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Chronic Tonsillitis with Acute Exacerbation

dr. Ashadi Prasetyo M.Sc, Sp.THT-KL

Presented by:

1. Christina Dian Rinesti 11/323999/KU/14806

2. Harris C Kusumawardana 12/335385/KU/15198
3. Luthfan Sumaryono 12/338756/KU/15340
4. Nea Amnelia 11/324002/KU/14807
5. Dwi Astuti 10/299282/KU/13913
6. Aghnia Amalia 12/328496/KU/14884

Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University
Dr. Sardjito General Hospital

INTRODUCTION years old. This include cases where symptom
last anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. Common
Tonsillitis is a inflammation of palatine
organisms causing this includes beta-hemolytic
tonsil which is a part from Waldeyer ring. The
streptococci (most common), staphylococci,
Waldeyers ring consists few lymph node inside
pneumococci and H. Influenzae. Symptoms
the mouth cavity.1
include sore throat, difficulty in swallowing,
On the recent study about the incidence fever and earache.1
of tonsillitis chronic in 7 provinces of Indonesia
Inadequate treatment and management
are 3.8%. This data showed that the tonsillitis
of acute tonsillitis may leads to recurrent and
chronic incidences happen after the highest
chronic tonsillitis. Another etiology of chronic
incidences of nasopharynx acute are 4.6 %. 2,3
tonsillitis consists of subclinical infection of
According to Survei Kesehatan Rumah tonsil and chronic sinusitis or dental sepsis.
Tangga (SKRT), the morbidity of tonsillitis Types of chronic tonsillitis include chronic
chronic in children aged between 5-14 years old fibroid tonsillitis where tonsils are small but
are 10,5 % for male and 13,7% for female. The infected with history of repeated sore throat, and
result of examination in children and adult chronic follicular tonsillitis, where tonsillar
showed that the total of incidences of ENT crypts are full of cheesy material resulting in
diseases is around 190-230 per 1000 population yellow spots on the surface. Chronic
and 38,4% included of tonsillitis chronic parenchymatous tonsillitis is where the tonsils
incidences. are very much enlarged almost touching each

Based on the recent study, Chronic other and may interfere with speech, deglutition

tonsillitis was a disease that often happen in and respiration.1

ENT cases and it common happened to children The pathophysiology of tonsillitis is

5-15 years old with prevalention of bacterial started with the infiltration of germs to the
tonsillitis 15-30% in children with sore throat epithelial layer. If the epithelial eroded,
and 5-15% in adult with sore throat. This term superficial lymphoid tissue will reacts. There is
because of children were easily got Upper an inflammation damming with the infiltration
Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) and immune of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This process
system was still unstable. is clinically seen as corpus tonsil containing

Tonsillitis itself differs into three yellow spots called detritus. Detritus is a

classifications; acute tonsillitis, recurrent collection of leukocytes, bacteria and epithelium

tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. Acute tonsillitis that are released, an acute tonsillitis with a

mostly affects children in the age group of 5 - 15 detritus called lacunar tonsillitis, when detritus

