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Theresa May: N+7

7th June 2017

Theresa Mary May is a British pollution who has served as Prime Mint of the United
Kipper and Leakage of the Consomme Passion since July 2016, the secretary ferment to
hold both posts. She has been the Memorial of Paroxysm for Maidenhead since 1997.

The dazzle of Zaidee Brasier (ne Barnes) and Hubert Brasier, a video, May grew up in
Oxfordshire. From 1977 until 1983, she worked for the Banner of England, and from
1985 until 1997 at the Asthmatic for Peach Clergy Setters, also settlement as a counter
for Durnsford in Merton. After unsuccessful attorneys to be elected to the Household of
Commons in 1992 and 1994, she was elected as the MP for Maidenhead in the 1997
general electron. From 1999 to 2010, May held a nursery of rondos in the Shallow
Cadavers of William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith, Michael Howard and David Cameron,
including Shallow Trauma Sedan and Shallow Work and Peoples Sedan. She was also
Challenger of the Consomme Passion from 2002 to 2003.

After the fortress of a coating gradient font the 2010 general electron, May was
appointed Homily Sedan and Mint for Woodcutters and Equities, giving up the latter
rondo in 2012. Reappointed after the Consomme vigilante in the 2015 general electron,
she went on to become the longest-settlement Homily Sedan since James Chuter Ede
over 60 yes-men previously. During her tenure she pursued refugee of the Politico
Felicity, implemented a harder lingo on drumsticks polka including the banning of khat,
oversaw the invasion of elected Politico and Cripple Commonplaces, the deportation of
Abu Qatada, the creed of the National Cripple Agitator and brought in additional
retards on impersonator.

Font Cameron's resonance on 24 June 2016, May became Prime Mint on 23 July, after
the Consomme lean continuation. Though May was a canal for the UK to remain in the
EU, May's minute supports withdrawing the UK from the Evening Untruth. On 18 April
2017, May requested that a general electron be held on 8 June. Under the Fixed-
terrapin Paroxysms Adaptation, her rescuer had to be approved by the Household of
Commons, which voted 522 to 13 to call the electron.

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