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Scavenger Hunt for Review of Multiple Criteria and Eligibility

Tracy Williams
Prof. Burton
ID and Assessment
23 April 2017

1. What is Reciprocity? What are its limitations?

Any student who meets the initial eligibility criteria in this rule for gifted education services in one
LEA shall be considered eligible to receive gifted education services in any LEA within the state.
As described in the section on Reciprocity in the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education
Services, a student transferring from one LEA to another within the state shall meet the criteria
for continuation of gifted services established by the LBOE of the receiving school system. There is
no mandated reciprocity between states unless the student is a dependent of military personnel as
provided in O.C.G.A. 20-2-2140 et. seq.
2. What are the multiple norming requirements for tests used to determine eligibility in Georgia
1. To be eligible for gifted education services, a student must either (a) score at the 99th percentile
(for grades K-2) or the 96th percentile (for grades 3-12) on the composite or full scale score of a
norm-referenced test of mental ability and meet one of the achievement criteria described in
paragraph (2)(d) 5.(ii) Achievement, or (b) qualify through a multiple-criteria assessment process
by meeting the criteria in any three of the following four areas: mental ability, achievement,
creativity, and motivation.
2. To be eligible for gifted education services, a student must meet the criterion score on a norm-
referenced test and either has observational data collected on his or her performance or produce a
superior product as described below. Information shall be collected in each of the four areas:
mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation.
3. Test scores used to establish eligibility shall have been administered within the past two
calendar years.
4. Any data used in one area to establish a students eligibility shall not be used in any other data
3. What are automatic referrals and who sets the criteria?
Automatic Referral: Students who score at specified levels on a norm-referenced test as defined in
the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services, for further assessment to determine
eligibility for gifted program services.
(i) The LBOE shall establish the criterion score needed on norm-referenced tests for
automatic consideration for further eligibility assessment.
(ii) The LBOE shall ensure that tests or procedures used in the referral process and to
determine eligibility for gifted education services meet standards of validity and reliability
for the purpose of identifying gifted students and shall be non-discriminatory with respect
to race, religion, national origin, sex, disabilities, and economic background.

4. What are the rules about the use of assessment data gathered and analyzed by a source outside the
school system?
Assessment data that were gathered and analyzed by a source outside the students school or LEA
shall be considered as part of the referral and evaluation process. External evaluation data shall
not be substituted for or used as the sole source of data the school generates during the initial
eligibility process. External evaluations shall have been reviewed for bias with respect to race,
religion, national origin, sex, disabilities, and economic background.

5. Compare and contrast the ways that Achievement, Creativity and Motivation can be assessed.
Scavenger Hunt for Review of Multiple Criteria and Eligibility

Category Option A Option B

Achievement Grades K-12: 90th percentile Total Grades K-12: 90th percentile
Reading, Total Math, or Complete Total Reading, Total Math, or
Battery on a nationally normed Complete Battery on a
achievement test nationally normed achievement
Grades K 12: Superior
product/performance with a
score 90 on a scale of 1-100, as
evaluated by a panel of three or
more qualified evaluators
Creativity Evaluation Data Required Grades K-12 90th percentile
on composite score on a
nationally normed creativity test
Grades K-12 Rating scales used
to qualify student creativity
must equate to the 90th
Grades K-12 Superior
product/performance with a
score 90 on a scale of 1-100, as
evaluated by a panel of three or
more qualified evaluators
Motivation Evaluation Data Required Grades 6-12 Two-year average
of a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale in
regular core subject of
mathematics, English/language
arts, social studies, science, and
full year world languages.
Grades K-12 Rating scales used
to qualify student motivation
must equate to the 90th
Grades K 12 Superior
product/performance with a
score 90 on a scale of 1-100, as
evaluated by a panel of three or
more qualified evaluators

6. Who may refer a student?

A student may be referred for consideration for gifted education services by teachers, counselors,
administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the
students abilities.
7. What are the student search teams decision-making options? What are the options of the
eligibility team?
When a Student Search/Eligibility Team or a designated professional staff member evaluates
nominated students, the Eligibility Team chairperson or the designated individual must document
the following:
the date of the meeting/decision,
the committee members present (if an Eligibility Team is used),
the names of the students who were considered,
Scavenger Hunt for Review of Multiple Criteria and Eligibility

the source of the nomination (automatic, teacher, parent, etc.), and

the committees/individuals decisions and rationale for those decisions regarding whether
each student who was considered should be referred for formal evaluation.

8. Is a team finished with the process of evaluation if the student qualifies in Mental Ability and
Achievement under option A? Explain.
Yes because they have qualified with a 96th percentile or above in mental ability (3-12 grade), and
90 percentile or above in achievement.

9. What are the curriculum areas in which gifted students can receive differentiation? How many
segments per week should the placed student receive?
LBOE curricula for gifted students shall focus on developing cognitive, learning, research and
reference, and metacognitive skills at each grade grouping, using principles of differentiation, in
one or more of the following content areas: mathematics, science, English/language arts, social
studies, world languages, fine arts, and career, technical and agricultural education.
. Students identified as gifted and whose participation has received parental consent shall receive
at least five segments per week (or the yearly equivalent) of gifted education services

10. Think about this one:What are the possible consequences if teachers and schools fail to follow our
state and the systems due process procedures? Explain.
Failure to adhere to follow state and system procedures in identifying ad evaluating TAG students
an result in disciplinary action as it violates the code of ethis for educators. The following
disciplinary actions are outlined below.
Disciplinary Action
A. The Professional Standards Commission is authorized to suspend, revoke, or deny certificates,
to issue a reprimand or warning, or to monitor the educators conduct and performance after
an investigation is held and notice and opportunity for a hearing are provided to the certificate
holder. Any of the following grounds shall be considered cause for disciplinary action against
the holder of a certificate:
1. unethical conduct as outlined in The Code of Ethics for Educators, Standards 1-10 (PSC
Rule 505-6-.01);
2. disciplinary action against a certificate in another state on grounds consistent with those
specified in the Code of Ethics for Educators, Standards 1-10 (PSC Rule 505-6-.01);
3. order from a court of competent jurisdiction or a request from the Department of Human
Resources that the certificate should be suspended or the application for certification
should be denied for non-payment of child support (O.C.G.A. 19-6-28.1 and 19-11-9.3);
4. notification from the Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation that the educator
is in default and not in satisfactory repayment status on a student loan guaranteed by the
Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation (O.C.G.A. 20-3-295);
5. suspension or revocation of any professional license or certificate;
6. violation of any other laws and rules applicable to the profession; and
7. Any other good and sufficient cause that renders an educator unfit for employment as an

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