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2011 8th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices

Tyre effective radius and vehicle velocity estimation: a variable

structure observer solution
IRCCyN, UMR CNRS 6597, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.
RENAULT co, Guyancourt, France

Abstract This paper proposes an application of a tire stiffness. An estimation of this stiffness and the
variable structure observer for wheel effective radius and effective radius is done using a linear regression model
velocity of automotive vehicles. This observer is based or the nonlinear total least squares. But this method is
on high order sliding approach allowing robustness
and finite time convergence. Its originality consists in very demanding of computing complexity and several
assuming a nonlinear relation between the slip ratio details are still remaining for a practical real time
and the friction coefficient and providing an estimation implementation. Also, the relation between the slip
of both variables, wheel radius and vehicle velocity, ratio and the longitudinal force is not perfectly linear.
from measurement of wheel angular velocity and torque. Many works have been made on observers but
These signals being available on major modern vehicle
CAN (Controller Area Network) buses, this system does for other tires variables such as tyre stiffness and
not require additional sensors. A simulation example is tyre-road friction, especially thanks to variable
given to illustrate the relevance of this approach. structure observers[10]. In [16], [12], a strategy using
Keywords. Wheel radius, vehicle velocity, high order second sliding mode observer for the estimation
sliding mode observers. of the effective radius is proposed ; however, the
I. I NTRODUCTION radius is not considered as a state variable. Only
the angular position and the corresponding velocity
The wheel is an essential part of a vehicle since
are considered as state variables. It is supposed
it contributes to directional stability, handling, and
that the vehicle velocity is known (which is not so
comfort. A key-information related to the wheel is its
obvious in real conditions: the velocity is derived
effective radius (also called rolling radius and dynamic
from the angular velocities of the wheels and the
radius) since a strong variation of this radius can
nominal radius). Furthermore, the angular velocity
have an incidence on the vehicle comfort and safety.
dynamics do not depend on the applied torque.
Existing works have shown that an estimated value of
A variable structure observer is also developed in
this radius can be obtained from a joint measurement
[15] in order to estimate the forces and parameters
of the vehicle speed and the wheel angular veloc-
needed for vehicle control, and to ensure a diagnosis
ity [1], [12]. However, this estimation remains an open
preview. In [10], an estimator of tire-road friction is
problem when the vehicles longitudinal velocity is
designed, and based on EKF (Extended Kalman filter).
not available. As a matter of fact, vehicle velocity
can be derived from the angular velocity of the wheel
In this paper, an observer using only the measured
and its a priori known nominal radius. However, if
wheel angular velocity and the torque applied on
the effective radius is decreasing or if its value is
it is proposed: this solution allows to estimate the
lower than the nominal one, the estimated velocity will
vehicle velocity and the wheel radius. The observer
be erroneous. Another way to estimate the velocity
being based on high order sliding mode theory [5],
consists in using the Global Positioning System (GPS)
[6], it implies that it needs to be a third order sliding
system, but it yields a low precision information. In
mode one which is different from the previously
that respect, we propose in this paper an estimator
cited works. The main features of such observers
of the wheel effective radius and the vehicle velocity
are their robustness with respect to uncertainties
using the information provided by the Anti-lock Brak-
and perturbations, and finite time convergence.
ing System (ABS) encoder: engine torque and angular
Furthermore, they are applicable to a very large
class of observable systems. This choice of observer
To our best knowledge, only few works have been
strategy has been made because the radius dynamics
done in the design of radius dynamics observers. In
are not known a priori and can be viewed as a
[1], a linear relation between the longitudinal force
bounded uncertainty.
and the slip is considered using a constant longitudinal
Contact author: The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In

978-1-4577-0411-6/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

Section 2, the wheel model is introduced with the B. State-space representation
view to present the main equations of longitudinal
By denoting the state vector x = [x 1 x2 x3 ]T =
and rotational dynamics of a tyre. Then, the observer
[ vx R]T and u = the control input, one has
design is discussed in Section 3. Finally, some sim-

ulation results are given in Section 4 to illustrate the 1

x3 Fx (x) + Cf x1 1
applicability of the proposed method. J

II. P ROBLEM STATEMENT x = 1 F (x) F (x) F (x) + 0 u
M x d r
The main problem is how to develop an estimation
strategy of the wheel effective radius and vehicle   
velocity using only angular velocity and wheel torque   
measurements. Before deriving the proposed estimator f (x) + f
a good representative model of wheel dynamics is
The force Fx (x) reads as

