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S.Y. 2016-2017

A Research Presented to Mrs. Vanessa G. Racuya

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Practical Research I

Janmar A. Cabanag

Michelle Marie T. Sibala



This research paper could not be done without the help of many people who contributed
their time, knowledge, and effort to enhance the quality of this study. We would like to take this
opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the individuals who helped us
in making this research a success.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our Almighty God, for giving us the courage,
strength, and perseverance in completing this research. We would also like to express our
sincere gratitude to our research paper adviser, Mrs. Vanessa G. Racuya, for her guidance,
motivation, and suggestions throughout this study. And to Ms. Shelamar Garrucha, our Reading
and Writing teacher, for her help and assistance in the process of making this research paper.

We would also like to thank our respondents from Grade 11-Garnet of Bais City National
High School for their cooperation in answering our questionnaires truthfully. In addition, we
would also like to thank our friends, for their ideas and continuous encouragement that helped
us along the way.

And last but not the least, we would like to thank our family for their unwavering support,
both financially and morally, throughout our research. Without them, this research would not be

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Introduction 5

A. Rationale of the Study... 5-6

B. Theoretical Background. 6-7

C. Statement of the Problem. 7

D. Significance of the Study.. 7-8

E. Definitions of Terms... 8

F. Review of Related Literature. 8-12

G. Scope and Delimitation. 12

1. Limitation as Respondents and Time.. 12

2. Limitation of Instrument Used... 12

Chapter II

Methodology........ 13

A. Research Design 13
B. Research Respondents 13
C. Research Setting.. 13
D. Research Instrument. 13
E. Research Procedure. 13

F. Statistical Treatment.. 14
G. Research Survey Questionnaire. 14-15

Chapter III

Presentation, Discussion, and Analysis. 16-22

Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations.................................. 23

A. Summary Findings...... 23
B. Conclusion. 23
C. Recommendations... 24

Chapter V

Bibliography. 25-26



Education is vital in ones life. It teaches us about the world we live in and how to deal
and react in different situations. Getting good education is very important for us to not be
ignorant in the society. In fact, it is the level of education that helps people earn respect and

Many people are going to school but some of them just take for granted good education
when there are many people who cannot even go to school. One of the frustrating problem that
the schools are facing with their students is tardiness.

Tardiness on class is one of the problems that we encounter every day. In fact, it
became a habit to most of the students. Being tardy on class shows lack of respect and
responsibility. Students who are always late in class not only miss lessons and instructions, they
also disturb class, interfere with lessons in progress, and disrupt other students concentration.
They also interrupt the teachers discussion and make them go over again for them.

Students are tardy for a variety of reasons, but being late to class can become a habit
that can have a negative effect on their success in school and may be carried until they grow
up. Thus, it is very important to understand the roots and causes of tardiness in every individual
to find a way to diminish it.

A. Rationale of the Study

Tardiness is one of the most neglected issues in our school nowadays. It is so common
that it became a habit to almost all of the students. This study is made to know the roots and
causes of tardiness in order for us to minimize it.

As a part of a school, teachers, students and administrators should help one another in
solving this long time issue. As we all know, once our actions become our habits, it is very hard
to change them when we grow old. That is why while we are still young, elders should correct
the bad habits of students such as tardiness because they might carry it with them later when
they go to work.

Not being on time can affect ones performance and can create serious problems along
the way. This study is made to inform everyone to do everything that is possible to deter this
kind of malpractice and maximize teaching time among students.

B. Theoretical Background

Behaviorism is a movement in psychology primarily developed by John B. Watson.

Behaviorism and behaviorist theories basically revolve around the principle that human behavior
is but a response to external stimuli. Behaviorism helps us understand and explain the nature of
any human behavior. It is rooted on what the developers of this movement call as the stimulus-
response model. Figure 1 on the next page illustrates this model which also served as our
theoretical framework.



Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Concepts of Behaviorism may be applied to the thought that a students tardiness is always just
a response to an external factor. According to John B. Watson, in his development of
Behaviorism, any human act or behavior can be explained without having to study internal and
mental processes and consciousness. All human behavior, furthermore, is caused by external
stimuli. Likewise, tardiness of students can be traced back to certain factors and reasons.

Figure 2 shows how Behaviorism is related and applied to the study of student tardiness.



Figure 2.

C. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to discover the different factors affecting the tardiness of Grade 11-
Garnet students in Bais City National High School. It also aims to answer this question: Why do
students go to school late?

D. Significance of the Study

The study is viewed highly beneficial to the school, Bais City National High School. The
research can contribute to the prevention and elimination of tardiness of the students. The
study will also provide awareness and better understanding of the factors affecting tardiness to
Grade 11-Garnet students from the ICT strand.

School administrators

This study will help them understand the causes of tardiness on students and help them
to implement rules and consequences to prevent and eliminate tardiness in school.


This study will help them to think of some ways to eliminate the tardiness of the


This will help them identify the reasons why they came late in the class and think for
some necessary adjustment to solve their problem.

To the future researchers

This study will serve as a guide for further studies to be conducted in the future. The
study can also open in development of this study. They would be able to use these data for
them to get the ideas and references if they are planning to conduct the same study.

E. Definitions of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of this study, some terms are defined:

Factors - a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Tardiness - refers to an instance of being late, especially for school or work.

Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or

something with an uncertain outcome.

Habit - a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

External stimulus - A signal (stimulus) that originates from outside an organism.

F. Review of Related Literature

Definition of Tardiness

According to, tardiness is the quality of being late. When people do not
show up on time, they are guilty of tardiness. When you are late for something, you are tardy, so
tardiness refers to the habit of being late. Lateness is a form of disruptive behaviour. Lateness
disrupts the rhythm of the class lecture, and also distracts other students who may be paying

attention to the lecture. Literally, the term lateness implies a situation where an individual
arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 5th ed.,
1995). Furthermore, Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe people not showing up on
time. Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with tardiness,
which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual

Factors Causing Tardiness

Based on the review of the existing literature about tardiness, the researcher addressed
the following specific factors associated with students tardiness.

Going late to bed

This is one of the major causes of lateness to school. Going late to bed could result in waking
up late, as could be deduced from the literal meaning of the saying early to bed early to rise.

Watching films and late-night movies

The individual involved in watching films and home videos may be so captivated and hypnotised
by it that, he/she forgets that he/she has to be in school; and at sudden realisation, he/she
hurries off and likely may not be punctual. (Ukoshi, 2004).

The habit of waking up late

Some folks find more pleasure in early morning sleep than the overnight sleep. These kind of
people always wake up late to hurry off to school but most times, situation may not really be in
their favour, and thus they are irresistibly late to school.

Distance/Location of school

The further the location of the school from the student/pupil or staff, the more distractions,
obstacles, friends to say high to, and other reasons that tend to hinder his/her punctuality to

Keeping friends of different status

Friends and acquaintances that are not of the same status with an individual tend not to
understand the responsibilities of the individual, most especially those of lower status. For
instance, a teacher spending most of the leisure time with a motorcyclist; the motorcyclist is
likely not to motivate the teacher in the aspect of punctuality as compared with a fellow teacher.

Engagement in untimely domestic chores/activities

These activities are necessary but doing them at a wrong timing is what cause lateness to
school. In some cases, most parents even oblige their wards to help carry their goods to the
market and other such kind of chores before going to school. Activities like these inevitably
cause lateness to school, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Furthermore, Oghuvwu (2008)
concurred to this when he opined that lateness is common as a result of students involvement
by parents.

Innate anxiety level

Most people always have that relax mind in anything they do; they do not even care if they are
running late or not; they just do not beat their relax temple or mood of doing things. Even when
a little hurry could make them punctual, they prefer to be late than beat their innate temple; this
is a glaring situation.