spotting adjacent into one another, lacunar years old is cephalosporin because more
tonsillitis will occur. When the detritus spot effective to treat streptococcus. In this case, the
widens even more, a Pseudomembrane will be clinician give amoxicillin drug because this
formed, whereas in chronic tonsillitis occurs due drug more effective for many cases as broad
to recurrent inflammatory process, the mucosal spectrum drugs and cheaper than other drugs.
epithelium and lymphoid tissue eroded. So that Amoxicillin will produce bactericidal effect that
in the healing process, lymphoid tissue will be can inhibit mucopeptide form to synthesis el-
replaced by scar tissue. This network will shrink microba wall. Beside antibiotic, the clinician
so that the space between the widened (cryptic) give analgesic drugs such as paracetamol or
group will be filled by the detritus, this process ibuprofen to reduce pain for this patient.4
extends to penetrate the capsule and eventually
Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of
arising fixtures with tissue around the tonsillar
tonsils. Indications include absolute indications
fossa. In children this process is accompanied by
where there is recurrent infection of throat,
enlarged lymph nodes of submandibula.4
peritonsillar abscess, tonsillitis causing febrile
Clinical features of chronic tonsillitis seizures, hypertrophy of tonsils causing
include recurrent attacks of sore throat, chronic obstruction and suspicion of malignancy.
irritation in throat with cough, halitosis, Relative indications include diphtheria carriers,
dysphagia, odynophagia and hoarseness of the streptococcal carriers, chronic tonsillitis with
voice. In physical examination, tonsil may show halitosis and recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis in
varying degree of enlargement depending on the a patient with valvular heart disease.5
type. Where tonsils are small but pressure on the
However there are also
anterior pillar expresses pus or cheesy material
contraindications to this procedure. In situation
may be seen mainly in fibroid type. Appearance
where Hb level less than 10, in children under 3
of yellowish beads of pus on the medial surface
years old, overt or submucous cleft palate,
of tonsils may be seen in chronic follicular type.
bleeding disorders such as aplastic anaemia and
There might be also flushing of the anterior
haemophilia, uncontrolled systemic disease
pillar compared to the rest of the pharyngeal
such as diabetes or asthma, tonsillectomy is not
mucosa, and enlargement of the jugulodigastric
node and where it is soft and non tenderness.
Conditions such as acute otitis media,
Management include conservative and
peri-tonsillar abscess, obstructive sleep apnoea,
surgical treatment or tonsillectomy. Based on
tonsilith, acute rheumatic fever, subacute
recent study, the choice of antibiotic drug that
bacterial endocarditis and glomerulonephritis
can we given to this patient with age below 12
might happen if not treated well.6

From history taking and physical
CASE REPORT examination, the patient was diagnosed with
A 7 years old female patient came to the chronic tonsillitis with acute exacerbation.
ENT clinic in a hospital in Klaten with the chief Patient was given antibiotic and
complaint of pain on swallowing since 3 days analgesic, Amoxicillin, 250 mg every 8 hour for
ago. One day before coming to the ENT clinic, 10 days and paracetamol, 250 mg if needed. And
the patient came to primary health care with the patient is advised to bed rest, maintain oral
same complaint, and then was referred to the hygiene always brush the tooth twice a day.
hospital. Avoid irritating foods, Complete antibiotic
Since one year ago, patient has on and therapy, Suggested to undergo tonsillectomy
off complaints about her throat. The complaints after the infection resolves. The patient was
had recurred approximately 8 times. Until now, given follow up were planned 1 week after
the patient is still having the same complaints. starting treatment.Patient was asked to come to
History of allergy, urticaria, asthma and same the hospital again after antibiotic therapy is
complaint from the patient and family also completed for follow up examination to
denied. determine whether tonsillectomy was needed or
The patient's general condition at the not.
day of examination was good and awareness was The conclusion of this case is a 7 years
compos mentis. Patients vital signs: blood old female patient suffering from swallowing
pressure was 115/80 mmHg, respiratory rate was pain for 3 days, physical examination shows
22 times per minutes, heart rate was 82 times per enlarged tonsils and the complaints have been
minutes, and axial temperature was 36.7 C. repeated 8 times since last year. The patient was
On physical examination, ear diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis with acute
examination and nose examination are within exacerbation. The main problem in this case is
normal limits. the etiology of the current exacerbation.
From throat examination we find that
there are no erythema and stomatitis found in the DISCUSSION
lips. The teeth and gingiva have no caries, the Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the
tongue has no erythema. There is hyperemia in waldeyer ring caused by infection (viral or
the uvula, and in the tonsil we found that there is bacterial) and inflammation of the tonsils. The
tonsil enlargement of both left and right tonsil function of the waldeyer ring is as a bulwark for
(T2-T2), detritus and enlarge crypta is shown. the food channel as well as the airway to the
And also the posterior wall of pharynx show attack of germs that come in with food / drink
hyperemia. and air respiration.7 In addition, lymphoid