A. Wheel longitudinal and rotational dynamics x2
0 1
x1 x3
The application of Newtons second law to the Fx = 20 2 M g (5)
forces acting on the wheel in an acceleration phase 2 x2
0 + 1
[4], [14] allow to express the main equations of x1 x3
rotational and longitudinal dynamics
J = R Fx Cf , (1) SYNTHESIS
M vx = Fx Fd Fr (2) The first part of this section concerns the analysis
where is the wheel angular velocity, R is the of observability. Then, a high order sliding mode
effective radius, v x the vehicles linear velocity, C f observer (based on differentiation) is developed.
the viscous friction coefficient of the wheel, J and M
are respectively the inertia and the quarter-car mass A. Analysis of observability
consisting of the car body and wheel. In addition to the Consider a nonlinear system
wheel torque , the main forces acting on the wheel
are the traction force F x , the aerodynamic drag force x = f (x) + g(x)u
Fd and the rolling resistance F r , which are given as y = h(x)

F (v ) = 1 A C v 2 ,
with the state x M, M being an open and dense
d x 2
d d x
(3) subset of IRn and the control input u IR p . y
Fr (vx ) = M g Cr (vx ),
IRp is the measured output. Let O denote the generic

Fx () = M g (), observability space 1 defined by [9], [13] as
where Cd is the aerodynamic drag coefficient, is
the mass density of the air and A d the frontal area of O = X (Y + U) (7)
the vehicle. The parameter C r is the rolling resistance
with X = SpanK {dx}, Y = SpanK {dy (j) , j 0}
coefficient which is a function of v x , and () the
and U = SpanK {du(j) , j 0}. SpanK is a space
adhesion coefficient. The adhesion coefficient depends
spanned over the field K of meromorphic functions
on the wheel slip ratio [4] defined as
of x and a finite number of time derivatives of u.
R vx vx y (w) (resp. u(w) ) denotes the w th time derivative of
= =1 .
R R y (resp. u).
As in [17], [8], the relationship between and is
approximated by the following function Definition 1: The nonlinear system (6) is
0 generically observable if dim O = n.
() = 20
20 + 2
This condition is called Rank condition of generic
where 0 is the optimal slip ratio, corresponding to observability. Obviously, in the nonlinear systems
the peak adhesion value ( 0 ) = 0 . Finally, the context, the observability depends on u. In the sequel,
wheel effective radius R is assumed to be unknown a class of nonlinear systems observable for all u
but having a slow variation, that is U IRp is put in the light.
R = ,
1 If a property is generically satisfied, that means that this property
with || < |0 |. is locally satisfied around a regular point x0 M.

Consider the nonlinear system (6) with k 1 , k2 , , kp One gets
its observability indices, and the following vector
(k1 1)
y (x) y (x) 1 y 1
1 1 2 = (x) = y = x3 Fx (x)
= .
.. = (x)  T
3 y
 T 1
(k 1)
yp (x) yp p (x) J dx
u U (12)
At this early stage of our work, the transformation
Definition 2: System (6) is U-observable if there
= (x) is evaluated on simulated data (see section
exist T X , U IRp and p integers {k1 , k2 , . . . , kp },
4 for an example). It appears that its jacobian is
constituting the observability indices, such that
in all cases different from 0 along the trajectories.
ki = n and k1 k2 kp after Therefore, = (x) seems to be a state coordinates
i=1 transformation. However, an analytical analysis will
renumbering the output components if necessary, be done in forthcoming work to check the validity of
The transformation (x) is a diffeomorphism for this transformation.
x T and u U, which is equivalent to
  Under the state transformation = (x), it yields that
Det (x) = 0 for x T . (9) there exists a function () such that () = y (3) =
3 . Then, the nonlinear system (11) is equivalent to

= A + 0
Proposition 1: There exist T X , U IR p , and (13)
observability indices vector [k 1 k2 . . . kp ]T such that
y = C
system (6) is observable for x T and u X .

Application to system (4). In this case, there is 0 1 0
only one measured output. Furthermore, one consider A= 0 0 1 and C = [1 0 0] . (14)
the following assumption: 0 0 0
H1. The additive uncertainty term f does not change
It is possible to establish that the following assumption
the observability property of (4).
is fulfilled over the work domain.
From H1, it yields that the observability analysis can
be done on the ideal system, i.e. system (4) with H2. Function is globally Lipschitzian with respect
f = 0. Furthermore, the term to .

Cf 1
x1 + u Then, the system (11) is locally uniformly observable
J J [3]. The observers developed in the sequel can be
only depends on well-known variables: thanks to written as following
application to the ideal system without the input-
output injection [11] given by
= A + 0 + (y, ) (15)

Cf 1 ()
x1 + u
(y, u) = 0 (10) with the function being the correction term of
0 the observer. This term can be obtained by different
methods such as high gain or sliding mode observers
with y = = x1 . (detailed in next section) . . . , and allows to make the
For the observer, is unknown, so the choise obs = 0 observer converging (exponential or finite time conver-
is considered and the observer design is made in the gence) to the real system. Of course, this term only
sequel on the system (with abuse of notations) depends on the measured output y and the estimated
state vector x. From (15), two ways can be used in
x3 Fx (x) order to get the estimated vector x:

When the inverse transformation can be
x = = fr (x).
M Fx (x) Fd (x) Fr (x) analytically derived, x can be deduced from
according to
(11) x = 1 ().