Family background

In some cases, the habit of lateness is being copied from family members. For instance, the
child that sees the father always going late to work could also either voluntarily or involuntarily
learn the habit, thus go to school late also. This is supported by Peretomode (2001) and Egbule
(2004), when they elaborated the concept of Nature-Nurture as it affects an individuals habits.

Cultural background

We live in a society where the culture does not frown at, or rather say anything about punctuality
as ethics in a work environment, thus to most individuals, punctuality is not really a serious
matter, compared with how punctuality is being perceived in Western cultures and developed
countries (Breeze et al., 2010).

Religious background

Every individual in this world is loyal or faithful to one religion or the other. Even the atheist is
loyal to his own beliefs, thus he/she is his/her own religion. Individuals tend to swallow hook,
line and sinker, whatever their religious leaders teach, and those which the religious teacher
does not teach is considered less or not important by them. The salient point is that, if religions
frown at lateness, it would reduce; and if they do not speak of it or speak encouraging it (they
may say, no matter what happens, God will always favour you); the tendency is that lateness
would be on the increase, most especially in Delta State, Nigeria, Africa, where religion is
tenaciously adhered to because of the fear of witchcraft and wizardry (African Science).

Lack of functional and effective punctuality policy

Obviously, individuals could come late to school, if they perceive that there are no
consequences to it. Individuals are likely to be more punctual, if they perceive obvious rule of
law in terms of punctuality (Clackmannanshire Council Online, 2010).

Too much body care and excessive facial/body makeup

In some cases, individuals are obsessed by their appearance to the detriment of timely
engagements in school. Oghuvwu (2008) agreed to this when he opined that lateness is
common among females more than males. This could be as a result of the fact that, females
require more time for their body and facial care and make up.

G. Scope and Limitation

This study is focused on determining the factors that affects the tardiness of the students.

1. Limitation as respondents and time

This study is limited to 26 senior high school students of Bais City National High
School. The twenty-six (26) students will be composed of the Grade 11 - Garnet students
from the ICT strand of the Technical Vocational track of Bais City National High School. It
is conducted during the second semester of the school year 2016-2017. It deals with the
factors affecting the tardiness of students.

2. Limitation of instrument used

The instrument used in this study is the Questionnaire Survey, after choosing
twenty-six (26) respondents. This instrument will give the results of this study which will
be the basis of interpretation and analysis.



This chapter presents the methodology that will be used in conducting the study and will include
the discussion of research design, respondents, data gathering, and statistical instrument used.

A. Research Design
The senior high school students were given questionnaires to give their own side about
their viewpoints toward the factors that affect students tardiness.

B. Research Respondents
The research subjects include twenty-six (26) senior high school students from the
Information and Communication Technology strand of Bais City National High School.
The survey was conducted on January 9, 2017.

C. Research Setting
Bais City National High School is a secondary public high school located at Tavera St.
Bais City, Negros Oriental. The junior high school is headed by Mr. Ernesto Q. Alas-as Jr. and
the senior high school is headed by Mrs. Groselie Ragay.

D. Research Instrument Used

The survey questionnaires involve a list of written questions to be answered by the
respondents in a written manner also. The respondents were given options where they can
select their answers; they just have to check or tick the box of their chosen option. This was
developed for analysing and interpreting the factors that affect the tardiness of students.
There are five (5) questions listed in each questionnaire.

E. Procedure
The researchers distributed the questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire
were distributed personally by the researchers to clearly explain the directions as well as the
content of the questionnaires.

F. Statistical Treatment
P=f/n (100)
P= percentage
f= frequency
n= total number of respondents

G. Research Survey Questionnaire

Name: Grade and Section:


Directions: Please check/tick the box that suits your choice of answer provided for each

1. How often are you late arriving to a class in school?

Very often (more than once a week) Not very much (1-5 times a year)
Regularly (about once a week) Never
Occasionally (2-5 times a quarter)

2. The main reason why I am late in attending my classes is:

woke up late transport trouble

working with my assignments or couldnt be bothered being on time
others, please specify:
other requirements
doing household chores ____________________________
playing computer or mobile games

3. How long does it take for you to travel from home to school?

less than 5 minutes 5 10 minutes

10 15 minutes 25 30 minutes
15 20 minutes more than 30 minutes
20 25 minutes

4. I go to bed at

7:45 8:45 p.m. 10:45 11: 45 p.m.

