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May 17, 2007 Vol. 12, No.


Atlantis connects to launch pad, Progress spacecraft

receives S3/S4 truss payload restocks space station
Shuttle Update: Now that it is on
Message From The Center Director: “MISSION LIFE FORCE,” an armed ser-
the launch pad, Atlantis' electrical and
vices blood program out of Fort Bragg, N.C., will be at CCAFS on May 23 and at
mechanical connections to the launch pad
KSC on May 24. Fort Bragg is the only Department of Defense donor center in
are under way. With the refurbishment of
the United States that maintains a wartime contingency stock of blood (go to:
Pad 39-A, this launch will be the first Due to a lack of donor participants,
from the pad in four years. The shuttle
Womack Army Medical Center is having a difficult time maintaining an adequate
payload, consisting of the S3/S4 truss,
supply of on-hand blood. The Armed Services Blood Program, or ASBP, needs
was scheduled to be installed into Atlan-
eligible blood donors to support ongoing military operations worldwide and to
tis' payload bay on Wednesday. Begin-
replenish the military's frozen blood reserves. Our military men and women are in
ning May 23, propellants will be loaded
desperate need of our blood donations. I encourage you to participate on the fol-
into Atlantis' storage tanks. The propel-
lowing dates:
lant will be used by the orbital maneuver-
ing system and reaction control system to * May 23 – ASBP donor location: Fire Station #1, CCAFS
move the spacecraft while it's in orbit. * May 24 – ASBP donor location: M6-0570, Kennedy Learning Institute (directly
Last week on Endeavour, techni- behind the HQ Bldg.), KSC
cians installed the tunnel adapter, which
is located in the midbody between the
external airlock and a container used to Service Module Tuesday as the station nation who specialize in your well being.
transport experiments and cargo. Com- sailed 208 miles above the Earth off the Do not miss this exciting opportunity to
pletion of the installation signifies close- northeast coast of Australia. The Progress have your health questions and concerns
out of the orbiter's midbody. Technicians delivered more than 1,050 pounds of addressed, while receiving free goodies
continued working on modifications to propellant, almost 100 pounds of air, in the process!
the orbiter's engine cutoff sensor wiring. more than 925 pounds of water and 3,042
pounds of dry cargo. The docking, under Register To Win
Work also continues on closeout of the Water Park Passes —
orbiter maneuvering system and the or- the guidance of the Kurs automatic ren-
Stop by any of the NASA
biter aft. dezvous system, was smooth and un-
eventful. Flight Engineer Suni Williams Exchange stores and regis-
On Discovery, workers continue ter for a chance to win two
modifications to the orbiter's engine cut- monitored other station systems and pho-
tographed the Progress’ approach. one-day passes to Wet 'n
off sensor wiring. Functional testing of Wild or two annual passes.
the atmospheric revitalization pressure National Employee Health & Fit- No purchase is necessary. Just drop your
control system, part of the orbiter's life ness Day 2007 — On May 30, KSC will name and work number in the box. The
support system, is under way. Workers recognize National Employee Health and drawing will be at 1 p.m. on May 31.
are also preparing for servicing of the Fitness Day, a national day of health ob-
ammonia boiler, which is a heat ex- servance created to promote the benefits Countdown is published every Tuesday & Thurs-
changer that helps cool the hydraulic sys- of physical activity, proper nutrition, ho- day for NASA KSC employees. Deadlines are
tem. 10 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays. E-mail news to
listic wellness and a healthier lifestyle for For questions or
ISS Update: The ISS Progress 25 employees through their worksites. This information, e-mail or call 321-867-2815. You can
launched from the Baikonur Cosmo- year's theme is "Be Active for Life." This also find Countdown on the Web at
drome in Kazakhstan May 11 for its event will be held in the O&C Mission
three-day journey to the space station. It Briefing Room from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., untdown-toc.html.
linked up to the aft port of the Zvezda and will feature vendors from across the

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