International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: M. Malvè, A. García, J. Ohayon, M.A. Martínez

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751

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Unsteady blood ow and mass transfer of a human left coronary artery bifurcation:
M. Malv a, b,, A. Garca a, J. Ohayon c, d, M.A. Martnez a, b
Aragn Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Mara de Luna s/n, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Centro de Investigacin Biomdica en Red en Bioingeniera Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN) C/Poeta Mariano Esquillor s/n, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Laboratory TIMC/DyCTiM, UJF, CNRS UMR 5525, In3S, Grenoble, France
Engineering School Polytech Annecy-Chambry, University of Savoie, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 25 April 2012 In this study, a Fluid Solid Interaction analysis (FSI) of a computerized tomography (CT) scan reconstructed
left coronary artery was performed. The arterial wall was modeled as an isotropic hyperelastic material.
Keywords: The arterial wall shear stress (WSS) was computed in order to investigate a correlation between ow-
Coronary artery induced wall shear stress and geometry of the artery. An unsteady state FSI analysis with a commercial nite
element software was performed in order to evaluate the maximum and the minimum wall shear stress as a
Fluidsolid interaction
function of the ow regime and the arterial wall compliance in the left coronary. As boundary conditions,
Wall shear stress
physiological pressure waveforms were applied. Comparison of the computational results between the FSI
and rigid-wall models showed that the wall shear stress (WSS) distributions were substantially affected by
the arterial wall compliance. In particular, the minimum and maximum WSS values signicantly vary.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction compliant wall for a stenotic RCA using physiological velocity and
pressure waveforms while Huo et al. [13,14] studied the effect of
Cardiovascular diseases represent the most frequent cause of the compliance on the WSS computation for a porcine RCA comparing
death in modern civilization. In particular, these represent 49% of rigid wall and FSI simulations. Gijsen et al. [15] analyzed a left arterial
death diseases in Europe and 38% in the United States [1]. The bifurcation showing the hemodynamics of a left main arterial bifurca-
common index for those pathologies, known as CVD (cardiovascular tion of just one patient. Soulis et al. [16] studied a left arterial bifurca-
disease) includes different kinds of cardiovascular diseases and it is tion (LCA) of the main, the ascending, and the circumex arterial
considered one of the most important references of world human branches but used a mean geometry. Finally, Goubergrits et al. [17]
health [1]. CVD are divided into different classes: infarction (ischemic performed a CFD simulation of a rigid wall based left arterial bifurca-
or hemorrhagic), thrombosis, and aneurism [2]. A very important tion comparing the results with an in-silico experimental model. An
class is the coronary disease, which is included in the category of important feature of the coronary arteries, which is addressed in
cardiovascular diseases with the index CAD (coronary artery disease). limited CFD studies, is their predisposition to undergo large displace-
In this class, the most important role is played by atherosclerotic ments during the cardiac cycle [18]. Coronary arterial motion can be
diseases caused by formation, developing, and rupture of atheroma- described by overall vessel translation, stretching, bending and twist-
tous plaques [2,3]. Studies on coronary arteries are normally focused ing and to a lesser degree by radial expansion and axial torsion [19].
on hemodynamic aspects, neglecting the interaction between blood Although still debated in literature, arterial motion may alter the
ow and arterial walls, evaluating the WSS at the rigid walls and uid mechanics in the coronaries as investigated in the following
connecting it with atheromatous pathologies [4,5]. Many works put works. Weydahl et al. [20] used a straight tube moving in the axial
their attention only in particular regions of the coronary tree [6,7] direction where the axial movement function was obtained from
neglecting not only the vessel compliance but also the bifurcations, three-dimensional reconstruction of a biplane coronary angiogram.
considering only the main branch. Some other studies are focused Delno et al. [21] studied the inuence of local lateral vessel move-
on coronary stenting technique [811]. Only recently, Torii et al. ment on ow patterns in a straight compliant tube nding insigni-
[12] made a comparison between the WSS computed with rigid and cant transverse movement effect in the case of coronary arteries.
Furthermore, Waters and Pedley [22] studied the effects of uniform
time-dependent curvature on the ow eld and in a tube, driven by
Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
an oscillatory pressure gradient with the same frequency as the
Corresponding author at: Aragn Institute of Engineering Research (I3A),
Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Mara de Luna s/n, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain curvature variation. They found that WSS strongly depends on the
E-mail address: (M. Malv). frequency of the curvature variation. Ramaswamy et al. [19]

