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Configuring ARCHIVE Application

The files to be Archived must have an entry in ARCHIVE application. Create a record in
ARCHIVE, for each set of files which must be Archived.

There are four distinct sections in this record.

1. The first set of fields are PURGE.DATE, RETENTION.PERIOD, ARCHIVE.DATA and


The ARCHIVE.DATA field is used to Archive or Delete the selected records.

Choose 'Y' to Archive and 'N/None' to Delete the record.

The PURGE.DATE or RETENTION.PERIOD field is usedto specify the records

selection for Archiving. This is based on a date which can either be specified in
PURGE.DATE field (must be the first of the month and for CATEG.ENTRY field
must be before the last financial year end) or RETENTION.PERIOD field.
Records older than this date are Archived (or deleted). Purge date is automatically
calculated from retention period at runtime. For example, if today's date is
23/05/2012 and the retention period of three months is specified (03M), three
months is calculated from the beginning of the month. Therefore, records dated
before 1/2/2012 is Archived (or deleted).

Specify the destination location of the $ARC Archive files in $ARC.PATHNAME

field. If this field is left null, then the $ARC files are created in the Archive
directory (BNK.arc).

The second set of fields (ARC.FILENAME to MODULUS) are related multi-value fields, which
describe the Archive files to be created.
The ARC.FILENAME field indicates the names of all the $ARC files which are created based on
Type and Modulo specified. If Type and Modulo specification are not present, then $ARC files
inherits the same Type and Modulus; as the corresponding LIVE files.

The third set (COMPANY.RUN.IN to TIME.ENDED) are related multi-value fields, which are
auto populated by the system after the Contracts are archived. They maintain a history.

The fourth set comprises the GENERIC.METHOD, MAIN.FILE, FIELD.TO.CHECK,

The MAIN.FILE field accepts the file name that has to be Archived. For example,

The FIELD.TO.CHECK field indicates the date field in the Contract, which must be compared
with the Purge date for Archiving. If this field is left blank, then the standard DATE.TIME field
is used for comparison. For example, to Archive the history records of FUNDS.TRANSFER
record, use the PROCESSING.DATE value of the Contract.

Note: If the above MAIN.FILE field is multi-valued and populated with two or more
applications, the date field mentioned in FIELD.TO.CHECK considers the application populated
in the first multi-value set.

The FILTER.RTN field is a hook routine to select or ignore a Contract for Archiving. This field
is used as an alternative to FIELD.TO.CHECK field.

The parameters of this routine are:


ID.CONTRACT (IN Parameter 1) - Record key of the contract

R. CONTRACT (IN Parameter 2) Entire contract record

CONTRACTARCHIVE.DATE (OUT Parameter 1) Date against which the purge date set
in the ARCHIVE record should be compared with.

For example, in FUNDS.TRANSFER the user can compare debit value date and credit
value date of the Contract and return a final date as the OUT parameter, that is compared
with purge date finally for Archival.

SKIP.FLAG (OUT Parameter 2) Returns Value 1 as the OUT parameter, to skip the
current Contract from Archiving. Value 1 confirms that the current Contract need not be
Archived. (Logic to ignore the Contract must be available in the filter routine. So, the
current Contract is skipped from being Archived).

Two Spare parameters for future expansion.

The RELATED.FILES.RTN field is a hook routine that returns the names of related files that
have to be Archived along with the main Archival record in a dynamic array.

The parameters of this routine are:



ID.CONTRACT (IN Parameter 1) - Record key of the main Contract that is ready to be

R.CONTRACT (IN Parameter 2) Entire Contract record.

RELATED.FILES (OUT Parameter 1) Information of related files to be Archived in the

format 'File name, File ID, Archival Flag separated by @VM'. If there are multiple
related files, each file information can be delimited by @FM marker. For example, upon
Archiving LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS records, its balances file records must be Archived.
So, pass the balances file name, its ID and a Y to the Archival flag.

Two Spare parameters for future expansion.


a. Specify 'Y' to execute generic Archival process. This allows Archival service
(ARC.GENERIC service) to take care of all selection and purging of records. For
example, FUNDS.TRANSFER, TELLER, STMT.ENTRY.DETAIL and so on; are Archived
using the generic Archival process based on the inputs provided in MAIN.FILE,

b. To indicate 'No/None' when application specific Archival routine specified in the

ROUTINE field must be invoked.

This field indicates a valid multi-threaded routine that is responsible for Archiving the set of files
specified in the ARCHIVE record. These are application specific routines and should not be
changed unless a site specific program is written. For example, for FOREX, the routine is
ARC.FOREX. This record routine is responsible to decide on the Archival logic and to do
Archiving. Separate ARC.FOREX.LOAD, ARC.FOREX.SELECT routines must be available for
opening and selecting all necessary files for Archiving. However, it is not necessary to create a
separate ARC.FOREX service. It is the responsibility of ARC.GENERIC service to simply invoke
ARC.FOREX.LOAD, ARC.FOREX.SELECT, ARC.FOREX routines internally for Archiving in
the presence of ROUTINE field.

Create a SYSTEM record in ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST and specify the ARCHIVE ID for
Archival. Upon verification of this record, ARC.GENERIC service is started in the background
and in turn it reads the ARCHIVE record. Based on the Generic.Method set-up or the application
specific ROUTINE, the records are selected for Archival. Ensure that TSM is already running.

Timing Of The Archiving Process

It is recommended that the Archiving process must be run after the COB, but before the users are
allowed to sign in. However, since Archiving removes the data that is no longer used, it can be
executed even when the system is Live.

The system in which Archiving must be run is fully backed up to tape.

Note: Archiving is a one-way process. Data cannot be restored afterwards, except by fully
restoring the database back to the point of pre-archiving.

Back up the area as follows

From UNIX, change to the directory that is being backed up. For example, if the area being
backed up is BNK and the directory structure is /usr/T24/bnk/; then enter

$cd /usr/T24

$find bnk -print -depth | cpio -ovcB > /dev/zzz

Where zzz is the name of your backup device.

From UNIX verify the tape as follows:

$cpio -iBct < /dev/zzz

Where zzz is the name of your tape device.

Post Archiving Actions

Once the Archiving process is complete, the size of all the files involved (both original and
$ARC where applicable) must be reviewed to take the new number of records in the relevant files
into account.

tRun is the main entry point for running a program. This is a script in the /bin directory. It is used
to execute the Compiled Basic Files


The tRun syntax is the following:

tRun [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] <BASIC program> [<parameters>]

TAFJ Classpath

TAFJ is managing the classpath base on the properties file of the project. There are no need to
setup the CLASSPATH variable environment.

The order of the TAFJ Classpath is :

1. All classes specify with the key: <>

2. All jars and folder specify with the key: <temn.tafj.runtime.classpath>

3. All jars and folder and subfolder in <TAFJ_HOME>/ext

4. All jars and folder specify with the key: <temn.tafj.runtime.extended.classpath>

5. All T24 jars and folder specify with the key <>
You can specify multiple paths separate with the separator path. : or ;. Except for the key
<> only 1 folder can be specify.


Each entry has a clear state and the defined order cannot be change.


Specify where the classes files will be generated by the compiler.


Specify where all internal jars and classpath before ext folder (3rd party jars and jdbc drivers)
will be loaded.


Specify where all 3rd party jars, jdbc drivers and subfolder classpath will be loaded.


Specify where all internal jars and classpath after ext folder (3rd party jars and jdbc drivers) will
be loaded.


Specify where all T24, components and modules jars and classpath will be loaded.

TAFJ Runtime Directories

TAFJ support UD tables. The root of the current directory where all UD tables is specify with the
key :

In the properties file the default is :

# Specify what will be considered as the "current" directory (eg in an OPEN "." ...) <tafj.home>/UD

The default file encoding is UTF-8. You can spefify the file encoding of the UD Table with the
key : temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding.
In the properties file the default is:

# By default all UD Tables is no UTF-8 encoding.

# you have to specify the codepage of UD tables

# Latin character ISO-8859-1, cp1252 or UTF-8

temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding= UTF-8

TAFJ treat differently the directory &COMO&. You can specify where is the &COMO& folder
outside the current directory of the UD Tables with the key

# Specify what is the COMO directory. <>/&COMO&

The default file encoding (empty key) is the platform specific. You can specify the file encoding
of the UD Table with the key : temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding.

# set the file encoding of the output file COMO

# ex for zOS : temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding= IBM-1047

# default is ISO-8859-1

#temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding = IBM-1047

TAFJ treat differently the directory &HOLD&. You can specify where is the &HOLD& folder
outside the current directory of the UD Tables with the key :

#Specify where is the &HOLD& directory when SETPTR is used with the HOLD option = <>/&HOLD&

TAFJ Timezone and Local

TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings. You can set the
Timezone with the key: temn.tafj.runtime.timezone.
In the properties file the default is:

# set the timezone of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.timezone = Europe/London


A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. An operation that
requires a Locale to perform its task is called locale-sensitive and uses the Locale to tailor
information for the user. You can set the Local with the key: temn.tafj.runtime.local.

In the properties file the default is:

# set the locale language and country

temn.tafj.runtime.local= en_US

TAFJ Thread or Process

By convention a JBC command : EXECUTE PHANTOM will forks a new OS Process with a
new instance of a JVM (Java Virtual Machine). For performance raison you can define with the
key to execute the new process as a thread in the current

In the properties file the default is:

# Specify whether a "EXECUTE PHANTOM ..." will be a new process or

# a new Thread. In multiple CPU machines, a new process (true) could

# be more efficient. true

When the new process forks a new JVM, you have to specify the environment of the JVM with
options. Use the key:

The option can be any java options:

Usage: java [-options] class [args...]

where options include:

-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available

-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available

-server to select the "server" VM

-hotspot is a synonym for the "server" VM [deprecated]

The default VM is server.

-D<name>=<value>set a system property

-verbose:[class|gc|jni] enable verbose output



enable assertions with specified granularity



disable assertions with specified granularity

-esa | -enablesystemassertions

enable system assertions

-dsa | -disablesystemassertions

disable system assertions


load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof

see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help

load native agent library by full pathname


load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument


show splash screen with specified image

See for more details.

In the properties file the default is:

#If the phantoms are executed as process, what JVM options to

#use to launch them. -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

TAFJ Precision and Rounding

By properties, you can specify the default precision for the runtime with the
key: temn.tafj.runtime.default.precision.

In the properties file the default is:

# Default precision when not specified.

temn.tafj.runtime.default.precision =4

By properties, you can specify the rounding of a operation with the

key: temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode and the rounding of the result after operation with the
key : temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode.result.

In the properties file the default is:

# Rounding Mode for operands : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)



temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode= HALF_UP

# Rounding Mode result : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)


temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode.result= DOWN

TAFJ Runtime Mode

If TAFJ is install on a Mainframe (zOS), you need to specify to true the key:
temn.tafj.runtime.zos.mode. It will avoid the INPUT statement with timer. (not allow on zOS).
Set the correct encoding for logger in and COMO encoding.

In the properties file the default is:

# set to true if the runner is on a zOS LPar machine

# and it have to work in legacy mode

temn.tafj.runtime.zos.mode= false

Here is some other specific mode.

# Define if, in case of exception, we are stopping the execution or

# just throwing the exception (in case of TAFJ is used like an API)

temn.tafj.runtime.exception.mode= false

# When set to true a terminating session will be cleaned up.

# All locks released and the database connection closed.

temn.tafj.runtime.clean.on.shutdown= true
# By default data files loaded require manual authorization.

# When set to true data are uploaded in $INAU table.

# When set to false data are uploaded directly in the LIVE table

temn.tafj.runtime.authorize.record= true

TAFJ Performance

For Performance raison, and if you are not in development environment you have to active some
cache and stop TAFJ to have the capability to debug code.

In the properties file the default is:

# If set to false, any 'DEBUG' statement will be ignored.

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.debug = true

# Performance :cache OPF

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf= false

# Performance : internal java TAFJ System_getCache

temn.tafj.runtime.use.cache.get= false

TEC and logger API

TAFJ has the capability to redirect API message to the logger API (T24) to the JMS Topic
Queue with the key : temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api.jms

In the properties file the default is:

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items recording using JMS (used by T24Monitor)

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api.jms= false
TAFJ has the capability to disable any T24 Logger API or TEC. With the key:
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api and the key: temn.tafj.runtime.disable.tec

In the properties file the default is:

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items (used by T24Monitor)

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api= true

# Enable TEC Items recording

temn.tafj.runtime.disable.tec = false

TAFJ JIMI (Independent Metrics Integration)

Check the below properties for JIMI.

In the properties file the default is:




# Specify if jimi is on, off or can be switched

# 1 : On, can be changed programatically

# 0 : Off, can be changed programatically

#-1 : Off CANNOT be changed programatically.

temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.on = 0

# Specify what directory will contains the jimi reports

# = <>

# Specify whether we want to append on existing trace files or create

# a new file every times we start jimi.

temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.append= false

# The first index when using the FILEIO option

temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.image.index= 1

TAFJ Monitor

To use TAFJ Monitor, TAFJSessionMonitor have to be up and running on the network. TAFJ
with the following properties will send all the information to the TAFJSessionMonitor. Read the
section TAFJSessionMonitor to know how setup and start the monitor.


# TAFJ Monitor


# Enable the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.enable = true

# Host name or IP of where is the TAFJMonitorSession
# TCP port of the TAFJMonitorSession


TAFJ Printer

TAFJ use the JPS (Java Print Service.

On Windows, JPS use the Printer Manager. You can connect any printers installed on Windows.
The Printer has to be online.

On UNIX/LINUX, JPS use CUPS (Common Unix Printing System). CUPS is not install by
default. You have to install it. Please refer to your OS documentation for the installation.

In the properties file, category printer, the setup of TAFJ automatically adds your printers online
with default driver name PRN #. You can affect the channel to any drivers name.

You can affect 256 channels to different printer with the key: # is
the number of the channel.

The name you affect to the key have to match the name of the driver.

i.e = PRN2

The channel 0 is link to the driver PRN2

To install a driver, you need to specify:

1. A name to be link with the channel

2. A device base on the printer manager of windows or CUPS printer name.

3. A class driver (by default : com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver)

To find the devices online on your OS, use the command tFindDevice.


Device(s) on your system

Default printer : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 0 : >Send To OneNote 2010<

Printer 1 : >Microsoft XPS Document Writer<

Printer 2 : >HP0CE4D2 (HP Officejet Pro 8600)<

Printer 3 : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 4 : >Fax - HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 5 : >Fax<


Chose the device you want and add to the properties file: = <The name of a key to link with the channel>

temn.tafj.driver.device.#= <The name of device>

temn.tafj.driver.class.# = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

# is the next available number of the device.

i.e. = PRN0 = PR23 PRN1 = PRN0

temn.tafj.driver.device.0= HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)

temn.tafj.driver.class.0 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver = PRN1

temn.tafj.driver.device.1= Send To OneNote 2010

temn.tafj.driver.class.1 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver = PRN2

temn.tafj.driver.device.2= Microsoft XPS Document Writer

temn.tafj.driver.class.2 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

TAFJ DataBase

TAFJ use JDBC to connect and use a database. Short for Java Database Connectivity, a Java API
that enables Java programs to execute SQL statements. This allows Java programs to interact
with any SQL-compliant database. Since nearly all relational database management systems
(DBMSs) support SQL, and because Java itself runs on most platforms, JDBC makes it possible
to write a single database application that can run on different platforms and interact with
different DBMSs. JDBC is similar to ODBC, but is designed specifically for Java programs,
whereas ODBC is language-independent.

You need to setup 4 keys to connect to the database:


URL that describes database connection


Class that describes the specific Driver for a database


The username to connect


The password



# Database setup


# URL that describes database connection,

# ex. oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_or_ip>:1521:<db_name>

# ex. db2: jdbc:db2://<host_or_ip>:50000/<db_name>

# ex. ms-sql:

# ex. H2: jdbc:h2:tcp://<host_or_ip>/<db_name>

# ex. H2(Embedded):jdbc:h2:<path_to_my_db>

temn.tafj.jdbc.url= jdbc:db2://

# Class that describes the specific Driver for a database,

# ex. oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

# ex. db2:

# ex. ms-sql:

# ex. H2: org.h2.Driver


temn.tafj.jdbc.username = tafjdb

temn.tafj.jdbc.password = secret


You need the specific database drivers you are targeting to go in <TAFJ_HOME>/ext. Please
find these drivers in <TAFJ_HOME>/dbdrivers and copy them to <TAFJ_HOME>/ext
i.e for oracle 11g database

TAFJ LockManager
To configure the client system to use the Distributed Lock Service, each client user must be
configured with the TAFJ Locking mechanism.

To be properly effective ALL users of the same database must be configured with exactly the

Distributed Lock Service parameters, otherwise locks will NOT be correctly respected and data
inconsistencies may occur.

You need to setup the following keys :


TAFJ Distributed Lock mechanism mode.


Hostname or the IP address of the system where the Distributed Lock Service is executing.


The socket port number on which TAFJ Distributed Lock service is listening.


Bring the current call stack over to the LockManager?

override the URL as unique key for the DBInstance

TAFJ Locking mechanism.

1. MEM :

The LockManager is part of the same JVM than the process running.

High Performance.

The runtime have to be in thread mode.

The locks cannot be share between multiple JVM

2. JDBC : use the same URL than the database

The LockManager is a table in the database. The name of the table use for the lock is

Best situation for development purpose.