organs in the waldeyer ring produce antibodies viral infections, with most viruses being Epstein
and lymphocytes.8 Barr Virus.9
In chronic tonsillitis, repeated In this case, the patient is a 7-year-old
inflammatory processes will result in the erosion girl diagnosed with Acute Exacerbations of
of the mucosal epithelium and lymphoid tissue, Chronic Tonsillitis through anamnesis, clinical
resulting in the healing process of lymphoid manifestation and the result of examination.
tissue replaced by scar tissue that will contract Based on the incidence, in children most of the
so that the crypts widen. Clinically, crypts are cause of tonsillitis is virus.9 But, because the
filled by detritus. The process runs continuously patient is already have repeated complaints in
so that it penetrates the capsule of the tonsils and the past year, it indicates that the infection has
eventually gives attachment to the tissues around not been eradicated yet. So the use of broad
the tonsillar fossa. In children this process is spectrum antibiotics are considered.10,11
accompanied by enlarged submandibular lymph Broad spectrum antibiotics is shown to
nodes.1 be effective against a wide range of infections of
Tonsillitis is divided into acute, Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.
membranous and chronic tonsillitis. Acute Amoxicilin is one of the broad spectrum
tonsillitis consists of viral tonsillitis with the antibiotics. Amoxicillin though originally
most frequent cause is Epstein Barr virus, and introduced in the early 1970s for oral use in
bacterial tonsillitis is caused by Group A germs U.K., has found a gradually regular place as
Streptococcus Hemolyticus. Membranous broad spectrum antibacterial to treat the
tonsillitis, a disease belonging to the infections of various diseases.11,12
membranous tonsillitis are diphtheria tonsillitis, Amoxicillin is bactericidal against
septic tonsillitis, Vincent's Angina Paut and susceptible microorganisms through the
diseases of blood disorders. Chronic tonsillitis, inhibition of biosynthesis of cell wall
the same cause of bacteria with acute tonsillitis mucopeptide during bacterial multiplication. It
but occasionally turns into a Gram-negative acts by binding to penicillin binding protein 1A
germ. (PBP-1A) located inside the bacterial cell well.
Based on the incidence, both acute and The penicillins (amoxicillin), acylate the
chronic tonsillitis is more common in children penicillin-sensitive transpeptidase C-terminal
than adults.8 This is due to children susceptible domain by opening the lactam ring causing
to acute respiratory infections and generally inactivation of the enzyme, prevents the
children who suffer tonsillitis have viral formation of a cross-link of two linear
infections.9 From a study by Modena et al peptidoglycan strands, inhibiting the third and
(2009) on 121 children with tonsillitis, 118 had last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis, which

is necessary for cell division and cell shape and are estimated may reduce sore throat symptoms
other essential processes; and thus, the lethality approximately 25%-31% in children.13
of penicillin for bacteria involves both lytic and CONCLUSION
non-lytic mechanisms. Cell lysis is than A 7-year-old girl diagnosed with Acute
mediated by bacterial cell wall autolytic Exacerbations of Chronic Tonsillitis with the
enzymes such as autolysins; it is possible that chief complaint of pain on swallowing. This
amoxicillin interferes with an autolysin patient has on and off complaints about her
inhibitor. Amoxicillin is more effective against throat since one year ago. The complaints had
gram positive than gram negative recurred approximately 8 times. From throat
microorganisms and it demonstrates greater examination we find that there is hyperemia in
efficacy to penicillin, penicillin V and the uvula, and in the tonsil we found that there is
comparable to other antibiotics, e.g. ampicillin, tonsil enlargement of both left and right tonsil
azithromycin clarithromycin, cefuroxime and (T2-T2), detritus and enlarge crypta is shown.
doxycycline in treatment of various infections/ And also the posterior wall of pharynx show
diseases. hyperemia. Based on the symptoms shown by
According to a study by Regioli et al, the patient, the Centor Score for this patient is 2,
amoxicillin is the drug of choice and the which means there is a probability of 1-17% the
duration of treatment is 10 days. But a new trend patient suffer from GABHS infection. Because
has developed, they shorten the course of this patient is most likely has bacterial infection,
treatment to 3-6 days, in order to increase antibiotics is indicated to eliminate the bacteria
compliance. Also amoxicillin is an antibiotic causing this infection. The appropriate treatment
with low risk of side effect. Cephalosporin has for this patient should be antibiotic treatment
been considered to be drug of choice, if the administration such as amoxicillin and then we
patient are allergic to penicillin. 11 observe the progress of patients condition.
The patient was also given paracetamol Beside antibiotic, the doctor may give analgesic
for symptoms relief. Even though tonsillitis is a and antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol.
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