0735-1933/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
746 M. Malv et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751

reconstructed a segment of the left anterior descending (LAD) coro-

nary artery without any bifurcating branches using a coupled angio-
graphic and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) data at ten different
phases of the cardiac cycle. Comparing their results of steady ow
analysis, pulsatile ow analysis and pulsatile ow with imposed arte-
rial motion, they found that arterial motion substantially affects the
uid dynamics in LAD. More recently, Prosi et al [23] studied the ef-
fect of arterial motion at bifurcating vessels by studying a realistic
model of the LAD and its rst diagonal branch, while Pivkin et al.
[24] investigated a coronary bifurcation model lying on a sphere of
varying radius that represented an idealized heart surface. They
showed that the ow rate ratio between the side branch and the LCx
main branch in the vicinity of the bifurcation is signicantly

inuenced by the combined unsteady phenomena of ow and vary-
ing geometry. Finally Theodorakakos et al. [25] investigated the effect
of the myocardial motion on pulsating blood ow distribution on a LAD
stenotic LAD branch coronary artery. They found an important inu-
ence of pulsatile ow on the overall coronary uid dynamics but no ~
signicant differences in WSS spatial distribution between stationary
and moving coronary artery. In particular, their predictions indicate Fig. 1. LCA reconstructed from CT scans. LCA main diameters are: DLM 0.005 mm,
that myocardial motion had only a minor effect on ow distribution DLCx 0.00325 mm and DLAD 0.00375 mm.
within the arterial tree relative to the effect of the blood pressure
pulse. Fluid solid interaction approach (FSI) has been applied to car- [39] (see Fig. 2 (a)). Four different meshes of 100,000, 200,000,
diovascular problems such as abdominal/thoracic aortas [26] 400,000 and 800,000 elements respectively were tested. For reason
including aortic aneurysm [27], carotid artery bifurcations [28,29], ce- of computational time, the comparison was performed only through
rebral aneurysm [3032], and coronary artery [33,34] among others. rigid wall simulations. Velocity proles and WSS were computed at
Other approaches have been used by Zeng et al. [35] investigating several time points during the cardiac cycle with the four grids in
the effect of the wall compliance based on time-dependent medical order to get a relation between discretization error and element
images and Berthier et al. [36] constructing CFD models based on size, and hence, an estimation of the required element size; the com-
RCA angiograms. They studied the ow differences caused by assum- putational grids used in this study possessed nally 400,000 elements
ing different vessel cross-sectional shapes and sizes. Moreover Ding (see Fig. 2 (a)). Moreover, to facilitate the uid dynamic model,
et al. [37] used medical imaging technique to study the arterial mo- 5-diameter inlet and 15-diameter outlet extensions were added
tion without considering the compliance itself. In a previous study [40]. For the solid grid, since no data were available from real images,
[38] we analyzed the coronary wall stiffness of 8 patients trying to a constant thickness of 0.6 mm [41] was given to the arterial wall. A
nd correlation with the atheromatous plaque locations, neglecting full hexahedral mesh of 30,000 elements was created using the
the contribution of the blood ow. The aim of this work is to evaluate meshing tool of the commercial software ABAQUS Inc. The computa-
how the wall compliance can affect the blood ow pattern and the tional uid and solid grids are represented in Fig. 2.
WSS in a human LCA using comparing FSI and CFD analysis.
2.2. The intravascular blood ow
2. Materials and methods
As reported in previous works on human coronary arteries
2.1. Vascular reconstruction and numerical grid generation [12,15,40], the blood rheology was assumed as Newtonian. In partic-
ular, according to literature, the blood density was taken as
The 3D coronary artery model of a 60-year-old healthy patient 1050 kg/m 3 and a blood viscosity of 0.003528 Pa was considered
was made with the help of computer imaging techniques. The [40,42,43]. Since the Reynolds number based on the average arterial
patient-specic geometry was reconstructed using computed tomog- diameter was Re = 150, the blood ow was assumed laminar and in-
raphy (CT) scans at one time point of the cardiac cycle. The cross- compressible under unsteady ow conditions.
sectional lumen area was assumed to be circular and to avoid poten-
tial computational singularities induced by a nonuniform surface 2.3. Material wall properties
reconstruction, a b-spline surface was performed using the commer-
cial software SolidWorks (Dessault, SolidWorks Corp., France). As The arterial wall was modeled as a hyperelastic incompressible
shown in Fig. 1, the arterial tree considered in this study included isotropic and homogeneous material. In this study, the viscoelasticity,
the left main coronary artery (LM) and its principle branches: the the active behavior of muscle bers of the artery, and the intrinsic an-
left descending artery (LAD) and the left circumex artery (LCx). isotropy, due to the preferencial directions of collagen and muscle -
The actual data, including the intraluminal vessel wall, were imported bers, were not considered. The arterial bifurcation was then
into the commercial software FEMAP (Siemens PLM Software, Plano, characterized by the following strain energy function W:
TX, USA). Then, the initial rough geometry was smoothed and the   
computational uid mesh was built. The uid tetrahedral mesh was W D1 exp D2 I 1 3 1 U J ; 1
generated starting from the internal shell that represents the numer-
ical uid solid interface domain. The nal mesh was imported into the where I 1 is the rst invariant of the deviatoric right CauchyGreen
software package ADINA R&D Inc (Watertown, MA, USA) where the tensor C J 2=3 FT F, J = det(F) is the Jacobian, F is the standard defor-
FSI and rigid wall simulations were performed. As usual, in order to mation gradient, U is the volumetric energy function and D1, D2 are
establish the adequate element size for the computations, a sensitiv- material constants. In particular we considered D1 = 3.71 Pa and
ity study was conducted. Different grids were evaluated to better D2 = 140.2. This strain energy function was initially proposed by
compute the WSS. Special attention was given to the near-wall re- Demiray et al. [44], and, most recently, used by Delno [45] for carot-
nement where the tetrahedral elements were converted to prisms id artery. Even knowing that the vascular tissue has a clearly
M. Malv et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751 747