8:45 9:45 p.m. after midnight
9:45 10:45 p.m.

5. Time management for me is;

boring and not important

for old and mature people
important to accomplish many tasks



This chapter deals with the presentation and interpretation of data in accordance
with the problem.

1. Frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 11-Garnet students in relation to how

often they are late in arriving to class in school.
Male students
Very often
(more than
once a week)
(about once
a week)
23% Occasionally
(2-5 times a
Not very
46% much (1-5
times a year)

Female students
Very often
(more than
once a week)
(about once
8% a week)
23% Occasionally
(2-5 times a
54% Not very
much (1-5
times a year)

Out of 13 male respondents, 3 of them with the total percentage of 23.08% are
late in class more than once a week, 6 respondents with the total percentage of 46.15%
are late in class 1-5 in a year, and 4 of the respondents with the total percentage of
30.77% are never late in class.

Out of 13 female respondents, 3 of them with the percentage of 23.08% are late
in class more than once a week, 2 of the respondents with the total percentage of
15.38% are late 2-5 times a quarter, 7 of the respondents with the total percentage of
53.85% are late in class 1-5 times a year, and only 1 of them with the total percentage of
7.69% is never late in class.

The research revealed that most of the female students are more likely to be late
in arriving to class in school.

2. Frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 11-Garnet students in relation to the

main reason why they are late in arriving to class in school.

Male Students
others; 15%
woke up late; 23%

couldnt be bothered being on time; 8%

transport trouble; 8%

playing computer or mobile games; 23%

doing household chores; 23%
woke up late
Female Students
working with my assignments or other requirements

doing household chores playing computer or mobile games


transport trouble couldnt be bothered being on time


Out of 13 male respondents, 3 of them with the total percentage of 23.08% are
late because they woke up late, 3 respondents with the total percentage of 23.08% are
late in class because they have household chores to do, 3 respondents with the total
percentage of 23.08% are late because they play computer and mobile games, 1 of
them with the total percentage of 7.69% have trouble in transportation, 1 of the
respondents with the total percentage of 7.69% is late in class because he couldnt be
bothered being on time, and 2 of the respondents with the total percentage of 15.38%
have other reasons in being late to class.

Out of 13 female respondents, 11 of them with the total percentage of 84.62%

are late in class because they woke up late, and 2 of the students with the total
percentage of 15.38% are late because they have trouble in their transportation.

The research revealed that male students have various reasons in being late for
school while most of the female students are late because they woke up late in the
3. Frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 11-Garnet students in relation to the
time they take to travel from home to school.
Male students



less than 5 minutes

5 10 minutes
10 15 minutes
15 20 minutes
20 25 minutes
25 30 minutes
more than 30 minutes
Out of 13 male respondents, 4 of them with the total percentage of
30.77% travel 5-10 minutes to arrive in school, 1 of the respondents with the total
percentage of 7.69% travel 10-15 minutes to school, 4 of them with the total percentage
of 30.77% travel 15-20 minutes to arrive in school, 2 of them with the total percentage of
15.38% travel 20-25 minutes to school, 1 of them with the total percentage of 7.69%
travel 25-30 minutes to school, and 1 of the respondents with the total percentage of
7.69% travel more than 30 minutes from their home to arrive in school.