Poor performance.


The LockManager is an external process on a server in the network.

The key temn.tafj.locking.hostname and temn.tafj.locking.port have to be set.

The PROCHASH is the same mechanism as PROC but the lock is a hash. It cannot be monitor.

Good Performance.

Solution for DB2 database

tLockManager have to be started


The LockManager use the lock engine of the database via an API.

Good Performance.

Solution only for Oracle and MS-SQL Server

This is not the native locks of the database.

TAFJ Tools

tDiag is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to easily get information about your environment like
the java version, the TAFJ version, The tDiag utility is used to display information about your
TAFJ installation and projects setup. It is useful in pin-pointing problem areas of the setup.


The tDiag syntax is the following:

tDiag [-cf <configuration>[.properties]]



To get information about all projects you have configured


The resulting output looks like this:


Home : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ'

Conf directory : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/conf'

Log directory : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/log'

Version : DEV_201404


java.home : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\java\jdk1.7.0_51-64\jre

java.vendor : Oracle Corporation

java.version : 1.7.0_51

os.arch : amd64 : Windows 7

HostName : wkshome01

IP Address :

Runtime : Double Byte SysSeparator


Default Project : 'tafj'

- Project : 'tafj'

Basic source : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\samples\basic

Java src dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\tafj\java

Java classes dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\tafj\classes

Update dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/updates


Java default package : com.temenos.t24


DataBase URL :

DataBase user :


Locking mode : JDBC

Locking name :


Current dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD

Como dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD/&COMO&

Hold dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD/&HOLD&

UD encoding : UTF-8


Timezone : Europe/London

Local : en_US

Debug enabled : true


JMS logger enabled : false

Logger API enabled : true

TEC disabled : false


Session monitor enabled : false

Session monitor host : localhost

Session monitor port : 8377


tShow is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows finding easily where your BASIC source has been
compiled, when and on what machine it has been compiled. It can search for the resource on one
single project and multiple ones.It can also produce a report of all the duplicate classes when run
with d argument.


The tShow syntax is the following:

tShow [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] <SUBROUTINE.NAME>

tShow [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] -d


To view where CACHE.READ is, just type


It will, for all projects in your distribution, try to load the java class for CACHE.READ
(CACHE_READ_cl.class), and get information like:

Where is the original BASIC source

When it has been compiled

On what machine is has been compiled

What grammar applied to this file

Whether it is having Basic Replacement

Here is the result:

Home : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ'

- Project : 'TAFJ201305' [ FOUND ]

BASIC source : 'C:\Product\Version\201305\T24_BP\CACHE.READ'

BASIC package : ''

BASIC Import(s) : ''

JAVA class : 'file:/


Compiled the : 12 Jul 2013 07:48:27

on : GVAL1201010

Compiled with TAFJ : < R13GA

Timestamp : 1342072107042
Grammar : 1

Include Basic Replacement : false

- Project : 'REGRESSION' [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'CACHE.READ' (com.temenos.t24.CACHE_READ_cl.class)

To view the Duplicate classes Report,

tShow -d

Here is the result:


tShowCheck is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to find out easily whether all the BASIC source
files have been compiled successfully. It reports the error and warning messages to a flat file if a
class is found missing in the precompiled or in the classes folder.

It takes three command line parameters,





The tShowCheck syntax is the following:

tShowCheck [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] s [Path_of_source_folder] p

[<path_of_precompiled> or <path_of_classes_folder>] r [path_of_report_folder]


tShowCheck -s D:\T24_BP p D:\T24_Precompiled\R10GA.jar r d:\Report

It will generate new report file with name of tShowReport.txt

No such routine : 'SYSTEM.SANITY.CHECK'

(com.temenos.t24.SYSTEM_SANITY_CHECK_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

Class found but failed to get informations for 'T.TRACE' (com.temenos.t24.T_TRACE_cl.class)


No such routine : 'TEMPLATE' (com.temenos.t24.TEMPLATE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TSDK.CALLJ.PROG.JBASE'

(com.temenos.t24.TSDK_CALLJ_PROG_JBASE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]


(com.temenos.t24.TV_GET_AA_CHILD_TRANSACTION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]


(com.temenos.t24.TWS_AA_GET_PROPERTY_TEMPLATES_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'Tws.isTws' (com.temenos.t24.Tws_isTws_6_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA' (com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.APPLICATION'

(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_APPLICATION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.ENQUIRY'

(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_ENQUIRY_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.GENERATE'

(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_GENERATE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.PROCESS'

(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_PROCESS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.VERSION'

(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_VERSION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'UPDATE.MVS.SVS.IN.FVS'

(com.temenos.t24.UPDATE_MVS_SVS_IN_FVS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'User.getCompanyList' (com.temenos.t24.User_getCompanyList_15_cl.class) :

No such routine : 'User.validateCompanySwitch'

(com.temenos.t24.User_validateCompanySwitch_22_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'Util' (com.temenos.t24.Util_3_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.AA.ARR.DEFAULT.CUSTOMER'

(com.temenos.t24.V_AA_ARR_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.AM.COMPARE.VER.AUTHRTN'

(com.temenos.t24.V_AM_COMPARE_VER_AUTHRTN_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.MB.CHILD.ACCOUNT.RULES'

(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_CHILD_ACCOUNT_RULES_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.MB.COMI.PROCESS'

(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_COMI_PROCESS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.MB.CUST.PROCESS'

(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_CUST_PROCESS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.MB.STO.CREATE.BAL'

(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_STO_CREATE_BAL_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'V.MB.STO.CREATE.FIX'

(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_STO_CREATE_FIX_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]


Total Number of Routines Requested : 17929

Total Number of Routines Found : 17419

Total Number of Routines Failed : 505

Total Number of Routines with BasicReplacements :5

Total Time taken : 0 Hrs 2 Mins 54 Secs


tCrypt is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows encrypting the password specified in
temn.tafj.jdbc.password. This will encrypt the password with DES3 Algorithm. The key used to
encrypt is auto generated and stored in a file called .key in the conf directory of your TAFJ


The tCrypt syntax is the following:

tCrypt [-cf <configuration>[.properties]]



To get encrypt the password for the database mentioned in configuration file

tCrypt -cf tafj

The resulting output looks like this:


Configuration: 'C:\TAFJ\bin\..\conf\'

Configuration file changed with encrypted password.

C:\TAFJ\bin> will then have the password looking like that :

Before tCrypt, password will look like this:

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = t24

temn.tafj.jdbc.password = secret

After tCrypt, password changes will look like this:

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = t24

temn.tafj.jdbc.password = ::P6PeGkfV134=

tFindDevice is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to easily getting information about your Default
Printer on your System and a list of printers which are available on your system.


The tFindDevice syntax is the following:




To Find the Default printer on your system


The resulting output looks like this


Device(s) on your system


Default printer : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 0 : >Send To OneNote 2010<

Printer 1 : >Microsoft XPS Document Writer<

Printer 2 : >HP0CE4D2 (HP Officejet Pro 8600)<

Printer 3 : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 4 : >Fax - HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 5 : >Fax<

This document describes the T24 Operational Performance (tOP) monitoring tool.

Intended Audience

This User Guide is intended for the use of Internal Temenos users and Clients.

tOP is the new performance monitoring tool which supersedes T24 Monitor. tOP is built as an
add-on to the industry standard splunk product (

Splunk provides the following features;

1. Captures indexes and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it
can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards and visualizations. It will produce
software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a web-
style interface.

2. Performs real-time and historical search, as well as reporting and statistical analysis.

3. Indexes structured or unstructured textual machine-generated data. Search and analytics

operations are specified using SPL (Search Processing Language), created for managing
machine-generated big data. Originally based upon Unix Piping and SQL, its scope
includes data searching, filtering, modification, manipulation, insertion, and deletion.

4. Logs can also be forwarded to remote machine that has splunk installed using splunk
universal forwarder

The tOP (Splunk App for T24) is dependent on the Splunk Enterprise platform, which must be
installed and configured prior to installing and deploying the Splunk App for tOP.

Getting Started
Splunk is pre-configured in Windows Model bank area.

Start splunk by choosing Start->Model Bank R13.2->Utilities->T24 Splunk. The jBoss server
should be started before starting splunk
Login with username admin and password 123456
UNIX Installation
The following steps must be followed to setup SPLUNK in UNIX area with T24 already

Download SPLUNK from Select the required package

based on operating system.
Copy the file to the location where SPLUNK should be installed

Extract the file using the command

gunzip c splunk-6.0.2-196940-Linux-x86_64.tgz | tar xvf -

tOP_tafc_linux_R13_110240.tar is the T24SPLUNK installation package and contains all

the T24 configuration for SPLUNK. This file can be obtained from distribution

The applications for SPLUNK are available in the folder splunk/etc/apps. Hence the tOP
application should be extracted in this directory.

On extraction some directories are created out of which two directories

splunk/etc/apps/tOP/tOP andsplunk/etc/apps/sideview_utils/sideview_utilsmust be
moved as splunk/etc/apps/tOP and splunk/etc/apps/sideview_utils.

Create the file inputs.conf in the folder splunk/etc/apps/tOP/local. Specify the logs that
are the inputs for SPLUNK and the absolute path where the logs are available. Comment
logs as required
Go to splunk/binStart the SPLUNK using splunk start. This command will start SPLUNK
and give an address to access SPLUNK web interface. License will be displayed when
SPLUNK is started for the first time.
Access the SPLUNK interface using above address
You can now access SPLUNK dashboard.

Splunk can be stopped using splunk stop

T24 Dashboards
tOP Home dashboard page displays following information for the selected time frame
T24 User information, T24 System Information, Transaction Timeout Error information

Web Server and App server status

Count of transactions by different channels(OFS.SOURCE)

Lock collision information(if any)

T24 dashboards -> T24 Home

Use drop-down to select required time frame
Hover mouse on the required Channel to view transactions performed using the Channel. For e.g.
to view transactions performed through the OFS.SOURCE AA.COB

T24Dashboards -> T24 System Info

T24 Dashboards -> T24 Transaction by Elapsed Time

Select Time Frame and OFS Source to view Transactions.

Hover mouse on required transaction and click - to drill down and view details.
T24 Dashboards -> T24 Performance Monitor
T24 performance monitor option is used to view the average time for a transaction (in seconds)
and the transaction throughput for the selected time frame and OFS.SOURCE. Hover mouse and
click to drilldown to details.
T24 Dashboards -> T24 Locking Metrics
T24 Locking metrics displays locking information for the selected time frame. In the screen shot
shown below there is no information to display as there is no lock contention.
Transaction Statistics
The Transaction Statistics menu can be used to get information about Transaction split time,
Failed Transactions and transaction activity logs

Transaction Statistics -> Transaction Split Time

Choose a time frame to view time taken to complete a T24 transaction and break up of the time
spent in servlet, connector, OFS, XML transaction , XML parse time and OFS Session manager.
We can drill down to any transaction by clicking on the transaction
The format in which the data is displayed can be modified. To display the data in the form of a
bar graph, use the following steps

1. Click on Edit -> Edit Panels

2. Choose the Graph type
3. Click on Done to complete
Transaction Statistics -> Failed Transactions
Failed transaction details can be viewed using the Failed Transactions option. For e.g.
unsuccessful login attempt because of incorrect password is listed here.
Transaction Statistics -> Transaction Activity Log
Transaction Activity Log lists the details of the transactions in the selected time frame.
Services Menu -> Services Monitor
The Services monitor option is used to monitor yhe progress og COB. Choose a time frame,
COB stage and Company for which the COB must be monitored. COB progress can be seen in
the form of a graph. Detailed information about each job is also displayed.
Screen shot showing progress of COB
Screen shot below shows that COB has been completed successfully for all the stages.
Services Menu -> Top Jobs by Elapsed Time
Details of the top and COB jobs for specified time frame and Company can be displayed using
the option Top Jobs by Elapsed time.

Choose required time frame, Company and Number of Jobs.

The graph is displayed and the details of the jobs are also listed below.
Services Menu -> Job Statistics
Job statistics under Services Menu displays the throughput for the jobs of the selected batch and
company for the chosen time frame. Click on graph to drill down and view details.
Services Menu -> Job Timing Compare
The time taken by a Job during different COB runs can be compared using this option.
Services Menu -> Job Times
Select the time frame for which Job Times information is required. Detailed information about
the jobs is displayed in the report
Services menu -> TSA Agent Status
Select the time frame and service name under TSA Agent Status option of Services menu to view
details of the selected agent.

T24 Operational Performance monitor

Purpose of this Guide

This document is intended for the Performance and Monitoring tool for T24 known as tOP. tOP
is based on a standard monitoring solution known as splunk.

Intended Audience

This User Guide is intended for the use of Internal Temenos users and Clients.
Splunk captures, indexes and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it
can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards and visualizations. It'll produces software for
searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a web-style interface.

Splunk can perform real-time and historical search, as well as reporting and statistical analysis.

Splunk can index structured or unstructured textual machine-generated data. Search and analytics
operations are specified using SPL (Search Processing Language), created for managing
machine-generated big data. Originally based upon Unix Piping and SQL, its scope includes data
searching, filtering, modification, manipulation, insertion, and deletion.

The tOP (Splunk App for T24) is dependent on the Splunk Enterprise platform, which must be
installed and configured prior to installing and deploying the Splunk App for tOP.

Splunk Enterprises
Splunk for Windows 5.0.1 or later

Splunk for UNIX 5.0.1 or later

Server Operating System

The operating system refers to the system where the Splunk search head is used. The Splunk App
for T24 (tOP) runs on the search head and is limited to the following platforms:

CentOS 5, 6 x86, x64

Other Linux x86, x84

Windows 2008 R2 x86, x64

Windows 2008 x86, x64

Windows 2003 x86, x64

Windows 7 x86, x64

MacOSX 10.6 x64

Other MacOSX

Client Operating System

The client is the system that is used to connect to SplunkWeb via a web browser. The OS that are
supported include:

Windows 7 x64

Other Windows x86, x64

MacOSX 10.6 x64

Other MacOSX

IE 7, 8, 9 and 10


Firefox 3

Google Chrome

Safari 5

Splunk Dependency
The tOP requires the Sideview Utils plugin to function correctly.

Splunk Installation
Splunk Manual Installation Method
Download Splunk from You have to be a valid user of Splunk or create
a new user to download Splunk. Install Splunk and login. On the first login, you will be required
to change the default password. Follow the below steps to deploy T24 app.

1. After login to Splunk web, select Manager (Top right) option

2. Select Apps

3. Install dependency sideview_util app. Click "Find more apps online".

4. Search Sideview Utils from the available app

5. Login with splunk id/password and Install app

6. After installing sideview utils install T24 app - Click on "Install app from file".
7. Select T24.spl file and click on "Upload".

8. T24 app is now deployed in Splunk Start T24 appfrom main screen or the App Menu
Script Based Installation
1. Extract the package in temp or any other folder.

2. Run command window and Setup JBOSS_HOME and TAFC_HOME environment


3. Change directory (cd) to splunk_t24 (extracted folder).

4. Run the deploy.bat file.

5. Wait until Splunk Installation Complete message on command windows.

6. Now launch your favorite browser and open default URL []

7. Default user name and password is admin/changeme

Setup Splunk Forwarder

You can skip this section if your log data and Splunk server are on the same machine.

Follow steps below to deploy Splunk forwarder in your environment.

1. Download Splunk forwarder from

2. Install the app

a. Use the executable installer in Windows based system

b. Steps given below for Unix system

3. Start the Splunk forwarder application from the Splunk bin directory
./splunk start
confirm the license agreement and reserve port.

4. Add forward server from Splunk bin directory

a. Unix ./splunk add forward-server splunkserver:9997

b. Windows splunk.exe add forward-server splunkserver:9997

Note splunkserver is your deployed server name

e.g. splunk add forward-server

5. Update inputs.conf according to instruction given below

6. Restart splunk server to take effects from the Splunk bin directory.
./splunk restart

Enable Receiver
Skip this section, if the log data and Splunk server reside on the same machine.

To send data from another machine, enable receiver from Splunk Web.
Follow steps below to enable Splunk receiver.

1. Select Manager

2. Click on Forwarding and Receiving

3. Click on Configure receiving

4. Add default port for receiving data

5. Save changes and start forwarding your data.

Before starting to monitor or analyse log file data, configure the log file/directory path in Splunk
and enable logging from tafc.ini or other configuration files.

Model Bank
The following configuration is based on the Model bank package. Any change must be made
according to your model bank configuration. Before starting T24 app you need to configure
inputs.conf. This can be done using a batch file or manually. Both methods are given below;

Configure inputs.conf Using Batch File (Recommended Method)

1. Extract splunk package in a directory and set the following environment variables




2. Run deploy.bat ( for UNIX)

3. Open browser and navigate to

4. Navigate to Splunk Home tab or App menu and make sure T24 Application is listed

5. Start T24 Browser and carry out some transaction.

6. Check the activity in tOP dashboard and views.

Configure inputs.conf Manual Method

Create a file inputs.conf in %programfiles%\splunk\etc\apps\T24\local\ and add following

contents to the file.

inputs.conf File Name


# TAFC Logger path

# For Windows OS

# [monitor://%TAFC_HOME%\log\default]


sourcetype = tafc_log


# jBOSS log

# For Windows OS

# [monitor://%ModelBankPath%\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\log\server.log]


sourcetype = jboss_log

# TAFC.ini

# For Windows OS

# [monitor://% TAFC_HOME%\config\default\tafc.ini]


sourcetype = tafc_ini

Note Do not use environment variables in inputs.conf, use absolute path.

