A Research On Most Preferable Weekend Activities Between Male and Female Students and Its Reason

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A research on most preferable weekend activities between male and female students and its


Please tick the box given

1 Gender : Male Female

2 Race : Malay Chinese Indian Others
3 Duration : PST PDT
Please rank using number (1-3) in the box. Fill up where necessary.
4 The most preferable activities
Online game
Physical activities
Watching movie
Indoor activities
Others ; Please state :
Please choose wisely according to your activities

Strongly Agree SA Agree A Disagree D Strongly Disagree SD


5 I prefer this weekend activities because it can release my stress

6 I prefer this weekend activities because it enjoyful
7 I prefer this weekend activities because I can get more friend
8 I prefer this weekend activities because I can be more independent
9 I prefer this weekend activities because it can improve my knowledge
10 I prefer this weekend activities because it promote healthy lifestyle
11 I prefer this weekend activities because I can strengthen the relationship with my friend
12 I prefer this weekend activities because I want to have new experience
13 I prefer this weekend activities because I want to improve my sport skills
14 I prefer this weekend activities because I can test my IQ ability
15 I prefer this weekend activities because it is my hobbies
16 I prefer this weekend activities because it wide my social network
17 I prefer this weekend activities because it make me feel comfortable to interact with people
18 I prefer this weekend activities because I can develop time management skills
19 I prefer this weekend activities because I can learn goal setting
20 I prefer this weekend activities because I can build my self-confident

Please answer the following question.
1 In your opinion, do you think your weekend activities benefits you? State your comment.

2 In your opinion, do you think KMPK's student spend their activities well? State your reason.

3 In your opinion, are you always do this activities every weekend?

4 In your opinion, do you think your activities at the weekend effect your study? State your comment?

5 In your opinion, do this activities effect your personality ? Give your comment .

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