debate.

However, results from the ECLS-K and the NELS Education Policy, 23 (6), 847-

874, one of the most common proposals put forth for reform of the American system of

education is to require school uniforms. Proponents argue that uniforms can make

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schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement.

Opponents contend that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an

infringement on the freedom of speech of young people. Within an econometric

framework, this study examines the effect of school uniforms on student achievement. It

tackles methodological challenges through the use of a value-added functional form and

the use of multiple data sets. The results do not suggest any significant association

between school uniform policies and achievement. Although the results do not definitely

support or reject either side of the uniform argument, they do strongly intimate that

uniforms are not the solution to all of American educations ills. (Yeung, 2009)

In the Philippines, school uniforms (Filipino: uniporme or kasuotang pang-

paaralan; Literally: school attire) are officially required in public schools and private

schools. In some international schools there are specified days when students can wear

civilian clothing and in some private schools as well, there is no uniform mostly in

universities and progressive schools except for a uniform required in physical education

classes. Uniforms for public high schools and private schools vary widely in pattern and

color mostly the official colors of the school, but usually consist of cotton material for the

warm weather. In tertiary levels (Colleges and Universities), uniforms are usually not

required, although certain universities, such as University of Santo Tomas require

uniforms to be worn.Notably, in 2008, the Department of Education no longer required

students to wear uniforms, in order to allow poorer families to save money.

Republic of the Philippines
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Region VI Western Visayas
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District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

The DepEd Order that states school uniforms are not compulsory in public


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Office of the Secretary

JUN 07 2008

No. 45 s. 2008



To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Chiefs of Divisions

To increase School participation of all school-aged children, it is important to

remove any and all obstacles, particularly financial, to their enrolment in public schools.
Accordingly, the President has ordered the following:

1. The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public Schools

2. Identification (ID) cards shall be provided to students at no cost to them. The

school administration shall fund these from their MOOE.

Students with existing uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if they so
desire, in order to avoid incurring additional costs for new attire.

For immediate dissemination and strict compliance.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Reference: DECS Order No. 1, s. 2002

Allotment: 1-(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual index
under the following subjects:


DepEd Complex Meralco Ave, Pasig Citv 1600 E 633-7208/633-7228/632-1361 so 636-



This chapter summarizes the major points talked about in the review of literature

mentioned above. First, it discussed the importance of wearing of school uniforms and

how not just students could benefit to it. Clothing can be used as a status symbol with

students. Uniforms will also help place the emphasis back to a focus on education rather

than peer pressure, violence, and the lack of motivation in students. Students are made

to feel as if they are part of a team by wearing a uniform. Children feel good about

themselves as school uniforms build a sense of pride.

With society putting much emphasis on the outward appearance, uniforms are a

way to avoid the competition of wearing the latest fashion trends. Uniforms also

encourage distinction of character and personality instead of appearance. It also allows

for a cohesive presentation as a group. Students were able to stay more focused and

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disciplined throughout the school day. Children often feel less social pressure when

everyone in the school dresses the same way. Uniforms act as social equalizers.

However, the adolescent years bring a time of self-expression and exploration.

Some opponents insist that uniforms squelch free expression and it violates the

students right. Change of dress or style can be one of the first signs that indicate a

problem with a student. Opponents of school uniforms claim that the use of uniforms

creates resentment and conflict with the school administration and this leads to an

erosion of discipline.

In the Philippines, notably, in 2008, the Department of Education no longer

required students to wear uniforms, in order to allow poorer families to save money. It is

not compulsory but students with existing uniforms may continue wearing these

uniforms, if they so desire, in order to avoid incurring additional costs for new attire.

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Chapter 3


This chapter includes the following parts: (1) Research Design, (2) Locale of the

Study, (3) Subjects and/or Respondents/Participants of the Study, (4) Sample Size and

Sampling Technique, (5) Research Instrument, (6) Data Gathering Procedure, and (7)

Data Analysis Procedure.

Part One, Research Design, describes the nature and purpose of the study and

its appropriate blueprint.

Part Two, Locale of the Study, refers to the place where the study was


Part Three, Subjects and/or Respondents/Participants of the Study, presents

characteristics and population of the participants of the study conducted.

Part Four, Sample Size and Sampling Technique, indicates the sample size and

how it is determined and discusses the procedures used to collect the data for the study.

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Part Five, Research Instrument, discusses how the data gathering instrument is

formulated and how the instrument is validated to ensure the reliability of the instrument.