Enable Log Creation


Use following settings for tafc.ini







Note: Do not remove your any existing setting. If the above settings already exist, override them

Enable Log Creation

Use following settings for tafc.ini








Note: Do not remove your any existing setting. If the above settings already exist, override them.

T24 Infrastructure
Hardware Specifications
1. ComServ

Noname Machine

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

4HGb Ram 1Tb HDD

2. WebSrv01 &02

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz

4Gb Ram, 250 Gb HDD

3. JmsSrv01 & 02


Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9600 @ 2.80GHz

8Gb Ram, 250 Gb HDD

4. AppSrv01 & 02


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 580 @ 2.67GHz

8Gb Ram, 500 Gb HDD

5. Network

100 Mb Network

6. Subnet

7. Gateway

8. Internet connection

DownLoad:up to 500 Mbit/s

Upload:up to 15 Mbit/s

9. DNS
This hardware was setup in the Temenoss data Center of Pampigny at Swizerland.
This infrastructure is a 5 layers.

Data Layer (DbSrv01)

This layer contains the database with the T24 Data.

This is a Azure cloud VM with a Oracle 12c

This run-book will NOT describe how setup and configure this layer
Application Layer (AppSrv01 and AppSrv02)

Layer This layer contains the Application Servers with TAFJ/T24

The logical tier(layer) is pulled out from the presentation tier and, as its own layer, it
controls an applications functionality by performing detailed processing.
Broker Layer (JmsSrv01 and JmsSrv02)

This layer contains the Application Servers with TAFJ/T24

The most common use case for JMS, especially asynchronous messaging, is in large Web
applications, Some of the biggest companies use a JMS messaging layer for their large
Web applications, particularly retailers.
Web Layer or Presentation layer (WebSrv01 and WebSrv02)

This layer contains the Application Servers with Channels (BrowserWeb, TWS,
This is the topmost level of the application. The presentation tier displays information
related business services. It communicates with other tiers by which it puts out the results
to the browser/client tier and all other tiers in the network. (In simple terms it is a layer
which users can access directly such as a web page, or an operating systems GUI)
Load Balancer Layer (ComSrv01)

This layer contains the Load balancer the NTP Server and the NFS Server Layer load
balancing operates at the intermediate transport layer, which deals with delivery of
messages with no regard to the content of the messages. Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) is the Layer 4 protocol for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic on the
Internet. Layer 4 load balancers simply forward network packets to and from the upstream
server without inspecting the content of the packets. They can make limited routing
decisions by inspecting the first few packets in the TCP stream.

This infrastructure is built to cover all scenarios of T24 Solution installation and configuration.

This run-book will describe step by step how install and configure all scenarios with each
different product (3rd party software) on Oracle Linux 7.1 based.
The scenarios are:

Standalone 1 tier (Application Layer only)

Managed 2 tiers (Application Layer and Web Layer)

Managed 3 tiers (Application Layer, Broker Layer and Web Layer).

Cluster 3 tiers (Application Layer, Broker Layer and Web Layer).

The Application Servers and are:

Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12c Release 3 (12.1.3)

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.0

JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA

The Broker Servers (JMS) are

IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5.0.4

HornetQ 2.4.0.Final (only with JBoss Application Server)

On all server the Oracle Java SE Development Kit 7u79.

How to use this Runbook?

You have to understand what you are installing, configuring and how. Help youself with
Internet and google.

Be strict and clean.

Learn by yourself is better that just request help.

You are a professional, take your own notes

You will have to adapt your installation and your configuration based on your

Do not hesitate to modify a script or a setting.

Choose your scenario and your products (3rd party software) then follow step-by-step the
order of the installation process.
T24 Compile is java is certify JEE Compliant. Officially it can be install and configure
with any JEE product certify. If you have to configure a product not in this list you will
have to learn by yourself, that is; JBoss with OpenMQ

If you have to mix a stack (WebPhere as Web Layer and WebLogic as App Layer), you
will have to mix yourself the step-by-step installation process. All is in this runbook.

LINUX installation
On all machine, Oracle Linux 7.1 is installed. Downloaded from oracle website. (image :

No ULN (Oracle support ID is provided)

Software Installation

Base Environment

Server with GUI

Add-Ons for Selected Environment

FTP Server


Mount Point Size File System Type

Swap 8Gb swap LVM
/ 50 Gb xfs LVM
/boot 500 Mb xfs Standard Partition
/home 50 Gb xfs LVM
/u01 - ext3 LVM

Network and hostname

Subnet Mask Gateway DNS


Hostname :

Users and Group

UserName Password Home Roles
Root ######## /home/root Admin
t24user t24user /home/t24user User (not sudoer)

LINUX configuration
Network configuration

Static IP Address configuration

If you want to set up a static IP address on a network interface, there are several different ways to
do it, varying depending on whether or not you want to use Network Manager for that.

Network Manager is a dynamic network control and configuration system that attempts to keep
network devices and connections up and active when they are available). Oracle Linux 7 comes
with Network Manager service installed and enabled by default.

To verify the status of Network Manager service:

To check which network interface is managed by Network Manager, run:

If the output of nmcli shows "connected" for a particular interface (e.g., em1 in the example), it
means that the interface is managed by Network Manager. You can easily disable Network
Manager for a particular interface, so that you can configure it on your own for a static IP

Go to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, and locate its configuration file (ifcfg-em1).

Open the configuration file and edit the following variables:

In the above, "NM_CONTROLLED=no" indicates that this interface will be set up using this
configuration file, instead of being managed by Network Manager service. "ONBOOT=yes" tells
the system to bring up the interface during boot.

Save changes and restart the network service using the following command:

Now verify that the interface has been properly configured:

Domain Name configuration

Host Name configuration

Users configuration

Adding Users

If you are signed in as the root user, you can create a new user at any time by typing:

If you are signed in as a non-root user who has been given sudo privileges, as demonstrated in
the next section of this tutorial, you can add a new user by typing:

Next, you'll need to give your user a password so that they can log in. To do so, use the passwd

Note: Remember to add sudo ahead of the command if you are signed in as a non-root user with
sudo privileges.

You will be prompted to type in the password twice to confirm it. Now your new user is set up
and ready for use! You can now log in as that user, using the password that you set up.

Granting Sudo Privileges to a User

If your new user should have the ability to execute commands with root (administrative)
privileges, you will need to give the new user access to sudo.

We can do this by adding the user to the wheel group (which gives sudo access to all of its
members by default) through the gpasswd command. This is the safest and easiest way to
manage sudo user rights.

If you are currently signed in as the root user, type:

If you are signed in using a non-root user with sudo privileges, type this instead:

Now your new user is able to execute commands with administrative privileges. To do so,
simply type sudo ahead of the command that you want to execute as an administrator:

You will be prompted to enter the password of the regular user account that you are signed in as.
Once the correct password has been submitted, the command you entered will be executed with
root privileges.

Managing Users with Sudo Privileges

While you can add and remove users from a group (such as wheel) with gpasswd, the command
doesn't have a way to show which users are members of a group. In order to see which users are
part of the wheel group (and thus have sudo privileges by default), you can use the lid function.
lid is normally used to show which groups a user belongs to, but with the '-g' flag, you can
reverse it and show which users belong in a group:

The output will show you the usernames and UIDs that are associated with the group. This is a
good way of confirming that your previous commands were successful, and that the user has the
privileges that they need.

Deleting Users

If you have a user account that you no longer need, it's best to delete the old account. You have a
couple of methods to do so, though the choice of which method to use depends on your own

If you want to delete the user without deleting any of their files, type this command as root:
If you want to delete the user's home directory along with the user account itself, type this
command as root:

Note: Remember to add sudo ahead of the command if you are signed in as a non-root user with
sudo privileges.

With either command, the user will automatically be removed from any groups that they were
added to, including the wheel group if they were given sudo privileges. If you later add another
user with the same name, they will have to be added to the wheel group again to gain sudo

LINUX configuration
Network configuration

Static IP Address configuration

If you want to set up a static IP address on a network interface, there are several different ways to
do it, varying depending on whether or not you want to use Network Manager for that.

Network Manager is a dynamic network control and configuration system that attempts to keep
network devices and connections up and active when they are available). Oracle Linux 7 comes
with Network Manager service installed and enabled by default.

To verify the status of Network Manager service:

To check which network interface is managed by Network Manager, run:

If the output of nmcli shows "connected" for a particular interface (e.g., em1 in the example), it
means that the interface is managed by Network Manager. You can easily disable Network
Manager for a particular interface, so that you can configure it on your own for a static IP

Go to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, and locate its configuration file (ifcfg-em1).

Open the configuration file and edit the following variables:

In the above, "NM_CONTROLLED=no" indicates that this interface will be set up using this
configuration file, instead of being managed by Network Manager service. "ONBOOT=yes" tells
the system to bring up the interface during boot.

Save changes and restart the network service using the following command:

Now verify that the interface has been properly configured:

Domain Name configuration

Host Name configuration

Users configuration

Adding Users

If you are signed in as the root user, you can create a new user at any time by typing:
If you are signed in as a non-root user who has been given sudo privileges, as demonstrated in
the next section of this tutorial, you can add a new user by typing:

Next, you'll need to give your user a password so that they can log in. To do so, use the passwd

Note: Remember to add sudo ahead of the command if you are signed in as a non-root user with
sudo privileges.

You will be prompted to type in the password twice to confirm it. Now your new user is set up
and ready for use! You can now log in as that user, using the password that you set up.

Granting Sudo Privileges to a User

If your new user should have the ability to execute commands with root (administrative)
privileges, you will need to give the new user access to sudo.

We can do this by adding the user to the wheel group (which gives sudo access to all of its
members by default) through the gpasswd command. This is the safest and easiest way to
manage sudo user rights.

If you are currently signed in as the root user, type:

If you are signed in using a non-root user with sudo privileges, type this instead:

Now your new user is able to execute commands with administrative privileges. To do so,
simply type sudo ahead of the command that you want to execute as an administrator:

You will be prompted to enter the password of the regular user account that you are signed in as.
Once the correct password has been submitted, the command you entered will be executed with
root privileges.
Managing Users with Sudo Privileges

While you can add and remove users from a group (such as wheel) with gpasswd, the command
doesn't have a way to show which users are members of a group. In order to see which users are
part of the wheel group (and thus have sudo privileges by default), you can use the lid function.
lid is normally used to show which groups a user belongs to, but with the '-g' flag, you can
reverse it and show which users belong in a group:

The output will show you the usernames and UIDs that are associated with the group. This is a
good way of confirming that your previous commands were successful, and that the user has the
privileges that they need.

Deleting Users

If you have a user account that you no longer need, it's best to delete the old account. You have a
couple of methods to do so, though the choice of which method to use depends on your own

If you want to delete the user without deleting any of their files, type this command as root:

If you want to delete the user's home directory along with the user account itself, type this
command as root:

Note: Remember to add sudo ahead of the command if you are signed in as a non-root user with
sudo privileges.

With either command, the user will automatically be removed from any groups that they were
added to, including the wheel group if they were given sudo privileges. If you later add another
user with the same name, they will have to be added to the wheel group again to gain sudo

Prerequisite Xorg-x11-apps / Xming

Some Installation needs X11. The X Window System is a networking windowing system that
provides a base set of communications protocols and functions for building graphical interface
clients for computers with bitmapped displays. You should never refer to the X Window System
as X Windows; the proper terms of reference are X, X11, X Version 11, or the X Window
System, version 11.

As all the installations will be from a remote Telnet SSH connection we need to install the tool
Xorg-x11-apps on Server to provide the X11 forwarding to the Telnet client like SecureCRT or
PUTTY. On the Windows client you need to install Xming

Install Xorg-x11-apps

On all servers with root user.


Install xming

On the Windows client

Download from the installation package Xming

Execute the installation package Xming and leave all default option.
Run Xming

Telnet Client

With Putty

Enable in Menu Putty Configuration -> Connection -> SSH -> X11 the checkbox Enable X11

With SecureCRT

Enable in Menu Session Options -> Connection -> Port Forwarding -> Remote/X11 the
checkbox Forward X11 packets.
Test Xorg-x11-apps / Xming

On your telnet session execute the command: xclock.


The X11 Clock appear to your windows screen

Prerequisite Time synchronize on all servers

This is very important for log, statistics, status to have all servers synchronized about date and

Most servers are probably automatically configured to internet network time. But sometime the
servers have no access to it. In this case, a NTP server have to be created in the infrastructure and
force all other servers to synchronize to it.

In the infrastructure the ComSrv01 will be dedicate to have the NTP Server

Install and configure NTP daemon

Install NTP package on all server using the appropriate package management tool.

On all servers with root user.

Configure NTP Server

After the server is installed, first go to official NTP Public Pool Time Servers, choose your
Continent area where the server physically is located, then search for your Country location and
a list of NTP servers should appear.
On NTP Servers with root user.

Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file, which is quite possibly already filled out for you.

Youll find a lot of lines in there, but the important ones are the server lines. Comment the
default list of Public Servers from project and replace it with the list provided for
your country like in the screenshot below. For my purposes, that meant:

Allow clients from your networks to synchronize time with this server. To accomplish this, add
the following line to NTP configuration file, where restrict statement controls, what network is
allowed to query and sync time replace network IPs accordingly.

The nomodify notrap statements suggest that your clients are not allowed to configure the server
or be used as peers for time sync.

Add information for troubleshooting in case there are problems with your NTP daemon add a log
file statement which will record all NTP server issues into one dedicated log file.
After you have edited the file with all configuration explained above save and close ntp.conf file.
Your final configuration should look like in the screenshot below.

Add Firewall Rules and Start NTP Daemon

NTP service uses UDP port 123 on OSI transport layer (layer 4). It is designed particularly to
resist the effects of variable latency (jitter). To open this port on RHEL/CentOS 7 run the
following commands against Firewalld service.

On NTP servers with root user.


After you have opened Firewall port 123, start NTP server and make sure you enable it system-
wide. Use the following commands to manage the service.
Verify Server Time Sync

If you want to query and synchronize against a pool of your choice use ntpdate command,
followed by the server or servers addresses, as suggested in the following command line
Configure NTP Client to Synchronize with NTP Server

On all servers expect NTP Server with root user.

Modify ntp.conf on NTP Client (Not on NTP-server)

Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file, which is quite possibly already filled out for you.

To synchronize the time of your local Linux client machine with NTP server, edit the
/etc/ntp.conf file on the client side. Youll find a lot of lines in there, but the important ones are
the server lines. Comment the default list of Public Servers from project and replace
it with the NTP Server. For my purposes, that meant:

Prefer: If this option is specified that server is preferred over other servers. A response from the
preferred server will be discarded if it differs significantly different from other servers

Start the NTP Daemon

On all servers expect NTP Server with root user.

Once the ntp.conf is configured with correct settings, start the ntp daemon.
Check the NTP Status

Check the status of NTP using the ntpq command. If you get any connection refused errors then
the time server is not responding or the NTP daemon/port is not started or listening.

On all servers expect NTP Server with root user.


Set Local Date and Time

The ntpdate command can be used to set the local date and time by polling the NTP server.
Typically, youll have to do this only one time.
Your jitter value should be low, else check the drift from the clock in the driftfile. You may also
need to change to some other NTP server based on the difference. This command synchronizes
the time with your NTP server manually.

On all servers expect NTP Server with root user.

After this initial sync, NTP client will talk to the NTP server on an on-going basis to make sure
the local time reflects the accurate time.

You can also use the following command to get the current status of ntpd.

Set Time Zone

How do I see the current time zone?

On all server with root user.

To find list of all available time zones, run:

set timezone to Europe/Zurich
Prerequisite File System
Root folder of Temenos Solution

On each server we have to define a folder to install the Temenos solution. We need to check the
where we can install it and the space left.

On all server with root user.


In this infrastructure we will install all on the root folder /u01

Create a folder Temenos in the root folder

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to this folder

check the owner and the permission from /u01

The Temenos folder is now TEMENOS_HOME.

Set the environment variable $TEMENOS_HOME to the Temenos folder

Edit file .bach_profile and set the environement variable $TEMENOS_HOME

On all server with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

Close your session and login again with t24user

Root folder of Installation Package

On all servers with t24user user.

In <$TEMENOS_HOME> create a folder Install


Check the folder exist

Root folder of 3rd Party software

In our infrastructure we will install 3rd party software like java, WebSphere, Weblogic. All
no Temenos software will be installing in the 3rdParty folder

On all server, with t24user user.

In <$TEMENOS_HOME> create a folder 3rdParty

Check the folder exist

Root folder of TAFJ and T24

Only on all servers in an Application Layer (AppSrv01 and AppSrv02), with t24user user.

In <$TEMENOS_HOME> create a folder T24 and TAFJ

Check the folder exist

Set the environment variable $TAFJ_HOME to the $TEMENOS_HOME/TAFJ and

$T24_HOME to the $TEMENOS_HOME/T24 folder

Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $TAFJ_HOME and $T24_HOME

We will add $TAFJ_HOME/bin to the environment PATH of Linux

On all server, with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

Close your session and login again with t24user

Root folder of other Temenos product

We will not install on this infrastructure other Temenos products. If you want to install other
Temenos Product like AML, TAP (Triple A),..

Create in $TEMENOS_HOME the root folder of each Temenos product

That is, AML

Prerequisite NFS Share folder (not mandatory)

NFS Share Installation package folder (not mandatory)

Server NFS Share Installation package folder (not mandatory)

For convenient raison in our infrastructure we will create

NFS Server and share the $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

On the NFS Sever. In our infrastructure it will be ComSrv01

On NFS Servers, with root user.