a) fluid grid b) solid grid

Fig. 2. LCA computational mesh: uid (a) and solid (b) grid with close-up view on the inlet.

anisotropic behavior and it is also layer-specic, for this preliminary obtained in other works [12] showing that the arterial wall compli-
FSI study, we considered a homogeneous and isotropic function as a ance remains small during the cardiac cycle. Moreover, the diameter
rst approximation. The function parameters were tted using the variations are near to those reported by Schaar et al. [49] using
experimental tests of human coronary arteries obtained by Carmines ultrasound-based intravascular palpography (12%) but smaller
et al. [46]. For further explanations see Rodriguez et al. [47]. than those reported by Qiu et al. [50] for an elastic coronary artery
model, where a maximal diameter variation of 5% was imposed to
2.4. Physiological boundary conditions the curved compliant tube. In Fig. 3 the logarithmic circumferential
strain distribution is shown at selected time points during the cardiac
As usual for FSI analyses, mixed velocitypressure condition are cycle. The maximal strain, located in a small region of the bifurcation,
required in order to correctly compute ow features and structural at the beginning of the LCx branch, is of about 16% at time t = 0.4 s.
stresses, strains and displacements. In this work we used velocity On the contrary, the maximal strain during systole is of about 15%,
and pressure waveforms measured by Davies et al. [48] with slightly less than that of diastole. The values we found are higher
intracoronary wires in the left anterior descending, and circumex ar- than what were found by Ding et al. [37] using biplanar angiogram.
teries. These curves were applied in the commercial software to the However, it has to be noted that the values we found take into
already mentioned branch extensions in order to perform the simula- account the circumferential strain starting from the zero-pressure
tions. Both FSI and the CFD simulations were performed using the conguration, which, before reaching time, t = 0 s of the cardiac
same boundary conditions in order to correctly postprocess the com- cycle, gives the major contribution. The computed maximal strain
parison. No-slip wall boundary condition was imposed at the internal without this contribution is less than 2% which again agrees with
surface of the arterial wall, which for the FSI simulation represented Schaar et al. [49].
also the uidstructure interface. Finally, at the extensions extremi- Since it is well established that WSS plays a central role in athero-
ties of the solid model, no axial or transaxial motion was permitted. genesis for vessel hemodynamics, we made a comparison between
This constraint, though non-physiological, as the inlet and outlets the rigid wall and FSI to examine the effect of the wall compliance
should be allowed to deform radially to correctly simulate tethering on this parameter and assess the importance of FSI simulation in cor-
of the artery, is commonly assumed in nite element studies of coro- onary hemodynamics in a similar way to that of Torii et al. [12] for the
naries [12,30] and aneurysms [31,39]. right coronary artery (RCA). We rst show the correlation between
the WSS and the velocity eld at the arterial wall which is similar
3. Results for both rigid and FSI computations. Concentrating our attention on
the bifurcation (see Fig. 4), we can identify ve different areas. The
The lumen wall displacements were analyzed rst. The maximum blood ow near the bifurcation separates from the arterial wall (re-
displacement (3.1 mm) is reached in the LAD branch at peak pressure gion 1) causing a high WSS region and generating a recirculation
(time, t = 0.44 s). This displacement is affected by the boundary con- area that causes a low WSS region at the proximal section of the bifur-
ditions applied to the solid model as reported in other works which cation, inside both the LCx (region 2) and LAD branches (region 5).
implied the same constraint condition [12,30]. The LCA displacement Two regions characterized by a high WSS value are found in the distal
observed in vivo is of course larger than what we computed, as the section of the bifurcation caused by the blood ow impacting against
myocardial motion was neglected in this work. However, it is not the arterial wall at the entrance of the LCx (region 3) and LAD bra-
clear how much the model restriction affects our solution, since nches (region 4). This correlation between WSS distribution and the
more realistic boundary conditions and the inclusion of the men- velocity eld near the bifurcation matches well with other results in
tioned cardiac wall motion could deeply increase the wall displace- previous works by Soulis et al. [16] and Joshi et al. [40] among others.
ment. Diameter variations during a cardiac cycle are 0.055 mm, The strong correlation between low WSS and localization of athero-
0.037 mm, and 0.049 mm on LM, LCx, and LAD respectively. By nor- matous plaques in arterial bifurcation is well known in previous liter-
malizing the changes with their corresponding diameter, we obtained atures [4,5,51]. The overall WSS distribution is in accordance with the
1.06%, 0.85%, and 0.98% respectively. Our results agree with those localization of atherosclerotic lesions in this area, as documented in
748 M. Malv et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751