Out of the 13 female respondents, 1 of them with the total percentage of

7.69% travel less than 5 minutes to arrive in school, 1 of the respondents with the total
percentage of 7.69% travel 5-10 minutes to school, 2 of them with the total percentage
of 15.38% travel 10-15 minutes to arrive in school, 2 of them with the total percentage of
15.38% travel 20-25 minutes to school, 1 of them with the total percentage of 7.69%
travel 25-30 minutes to school, and 6 of the respondents with the total percentage of
46.15% travel more than 30 minutes from their home to arrive in school.
The study shows that most male students can get to school for only 20
minutes or less. Most of the female students travel for more than 30 minutes from their
home to school thats why they tend to be more late than the male students.
4. Frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 11-Garnet students in relation to the
time they go to sleep at night.
Male students

7:45 8:45
8:45 9:45
23% 9:45 10:45
38% p.m.
10:45 11:
45 p.m.
8% 31%
after midnight

Female students
7:45 8:45 p.m. 8:45 9:45 p.m.

8% 8%

9:45 10:45 p.m. 10:4523%

11: 45 p.m.


after midnight 23%

Out of 13 male respondents, 3 of them with the total percentage of
23.08% go to sleep between 7:45-8:45 p.m., 4 of the respondents with the total
percentage of 30.77% go to sleep between 9:45-10:45 in the evening, 1 of them with the
total percentage of 7.69% go to sleep between 10:45-11:45 p.m. and 5 of the
respondents with the total percentage of 38.46% go to sleep after midnight.

Out of 13 female respondents, 1 of them with the total pecentage of

7.69% go to sleep between 7:45-8:45 p.m., 3 of the respondents with the total
percentage of 23.08% go to sleep between 8:45-9:45 p.m., 3 of them with the total
percentage of 23.08% go to sleep between 9:45-10:45 p.m. in the evening, 5 of the
respondents with the total percentage of 38.46% go to sleep between 10:45-11:45 in the
evening and only 1 of the respondents with the total percentage of 7.69% go to sleep
after midnight.

The study shows that only a few female students go to sleep very late at
night, and most of the male students go to sleep after midnight.

5. Frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 11-Garnet students in relation to what

is time management for them
Male students
boring and not important
for old and mature people
important to accomplish many tasks




Out of 13 male respondents, 1 of them with the total percentage of 7.69% said
that time management is boring and unimportant, 1 of the respondents with the total
percentage of 7.69% said that it is only for old and mature people, 6 of them with the
total percentage of 46.15% said that time management is important to accomplish many
tasks, and 5 of the respondents with the total percentage of 38.46% said that time
management is tiresome.

Out of 13 female respondents, 12 of them with the total percentage of 92.31%

said that time management is important to accomplish many tasks and only 1 of the
respondents with the total percentage of 7.69% said that it is tiresome.

The study shows that most female students give importance to time management
than the male students.



This chapter presents the conclusions derived from these findings and the researchers
recommendations for future researches of similar concern.

A. Summary Findings

This research studied the factors affecting the tardiness of Grade 11

Garnet of Bais City National High School. Based on the results of the study, the following
findings were gathered as an answer to this question: Why do students go to school

The most common reason by the respondents is woke up late, second are
playing computer and mobile games, transport trouble, and doing household chores
followed by other reasons, next is couldnt be bothered being on time, and lastly,
working with assignments or other requirements".

Respondents who indicated woke up late in their reasons answered additional

reasons why. They said they slept late the night before. Others also said they were just
lazy to go to school early in the morning.

B. Conclusion

On the basis of the test results, the researcher concluded that the Grade
11-Garnet of Bais City National High School:

1. female students are more likely to be late in school than male students;

2. female students travel more than 30 minutes from home to school;

3. male students travel 20 minutes or less from home to school;

4. female students sleep early at night;

5. male students go to sleep after midnight;

6. And female students give importance to time management than male students.
C. Recommendations

Based on the result of this study, recommendations are offered by the


1. The students must be responsible and manage their time properly to avoid being late in
2. Students must go to bed early at night and may set up their alarm clock to wake up
3. The student must be disciplined and should know the factors to minimize their tardiness.
4. Administrators or teachers should enforce a clear and strict policy against tardiness.


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