Start NFS Daemon

On NFS Servers, with root user.

On NFS server we will define $TEMENOS_HOME/Install as a share folder

On NFS Servers, with root user.


Note: is the subnet of all client machine, if you wish a specific client should access it
only, you need to specify the IP of the client, otherwise you can add "*" instead of IP for all IP

Finally start the NFS service as follows:


In $TEMENOS_HOME/INSTALL create a file test

Add Firewall Rules for NFS Daemon on server

NFS service uses UDP port on OSI transport layer (layer 4). It is designed particularly to resist
the effects of variable latency (jitter). To open this port on RHEL/CentOS 7 run the following
commands against Firewalld service.

On NFS Servers with root user.

Command :

Client NFS Share Installation package folder (not mandatory)

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Start NFS Deamon

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :

Next we will mount the NFS shared content in the client machine as shown below:

Check the file test we created

Permanent NFS mounting

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :
Restart your server and check if the drive is mounted

Check if the file test is visible

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :

Check the permanent mount

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.


NFS Share T24 and TAFJ folder (not mandatory, not recommended)

Warning: NFS have a bad performance compare to local disk access. For performance
infrastructure, do not share TAFJ and T24 on NFS. This is only to use with a Cluster on the
Applcation layer.

Server NFS Share T24 and TAFJ folder (not mandatory)

For convenient raison in our infrastructure we will create

NFS Server and share the $TEMENOS_HOME/TAFJ and $TEMENOS_HOME/T24

On the NFS Sever. In our infrastructure it will be ComSrv01

On NFS Servers with root user.

Start NFS Deamon

On NFS Servers with root user.

On NFS server we will define $T24_HOME and $TAFJ_HOME as a share folder

On NFS Servers with root user.


Note: is the subnet of all client machine, if you wish a specific client should access it
only, you need to specify the IP of the client, otherwise you can add "*" instead of IP for all IP

Finally start the NFS service as follows:

In $TEMENOS_HOME/TAFJ create a file test.

In $TEMENOS_HOME/T24 create a file test

Add Firewall Rules for NFS Daemon on server

NFS service uses UDP port on OSI transport layer (layer 4). It is designed particularly to resist
the effects of variable latency (jitter). To open this port on RHEL/CentOS 7 run the following
commands against Firewalld service.

On NFS Servers with root user.

Command :

Client NFS T24 and TAFJ folder (not mandatory)

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.


Start NFS Deamon

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :
Next we will mount the NFS shared TAFJ content in the client machine as shown below:

Check the file test we created.

Next we will mount the NFS shared T24 content in the client machine as shown below:

Check the file test we created

Permanent NFS mounting

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :
Restart your server and check if the drive is mounted.

Check if the file test is visible

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :
Check the permanent mount

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :

NFS Share TAFJ (mix) folder (not mandatory, recommended)

Warning: This is for advanced user. The goal is to share a TAFJ for uid (PortNumber) and
properties file. But the lib, ext and log folders will have a local copy set to the application server.
This is only to use with a Cluster on the Application layer. This is very convenient (about zero
administration) and a very good performance.

Server NFS Share TAFJ folder (not mandatory, recommended)

For convenient raison in our infrastructure we will create

NFS Server and share the $TEMENOS_HOME/TAFJ On the NFS Sever.

In our infrastructure it will be ComSrv01

On NFS Servers with root user.


Start NFS Deamon

On NFS Servers with root user.

Command :

On NFS server we will define $T24_HOME and $TAFJ_HOME as a share folder

On NFS Servers with root user.

Command :

Note: is the subnet of all client machine, if you wish a specific client should access it
only, you need to specify the IP of the client, otherwise you can add "*" instead of IP for all IP

Finally start the NFS service as follows:


In $TEMENOS_HOME/TAFJ create a file test

Add Firewall Rules for NFS Daemon on server

NFS service uses UDP port on OSI transport layer (layer 4). It is designed particularly to resist
the effects of variable latency (jitter). To open this port on RHEL/CentOS 7 run the following
commands against Firewalld service.

On NFS Servers with root user.

Command :

Client NFS TAFJ folder (not mandatory, recommended)

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.


Start NFS Deamon

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :

Next we will mount the NFS shared TAFJ content in the client machine as shown below:

Check the file test we created

Permanent NFS mounting

On all servers expect NFS Server with root user.

Command :
Restart your server and check if the drive is mounted.

Check if the file test is visible

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :

Check the permanent mount

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :

The next step of the setup NFS Share TAFJ (mix) folder will be describe in the step by step
configuration of a cluster for the Application Layer.

NFS Share for MQ Cluster (mandatory for MQ cluster)

Server NFS Share for MQ Cluster

For convenient raison in our infrastructure we will create

NFS Server and share the $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/mqshare

On the NFS Sever. In our infrastructure it will be JmsSrv01

On JmsSrv01 Servers with root user.


Start NFS Deamon

On JmsSrv01 Servers with root user.

Command :

Create the folder structure


On JmsSrv01 Servers with root user.

Command :

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to this folder

On NFS server we will define $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/mqshare as a share folder

On JmsSrv01 Servers with root user.

Command :

Note: is the subnet of all client machine, if you wish a specific client should access it
only, you need to specify the IP of the client, otherwise you can add "*" instead of IP for all IP

Finally start the NFS service as follows:


In $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/mqshare create a file test

Add Firewall Rules for NFS Daemon on server

NFS service uses UDP port on OSI transport layer (layer 4). It is designed particularly to resist
the effects of variable latency (jitter). To open this port on RHEL/CentOS 7 run the following
commands against Firewalld service.

On NFS Servers with root user.


Client NFS Share for MQ Cluster (mandatory for MQ cluster)

In our infrastructure JmsSrv02

On all servers part of the MQ Cluster except NFS Server with root user.


Start NFS Deamon

On all servers part of the MQ Cluster except NFS Server with root user.

Command :

Create the folder structure


On all servers part of the MQ Cluster except NFS Server with root user.

Command :

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to this folder

Next we will mount the NFS shared TAFJ content in the client machine as shown below:
Check the file test we created

Permanent NFS mounting

On all servers part of the MQ Cluster except NFS Server with root user.

Command :

Restart your server and check if the drive is mounted

Command :

Check the permanent mount

On all servers expect NFS Server with t24user user.

Command :

ools Installation
KSH Installation
KornShell (ksh) is a Unix shell. KornShell is backward-compatible with the Bourne shell and
includes many features of the C shell, inspired by the requests of Bell Labs users. This is zje
default shell used by TAFJ.

On all servers with root user.

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# yum install ksh

NMAP Install
Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a computer
network, thus creating a "map" of the network. To accomplish its goal, Nmap sends specially
crafted packets to the target host and then analyzes the responses.
On all servers, with root user.

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# yum install nmap

Typical uses of nmap:

Auditing the security of a device or firewall by identifying the network connections

which can be made to, or through it.

Identifying open ports on a target host in preparation for auditing.

Network inventory, network mapping, maintenance and asset management.

Auditing the security of a network by identifying new servers.

Generating traffic to hosts on a network.

Find and exploit vulnerabilities in a network.

On all servers, with t24user user.

To test nmap run the command:

# nmap -v

NMON Installation
nmon (short for Nigel's Monitor) is a Performance system monitor tool for the AIX and Linux
operating systems.

On all servers, with root user.

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# wget

# rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release*.rf.x86_64.rpm

# yum install nmon

Typical uses of nmon:

nmon concentrates on performance information for the performance tuner and in a

concise layout to aid understanding. This includes: CPU, memory, disks, adapters,
networks, NFS, Kernel statistics, File-systems, Workload Manager (AIX), Workload
Partitions (AIX) and Top Processes.

nmon includes support for older AIX releases, Linux running on x86, POWER and
Mainframe platforms

On all servers, with t24user user.

To test nmon run the command:

# nmon

NLOAD Install
nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time.
It visualizes the in- and outgoing traffic using two graphs and provides additional info like the
total amount of transferred data and min/max network usage.

On all servers, with root user.

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# yum install nload

When running nload, you can switch between the devices (which you gave nload either on the
command line or which were auto-detected) by pressing the left and right arrow keys. If the -m
command line parameter is given, the arrow keys switch as many devices back and forth as there
are shown on the screen. If you want to quit, do so by pressing 'q' or 'Ctrl+C'.

On all servers, with t24user user.

To test nload run the command:

# nload
HTOP Installation
htop is an interactive system-monitor process-viewer written for Linux. It is designed as an
alternative to the Unix program top.

On all servers, with root user.

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# wget

# rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release*.rf.x86_64.rpm

# yum install htop

It shows a frequently updated list of the processes running on a computer, normally ordered by
the amount of CPU usage. Unlike top, htop provides a full list of processes running, instead of
the top resource-consuming processes. Htop uses color and gives visual information about
processor, swap and memory status.

On all servers, with t24user user.

To test htop run the command:

# htop
IFTOP Installation
Iftop is a command-line system monitor tool that produces a frequently-updated list of network
connections. By default, the connections are ordered by bandwidth usage, with only the "top"
bandwidth consumers shown.

Iftop listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth
usage by pairs of hosts. Handy for answering the question 'why is our ininternet connection so

Command from the folder $TEMENOS_HOME\Install:

# wget

# rpm -ivh iftop-0.17-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm

iftop monitors to network traffic and displays a table of current bandwidth usage. An interface
may be specified or, if not, it will listen on the first interface it finds which looks like an external
interface. iftop must be run with sufficient permissions to monitor all network traffic; on most
systems this means that it must be run as a root user.

On all servers, with root user.

To test iftop run the command:

# iftop

Usage is CaSe-sensitive. h-Key will display help menu.

Host Display General

n - toggle DNS host resolution P - pause display
s - toggle show source host h - toggle this help display
d - toggle show destination host b - toggle bar graph display
B - cycle bar graph average
t - cycle line display
T - toggle cumulative line totals

Port Display:

j/k - scroll display

N - toggle service resolution

S - toggle show source port

D - toggle show destination port

P - toggle port display

f - edit filter code

l - set screen filter

L - linear/log scales

! - shell command

q - quit

JDK installation

Download the file Linux x64 146.4 MB jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

On all servers, with t24user user.

FTP the file in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

The location of JDK will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder Java

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

Copy the java file setup to the folder Java

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

Extract jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

# tar -zxvf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

You have a new folder in $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

# ls -ail

Delete jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

# rm jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

The new folder jdk1.7.0_79 is JAVA_HOME

Set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME to the


Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME.

We will add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the environment PATH of Linux

On all server with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile
Close your session and login again with t24user

Oracle 12c ( Database Installation


Download the files Oracle Database 12c Release 1

On all servers in DB Layer, with t24user user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

OS configuration is executed as root. To login as root just execute following command in


# su - root

The /etc/hosts file must contain a fully qualified name for the server.

# vi /etc/hosts

# hostnamectl set-hostname --static

Add groups

# groupadd -g 54321 oinstall

# groupadd -g 54322 dba

# groupadd -g 54323 oper

# groupadd -g 54324 backupdba

# groupadd -g 54325 dgdba

# groupadd -g 54326 kmdba

# groupadd -g 54327 asmdba

# groupadd -g 54328 asmoper

# groupadd -g 54329 asmadmin

Add user Oracle for database software

# useradd -u 54321 -g oinstall -G dba,oper,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba oracle

Change password for user Oracle, set oracle

# passwd oracle

Check which packages are installed and which are missing

# rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}(%{ARCH})\n' binutils \

gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common glibc-devel glibc-headers \

ksh libaio libaio-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel \

libXext libXtst libX11 libXau libXi make sysstat unixODBC \

unixODBC-devel zlib-devel
Install missing packages.

# yum install libaio-devel*.x86_64

# yum install unixODBC*.x86_64

# yum install zlib-devel*.x86_64

# yum install gcc*.x86_64

Check the kernel param and modify it.

fs.file-max = 6815744

kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

kernel.shmmni = 4096

kernel.shmall = 1073741824

kernel.shmmax = 4398046511104

net.core.rmem_default = 262144

net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

net.core.wmem_default = 262144

net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500


# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

# cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default

# cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max

# cat /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default

# cat /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max

# cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops

To modify a value

# sysctl -w fs.file-max=6815744

# sysctl -w kernel.sem="250 32000 100 128"

# sysctl -w kernel.shmmni=4096

# sysctl -w kernel.shmall=1073741824

# sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=4398046511104

# sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=262144

# sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=4194304
# sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=262144

# sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=1048576

# sysctl -w fs.aio-max-nr=1048576

# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range= "9000 65500"

# sysctl -w kernel.panic_on_oops=1

Apply kernel parameters

# sysctl -p

Add following lines to set shell limits for user oracle in file /etc/security/limits.conf

Open the file "/etc/security/limits.conf"

# vi /etc/security/limits.conf

Set the following values

Open the file "/etc/pam.d/login"

# vi /etc/pam.d/login

Modify /etc/selinux/config and change flag SELINUX. Restart server after this change.
Open the file "/etc/selinux/config "

# vi /etc/selinux/config

Disable firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

On all servers in DB Layer, with oracle user.

In the home folder of the oracle

# cd

# vi .bash_profile
On all servers in DB Layer, with root user.

Create directory structure as user root


ORACLE_HOME = $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/Oracle /product/12.1.0/db_1

The location of Oracle Databse will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/Oracle

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/Oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1

# chown oracle:oinstall -R $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/Oracle

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/Oracle/oraInventory

# chown oracle:oinstall -R $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/Oracle/oraInventory

Restart the server an login as root

# shutdown -r

In Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 /tmp data is stored on tmpfs which consumes memory and is too
small. To revert it back to storage just run following command and REBOOT machine to be

# systemctl mask tmp.mount

Lets start with database software installation as oracle user.

# su - oracle

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

Unizp oracle installation package

# unzip

# unzip
# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/database

Run the installer

# ./runInstaller
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Yes" Button.

Select "Install database software only" and Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Select the Inventory Directory "$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/Tools/Oracle/oraInventory"

and click "Next" Button.
Click "Next" Button.

Select "Ignore all" and Click "Next" Button.

Click "Install" Button.
On a Telent session as root and execute the scripts

# /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Tools/Oracle/oraInventory/

# /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/
Click "OK" Button.

Click "Close" Button.

IBM DB2 v10.1 Database Installation

Download the file DB2 v10.1


On all servers in DB Layer, with t24user user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

OS configuration is executed as root. To login as root just execute following command in


# su root

The /etc/hosts file must contain a fully qualified name for the server.

# vi /etc/hosts

# hostnamectl set-hostname --static

On all servers in DB Layer, with t24user user.

Under install folder create a folder db2inst

# mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/db2inst

Untar the files:

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# tar -C db2inst -xvf DB2_ESE_10_Linux_x86-64.tar.gz

On all servers in DB Layer, with root user.

# cd /u01/Temenos/Install/db2inst/ese

# ./db2setup
Select "Install a Product" and Click Install New Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Select "I accept the terms in this license agreement" and click the "Next" button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Select "/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1" and click the "Next" button.

Select the password as the user name dasusr1 and confime.

Click "Next" Button.

Select "Do not create a DB2 instance" and click the "Next"
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Finish" Button.

Click "Finish" Button.

On all servers in DB Layer, with dasusr1 user.

In the home folder of the oracle

# cd

# vi .bash_profile

H2 1.3.176 Database Installation


Download the file H2 Version 1.3.176 (2014-04-05), Last Stable. (

On all servers in DB Layer, with t24user user.

FTP the file in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

The location of H2 Databse will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2

In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder /Db/H2

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install
Start the H2 installer

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/ -d

Rename the folder h2

# mv $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2/h2 $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2/h2-

The new folder $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2/h2-1.3.176 is H2_HOME

Set the environment variable $H2_HOME to the $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Db/H2/h2-


Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $JBOSS_HOME

We will add $JBOSS_HOME/bin to the environment PATH of Linux

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile
Close your session and login again with t24user

TAFJ Installation
Have the installer package of TAFJ.


On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

Under install folder create a folder tafjinst

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/tafjinst
Untar the files:

# tar -C tafjinst -xvf TAFJ.R15.SP4.0.tar.gz

TAFJ installation

On all servers in Broker Layer, with t24user user.

The location of TAFJ will be $TAFJ_HOME

From $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/tafjinst execute the file

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/tafjinst

# chmod 755 *

# echo $TAFJ_HOME

# . ./

In the setup process give the full TAFJ_HOME

Change the permission on the $TAFJ_HOME\bin to execute
# chmod 755 $TAFJ_HOME/bin/*

Check the installation of TAFJ

Close your session and login again with t24user

Request a diagnostic of TAFJ

# tDiag
T24 Installation
T24 Files structure

T24 will be install in the clear structure :

The Libs (.jar files)

The Sources (.b files)

The Data (UD files)

The UD file type specifies NT or UNIX directories and NT or UNIX files are to be used to
represent file and records respectively. With TAFJ all data are inside the RDBMS expect the
UD. UD files are officialy the folder from modelbank.

For T24 we will create the following structure

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Src/T24.BP

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Src/LOCAL.BP

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Src/RG.BP

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Src/t24inserts

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Data/bnk/

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/LocalDev

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/GPACK

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Lib

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Sms
# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Email

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/RepGen

# mkdir -p $T24_HOME/Lib/RulesEngine

T24 Modelbank

Copy the correct components in the correct place

Have the T24 packages.


