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When Diesel and Gasoline Meet

In this world, there are many vehicle. They help human live to be easier life. They
help us when we want some great forces to push or lift something. They also help us travel
through many place, shorting the time and minimizing the world. The world become smaller
and smaller. This wonderful human creation is run by some engine. These engine ussually
use petroleum as their fuel. The common fuel ussualy use is diesel fuel and gasoline. This
fuels is used by diesel engine and gasoline engine.

In the principle, diesel engine and gasoline engine are same. They both need the
mixture of fuel, air and heat to make this engine work. Most of their component are same,
like piston, valve and cylinder liner. Their also commonly have 4 stroke cycle to work. that is
suction, compression, combustion and exhaust. But in the some point, this two engine have
different specific characteristic.

Diesel engine
Diesel engine is founded by Rudolf Christian Carl Diesel, a Germany that born in Paris
in 1858. He got his patent for diesel engine in 23 February 1893, a year after he found his
engine. He also the first that use crop oil for his diesel, or more famously called biodiesel.
But in September 1913, he found in floated in scheldt river (Germany) after missing for five
days from his room in SS Dresden. But its rumored that some his student from japan
succeded to make copy from the design of his engine. And then build a factory tokyo jidosha
kogyo company (now its name is Isuzu). (anonymous, 2008)

This engine is based on 4-stroke engine that use the mixture of fuel(diesel fuel), air
and heat to get its power. The first stroke is suction. Its suck the air inside the cylinder. And
the next step is compressing the air until the air is hot enough for combustion. A little time
before enter the combustion stroke, the fuel is injected in the combustion chamber in high
pressure that make the fuel vapourizing. After the tree element is completed for
combustion (air, heat, and fuel) in this step, then come the combustion stroke. In this
stroke, those mix is ignited an make some explode causing the piston pushed down. After
that the gas after combustion is disposed to the exhaust valve.

Gasoline engine
The second engine is gasoline engine. This engine is found by Nikolaus August Otto,
he is a germany inventor an invented this engine in 1876. These engine is used in many
vehicle even the plane is based on this engine (before jet engine is invented in 1939). Otto is
born 1832 in holzhausen (germany). (Herlambang, 2010)
The Gasoline engine has same principle with diesel engine. Its 4 stroke and use the
the same element in fuel mixture. The different is, gasoline engine use the gasoline for the
mixture. And the other different is at the combustion stroke, the mixture of fuel is ignited by
a spark plug.

Everything has good point and bad point. Diesel engine is less acceleration than
gasoline engine, because diesel engine has slower rotation just below 5000 rpm (Roest,
2007). But, diesel engine has greater torque than gasoline in the same rotation. That is
because the compression ratio between diesel and gasoline engine is very different. The
gasoline engine has compression ratio 7:1 until 12:1.The diesel engine has bigger
compression ratio, 14:1 until 25:1(Anonymous:2000). In the construction, diesel engine has
bigger dimension than gasoline engine with same engine specification.

Picture 1. The different between Diesel and Gasoline engine


Herlambang, Linto. 2010. 61 Nikolaus August Otto 1832-1891, (Online),

(, accesed 9 may 2010).

Anonymous. 2008. Sejarah Mesin Diesel, (Online), (,

accesed 9 may 2010).

Roest. 2007. Diesel Versus Bensin, GA: Training Manual, M-STEP 2. Kramayudha Tiga Berlian. 2000.

Anonymous. 2000. Dasar Motor. Malang: PPPGT/VEDC MALANG

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