Part Six, Data Gathering Procedure, presents the detailed procedures on how

the desired data are gathered.

Part Seven, Data Analysis Procedure, explains how the gathered data is

processed and analyzed.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative research hence, the researchers conducted a case

study regarding the views of students on wearing of uniforms.A case study is an in depth

study of a particular situation. It is based on opinion and is very much designed to

provoke reasoned debate.

Locale of the Study

The research was conducted in Numancia Integrated School which is located at

Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan. It teaches students in grades first through twelfth. It is said

to be one of the biggest schools in the province of Aklan that caters a big population of


Subjects and/or Respondents/Participants of the Study

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Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

The participants of the study were Grade 11 students enrolled in the second

semester of school year 2016-2017 of Numancia Integrated School, Numancia, Aklan.

Also, the Senior High School teachers in the said school were participants in the study.

Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

The sampling technique that the researchers employed in this study was

purposive sampling. In essence, the sample was considered as homogeneity of

respondents that consists of similar students who are studying in the same school.

Researchers chose representatives from each section randomly.

Research Instrument

In this study, the instrument that the researchers used was questionnaires and

checklists. Simple questions were given to the respondents. Students respondents were

given a set of checklist to answer regarding their views on school uniforms and interview

questions were asked to their advisers about the effects of school uniforms to students

individual identity.

Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting data from the participants about their views on wearing of school

uniforms, researchers presented a letter of consent to the advisers of the students

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before administering the questionnaire to the participants. Questionnaires were given to

the participants through the help of the president of each class by distributing it to the

representatives and then returning it to the researchers after all the questions have been

answered. All of the participants were given time to answer the questions in their

respective rooms. In every section, there was one member of the research team

observing while the respondents were answering.

As for the information which came from the advisers, researchers conducted an

interview regarding the effects of wearing of school uniforms to their students.

Data Analysis Procedure

In analyzing the data, researchers have categorized the answers of the

participants as to how they view the wearing of uniform. By the use of table, the

researchers sorted as to who are in favor of wearing of uniforms and who are not.

Responses from the teachers were written in narrative form. There were no right or

wrong answers so researchers tried to understand their opinions. The researchers then

compared all the information from the advisers of the participants, and then made a


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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

(Presentation, Analyses and Interpretation of Data)

This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the

research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study.

Data were analyzed to explore the views of students in wearing their school uniforms,

identify the effects of this to their individual identity and to know the importance of school


This chapter has two parts: (1) Views of Students on Wearing of School

Uniforms, and (2) Behavior of Students when in Uniforms

Part One, Views of Students on Wearing of School Uniforms, discusses the

tabular representations of views of students regarding the wearing of school uniforms.

Part Two, Behavior of Students When in Uniforms, represents the observations of

teachers towards the behavior of their students.

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Views of Students on Wearing of School Uniforms

Students views on whether wearing of uniform was determined and the tables

below show the responses of the participants as reflected in the questionnaire.

Table 1. Students feelings when wearing of school uniforms.

Comfortable No. of students who Percentage of students

answered who answered (%)
Yes 31 77.5 %

No 9 22.5%

Total 40% 100%

Proud No. of students who Percentage of students

answered who answered (%)
Yes 38 95%
No 2 5%

Total 40 100%

Safe No. of students who Percentage of students

answered who answered (%)

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Yes 38 95%
No 2 5%

Total 40 100%

Respondents were asked of what they feel when they are in their school

uniforms; 77.5% answered that they are comfortable in their school uniforms while

22.5% said they dont. 95% of the respondents said that they are proud when they are in

their school uniforms whereas 5% of them answered they are ashamed and do not feel

proud. Also, 95% said that they feel safe while there are 5% who answered they dont.

This has been supported by a study of Perry (2006), with the recent impact of

school violence and awareness of academic standards, uniforms and strict dress codes

in public schools have become topics of interest to school boards and administrations.

Elder, (1999) conducted a study and students were surveyed before and one year after

uniforms was implemented. The survey showed the highest percentage of the students

felt uniforms decrease violence.

Table 2. Students thoughts on school with and without uniform

Response of Students No. of students who are Percentage of students

in favour who checked (%)
With uniforms 37 92.5%

Without uniforms 3 7.5%

Total 40 100%

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In this table, participants were tasked to check what they prefer for their school to

have; 92.5% of the respondents preferred school where uniforms are implemented and

7.5% said they like a school better without school uniforms.