On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

Under install folder create a folder tafjinst

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/emailinst

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/smsinst

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/ruleengineinst
Untar the T24 files:

# tar -C t24inst -xvf MB.R15.000.ORACLE11gR2.UNIX.TAFJR15.20161130.bnk.tar.gz

Distribute the files from t24inst in the correct structure $T24_HOME

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/lib/* $T24_HOME/Lib/RepGen

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/t24lib/* $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Lib

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/T24_BP/* $T24_HOME/Src/T24.BP

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/UD/RG.BP/* $T24_HOME/Src/RG.BP

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/t24inserts/* $T24_HOME/Src/t24inserts

# cp -R $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/t24inst/bnk/UD/* $T24_HOME/Data/bnk/

T24 Sms

On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

Untar the T24Sms files:

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/ -d smsinst

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/smsinst/t24sms.1.0.1/MTR-SMS/Releases/
-d $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Sms

# cp -R $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Sms/t24sms.1.0.1/* $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Sms

# rm -R $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Sms/t24sms.1.0.1
T24 Email

On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

Untar the T24Email files:

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/ -d emailinst/

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/emailinst/t24email.1.0.0/MTR-
Email/Releases/ -d $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Email

# cp -R $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Email/t24email.1.0.0/* $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Email

# rm -R $T24_HOME/Lib/T24Email/t24email.1.0.0
T24 RuleEngine

On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

Untar the RuleEngine files:

# unzip $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/ -d ruleengineinst

# cp ./ruleengineinst/Rules-engine.1.0.0/jars/* $T24_HOME/Lib/RulesEngine
T24 DataSet Configuration
T24 DataSet configuration with H2
This is the full structure of T24 installation. Al Dataset will be install under T24_Home/Data

If T24 is not install on the Database Server (most of the case), create the mnimum structure for
the dataset in T24.
The H2 dtaset is under:


# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/T24/data/Rdbms/H2

Set the environment variable $T24_HOME to the $TEMENOS_HOME/T24 folder

Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $T24_HOME

On DB server, with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile
Close your session and login again with t24user

Create a scripts to start H2

In $H2_HOME/bin create a script

# cd $H2_HOME/bin

# vi
change the mod of the t24h2 scripts

# chmod 755

The param //localhost/data have to macth the file name of H2 dataset file name

That is;

data.h2.db ->//localhost/data

R15.h2.db ->//localhost/R15

T24MD.h2.db ->//localhost/T24MB

Copy the dataset to $T24_HOME/Data/Rdbms/H2

Have the T24 dataSet H2 data.h2.db

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/data.h2.db $TEMENOS_HOME/T24/Data/Rdbms/H2

Copy the TAFJFunctions.jar to $H2_HOME/bin

From $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/h2/TAFJFunctions.jar

FTP the file in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/TAFJFunctions.jar $H2_HOME/bin

Start t24h2

# cd $H2_HOME/bin


H2 database is up and running

In properties file the connection will be :

T24 DataSet configuration with Oracle
On DB server, with oracle user.

Create Oracle listener.

# cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

# netca
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Finish" Button.

Create Oracle database instance.

# cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

# dbca

Click "Next" Button.

Set a Global Database name : T24

IMPORTANT! Specify AL32UTF8 in the Character Sets tab...

Set a Password : Temenos_1

Unselect the container database and do not specify a Pluggable Database name.
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.
Let running

Click "Close" Button.

You can check your installation:

Browse the URL : https://localhost:5500/em

Login with sys/Temenos_1 as sysdba

On DB server, with t24user user.

Create TableSpace and a User with tafj scripts

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/oracle

# vi createtablespace_oracle.sql

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/oracle

# vi createuser_oracle.sql
On DB server, with oracle user.

Once these values have been changed, launch a console and from

# cd /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/dbscripts/oracle

# sqlplus "/ as SYSDBA"

: @createtablespace_oracle.sql

: @createuser_oracle.sql

: exit
Load the necessary Stored functions

On DB server, with t24user user.

Create TableSpace and a User with tafj scripts

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/oracle

# vi javaload

# chmod 777 *

On DB server, with oracle user.

Create TableSpace and a User with tafj scripts

# cd /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/dbscripts/oracle

# ./javaload
# cd /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/dbscripts/oracle

# sqlplus t24

: @javafunctions_oracle.sql

: exit
On AppSrv01 server, with t24user user.

Copy the correct driver in ext folder

# cp -R $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers/oracle-12c $TAFJ_HOME/ext

# cp -R $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers/h2-1.3.176 $TAFJ_HOME/ext

Execute DBImport to load the data from H2 to Oracle

# DBImport -gui
Click "Next" Button.
Select "From Database" and Click "Next" Button.

Database = H2

Url = jdbc:h2:tcp//

UserId= t24

Password= t24
Click "Next" Button.

Database = Oracle

Url = jdbc:oracle:thin//

UserId= t24

Password= t24
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Start" Button.

Let running

Click "OK" Button.

Click "OK" Button.

In the properties file the connection will be :

T24 DataSet configuration with DB2

On all servers in DB Layer, with root user.

Create Essential User IDs and Groups

# groupadd db2grp1

# groupadd db2fgrp1

# useradd -g db2grp1 -G dasadm1 -m db2inst1 -p db2inst1

# useradd -g db2fgrp1 -m db2fenc1 -p db2fenc1

Create DB2 Instance

# cd /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1/instance

# ./db2icrt -u db2fenc1 db2inst1

On all servers in DB Layer, with db2inst1user.

Set TCP/IP communication for the connectivity of client

# db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

# db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME 50000

Start DB2:

# db2start
Check DB2 service

# netstat -an | grep 50000

On all servers in DB Layer, with root user.

Create Repository Database Folder.

# cd /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1/instance

# mkdir db2repo

# chown -R db2inst1:db2grp1 db2repo

On all servers in DB Layer, with db2inst1 user.

Database Creation

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2

# vi createDatabase_db2.db2

# db2 -td@ -vf $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2/createDatabase_db2.db2

Create Tablespace and Grant Privileges

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2

# vi createtablespace_db2.db2

# db2 -td@ -vf $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2/createtablespace_db2.db2

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2

# vi grantPrivileges_db2.db2
# db2 -td@ -vf $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2/ grantPrivileges_db2.db2

On all servers in DB Layer, with root user.

Compile the java function

# cd /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1/function

# mkdir -p com/temenos/dbi/storedfunctions

# chown -R db2inst1:db2grp1 com

On all servers in DB Layer, with db2inst1 user.

# cd /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1/function/com/temenos/dbi/storedfunctions

/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Db/Ibm/DB2/V10.1/java/jdk64/bin/javac /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/dbscripts

Copy the class

# cp /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/dbscripts/BasicFunctions.class .

Load the java function

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2

# vi javafunctions_db2.db2

# db2 -td@ -vf $TAFJ_HOME/dbscripts/db2/javafunctions_db2.db2

On AppSrv01 server, with t24user user.

Copy the correct driver in ext folder

# cp -R $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers/db2_v10.1 $TAFJ_HOME/ext

# cp -R $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers/h2-1.3.176 $TAFJ_HOME/ext

Execute DBImport to load the data from H2 to DB2

# DBImport -gui

Click "Next" Button.

Select "From Database" and Click "Next" Button.

Database = H2

Url = jdbc:h2:tcp//

UserId= t24

Password= t24
Click "Next" Button.

Database = Oracle

Url = jdbc:db2://

UserId= db2inst1

Password= dbinst1
Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Next" Button.

Click "Start" Button.

Let running

Click "OK" Button.

Click "OK" Button.

In the properties file the connection will be :

T24 DataSet configuration with MS-SQL

Configuring T24 in standalone mode

To configure T24 Compile in java in standalone mode, you just need to setup the JDBC and
setup the T24 libs to TAFJ.

Create a TAFJ Project.

A Project is a specific settings for a specific T24 settings.

On all servers in AppLayer, with t24USER user.

In $TAFJ_HOME\conf, copy and rename the .properties file template with the extention
properties. In our context we will call the Project TRAINT24

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/conf

# cp .properties

Set the default Project to the new TRAINT24 project.

In $TAFJ_HOME\conf, edit the file .default and set the name of the default Project TRAINT24.
# vi .default

# tDiag
Properties file

Now setup the Project T24.

Edit TRAINT24 and setup the sections:




# vi


Set key specify where is the BASIC source folders<$T24_HOME>/Src/LOCAL.BP:<$T24_HOME>/Src/T24.BP:<$T24

The key specify where is the I_ files folders or zip/jar. Temenos
provide 3 differents files I_BP.jar, I_RG.jar and I_T24.BP.jar<$T24_HOME>/Src/t24inserts/I_BP.jar:<$T24_HOME>/Src/t24insert
The key Specify where the java files will be generated. By convention
the java folder have to be $TAFJ_HOME/data/<Project_name>/java = <$TAFJ_HOME>/data/T24/java

The key specify where the classes files will be generated. By
convention the java folder have to be $TAFJ_HOME/data/<Project_name>/classes = <$TAFJ_HOME>/data/T24/classes

The key specify where are all libs of T24 except the RuleEngin
libs because a conflict with the xml parser of the Oracle JDBC drivers.<$T24_HOME>/Lib/LocalDev:<$T24_HOME>/Lib/GPack:<$T

The key temn.tafj.jdbc.url specify the URL to connect to the RDMS. Ask your DBA about this

In our case the URL is jdbc:oracle:thin:@


The key temn.tafj.jdbc.driver specify the driver to connect to the RDMS. Ask your DBA about
the driver to use.

In our case the driver is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

temn.tafj.jdbc.driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

The key temn.tafj.jdbc.username and temn.tafj.jdbc.username specify the username and

password to connect to the database. Ask your DBA about the driver to use.
In our case the uasename and password is TAFJ/tafj.

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = t24

temn.tafj.jdbc.password = t24

For performance raison change the key temn.tafj.jdbc.write.use.merge and to false

temn.tafj.jdbc.write.use.merge = false = false

The key temn.tafj.runtime.classpath specify a classpath loaded before the ext folder of TAFJ
where is the JDBC driver. This is here we have to set the RuleEngile libs.

temn.tafj.runtime.classpath = <$T24_HOME>/Lib/RuleEngine

The key where is the UD T24 files. In our case the path is
<$T24_HOME>/Data/bnk/ = <$T24_HOME>/Data/bnk/
For performance raison change the key temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf and
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf to true and you can disable the debug mode
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.debug to false

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.debug = false

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf = true

temn.tafj.runtime.use.cache.get = true

Save you file and check your settings

# tDiag
JDBC Drivers

You have to copy the correct JDBC driver into the $TAFJ_HOME/ext. This folder is
automaticaly taken as a classpath of TAFJ.

Officialy you supposed to request the JDBC drivers from the database install itself. TAFJ
provide some differents JDBC drivers in $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers

In our case the driver will be the Oracle-12c

# cp -R $TAFJ_HOME/dbdrivers/oracle-12c $TAFJ_HOME/ext

Check T24
Check your T24 Compile in java in standalone mode.

# tRun EX

Logon INPUTT/123456

T24 Compile in java in standalone mode is working.

TAFJ Sessions Monitor
To setup the TAFJ Sessions Monitor, untar the file TAFJSessionMonitor.tar.gz in
$TAFJ_HOME. From $TAFJ_HOME/TAFJSessionMonitor

1. Check the file : $TAFJ_HOME /TAFJSessionMonitor/config/

tcp_port=8377 <= the port used between TAFJ and TAFJSessionMonitor

http_port=8370 <= the port used for the HTTP URL

2. In $TAFJ_HOME /TAFJSessionMonitor/bin start or start.bat

3. Browse http://<IP>:< http_port >/SessionMonitor/

That is,

Now with TAFJ in the properties file setup :


# TAFJ Monitor


# Enable the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.enable = true <= to enable

the monitor

# Host name or IP of where is the TAFJMonitorSession = localhost <= where

is your TAFJSessionMonitor

# TCP port of the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.port = 8377<= the tcp_port

of TAFJSessionMonitor

AFJ-T24 Installation Run-Book - WebSphere

1 Preface
This Temenos Runbook publication provides information about the concepts, planning,
design and installation of T24 Temenos environments. The target audience of this book is IT
architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and design of
application-serving T24 environments, from small to large, and complex implementations.
This book addresses the packaging and features in T24 Solution, and highlights the most
common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks
and components that conform to the T24 environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines
for Application Server and Temenos components on distributed platforms.

This book has been updated with the new features introduced with T24 R15 AMR.

3 Software Installation
3.1 JDK installation


Download the file Linux x64 146.4 MB jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

On all servers, with t24user user.

FTP the file in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

The location of JDK will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder Java

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

Copy the java file setup to the folder Java

# cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ mkdir p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$ cp $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz


[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$
Extract jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

# tar -zxvf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$ tar -zxvf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz









[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$

You have a new folder in $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java

# ls -ail

[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$ ls -ail

total 150080

15671302 drwxrwxr-x. 3 t24user t24user 4096 Aug 19 18:03 .

15671299 drwxrwxr-x. 3 t24user t24user 4096 Aug 19 17:57 ..

15687681 drwxr-xr-x. 8 t24user t24user 4096 Apr 10 20:53 jdk1.7.0_79

15671303 -rw-rw-r--. 1 t24user t24user 153512879 Aug 19 18:04 jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

[t24user@appsrv01 Java]$

Delete jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

# rm jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz

The new folder jdk1.7.0_79 is JAVA_HOME

Set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME to the


Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME.

We will add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the environment PATH of Linux

On all server with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ cd

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ vi .bash_profile

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc


# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH


# Temenos Home

export TEMENOS_HOME=/u01/Temenos



# JAVA Home

export JAVA_HOME=$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Java/jdk1.7.0_79

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

java -version


# TAFJ Home



export PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/bin:$PATH


# T24 Home


echo "T24_HOME="$T24_HOME


Close your session and login again with t24user

Last login: Wed Aug 19 18:04:22 2015 from



java version "1.7.0_79"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)



[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$

3.2 Installation Manager Installation

Download the Installation Manager from :


the file :

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Create folders to unzip the packages

# mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/instmgr

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$ mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/instmgr

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Copy the package is the directory

# cp ./instmgr/

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$ cp


[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Unzip the installation manager package

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/instmgr

# unzip

[t24user@ComSrv01 instmgr]$ unzip

inflating: user-silent-install.ini

inflating: userinst

inflating: userinst.ini

inflating: userinstc

inflating: userinstc.ini

[t24user@ComSrv01 instmgr]$
The location of Installation Manager will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse

[t24user@AppSrv02 Install]$ mkdir

p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse

[t24user@AppSrv02 Install]$

Start the Installation Manager

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/instmgr

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with root user.

# ./install
Click the "Next" button.
Select I accept the terms in this license agreement and click the "Next" button.

Enter the installation Manager Directory

("$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse") and click the "Next"
Click the "Install" button.
Click the "Restart Installation Manager" button.

Menus File->Exit

3.3 WebSphere Installation

Have the installer package of WebSphere Network Deployment.

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Create folders to unzip the packages

# mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$ mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Copy the package is each directory

# cp WAS_ND_V8.5.5_* ./was/

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$ cp WAS_ND_V8.5.5_* ./was/

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$

Unzip the WebSphere 8.5.5 Network deployment package

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was

# unzip

# unzip

# unzip
[t24user@ComSrv01 instmgr]$ unzip

inflating: disk3/ad/native/file000277

inflating: disk3/ad/native/file000278

inflating: disk3/ad/native/toc.xml

inflating: disk3/ad/repository.config

inflating: disk3/diskTag.inf

[t24user@ComSrv01 was]$

The location of WebSPhere 8.5.5 will be $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder /As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer

[t24user@AppSrv02 Install]$ mkdir p


[t24user@AppSrv02 Temenos]$

In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder /Tools/IBM/IMShared

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/IMShared

[t24user@AppSrv02 Install]$ mkdir p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/IMShared

[t24user@AppSrv02 Temenos]$

Start the installation Manager with the root user

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse

# ./launcher

Menus File->Preferences
Click the "Add Repository" button.

Select the directory ("$TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/repository.config

") and click the "OK" button.

Click the "Add Repository" button.

Select the directory") and
click the "OK" button.
Give the details of your IBM passport ID and password

click the "OK" button.

Click the "Install" Icon.
Click the "Check for Other Version, Fixes and Extensions" button.

Click Show all versions

Select Version for Websphere and Version for IBM WebSphere SDK and click
the "Next" button
Select all and click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Select I accept the terms in this license agreement and click the "Next" button.
Select the Shared Resources Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/IMShared and click
Next button.

Select the Installation Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer

and click Next button
Click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Install" button

Let install..

Select None and click Finish Button

Menu Files -> Exit

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with root user.

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to


# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]#
The new folder $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer is

Set the environment variable $WAS_HOME to the


Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $WAS_HOME

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ cd

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ vi .bash_profile


# TAFJ Home



export PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/bin:$PATH


# T24 Home


echo "T24_HOME="$T24_HOME


# WebSphere Home

export WAS_HOME=$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer



Close your session and login again with t24user

Last login: Fri Aug 21 05:56:05 2015 from



java version "1.7.0_79"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)




[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$
On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

Set default SDK

You have now to validate and set as default the SDK 1.7. In $WAS_HOME/bin, There are the
script managesdk.

Request the list of SDK installed on your system:

# cd $WAS_HOME/bin

# ./ -listavailable

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $WAS_HOME/bin

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -listavailable

CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :

CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.6_64

CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

Change the Default SDK to Version 7.1 SDK.