t = 0.42 s

t = 0.57 s

a) Epicardiumfacing side b) Pericardiumfacing side

Fig. 3. Logarithmic circumferential strain of the coronary artery at peak systole (0.57 s) and diastole (0.42 s).

ref [52] and ref [53]. In particular, the low WSS distribution is in ac- the CFD-analysis. At the beginning of the diastolic phase (time point
cordance with plaque localization [54,55]. In Fig. 5 is shown a com- t = 0.43 s of the cardiac cycle), the trend observed during the systole
parison between the temporal maximal and minimal shear stress inverts. A bigger gap of about 10% is reached at time t = 0.6 s on the
(in the regions 1 and 2 of Fig. 4), respectively, for rigid wall and FSI maximum WSS, but in this case, the CFD computation shows the
simulation. As expected, both curves show the same trend as the highest value. For the minimum WSS the gap at the time point
inlet velocity condition, but no negligible differences may be found t = 0.6 s is close to 50%. Finally, during diastole, the gap between the
in the WSS values. While the highest value of maximum WSS is reg- curves of maximum WSS disappears almost linearly till a complete
istered for the CFD computation, the highest value of the minimum overlapping at the end of the cardiac cycle (see Fig. 5 (a)), while the
was found for the FSI analysis. At the beginning of the systole we gap between the minima WSS remains constant (see Fig. 5 (b), from
can observe that while the WSS maxima almost overlap (from time t = 0.7 s to t = 0.8 s). The reason of those discrepancies is not to-
t = 0.01 s to t = 0.1 s, Fig. 5 (a)), the minima already shows a gap of tally clear, although the compliance of the arterial walls dilates the
7.5% at time t = 0.1 s. In the systolic phase, the difference between vessel and the WSS could be consequently altered as observed in
both WSS maxima is more pronounced with a peak difference of other works [12,35]. This ndings are in agreement with previous
10% at t = 0.38 s, while before reaching the diastole both curves studies on human RCA [12] but differ from the results obtained by
completely overlap (see Fig. 5 (a)). In this case, the maximum WSS Huo et al. [13,14] for a porcine RCA. While the WSS comparison
value is registered for the rigid wall computation. For the minimum showed by Torii et al [12] conrms our results, the WSS discrepancies
WSS on the contrary, at t = 0.1 s the difference between the two cur- between rigid wall and FSI simulation computed in ref. [13] are in fact
ves is even more pronounced reaching a value of about 60% between smaller. The reason for that can be found in the different type of
both peaks (see Fig. 5 (b)). In this case highest value is registered for boundary conditions used in both works. In fact, while we used