Furthermore, when respondents were asked to which team they belong, almost

all of them with 95% are in favor of wearing of school uniforms. 5% of them are against

of school uniforms.

It is clear in the study by Kaiser, (1985), that wearing of uniforms affects students

perception of school climate. Students are made to feel as if they are part of a team by

wearing a uniform. School climate is improved considerably because kids perceive they

fit in because they look like everybody else. Mandatory uniforms result as new sense of

calmness. The children feel good about themselves as school uniforms build a sense of


Table 3. Students preference on what to wear in school

What students like best No. of students who Percentage of students

checked who checked (%)
Freely wear anything 8 20%
they want to wear

Following the dress code 32 80%

Total 40 100%

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Respondents were asked what they like best. 20% of them answered that they

want to freely wear what they want to wear. Most of them, with a percentage of 80,

answered that they like to follow the dress code in school.

In a study by Perry (2006), while most parents and teachers are proponents of

school uniforms many students are not. Most research has shown that the elementary

students embrace the uniform policy more than the middle and high school students.

The adolescent years bring a time of self-expression and exploration. Some opponents

insist that uniforms squelch free expression and it violates the students right. As for

Norman L. Sommers (2001), students were able to choose their clothes on the dress-up

days long as it was within the dress code requirements, and there were less discipline

cases in every grade level.

Table 4. Thoughts of students on school uniforms

Thoughts No. of students who Percentage of students

checked the item who checked the item
A big help to students 38 95%

Not a big help to students 2 5%

Total 40 100%

In table 4, participants of the study were asked what they think about school

uniforms. 5% of the respondents answered that school uniform is not a big help to them

while 95% said that it really is a big help to students.

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In the study by Wilde (2007), Virginia Draa, assistant professor at Youngstown

State University, concluded that those schools with uniform policies improved in

attendance, graduation and suspension rates. She was unable to connect uniforms with

academic improvement because of such complicating factors as changing instructional

methods and curriculum.

Table 5. Students views on the advantages on school uniforms

Advantages of school No. of students Percentage of students who

uniforms to students who checked checked (%)
Decrease violence in school 6 15%

Serve as school identity 35 87.5%

Make students more disciplined 35 87.5%

Help students focus on school 8 20%


Enhance security in school 15 37.5%

Improve attendance and 16 40%

behavior of students

Increase academic excellence 4 10%

In this table, different advantages of school uniforms were listed and the

respondents were asked to choose at least 3 among the choices given. 15% among the

respondents said that school uniforms can decrease violence in school. School uniforms

serve as school identity and make students more disciplined according to 87.5% of the

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participants. 20% answered that it can help students to focus more on school works and

35% said that it enhances security in school. Moreover, 40% of them answered that

school uniforms can improve attendance and behavior of students while 10% of them

answered that it increases academic excellence of students.

An anecdotal evidence coming from NAESP Survey (2000) regarding the

advantage of school uniforms claims that, principals felt that school uniforms offered

many positive benefits to their students. Students were able to stay more focused and

disciplined throughout the school day. Sommers (2001), an associate professor at

Ashland University concluded that the type of dress does have an effect on school

discipline. He found that students tended to act the way that they were dressed. In every

instance and at every grade level there were less discipline cases on days that students

dressed up and more discipline cases on days they dressed down.

Different disadvantages of school uniforms were listed on the checklist given and

the respondents were asked to choose at least two among the choices.

Violates students right to freedom of expression

Make students a target from bullies from other schools
Widely opposed by students
Can be an addition to parents financial problem
Prevent students from wearing what they want to wear
Unable to show students sense of fashion/style

More than half of the respondents with 60% checked that school uniforms can be

an addition to parents financial problem.

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Therefore, as stated in the article School Uniforms: The Philippines (1999), a

Japanese aid worker, Hiro Kawashima, working with Filipino schools to help supply the

necessities to poor children writes that It is maybe true that wearing the same uniform

will develop the healthy identity or unity among the members but it shall not disturb the

poor economy of the parents. Uniform might even curb the schooling rate if it's forced.

OBrien (2012) conducted a study concerning cons for uniforms and it suggests that

school uniforms increased clothing cost to parents and possibly districts.

Behavior of Students When in Uniform

Taken from the responses of the teachers, the following were described as

behavior of students when in uniform, feelings of teachers when students are in uniform,

and advices for wearing of uniform.