Issue this command to change the default SDK to Version 7.1 SDK:

# ./ -setCommandDefault sdkname 1.7.1_64

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -setCommandDefault -sdkname 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1021I: The command default SDK name is now set to 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$
Set New Profile Default to Version 7.1 SDK

Issue this command to change the set the default for new profiles to Version 7.1 SDK:

# ./ -setNewProfileDefault sdkname 1.7.1_64

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -setNewProfileDefault -sdkname 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1022I: New profile creation will now use SDK name 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

If you have already create a profile you need covert the forfile to use the new SDK.

Set Existing Profile Default to Version 7.1 SDK

Issue this command to change the set the default for existing profiles to Version 7.0 SDK:

# ./ -enableProfileAll -sdkname 1.7.1_64 -enableServers

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -enableProfileAll -sdkname 1.7.1_64 enableServers

CWSDK1017I: Profile AppSrv01 now enabled to use SDK 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./

WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2012; All rights reserved.

WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 2/8/12


IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report


Report at date and time August 26, 2015 10:20:18 AM CEST



Product Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer

Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/properties/version

Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/properties/version

Log Directory /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs

Product List


ND installed

IBMJAVA71 installed

Installed Product

Name IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment



Build Level cf061521.02

Build Date 5/29/15


Architecture x86-64 (64 bit)

Installed Features IBM 64-bit WebSphere SDK for Java

WebSphere Application Server Full Profile

EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules

Embeddable EJB container

Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters

Installed Product


Name IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional)



Build Level cf061521.02

Build Date 5/28/15


Architecture x86-64 (64 bit)

Installed Features IBM WebSphere SDK for Java Technology Edition Version 7.1


End Installation Status Report


[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

3.4 HTTP Server Installation

Enter the installation Manager Directory

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse

# ./launcher
Menus File->Preferences

Click the "Add Repository" button.

Select the directory and click the
"OK" button.

Give the details of your IBM passport ID and password

click the "OK" button.

Click the "Install" Icon.

Select IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server Version and Version
for IBM WebSphere SDK and click the "Next" button
Select "" and click the "Next" button

Select "I accept the terms in this license agreement" and click the "Next" button.
Select the Shared Resources Directory "/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Tools/IBM/IMShared" and click
Next button.
Select the Installation Directory "/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/HTTPServer" and click
"Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Install" button

Let install..

Click Finish Button

Menu Files -> Exit

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with root user.

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

Change the owner and the permission to the t24user to


# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]# chown -R t24user:t24user $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Tools/IBM

[root@appsrv01 As]#
The new folder $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer is

Set the environment variable $WAS_HOME to the


Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable $WAS_HOME

On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ cd

[t24user@AppSrv01 ~]$ vi .bash_profile


# TAFJ Home



export PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/bin:$PATH


# T24 Home


echo "T24_HOME="$T24_HOME


# WebSphere HTTP Home




Close your session and login again with t24user

Last login: Fri Aug 21 05:56:05 2015 from



java version "1.7.0_79"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)




[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$
On all servers in Application Layer and Web Layer, with t24user user.

Set default SDK

You have now to validate and set as default the SDK 1.7. In $WAS_HOME/bin, There are the
script managesdk.

Request the list of SDK installed on your system:

# cd $WAS_HOME/bin

# ./ -listavailable

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $WAS_HOME/bin

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -listavailable

CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :

CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.6_64

CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

Change the Default SDK to Version 7.1 SDK.

Issue this command to change the default SDK to Version 7.1 SDK:

# ./ -setCommandDefault sdkname 1.7.1_64

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -setCommandDefault -sdkname 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1021I: The command default SDK name is now set to 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

Set New Profile Default to Version 7.1 SDK

Issue this command to change the set the default for new profiles to Version 7.1 SDK:

# ./ -setNewProfileDefault sdkname 1.7.1_64

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -setNewProfileDefault -sdkname 1.7.1_64

CWSDK1022I: New profile creation will now use SDK name 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

If you have already create a profile you need covert the forfile to use the new SDK.

Set Existing Profile Default to Version 7.1 SDK

Issue this command to change the set the default for existing profiles to Version 7.0 SDK:

# ./ -enableProfileAll -sdkname 1.7.1_64 -enableServers

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ -enableProfileAll -sdkname 1.7.1_64 enableServers

CWSDK1017I: Profile AppSrv01 now enabled to use SDK 1.7.1_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$
[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./

WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2012; All rights reserved.

WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 2/8/12


IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report


Report at date and time August 26, 2015 10:20:18 AM CEST



Product Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer

Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/properties/version

Directory /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/properties/version

Log Directory /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs

Product List


ND installed

IBMJAVA71 installed
Installed Product


Name IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment



Build Level cf061521.02

Build Date 5/29/15


Architecture x86-64 (64 bit)

Installed Features IBM 64-bit WebSphere SDK for Java

WebSphere Application Server Full Profile

EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules

Embeddable EJB container

Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters

Installed Product


Name IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional)



Build Level cf061521.02

Build Date 5/28/15

Architecture x86-64 (64 bit)

Installed Features IBM WebSphere SDK for Java Technology Edition Version 7.1


End Installation Status Report


[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

3.5 MQ Installation
Have the installer package of WebSphere MQ.


And the last fix patch


On all servers in Broker Layer, with t24USER user.

FTP the files in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Temenos]$ cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@appsrv01 Install]$
Under install folder create a folder mqinst and mqinst _fp

# mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst

# mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst_fp

Untar the files:

# tar -C mqinst -xvf WS_MQ_FOR_LNX_ON_X86_64_V7.5_EIMG.tar.gz

# tar -C mqinst_fp -xvf 7.5.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0005.tar.g

[t24user@JmsSrv02 Temenos]$ cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

[t24user@JmsSrv02 Install]$ mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst

[t24user@JmsSrv02 Install]$ mkdir $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst_fp

[t24user@JmsSrv02 Install]$ tar -C mqinst -xvf




[t24user@JmsSrv02 Install]$ tar -C mqinst_pf -xvf 7.5.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0005.tar.gz



[t24user@ JmsSrv02 Install]$

Setup WebSphere MQ User and Group

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user.

Create the group mqm

# groupadd mqm

Create a user mqm to the group mqm

# useradd -g mqm mqm

Setup the password to the user mqm

# passwd mqm

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# groupadd mqm

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# useradd -g mqm mqm

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# passwd mqm

Changing password for user mqm.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: The password is a palindrome

Retype new password:

$passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# $

Kernel Configuration Parameters

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user.

Check the kernel param

kernel.shmmni = 4096

kernel.shmall = 2097152

kernel.shmmax = 268435456

kernel.sem = 500 256000 250 1024

net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time

[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni


[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall


[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax


[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

250 32000 32 128

[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time

[root@JmsSrv01 ipv4]#

To modify a value

# sysctl -w kernel.sem=500 256000 250 1024

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# sysctl -w kernel.sem="500 25600 250 1024"

kernel.sem = 500 25600 250 1024

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]#

# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=300

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=300

net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]#

Activate the new values

#sysctl -p

Open the file "/etc/security/limits.conf"

# vi /etc/security/limits.conf

Set the following values

mqm hard nofile10240

mqm soft nofile10240

mqm hard nproc16384

mqm soft nproc 16384

#* soft core 0

#* hard rss 10000

#@student hard nproc 20

#@faculty soft nproc 20

#@faculty hard nproc 50

#ftp hard nproc 0

#@student - maxlogins 4

mqm hard nofile 10240

mqm soft nofile 10240

mqm hard nproc 16384

mqm soft nproc 16384

# End of file
WebSphere MQ 7.5 installation

On all servers in Broker Layer, with t24user user.

The location of WebSPhere MQ 7.5 will be


In <$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty> create a folder /Jms/MQ /Installation/1

# mkdir -p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1

[root@JmsSrv02 mqinst]# mkdir p $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1

[root@JmsSrv02 mqinst]#

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user

From the folder $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst

cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst

Accept the license

# ./ -accept

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# ./ -accept

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2012 All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure

restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Agreement accepted: Proceed with install.

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]#

Install the following component:


# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesServer-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesClient-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesSDK-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesJava-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesMan-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesJRE-*.rpm

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesRuntime-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesServer-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesClient-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesSDK-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh

Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesJava-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesMan-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesJRE-7.5.0-0 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst]#

Install WebSphere MQ Components Fix patch

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user

From the folder $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst_fp

cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/mqinst_fp

Update the following component:


# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesServer-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesClient-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesSDK-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesJava-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesMan-*.rpm

# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh MQSeriesJRE-*.rpm

[root@JmsSrv01 Install]# cd mqinst_fp/

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesRuntime-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesServer-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

After the installation of this fix pack has completed, run the

'/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/mqconfig' command, using the 'mqm' user

For example, execute the following statement when running as the 'root' user:

su mqm -c "/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/mqconfig"

The 'mqconfig' command validates that the system configuration satisfies the

requirements for WebSphere MQ, and ensures that the settings for the 'mqm'

user ID are suitably configured. Other WebSphere MQ administrators in the

'mqm' group can run this command to ensure their user limits are also

properly configured to use WebSphere MQ.

If 'mqconfig' indicates that any of the requirements have not been met,

consult the installation section within the WebSphere MQ Information Center

for details about how to configure the system and user limits.

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesClient-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...
1:MQSeriesSDK-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesJava-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesMan-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# rpm --prefix /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1 -ivh


Preparing... ################################# [100%]

Updating / installing...

1:MQSeriesJRE-U200533-7.5.0-5 ################################# [100%]

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]#

Post Installations

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user

Validates the system configuration

# su mqm -c "/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/mqconfig"

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]# su mqm -c

mqconfig: Analyzing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)

settings for WebSphere MQ V7.5

System V Semaphores

semmsl (sem:1) 500 semaphores IBM>=500 PASS

semmns (sem:2) 2 of 256000 semaphores (0%) IBM>=256000 PASS

semopm (sem:3) 250 operations IBM>=250 PASS

semmni (sem:4) 2 of 1024 sets (0%) IBM>=1024 PASS

System V Shared Memory

shmmax 4294967295 bytes IBM>=268435456 PASS

shmmni 2 of 4096 sets (0%) IBM>=4096 PASS

shmall 6 of 268435456 pages (0%) IBM>=2097152 PASS

System Settings

file-max 3776 of 770300 files (0%) IBM>=524288 PASS

tcp_keepalive_time 300 seconds IBM<=300 PASS

Current User Limits (mqm)

nofile (-Hn) 10240 files IBM>=10240 PASS

nofile (-Sn) 10240 files IBM>=10240 PASS

nproc (-Hu) 9 of 16384 processes (0%) IBM>=4096 PASS

nproc (-Su) 9 of 16384 processes (0%) IBM>=4096 PASS

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]#

Set the default installation

# $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqinst -i -p

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]#
$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqinst -i -p

118 of 118 tasks have been completed successfuly.

'Installation1' (/u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1) set as the

Primary Installation.

[root@JmsSrv01 mqinst_fp]#

Works with MQ

On all servers in Broker Layer, with mqm user

Edit file .bach_profile and set the environment variable TEMENOS_HOME

In the home folder of the t24user

# cd

# vi .bash_profile

[mqm@AppSrv01 ~]$ cd

[mqm@AppSrv01 ~]$ vi .bash_profile

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then

. ~/.bashrc


# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH


# Temenos Home

export TEMENOS_HOME=/u01/Temenos


Close your session and login again with mqm

Last login: Mon Aug 24 10:38:55 2015 from


[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$

Set the environment

# . $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqenv -s

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$ .
$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqenv -s

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$

Display the status of MQ

# dspmqver

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$ dspmqver

Name: WebSphere MQ


Level: p750-005-150424

BuildType: IKAP - (Production)

Platform: WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform)

Mode: 64-bit

O/S: Linux 3.8.13-98.1.2.el7uek.x86_64

InstName: Installation1

Primary: Yes

InstPath: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1

DataPath: /var/mqm

MaxCmdLevel: 750

LicenseType: Production

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$

On all servers in Broker Layer, with root user

Set User to access in remote to WebSPhere MQ

You need to add all user exepct mqm who have to access to MQ. Including user for MQExplorer

Add user to mqm

# useradd -G mqm <user_name_in lower_case>

For an existing user

# usermod -a -G mqm <user_name_in lower_case>

# useradd -G mqm haubert

# usermod -a -G mqm t24user

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# useradd -G mqm haubert

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# usermod -a -G mqm t24user

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]#

4 Software configuration
4.1 WebSphere configuration
4.1.1 WebSphere Tier 1 standalone

The AppServer is standalone Server.

All T24 components will be install in the AppServer.

The AppServer will have 4 roles:



JMS Server

WebServer Configure the firewall

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature






App (for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)


From 00 to 99

In our situation we will create on the Application layer a standalone Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppStd01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Click the "Create" button

Select "Application Server" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button

Set the Profile name to T24AppStd01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppStd01

Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppStd01Node01 and the Server name to T24AppSrv01
Click the "Next" button

The username will be admin and the password Temenos_1

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button
Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button Create the profile with TAFJ Scripts

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppStd01


export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=

Create the profile standalone

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppStd01 now exists. Please consult

ThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ Start the Server

Start the T24AppStd01

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ T24AppStd01
[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ T24AppSrv01 -profileName T24AppStd01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppStd01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: T24AppSrv01

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server T24AppSrv01 open for e-business; process id is 23298

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppStd01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppStd01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

Application server environment to create: Application server

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppStd01

Disk space required: 200 MB

Profile name: T24AppStd01

Make this profile the default: True

Node name: T24AppStd01Node01

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

HTTP transport port: 9080

HTTPS transport port: 9443

Bootstrap port: 2809

SOAP connector port: 8880

Run application server as a service: False

Create a Web server definition: False

Performance tuning setting: Standard

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console

Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Stop the server

Stop the T24AppStd01

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ T24AppStd01 -username admin -password Temenos_1

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ T24AppSrv01 -profileName T24AppStd01 -username

admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppStd01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: T24AppSrv01

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server T24AppSrv01 stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

You Application server is up and running Default port fort firewall

Version 7.x and Version 8.x port numbers

Table 1. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 and Version 8.0 . The
table lists port names and the default values of the port numbers.
Default Value Files
Port Name Job
Applicatio Administrativ e Administrativ
n Server e Agent Proxy e Subsystem
Console Port 9060 9060 9960 ---- ----
(WC_ adminhost)
Console Secure
Port (WC_ 9043 9043 9943 ---- ----
adminhost_ serverindex.xml
secure) and
HTTP Transport virtualhosts.xml
Port (WC_ 9080 ---- ---- 80 ----
HTTPS Transport
Secure Port (WC_
9443 ---- ---- 443 ----
Bootstrap Port
(BOOTSTRAP_ 2809 9807 9808 ---- ----
Cell Discovery
Address (CELL_
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- serverindex.xml
CSIV2 Client
Authentication 9402 9402 9402 ---- ----
Listener Port
CSIV2 Server
Listener Port
(CSIV2_ SSL_ 9403 9403 9403 ---- ----
High Availability
9353 ---- ---- ---- ----
Port (DCS_
Internal JMS
Server Port
(JMSSERVER_ 5557 ---- ---- ---- ----
IPC Connector
Port (IPC_
9633 9630 9631 9633 9634
MQ Transport
Port (SIB_ MQ_
5558 ---- ---- ---- ----
MQ Transport
Secure Port (SIB_
5578 ---- ---- ---- ----
ORB Listener Port
9100 9098 9099 ---- ----
RMI Connector
Port (RMI_
---- ---- ---- ---- 9810
Connector Port
(JSR160RMI_ ---- ---- ---- ---- 9811
9401 9401 9401 ---- ----
Integration Port
(SIB_ 7276 ---- ---- ---- ----
Integration Secure
Port (SIB_
7286 ---- ---- ---- ----
SIP Container Port
(SIP_ 5060 ---- ---- 5060 ----
SIP Container
Secure Port (SIP_
5061 ---- ---- 5061 ----
SOAP Connector
Port (SOAP_
8880 8877 8876 ---- 8881
, plugin-
IBM HTTP cfg.xml, and
80 ---- ---- ---- ----
Server Port web_ server_
web_ server_
8008 ---- ---- ---- ---- root/conf/
4.1.2 WebSphere Manager Server

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 2 roles:


JMS Server

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Configure the firewall on the Management Server

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the Management profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature







App (for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)


From 00 to 99
In our situation we will create on the Application layer a Manager Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppMgr01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Click the "Create" button

Select "Managment" and click the "Next" button

Select "Deployment manager" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button

Select "Deploy the administrative console" and click the "Next" button
Set the Profile name to T24AppMgr01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppMgr01

Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppMgr01Node01 hostname to and CellName to

Click the "Next" button

The username will be admin and the password Temenos_1

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button Create the Management profile with TAFJ Scripts

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

The username will be admin and the password Temenos_1

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppMgr01


export CELL_NAME='T24Cell'

export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=
Create the management profile

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppMgr02 now exists. Please consult

ThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ Start the Server

Start the Manager server

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMgr01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server dmgr open for e-business; process id is 8813

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$
To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


cat: $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt: No such file or directory

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


Application server environment to create: Management

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppMgr01

Disk space required: 30 MB

Profile name: T24AppMgr01

Make this profile the default: False

Node name: T24AppMgr01Node01

Cell name: T24AppMrg01Node01Cell

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

Management bootstrap port: 9809

Management SOAP connector port: 8879

Run Management as a service: False

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console

Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Stop the server

Stop the T24AppStd01

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01 -username admin -password


[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01

-username admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMgr01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server dmgr stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$

4.1.3 WebSphere Tier 2 managed

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 2 roles:


JMS Server

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Configure the firewall on the App Server and Web Server

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the Node profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature







App (for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)


From 00 to 99

In our situation we will create on the Application layer a Manager Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01 and T24WebSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Select "Profile Management Tools" and click the "Launch" button

Click the "Create" button

Select "Custom profile" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button

Set the Profile name to T24AppMng01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppMng01Node01 hostname to

Click the "Next" button

Set the IP and the port of the ManagerServer with the security credential admin/Temenos_1

Be sure the Server Manager is up and running.

