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Talkha Directorate of Education ELS

First Prep. Mid-Term 2 Exam English (A. Level)

DILS 2015/ 2016 Time: 2 Hours
A- Vocabulary & Structure (15 Marks)

[1] Choose the correct word(s) in brackets: (10 Ms)

1- My grandfather wears thick glasses because he`s extremely short-(minded-
2-If we don`t reduce carbon emissions, the world`s climate (would change-will
change-had changed-changed) .
3- My lifestyle may seem (amusing-fun-bright-dull) and unexciting to some, but I
enjoy it.
4- They (will have watched - will watch - will be watching has watched) television
by this time tomorrow.
5- It`s sunny today, you can use the (pantry-sundial-alien-chord) to tell the time.
6- Has she (yet just still never) not finished her homework ?
7-Lara has an excellent (knowledge-experiment-manoeuvre-expression) of
8- I (learns learned have learned have been learning) Physics for two years
9- Alison`s greatest (pantry-achievement-memory-association)was winning the first
place in the competition.
10- Rozana (may might could will) attend the party tomorrow. I`m sure.
[2] Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: (5 Ms)
1- We will see a lot of changes during the next decades. (By the end of ..)
2- She will find Salma waiting for her when her plane arrives. (.be)
3- There`s a possibility that Mark will be at the concert. (..could.)
4- They have not called me for an interview yet. (still)
5- When did you start running marathons ? (How long)
B- Language Functions (5 Marks)
[3] Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (5 Ms)

Patient : Good morning, doctor. I have some troubles with my eyes.

Oculist : (1).
Patient : For three months.
Oculist : I see(2)?
Patient : Yes, I find some difficulty in reading the books.
Oculist : (3)...?
Patient : Let me try. I can see the first three lines but I can`t see the other lines.
Oculist : (4).
Patient : Should I wear them forever?
Oculist : I`m afraid . (5) .
C- Reading Comprehension (8 Marks)
[4] Read the following passage and answer the questions below: (8 Ms)
Many animals in the world today are in danger. For many of them, the biggest
danger is humans . People always kill animals for their meat or their skin .Others are
killed because they eat crops or animals which belongs to farmers .Certain animals
such as tigers and elephants , used to live in great numbers in countries like India.
People have hunted them so much that there aren't many left alive . However , there
are now laws to stop this .
In South America , many different birds and animals have lost their natural homes in
the forests because thousands of trees have been cut down or burnt . People then use
the land for farming or for building roads and towns . We are too late to save some
animals . A few are now extinct. There are none left anywhere in the world. Others are
only alive in the zoos or special parks . Zoos are important because they can help
some animals to live . It is also possible to care for animals and learn more about them
in zoos.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why do people kill animals?
2- What happened to the birds and animals in South America ?
3- Why are there fewer tigers and elephants left than before ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- -Animals are in danger because of -------------------
a-forests b-zoos c-man d- cars
5- Birds and animals cannot find place to live in because ------------------ hunt them
a- animals b- people c-wild plants d- machines
D- Writing (6 Marks)
[5] Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences on the following topic: (6 Ms)
"The importance of Education"
Guiding words:
employment holiday sightseeing new places monuments fun enjoy time
E- Literature (16 Marks)
[6] The Novel (Jane Eyre) (12 Ms)
A- Comment on Only TWO of the following quotations: (3 Ms)
1- "There`s something like magic in your face."
2- "I hate being in debt to anyone, but with you, it`s different, I`m happy to owe you my
3- "Journey! I didn`t know he`d gone anywhere."
B- Answer ONLY THREE questions: (9 Ms)
1- What did Jane decide to do to stop herself from loving Mr. Rochester?
2- Mr. Rochester was a faithful lover to Celine. Explain.
3- Why did Mr. Rochester tell Jane Eyre about his personal life?
4- What family problems did Mr. Rochester face?
[7] Poetry (4 Ms)
Answer the following questions:
Waken Lords and ladies gay!
The mist has left the mountain grey.
Springlets in the dawn are steaming.
Diamonds on the brake are gleaming.
And foresters have busy been
To track the buck in thicket green;
Now we come to chant our lay,
Waken, Lords and ladies gay!

1- Paraphrase the above lines.

2- Pick out two different figures of speech and explain them.

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