Students seem to be disciplined and eager to learn when they are wearing their

school uniforms. However, most of them have observed that students feel bad and

uncomfortable as well as acting awkwardly because of the formality that their school

uniforms possess.

What do teachers feel when students wear uniforms? Most of the respondents

feel inspired and proud when they see their students in their school uniforms. But, they

feel bad and sad because they see their students as immature, delinquent-looking, and

disrespectful for not following one of the basic rules in school which is the wearing of

school uniforms.

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Here are advices to those students who dont feel like wearing their school

uniforms. One suggests that they should develop the sense of responsibility for this is a

minor offense to the school rules and punishable with a certain consequence. Some also

advises that they should discipline themselves because all good things happen to them if

they follow the rules. And lastly, they should know the significance of wearing the school

uniform and its effect in fulfilling the goal as a student.

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Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter includes the following: (1) Summary of Findings, (2) Conclusions,

and (3) Recommendations

Part One, Summary of Findings, presents the objectives, methodologies,

respondents involved, data collected and pertinent obtained in the study.

Part Two, Conclusions, includes statement of findings drawn from the study such

as answers to the objectives and statement of the problem.

Part Three, Recommendations, presents suggestions and proposals of the

researcher that could be used by the research community as well as the future


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This study aimed to explore students views on wearing of school uniforms and to

find answers to these questions:

1. What are the students views about wearing of school uniforms?

2. Do school uniforms have something to do on students individual identity?
3. Why is it important for students to wear uniforms?

Questionnaires as well as interview were used to collect data from the

participants. The participants of this study were Grade 11 students of NIS and their


Findings of the Study

The practice of having school uniform has been adopted by other countries, and

is now common in many parts of the world. However, the question of whether it will still

be implemented is a timely one. This research aimed to explore students views on

wearing of school uniforms and its utmost importance.

Based on the data gathered, the findings of the study are as follows:

1. Most of the students with 45% said that they feel proud when they are wearing

their school uniforms and 80% of them prefer to wear the dress code of the

school. With 92.5%, students like a school with uniforms and they 95% were

Republic of the Philippines
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Region VI Western Visayas
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Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

belong in the in favor team. Moreover, 95% think of school uniforms as a big help

to students.
2. Teachers have observed that students seemed disciplined and eager to learn

when they are in their school uniforms. However, another observation suggests

that students feel bad, awkward and uncomfortable in their school uniforms. They

mostly see those students who dont wear uniforms disrespectful and immature.

As a result, they have suggested that students should develop sense of

responsibility and discipline themselves because the real meaning of being a

student is that you follow school rules.

3. Students with 87.5%, view school uniforms as a tool in making students more

disciplined and serves as school identity. However, 60% of them said that it can

be an addition to parents financial problem.


Based on the findings, the researchers were able to draw the following

conclusions as answers to the specific problems:

1. In wearing of school uniforms, majority of the students feel proud and prefer to

follow the dress code of the school rather than wearing what they feel to wear.

Also, they like to study in a school with school uniforms. They are in favor of the

implementation and treat school uniforms as a big help to many of them.

2. When students wear their school uniforms, teachers have observed that they

seemed disciplined however, some feel awkward and uncomfortable. Those who

Republic of the Philippines
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Region VI Western Visayas
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Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

do not wear uniforms were considered noncompliant to school rules. Students

must be responsible and disciplined to be called a student.

3. Students view school uniforms as an important tool in making students more

disciplines and serves as school identity. But according to them, it can be an

addition to their parents financial concern.


After the data were analyzed, the succeeding recommendations are presented:

1. The study shows that most of the students prefer to wear school uniforms

because they feel proud and this can be a big help to most of them. How school

uniforms influence the academic performance can be another subject of

2. The researchers conducted a study regarding views of students on school

uniforms. Teachers views on school uniforms can be another factor to study to

further gather their opinions.

3. School uniforms give identity to the school however parents mostly opposed

because of financial worries. A case study about the views of parents regarding

school uniforms and other school miscellaneous is suggested for their voices to

be heard.