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button
Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Profile name : T24WebMng01

Profile path : /profiles/T24WebMng01

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Hostname : (local IP Adress) Create the Node profile with TAFJ Scripts

On AppSrv01 with t24user

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppMng01


export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

Create the node profile App

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 dmgr]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppMng01 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Copy the Websphere script on WebServer

From a $TAFJ_HOME/appserver, copy the WAS folder on WebS erver in


On AppSrv01 with t24user

scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was t24user@

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 89:01:21:ab:64:e6:b9:71:81:de:f9:19:de:52:fb:f3.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

t24user@'s password:

createStandalone.bat 100% 541 0.5KB/s 00:00 100% 425 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 455 0.4KB/s 00:00

TAFJJEE_EAR.ear 100% 9994KB 9.8MB/s 00:01 100% 654 0.6KB/s 00:00 100% 419 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1388 1.4KB/s 00:00 100% 7748 7.6KB/s 00:00 100% 3819 3.7KB/s 00:00 100% 889 0.9KB/s 00:00 100% 9236 9.0KB/s 00:00 100% 7853 7.7KB/s 00:00 100% 17KB 17.0KB/s 00:00 100% 1232 1.2KB/s 00:00 100% 4459 4.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1682 1.6KB/s 00:00 100% 637 0.6KB/s 00:00

tafj$py.class 100% 3169 3.1KB/s 00:00 100% 30KB 29.8KB/s 00:00

setUpEnv.bat 100% 551 0.5KB/s 00:00

createManagement.bat 100% 427 0.4KB/s 00:00

createNode.bat 100% 591 0.6KB/s 00:00

MQCommand 100% 1755 1.7KB/s 00:00

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

On WebSrv01 with t24user

Edit the file : in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was on the Web Server

# vi $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

[t24user@Websrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24WebMng01


export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

Create the node profile

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

# . ./

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24WebMng02 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ Start the Node agent

Start the Node agent on all server

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

[t24user@appSrv01 was]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-business; process id is 6936

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24WebMng01

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24WebMng01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24WebMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-business; process id is 6136

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$

To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


cat: $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt: No such file or directory

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat

Application server environment to create: Management

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppMgr01

Disk space required: 30 MB

Profile name: T24AppMgr01

Make this profile the default: False

Node name: T24AppMgr01Node01

Cell name: T24AppMrg01Node01Cell

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

Management bootstrap port: 9809

Management SOAP connector port: 8879

Run Management as a service: False

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console
Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Check the nodes and the Node agent

Menu -> System administration -> Nodes

Menu -> System administration -> Node agents Check the nodes and the Node agent

Menu -> System administration -> Nodes

Menu -> System administration -> Node agents Add WebSphere Application Server

Menu -> Servers -> add Server

Click the "Next" button

Select the node T24AppMng01Node01 and set the Server name T24AppMng01

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Finish" button

Click the "Save" link

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button
Click the "Finish" button

Click the "Save" link

Click the "OK" Button

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Server name : T24WebMng01 Start the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start Stop the Node agent

Stop the Node Agent

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -username admin -password


[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -

username admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

4.1.4 WebSphere Tier 3 managed

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 1 role:


The JMSServer will have 1 role:

JMS Server

The JMSServer will be WebSphere MQ

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Configure the firewall on the AdminServer

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the Node profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature







App (for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)

From 00 to 99

In our situation we will create on the Application layer a Manager Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01 and T24WebSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Select "Profile Management Tools" and click the "Launch" button

Click the "Create" button

Select "Custom profile" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button

Set the Profile name to T24AppMng01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppMng01Node01 hostname to

Click the "Next" button

Set the IP and the port of the ManagerServer with the security credential admin/Temenos_1

Be sure the Server Manager is up and running.

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button
Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Profile name : T24WebMng01

Profile path : /profiles/T24WebMng01

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Hostname : (local IP Adress) Node profile with TAFJ Scripts

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppMng01



export DMGR_USER=admin
export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

Create the node profile App

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 dmgr]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppMng01 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.


Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Copy the Websphere script on WebServer

From a $TAFJ_HOME/appserver, copy the WAS folder on WebS erver in


On AppSrv01 with t24user

scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was t24user@

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 89:01:21:ab:64:e6:b9:71:81:de:f9:19:de:52:fb:f3.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

t24user@'s password:

createStandalone.bat 100% 541 0.5KB/s 00:00 100% 425 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 455 0.4KB/s 00:00

TAFJJEE_EAR.ear 100% 9994KB 9.8MB/s 00:01 100% 654 0.6KB/s 00:00 100% 419 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1388 1.4KB/s 00:00 100% 7748 7.6KB/s 00:00 100% 3819 3.7KB/s 00:00 100% 889 0.9KB/s 00:00 100% 9236 9.0KB/s 00:00 100% 7853 7.7KB/s 00:00 100% 17KB 17.0KB/s 00:00 100% 1232 1.2KB/s 00:00 100% 4459 4.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1682 1.6KB/s 00:00 100% 637 0.6KB/s 00:00

tafj$py.class 100% 3169 3.1KB/s 00:00 100% 30KB 29.8KB/s 00:00

setUpEnv.bat 100% 551 0.5KB/s 00:00

createManagement.bat 100% 427 0.4KB/s 00:00

createNode.bat 100% 591 0.6KB/s 00:00

MQCommand 100% 1755 1.7KB/s 00:00

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Edit the file : in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was on the Web Server

# vi $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24WebMng01



export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

Create the management profile

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

# . ./

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24WebMng02 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ Start the Node agent

Start the Node agent on all server

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

[t24user@appSrv01 was]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-business; process id is 6936

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24WebMng01

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24WebMng01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24WebMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-business; process id is 6136

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$

To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


cat: $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt: No such file or directory

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat

Application server environment to create: Management

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppMgr01

Disk space required: 30 MB

Profile name: T24AppMgr01

Make this profile the default: False

Node name: T24AppMgr01Node01

Cell name: T24AppMrg01Node01Cell

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

Management bootstrap port: 9809

Management SOAP connector port: 8879

Run Management as a service: False

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console
Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Check the nodes and the Node agent

Menu -> System administration -> Nodes

Menu -> System administration -> Node agents Add WebSphere Application Server

Menu -> Servers -> add Server

Click the "Next" button

Select the node T24AppMng01Node01 and set the Server name T24AppMng01

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Finish" button

Click the "Save" link

Click the "OK" Button

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Server name : T24WebMng01 Start the agent Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start Stop the Node agent

Stop the Node Agent

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -username admin -password

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -

username admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ Configure the firewall on the JMSServer

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Copy the MQ script on JMSServer

From a $TAFJ_HOME/appserver, copy the MQ folder on JMSServer in


On AppSrv01 with t24user

scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/MQ t24user@

[t24user@appsrv01 appserver]$ scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/MQ


The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 5f:7f:e0:28:57:18:23:12:e1:54:f3:70:cb:49:41:d3.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

t24user@'s password:

MQBindings.cmd 100% 325

0.3KB/s 00:00
MQCommand.cmd 100% 251
0.3KB/s 00:00

JMSAdmin.config 100% 142

0.1KB/s 00:00

t24.queues 100%
1575 1.5KB/s 00:00 100% 285

0.3KB/s 00:00 100% 281

0.3KB/s 00:00

t24.bind 100%
1544 1.5KB/s 00:00

[t24user@appsrv01 appserver]$ Change the permission for mqm

With the user root on the JMSServer

# chown -R mqm:mqm $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/MQ

# chmode -R 777 $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/MQ

[root@JmsSrv01 MQ]# chown -R mqm:mqm $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/MQ

[root@JmsSrv01 MQ]# chmod -R 777 $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/MQ

[root@JmsSrv01 MQ]# ls -ail

total 40

9191425 drwxrwxrwx. 3 mqm mqm 4096 Sep 17 05:47 .

8142850 drwxr-xr-x. 12 t24user t24user 4096 Sep 17 05:21 ..

9191428 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 142 Sep 17 05:21 JMSAdmin.config

9191426 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 325 Sep 17 05:21 MQBindings.cmd

9191431 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 281 Sep 17 05:21

9191427 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 251 Sep 17 05:21 MQCommand.cmd

9191430 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 285 Sep 17 05:21

9191433 drwxrwxrwx. 2 mqm mqm 4096 Sep 17 05:47 MQ-JNDI

9191432 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 1544 Sep 17 05:21 t24.bind

9191429 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 mqm mqm 1575 Sep 17 05:21 t24.queues

[root@JmsSrv01 MQ]# Create the Queue Manager and all the queues

On JmsSrv01 with mqm

Set the environment

# . $TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqenv -s

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$ .
$TEMENOS_HOME/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1/bin/setmqenv -s

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$

Display the status of MQ

# dspmqver

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$ dspmqver

Name: WebSphere MQ

Level: p750-005-150424

BuildType: IKAP - (Production)

Platform: WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform)

Mode: 64-bit

O/S: Linux 3.8.13-98.1.2.el7uek.x86_64

InstName: Installation1


Primary: Yes

InstPath: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/Jms/MQ/Installation/1

DataPath: /var/mqm

MaxCmdLevel: 750

LicenseType: Production

[mqm@JmsSrv01 Temenos]$ Create Listener, Channel and Queues

Execute the creation of MQT24 and all queues

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/MQ

# . ./

[mqm@JmsSrv01 MQ]$ . ./

WebSphere MQ queue manager created.

Directory '/var/mqm/qmgrs/MQT24' created.

The queue manager is associated with installation 'Installation1'.

Creating or replacing default objects for queue manager 'MQT24'.

Default objects statistics : 74 created. 0 replaced. 0 failed.

Completing setup.

Setup completed.

WebSphere MQ queue manager 'MQT24' starting.

The queue manager is associated with installation 'Installation1'.

5 log records accessed on queue manager 'MQT24' during the log replay phase.

Log replay for queue manager 'MQT24' complete.

Transaction manager state recovered for queue manager 'MQT24'.

WebSphere MQ queue manager 'MQT24' started using V7.5.0.5.

5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Starting MQSC for queue manager MQT24.



AMQ8626: WebSphere MQ listener created.


AMQ8021: Request to start WebSphere MQ listener accepted.


AMQ8014: WebSphere MQ channel created.


AMQ8014: WebSphere MQ channel created.


AMQ8005: WebSphere MQ queue manager changed.


AMQ8560: WebSphere MQ security cache refreshed.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.



AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.


AMQ8690: WebSphere MQ topic created.

29 MQSC commands read.

No commands have a syntax error.

All valid MQSC commands were processed.

[mqm@JmsSrv01 MQ]$ Open Websphere MQ CLI

Run Websphere MQ CLI for the Queue manager MQT24

# runmqsc MQT24

[mqm@JmsSrv01 MQ]$ runmqsc MQT24

5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Starting MQSC for queue manager MQT24.

Display all T24 Queues

$ display qlocal(T24.*)

display qlocal(T24.*)

3 : display qlocal(T24.*)

AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.

AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.


AMQ8409: Display Queue details.

QUEUE(T24.TWS.REPLY.QUEUE) TYPE(QLOCAL) Set User to access in remote to WebSPhere MQ

You need to add all user exepct mqm who have to access to MQ. Including user for MQExplorer

Add user to mqm

# useradd -G mqm <user_name_in lower_case>

For an existing user

# usermod -a -G mqm <user_name_in lower_case>

# useradd -G mqm haubert

# usermod -a -G mqm t24user

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# useradd -G mqm haubert

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]# usermod -a -G mqm t24user

[root@JmsSrv01 Temenos]#

If you want to setup more restritice access (production mode) :

You can create a specific group called mq1 then set specific priviledge on MQT24

setmqaut -m MQT24 -n T24.OFS.QUEUE -t queue -g mq1 -all +get +put +inq

where MQT24 is the queue manager, T24.OFS.QUEUE is the T24 queue mq1 is the group(you
can user -p for specific user ) and all +get +put +inq are the privileges

The setmqaut command completed successfully.

where MQT24 is the queue manager, T24.OFS.QUEUE is the T24 queue mqm is the group(you
can user -p for specific user ) and all +get +put +inq are the privileges

To query the current privileges on specific object we can use:

# dspmqaut -m MQT24 -n T24.OFS.QUEUE -t queue -g mqm

Entity mq1 has the following authorizations for object T24.OFS.QUEUE:

get Set MQ Server to Websphere

Menu -> Servers -> add Server

Select "Choose a server type" to "WebSphere MQ Server".

Click the "Next" button

Set name to T24JmsStd01

Set WebSphere MQ server name to MQT24

Set WebSphere MQ host to

Click the "Test Connection" button

Click the "OK" button

Click the "Save" link
Click the "OK" Button

4.1.5 WebSphere Tier 2 Cluster

The AppServers and the WebServers is in managed mode and cluster.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 2 roles:


JMS Server

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Configure the firewall on the AdminServer

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the Node profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature







App (for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)


From 00 to 99
In our situation we will create on the Application layer a Manager Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01 and T24WebSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Select "Profile Management Tools" and click the "Launch" button

Click the "Create" button

Select "Custom profile" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button

Set the Profile name to T24AppMng01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppMng01Node01 hostname to

Click the "Next" button

Set the IP and the port of the ManagerServer with the security credential admin/Temenos_1

Be sure the Server Manager is up and running.

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button
Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Profile name : T24WebMng01

Profile path : /profiles/T24WebMng01

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Hostname : (local IP Adress) Node profile with TAFJ Scripts

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppMng01



export DMGR_USER=admin
export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

# *********************************


# *********************************

#export TAFJ_HOME=/opt/Temenos/TAFJ

#export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

ATH:. #export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython


You can setup the profile as default and set a user and password the the Admin Console

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

The username will be admin and the password Temenos_1

$WAS_HOME/bin/ -create -profileName $PROFILE_NAME -profilePath

$WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME -nodeName $PROFILE_NAME'_Node01' -
templatePath $WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/managed -hostName $HOST_NAME -dmgrHost
$DMRG_HOST -dmgrPort $DMRG_PORT -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName admin
-adminPassword Temenos_1

# -isDefault

# -enableAdminSecurity [false | true]

# -adminUserName

# -adminPassword

Create the management profile

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppMgr02 now exists. Please consult

ThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Copy the Websphere script on WebServer

From a $TAFJ_HOME/appserver, copy the WAS folder on WebS erver in

On AppSrv01 with t24user

scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was t24user@

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was


The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 89:01:21:ab:64:e6:b9:71:81:de:f9:19:de:52:fb:f3.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

t24user@'s password:

createStandalone.bat 100% 541 0.5KB/s 00:00 100% 425 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 455 0.4KB/s 00:00

TAFJJEE_EAR.ear 100% 9994KB 9.8MB/s 00:01 100% 654 0.6KB/s 00:00 100% 419 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1388 1.4KB/s 00:00 100% 7748 7.6KB/s 00:00 100% 3819 3.7KB/s 00:00 100% 889 0.9KB/s 00:00 100% 9236 9.0KB/s 00:00 100% 7853 7.7KB/s 00:00 100% 17KB 17.0KB/s 00:00 100% 1232 1.2KB/s 00:00 100% 4459 4.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1682 1.6KB/s 00:00 100% 637 0.6KB/s 00:00

tafj$py.class 100% 3169 3.1KB/s 00:00 100% 30KB 29.8KB/s 00:00

setUpEnv.bat 100% 551 0.5KB/s 00:00

createManagement.bat 100% 427 0.4KB/s 00:00

createNode.bat 100% 591 0.6KB/s 00:00

MQCommand 100% 1755 1.7KB/s 00:00

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Edit the file : in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was on the Web Server

# vi $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************

export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24WebMng01




export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

# *********************************


# *********************************

#export TAFJ_HOME=/opt/Temenos/TAFJ

#export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

ATH:. #export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

Create the management profile

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

# . ./

# . ./

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24WebMng02 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ Start the Node agent

Start the Node agent on all server

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMgr01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server dmgr open for e-business; process id is 8813

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$

To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMng01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


cat: $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt: No such file or directory

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


Application server environment to create: Management

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppMgr01

Disk space required: 30 MB

Profile name: T24AppMgr01

Make this profile the default: False

Node name: T24AppMgr01Node01

Cell name: T24AppMrg01Node01Cell

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

Management bootstrap port: 9809

Management SOAP connector port: 8879

Run Management as a service: False

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console

Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Check the nodes and the Node agent

Menu -> System administration -> Nodes

Menu -> System administration -> Node agents Add WebSphere Application Server

Menu -> Servers -> add Server

Click the "Next" button

Select the node T24AppMng01Node01 and set the Server name T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Finish" button

Click the "Save" link
Click the "OK" Button

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Server name : T24WebMng01 Start the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start Stop the Node agent

Stop the Node Agent

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -username admin -password

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -

username admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

4.1.6 WebSphere Tier 3 Cluster

The AppServers and the WebServers is in managed mode and cluster.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 1 role:


The JMSServer will have 1 role:

JMS Server

The JMSServer will be WebSphere MQ

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Configure the firewall on the AdminServer

With the root user stop the firewall

# systemctl stop firewalld

# systemctl status firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl stop firewalld

[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled)

Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-08-26 10:27:19 CEST; 1s ago

Process: 18941 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Main PID: 18941 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 20 11:06:56 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:18 systemd[1]: Stopping firewalld - dynamic firewall


Aug 26 10:27:19 systemd[1]: Stopped firewalld - dynamic firewall


[root@appsrv01 Temenos]# Create the Node profile with Profile Management

On all servers in Application Layer with t24user user.

