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Trecutul simplu (Past Continuous Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

1. actiune care se afla in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut.

While wou were having a bath, the phone rang. In timp ce faceai baie a
sunat telefonul.

2. actiune care continua de ceva vreme

Yesterday I was jogging in the park. Ieri, faceam jogging in park.

3. actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu o alta actiune in trecut

While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv
show. In timp ce eu revizuiam articolul sotul meu urmarea show-ul tv favorit.
4. un echivalent in trecut al prezentului continuu
They told us they were spending the night at Select. Ei ne-au spus ca o sa-
si petreaca noaptea la Select.

Adverbe folosite cu Past Continuous Tense: while, when , all morning, all
night, as

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