Republic of the Philippines
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Region VI Western Visayas
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Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


Bodine, A. (2003). School Uniforms and Discourses on Childhood. Retrieved 2017, from

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Duvall, B., Faklaris, M., Fisher, B., Moody, M., Njagi, P., & Wilson, C. (n.d.). School

Uniforms. Retrieved 2017, from


SCHOOL UNIFORMS. Retrieved 2017, from


Mahalik, M. K. (2015). Effects of School Uniform on Students Achievement, Behavior,

and Attendance in Government School of Odisha: A Case Study of Sundergarh

District - ethesis. Retrieved 2017, from

O'Brien, M. K. (2012). Uniform Student Dress Pros and Cons. Retrieved 2017, from


Perry, S. L. (2006). The Impact of School Dress on Behavior of

Elementary School Children: One School Educators View. Retrieved 2017, from

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Retrieved 2017, from


Wilde, M. (2016). Do uniforms make schools better? | Parenting. Retrieved 2017, from

Yeung, R. (2009). Are school uniforms a good fit? Results from the ECLS-K and the

NELS. Retrieved 2017, from


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Appendix A

Letter to Senior High School Teachers

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

March 9, 2017


Numancia Integrated School
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


We are currently pursuing a study entitled: Students Voices: Views on Wearing of
School Uniforms as a requirement for Research in Daily Life I. The participants include
Senior High School Community.
In this matter, we would like to ask for consent to let us gather information from the
chosen representatives in your class and from you as their advisers.
Thank you so much.
God bless you!

Sincerely yours,




Research in Daily Life I Teacher

Approved by:

School Principal I

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Appendix B

Letter to the Validator

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

March 20, 2017


Teacher I
Numancia Integrated School

We are currently pursuing a study entitled, Students Voices: Views on Wearing of
School Uniforms and we respectfully ask for your expertise to validate the instruments
that we have made.
The checklist that we have prepared is for the students for their views on wearing of
school uniforms. We would gladly appreciate your availability to validate the instruments.
We believe that your expertise can greatly help us ensure the validity of the checklists as
instruments on our study.
Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,




Research in Daily Life I Teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Appendix C

Validation Sheet for the Instrument

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Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


To the validator:
This validation sheet will help the researcher find out if the items included in the
checklist appropriately assess the views of students on wearing of school uniforms.
Provided here is the legend for rating the research instrument. Use the letter
code as guide by placing a check () mark on the appropriate column which
corresponds to your choice.
1 Poor (P) 3 Very Satisfactory (VS)
2 Satisfactory (S) 4 Excellent (E)

E VS S P Remarks
1. Included in the items are facts about school uniforms.
2. Items provide information about school uniforms.
3. Provide suitable questions about school uniforms.
4. Statements promote importance of school uniforms to
the respondents.
5. Contents promote understanding about wearing of
school uniforms.
6. Contain possible effects of wearing of school uniforms
to students.
7. Provided items on how students view their school
8. Included information on how students act when wearing
of school uniforms.
9. Statements are clearly stated and are easily understood
by the respondents (students and teachers).
10. Statements are well-structured and are not


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Appendix D

Questionnaire for Students Views on Wearing of School Uniforms

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Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan


Name: ____________________________________________Section:_____________
Dear Participants,
We are presently conducting a study about wearing of school uniforms as a
requirement for Research in Daily Life I. We would like to explore your views regarding
school uniforms. In this matter, we need your help by simply doing what is asked below.
Below are questions that can be answered based on your own judgement. There are no
right or wrong answers. Simply check your answer in the box for every item.

1. Are you comfortable in wearing your own school uniforms?


2. Do you feel proud every time you wear your school uniforms?

3. Have you ever felt safe when you are in your school uniforms?

4. For you, which is better?

school without uniforms
school with uniforms

5. How do you feel when you are wearing your school uniforms? Kindly check the
best answer for you.
safe and secure

6. What do you like best?

a school where students can freely wear what they want to wear
a school where students follow the
Dress code
7. What are the advantages of wearing of school uniforms? Choose at least 3
among the choices given.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

decrease violence in school

serve as school identity
make students more disciplined
help students focus on school works
enhance security in school
improve attendance and behavior
of students
increase academic excellence

8. What are the disadvantages of wearing of school uniforms? Choose at least 2

among the choices given.
violates students right to freedom of expression
make students a target from bullies from other schools
widely opposed by students
can be an addition to parents financial problem
prevents students from wearing what they want to wear
unable to show students sense of fashion/style

9. In what team do you belong in wearing of school uniforms?

not in favor team
in favor team

10. What do you think of school uniforms?

a big help to students
not a big help to students

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

Appendix E
Interview Questions for Senior High School Teachers


1. How do your students at when they are wearing their school uniforms?

2. How do you feel when your students wear their school uniforms? How about

when they dont?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Numancia
Poblacion, Numancia, Aklan

3. What could be your advice to students who regularly dont wear their school



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