1 4 4.2

2 3

Fig. 4. Velocity eld (in [m/s]) generating the WSS (in [Pa]) at the arterial wall (FSI simulation, t = 06 s.
M. Malv et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751 749

a) b) x 103
10 16
Rigid wall Rigid wall
Max WSS [Pa]

Min WSS [Pa]

6 10


0 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 5. Comparison of the temporal variation of the maximum (a) and minimum (b) WSS for FSI and rigid wall simulations (zones 1 and 2 in Fig. 4).

physiological velocity and pressure waveforms, Huo et al. [13] im- near the wall. Dilatation of the vessel due to the pulsating ow in-
posed ow-velocity conditions at the inlet and at all outlets of his duced a reduction of the blood velocity causing consequently lower
model. This may affect not only the WSS computation but also the WSS values (3.7 Pa for FSI and 3.9 Pa for rigid wall). The low TAWSS
computed wall compliance, since no pressure conditions are given. distribution is more extended for FSI model with respect to the rigid
Since low and oscillatory WSS plays an important role in atherogene- wall model (cf. Fig. 6 and Fig. 4, regions 2 and 5). Finally, the minima
sis, the WSS related to hemodynamic parameters needs to be exam- TAWSS at the bifurcation are almost identical for both models
ined. In particular, as in other studies [12,30], the time-averaged (0.0103 Pa for FSI and 0.0105 Pa for rigid wall).
WSS (TAWSS) was considered. This parameter was compared be-
tween the FSI and rigid-wall models to assess the importance of FSI 4. Discussion
in determining coronary hemodynamics. The TAWSS is dened as:
The presented simulations show discrepancies between CFD and
T FSI approach especially regarding the WSS. These results may be
TAWSS j jdt 2 strongly affected by the neglected cardiac-induced vessel motion.
T0 W
Coronaries are in fact embedded in the myocardium and the heart
beating basically drives not only their uid dynamics (the ow is di-
where W is the WSS vector and T is the period of the cardiac cycle. As astolic) [56] but also their wall displacements [57]. However, this ef-
shown in Fig. 6, the TAWSS is high at the bifurcation (areas 1, 3 and 4 fect is still on study and debated in literature [20,2225,58,59].
of Fig. 4) due to the ow divider which causes high velocity gradient The work of Prosi et al. [23] shows the importance to impose



Epicardium facing side Pericardium facing side


Rigid Wall 0.1


LAD 0.01
Epicardium facing side Pericardium facing side


Fig. 6. Comparison of TAWSS (with logarithmic scale in [Pa]) between the FSI (top) and the rigid-wall models (bottom).
750 M. Malv et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 745751

physiologically realistic ow in the correct phase relationship with Conict of interest statement
vessel motion when simulating coronary artery hemodynamics. Ana-
lyzing the inuence of dynamic curvature on coronary artery hemo- None of the authors of this work has conict of interest with other
dynamics they show that during systole, when high curvature people and organizations.
variations appear, their effect on the ow patterns and the wall
shear stress is dominated by the ow wave. On the contrary, due to Acknowledgments
the smaller curvature changes during diastole, only minor effects of
curvature variation on the high and relatively constant diastolic This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
ow occur, as reported also in ref. [58]. Our results are conrmed by Technology through research project DPI2010-20746-C03-01 and
their ndings, since the WSS we computed is strongly dependent by CIBER-BBN, an initiative funded by the VI National R &D & i Plan
the inow waveform (see Fig. 5), even neglecting the cardiac motion. 20082011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Ac-
Moreover, the results of the study of Pivkin et al. [24] indicate that the tions and nanced by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance
combined effect of pulsatile inow and dynamic geometry depends from the European Regional Development Fund and by the research
strongly on the phase difference between the ow wave and arterial project PI07/90023. The authors gratefully acknowledge Roderic I.
motion. Neglecting the cardiac motion, it can be accepted as reported Pettigrew and Ahmed M. Gharib (Laboratory of Integrative Cardiovas-
by Theodorakakos et al. [25]. They investigated the effect of myocar- cular Imaging Science, National Institute of Diabetes Digestive and
dial motion on pulsating blood ow distribution of a stenotic LAD cor- Kidney Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
onary artery focusing their attention on the WSS distribution and USA).
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