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NOTE : date formate is : mm/dd/yy

Functions of Date

to get Year from Date 11/11/2011 2011

to get next date 11/4/2015 11/5/2015

To add a number of years, months

and/or days, use the DATE
function. 1/4/2014 3/6/2015
Current Date And Time 6/7/2017 8:40
Hour, Minute , Second 8:40:52 8

To add a number of hours,

minutes and/or seconds, use the
TIME function. 8:40:52 10:51 AM

to get past date 15-Nov-2016 Past Date

to get current date 16-Nov-2016 Past Date
to get Future date 17-Nov-2016 Past Date

to get the number of

days, weeks or years
between two dates in
Excel, use the DATEDIF
function. The DATEDIF
function has three
arguments. 11/6/2016 10

Fill in "m" for the third argument to

get the number of months
between two dates 9/6/2016 2

Fill in "yd" for the third argument to

ignore years and get the number
of days between two dates. 10/1/2016 61

. Fill in "y" for the third argument to

get the number of years between
two dates. 9/6/2011 5
Fill in "md" for the third argument
to ignore months and get the
number of days between two
dates. 9/11/2014 5
Formula (please put = sign at beginning)


IF(C13=TODAY(),"Current Date",IF(C13>TODAY(),"Future Date",IF(C13<TODAY(),"Past Date")))

IF(C13=TODAY(),"Current Date",IF(C13>TODAY(),"Future Date",IF(C13<TODAY(),"Past Date")))
IF(C13=TODAY(),"Current Date",IF(C13>TODAY(),"Future Date",IF(C13<TODAY(),"Past Date")))

DATEDIF(C17,C18,"d") u wiil get differnce between two dates

note: u can also use c17-c18 u wil get same result

DATEDIF(C20,C21,"m") u will get number of months between two dates

DATEDIF(C23,C24,"yd") u will get number of days

DATEDIF(C26,C27,"y") u will get number of years

DATEDIF(C29,C30,"md") u will get number of days
Y(),"Past Date")))
Y(),"Past Date")))
Y(),"Past Date")))

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