Otherwise, from = (x), one gets (21) by using differential inclusion, i.e.
1 = 2 + 2 L1/3 |1 1 |2/3 sign(1 1 )
= x x = (16)
x x 1
1/2 1/2
2 = 3 + 1.5 L |1 | sign(1 )
From (11)-(13)-(16), it yields   

 1 0 3 [L, L] + 1.1 Lsign(2 )
fr (x) = A +
0 3
x () (22)
(17) This inclusion is understood in Filippov sense [2].
Then, from (17)-(15), an observer for system (11) The proof of the finite time convergence now follows
reads as from Lemma 8 in [6]. Then, from (19), a finite
 1 time convergence observer for (4) reads, with 1 =
2 L1/3 |y x1 |2/3 sign(y x1 ) and 2 , 3 defined by
x = fr (x) + (y, x) (18)
x (22), as

 1 1
The application of inverse input-output injection
x = f (x, y) + (y, u) + 2
transformation (10) (y, u) allows to get an x 3
observer for the ideal system (4) (i.e. without
any uncertainty, f = 0)

x = f (x, y) + (y, u) + (y, x) A simulation is performed in order to check the
x applicability of the proposed observer for wheel radius
and vehicle velocity estimation.
In the next section, an observer solution is provided
in order to have a sufficiently accurate estimation of A. Simulation model
x in spite of the uncertainties term f . The wheel model previously introduced is firstly
used to simulate a vehicle driven at a constant speed
B. High order sliding mode differentiation based ob- (20 m/s). The parameters included in the simulator
server are summarized in table I. It can be noted that, the
nominal value of the radius R is set to 0.3 m and the
In this section, an observer based on high order sliding rolling resistance Fr is supposed to be linearly depen-
mode differentiation is suggested, in the case of the dent on the velocity v x according to F r = M gCr vx .
current problem. Consider the system (13) All the parameter values are taken according to those
proposed in [8], [4]. More realistic values would be
1 = 2 obtained by applying identification tools to a driven
2 = 3 system.
3 = ()
y = 1 Parameter value unit
J 45 kg m2
with = [1 2 3 ]T and, for all M , () R 0.3 m
L. Then, consider the following observer based on the M 440 kg
third order differentiator [6], [7] Ad 0.65 m2
1.205 kg m3

1 = 2 + 2 L1/3 | 1 1 |2/3 sign(1 1 ) g 9.807 m s2
   Cf 0.08 kg m2 s1
Cd 0.25
1/2 1/2
2 = 3 + 1.5 L |1 | sign(1 ) Cr 0.02
2 0 0.9
0 0.25
3 = () + 1.1 L sign(2 )
The finite time convergence of the estimation error SIMULATION
to 0 can be proved thanks to the rewriting of

Before applying the observer, the wheel is simulated Simulated radius
L = 0.02
to be driven at a nearly constant velocity by applying a 310 L = 0.002

very simple controller providing an appropriate wheel 300

Controller design. To be as close as possible to real 290

R (mm)
situation, it has been supposed that the effective radius 280
and its dynamics are well-known. The vehicle has
been simulated to go ahead at a slow time-varying
velocity (with v d a constant value, = 2f and 260

f = 0.05 Hz)
0 20 40 60 80 100
vxd d
= v (1 + 0.01 sin(t)). time (s)

Consider the controlled output Fig. 1. Simulation results - Wheel radius (mm) and its estimated
value (mm) versus time (sec).
z = R vxd (t) (24)
The relative degree of z equals 1, which gives provides the best behavior. Concerning the vehicle
R and wheel velocities, Figures 3 and 4 shows that the
z = + [ RFx Cf ] vxd observer provides satisfying reconstructions.
= [RFx + Cf ] vxd +
 J   J A high order sliding mode observer has been ap-
(x, t) (x) plied to the problem of effective wheel radius and
vehicle velocity estimation. The choice of high order
= k z.
(25) sliding mode observer has been made for its well-
Therefore, the torque applied to the wheel reads as known features of robustness and accuracy.

 Further research should be conducted to propose an
= 1 (x, t) k R vxd (t) (26) adequate strategy for observer gain determination or
to design an adaptive sliding mode observer. Another
with k > 0 which is set empirically to k = 1
research direction is the application of the proposed
in this experiment. This choice is made to get an
method in real situations where the model parameters
acceptable behavior without any additional constraint
have to be obtained using an identification method.
on the closed-loop system response. The initial values
x(0) read as R EFERENCES

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0 20 40 60 80 100
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Fig. 2. Simulation results - Jacobian determinant.










73 Simulated wheel speed

Estimated wheel speed
0 20 40 60 80 100
time (s)

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and its estimated value (rad. sec1 ) versus time (sec).
Simulated vehicle velocity
Estimated vehicle velocity

Vx (km/h)



0 20 40 60 80 100
time (s)

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