To create a new profile you can use the GUI tools or the command line. To start the GUI tools
you can start the command:

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement/

We will use the command line to create the profile

Under $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was you will find all the scripts to create profiles.

By definition we will use a specific nomenclature







App(for application layer)

Web (for web layer or presentation layer)

Jms (for Broker layer)


Std( for Standalone)

Mng (for Managed)

Clu (for Cluster)

Mgr (for Manager)

Srv (for Cluster)


From 00 to 99
In our situation we will create on the Application layer a Manager Server for T24

The profile name will be T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01.

We have to specify the Server Name. we follow the same nomenclature

The Server name will be T24AppSrv01 and T24WebSrv01.

We can have multiple profile on 1 Server


Profiles T24AppStd01, T24AppMgr01, T24AppMng01 on the same machine T24AppSrv01

Select "Profile Management Tools" and click the "Launch" button

Click the "Create" button

Select "Custom profile" and click the "Next" button

Select "Advanced profile creation" and click the "Next" button

Set the Profile name to T24AppMng01 and the Profile path to /profiles/T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Set the Node name to T24AppMng01Node01 hostname to

Click the "Next" button

Set the IP and the port of the ManagerServer with the security credential admin/Temenos_1

Be sure the Server Manager is up and running.

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Create" button
Unselect "Launch the First steps console" and click the "Finish" button
Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Profile name : T24WebMng01

Profile path : /profiles/T24WebMng01

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Hostname : (local IP Adress) Node profile with TAFJ Scripts

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/Appserver/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************


export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24AppMng01



export DMGR_USER=admin
export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

# *********************************


# *********************************

#export TAFJ_HOME=/opt/Temenos/TAFJ

#export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

ATH:. #export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython


You can setup the profile as default and set a user and password the the Admin Console

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/AppServer/was

# vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

The username will be admin and the password Temenos_1

$WAS_HOME/bin/ -create -profileName $PROFILE_NAME -profilePath

$WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME -nodeName $PROFILE_NAME'_Node01' -
templatePath $WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/managed -hostName $HOST_NAME -dmgrHost
$DMRG_HOST -dmgrPort $DMRG_PORT -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName admin
-adminPassword Temenos_1

# -isDefault

# -enableAdminSecurity [false | true]

# -adminUserName

# -adminPassword

Create the management profile

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

# . ./

# . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24AppMgr02 now exists. Please consult

ThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Copy the Websphere script on WebServer

From a $TAFJ_HOME/appserver, copy the WAS folder on WebS erver in

On AppSrv01 with t24user

scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was t24user@

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$ scp -r $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was


The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 89:01:21:ab:64:e6:b9:71:81:de:f9:19:de:52:fb:f3.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

t24user@'s password:

createStandalone.bat 100% 541 0.5KB/s 00:00 100% 425 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 455 0.4KB/s 00:00

TAFJJEE_EAR.ear 100% 9994KB 9.8MB/s 00:01 100% 654 0.6KB/s 00:00 100% 419 0.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1388 1.4KB/s 00:00 100% 7748 7.6KB/s 00:00 100% 3819 3.7KB/s 00:00 100% 889 0.9KB/s 00:00 100% 9236 9.0KB/s 00:00 100% 7853 7.7KB/s 00:00 100% 17KB 17.0KB/s 00:00 100% 1232 1.2KB/s 00:00 100% 4459 4.4KB/s 00:00 100% 1682 1.6KB/s 00:00 100% 637 0.6KB/s 00:00

tafj$py.class 100% 3169 3.1KB/s 00:00 100% 30KB 29.8KB/s 00:00

setUpEnv.bat 100% 551 0.5KB/s 00:00

createManagement.bat 100% 427 0.4KB/s 00:00

createNode.bat 100% 591 0.6KB/s 00:00

MQCommand 100% 1755 1.7KB/s 00:00

[t24user@appsrv01 was]$

Edit the file : in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was on the Web Server

# vi $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ vi $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# *********************************


# *********************************

export HOST_NAME=

export PROFILE_NAME=T24WebMng01




export DMGR_USER=admin

export DMGR_PASSWORD=Temenos_1

export DMGR_HOST=

export DMGR_PORT=8879

# *********************************


# *********************************

#export TAFJ_HOME=/opt/Temenos/TAFJ

#export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

ATH:. #export CONF_PATH=$TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

Create the management profile

# cd $TEMENOS_HOME/Install/was/

# . ./

# . ./

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ . ./

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile T24WebMng02 now exists. Please consult

tThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

[t24user@WebSrv01 was]$ Start the Node agent

Start the Node agent on all server

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMgr01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMgr01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server dmgr open for e-business; process id is 8813

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$

To determin the port of the instance, check the AboutThisProfile.txt in the log folder of the

# cat $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMng01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


cat: $WAS_HOME/profiles/T24AppMgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt: No such file or directory

[t24user@appsrv01 profiles]$ cat


Application server environment to create: Management

Location: /u01/Temenos/3rdParty/As/IBM/WebSphere8.5.5/AppServer/profiles/T24AppMgr01

Disk space required: 30 MB

Profile name: T24AppMgr01

Make this profile the default: False

Node name: T24AppMgr01Node01

Cell name: T24AppMrg01Node01Cell

Host name: localhost

Enable administrative security (recommended): True

Administrative console port: 9060

Administrative console secure port: 9043

Management bootstrap port: 9809

Management SOAP connector port: 8879

Run Management as a service: False

[t24user@appsrv01 logs]$ Admin Console

Login the the admin console

Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1 Check the nodes and the Node agent

Menu -> System administration -> Nodes

Menu -> System administration -> Node agents Add WebSphere Application Server

Menu -> Servers -> add Server

Click the "Next" button

Select the node T24AppMng01Node01 and set the Server name T24AppMng01
Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Next" button

Click the "Finish" button

Click the "Save" link
Click the "OK" Button

Repeat the same process on Web Layer with the following parameters:

Node name : T24WebMng01Node01

Server name : T24WebMng01 Start the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start Stop the Node agent

Stop the Node Agent

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -username admin -password

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -profileName T24AppMng01 -

username admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppMng01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

5 T24 Configuration
5.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode (1 Tier)

5.1.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode 1 tier in WebSphere

The AppServer is standalone Server.

All T24 components will be install in the AppServer.

The AppServer will have 4 roles:



JMS Server

WebServer Prepare BrowserWeb.

Before copy BrowserWeb.war in the install folder you have to make some changes.

Remove xmlparserv2.jar

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF\lib\ and delete xmlparserv2.jar

Set the correct JNDI Binding

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF and edit ibm-web-bnd.xmi

Change the color in red

<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_jmsConnectionFactory"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_jmsConnectionFactory"/>

<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSQueue"/>


<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSReplyQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>


Save all and FTP BrowserWeb.jar in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install Setup properties

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

# vi

Edit the scope

Scope: Cell=T24AppStd01Node01Cell, Node=T24AppStd01Node01, Server=T24AppSrv01


# Node details





# JVM param

# -Xms and -Xmx of the JVM.




# Path details

# i.e [/u01/Temenos/TAFJ] or [C:/Temenos/TAFJ]


# i.e [/u01/Temenos/T24] or [C:/Temenos/T24]



# database details

# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted

# driver = [oracle11g,oracle-12c,db2_v10.x,h2-1.x.x]







# Read only database details

# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted







# MQ Details details

# DO NOT PUT "localhost" but the IP for MQ!





# Browser details

# path of your BrowserWar file

browserWebHome="/u01/Temenos/Install" Configure T24/TAFJ in the Application Server

Execute the script

# ./ T24AppStd01 admin Temenos_1

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -lang jython -f -

profileName T24AppStd01 -username admin -password Temenos_1

WASX7209I: Connected to process "T24AppSrv01" on node T24AppStd01Node01 using SOAP

connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess

Setup Environment


Driver classpath${TAFJ_HOME}/dbdrivers/oracle-

TAFJ_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

T24_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/T24

Java Virtual Machine

-Dtafj.home set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

-Dhostname set to T24AppStd01

Min and Max Memory set to 1024 and 1024

TAFJ shared libraries created

T24 shared libraries created

Environment configuration saved

JMS Environment

T24Bus created

t24ConnectionFactory created

t24OFSQueue created

t24OFSReplyQueue created

t24OFSQueue - t24OFSMessageMDB activation created

t24BROWSERQueue created

t24BROWSERReplyQueue created

t24BROWSERQueue - t24BROWSERMessageMDB activation created

t24ARCMOBQueue created

t24ARCMOBReplyQueue created

t24ARCMOBQueue - t24ARCMOBMessageMDB activation created

t24TWSQueue created

t24TWSReplyQueue created

t24TWSQueue - t24TWSMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBQueue created

t24TCIBReplyQueue created

t24TCIBQueue - t24TCIBMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBCORPQueue created

t24TCIBCORPReplyQueue created

t24TCIBCORPQueue - t24TCIBCORPMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHReplyQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue - t24TCIBWEALTHMessageMDB activation created

t24CALLATQueue created

t24CALLATReplyQueue created

t24CALLATQueue - t24CALLATMessageMDB activation created

t24AMLQueue created

t24AMLReplyQueue created

t24AMLQueue - t24AMLMessageMDB activation created

t24SEATQueue created

t24SEATReplyQueue created

t24SEATQueue - t24SEATMessageMDB activation created

t24IFInboundQueue created

t24IFOutboundQueue created

t24EXECQueue created

t24EXECQueue - t24EXECMessageMDB activation created

tecEventsTopic created

JMS configuration saved

ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/oracle-12c

Created JASSAuthData with Alias name : T24 database

Created JDBC Provider fro oracle 12c

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 NON-XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Set isolation classpath

Set isolation classpath Non XA

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Oracle JDBC configuration saved


TAFJJEE_EAR will be deployed from path


ADMA5016I: Installation of TAFJJEE_EAR started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target
ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type
javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_MDB with URI TAFJJEE_MDB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application TAFJJEE_EAR completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.
ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application
Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application TAFJJEE_EAR with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application TAFJJEE_EAR is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application TAFJJEE_EAR installed successfully.

TAFJEE_EAR deployed


AdminApplication: Configure web module attributes of an application

Application name: TAFJJEE_EAR

Web module name: TAFJServices

Starting weight: 1000

Classloader mode: PARENT_LAST

Usage: AdminApplication.configureWebModulesOfAnApplication("TAFJJEE_EAR",
"TAFJServices", "1000", "PARENT_LAST")

Return: If the command is successful, a value of 1 is returned.


Create a new web module config:


Modify web module attributes:


Create a new web module config:


Modify web module attributes:


OK: configureWebModulesOfAnApplication('TAFJJEE_EAR', 'TAFJServices', '1000',

'PARENT_LAST', 'false', 'true'):

TAFJ application deployment saved

Setup Browser

BrowserWeb will be deployed from path /u01/Temenos/Install

WASX7327I: Contents of was.policy file:


// Template policy file for enterprise application.

// Extra permissions can be added if required by the enterprise application.


// NOTE: Syntax errors in the policy files will cause the enterprise application FAIL to start.
// Extreme care should be taken when editing these policy files. It is advised to use

// the policytool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files

// (WAS_HOME/java/jre/bin/policytool).


grant codeBase "file:${application}" {


grant codeBase "file:${jars}" {


grant codeBase "file:${connectorComponent}" {


grant codeBase "file:${webComponent}" {


grant codeBase "file:${ejbComponent}" {


ADMA5016I: Installation of BrowserWeb_war started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jca/t24ConnectionFactory and type

com.temenos.tocf.t24ra.T24ConnectionFactory, with JNDI name jca/t24ConnectionFactory is
not found within scope of module BrowserWeb with URI BrowserWeb.war,WEB-INF/web.xml
deployed to target

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application BrowserWeb_war completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application BrowserWeb_war with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application BrowserWeb_war is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application BrowserWeb_war installed successfully.

BrowserWeb deployed

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ Fix the database password:

Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1

Revalidate the passord and save

Data sources > TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source > JAAS - J2C authentication data >
T24AppStd01Node01/T24 database Restart the application Server.

Stop the T24AppStd01

Enter the user and password Admin/Temenos_1

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ T24AppStd01 -username admin -password Temenos_1

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ T24AppSrv01 -profileName T24AppStd01 -username

admin -password Temenos_1

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppStd01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: T24AppSrv01

ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.

ADMU4000I: Server T24AppSrv01 stop completed.

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$

Start the T24AppStd01

# $WAS_HOME/bin/ T24AppStd01

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ ./ T24AppSrv01 -profileName T24AppStd01

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the T24AppStd01 profile

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: T24AppSrv01

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.

ADMU3000I: Server T24AppSrv01 open for e-business; process id is 23298

[t24user@appsrv01 bin]$ TAFJJEE Application

It also contains a war file to deploy helper servlet.
5.2 Configuring T24 in embedded mode (2
5.2.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode 2 Tiers in WebSphere

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 2 roles:


JMS Server

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Prepare BrowserWeb.

Before copy BrowserWeb.war in the install folder you have to make some changes.

Remove xmlparserv2.jar

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF\lib\ and delete xmlparserv2.jar

Set the correct JNDI Binding

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF and edit ibm-web-bnd.xmi

Change the color in red

<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_jmsConnectionFactory"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_jmsConnectionFactory"/>


<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSQueue"/>


<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSReplyQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>


Save all and FTP BrowserWeb.jar in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install

On AppSrv01 with t24user

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

# vi

Edit the scope

Scope: Cell=T24AppMng01Node01Cell, Node=T24AppMng01Node01,


# Node details






# JVM param

# -Xms and -Xmx of the JVM.




# Path details

# i.e [/u01/Temenos/TAFJ] or [C:/Temenos/TAFJ]


# i.e [/u01/Temenos/T24] or [C:/Temenos/T24]


# database details

# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted

# driver = [oracle11g,oracle-12c,db2_v10.x,h2-1.x.x]








# Read only database details

# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted







# MQ Details details

# DO NOT PUT "localhost" but the IP for MQ!






# Browser details

# path of your BrowserWar file

browserWebHome="/u01/Temenos/Install" Configure T24/TAFJ in the Application Server

Execute the script

# ./ T24AppMgr01 admin Temenos_1

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -lang jython -f -

profileName T24AppStd01 -username admin -password Temenos_1
WASX7209I: Connected to process "T24AppSrv01" on node T24AppStd01Node01 using SOAP
connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess

Setup Environment


Driver classpath${TAFJ_HOME}/dbdrivers/oracle-

TAFJ_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

T24_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/T24

Java Virtual Machine

-Dtafj.home set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

-Dhostname set to T24AppStd01

Min and Max Memory set to 1024 and 1024

TAFJ shared libraries created

T24 shared libraries created

Environment configuration saved

JMS Environment

T24Bus created

t24ConnectionFactory created

t24OFSQueue created

t24OFSReplyQueue created

t24OFSQueue - t24OFSMessageMDB activation created

t24BROWSERQueue created

t24BROWSERReplyQueue created

t24BROWSERQueue - t24BROWSERMessageMDB activation created

t24ARCMOBQueue created

t24ARCMOBReplyQueue created

t24ARCMOBQueue - t24ARCMOBMessageMDB activation created

t24TWSQueue created

t24TWSReplyQueue created

t24TWSQueue - t24TWSMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBQueue created

t24TCIBReplyQueue created

t24TCIBQueue - t24TCIBMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBCORPQueue created

t24TCIBCORPReplyQueue created

t24TCIBCORPQueue - t24TCIBCORPMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHReplyQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue - t24TCIBWEALTHMessageMDB activation created

t24CALLATQueue created

t24CALLATReplyQueue created

t24CALLATQueue - t24CALLATMessageMDB activation created

t24AMLQueue created

t24AMLReplyQueue created

t24AMLQueue - t24AMLMessageMDB activation created

t24SEATQueue created

t24SEATReplyQueue created
t24SEATQueue - t24SEATMessageMDB activation created

t24IFInboundQueue created

t24IFOutboundQueue created

t24EXECQueue created

t24EXECQueue - t24EXECMessageMDB activation created

tecEventsTopic created

JMS configuration saved

ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/oracle-12c

Created JASSAuthData with Alias name : T24 database

Created JDBC Provider fro oracle 12c

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 NON-XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Set isolation classpath

Set isolation classpath Non XA

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Oracle JDBC configuration saved


TAFJJEE_EAR will be deployed from path


ADMA5016I: Installation of TAFJJEE_EAR started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type
javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target
ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type
javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_MDB with URI TAFJJEE_MDB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application TAFJJEE_EAR completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application TAFJJEE_EAR with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.
ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application
Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application TAFJJEE_EAR is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application TAFJJEE_EAR installed successfully.

TAFJEE_EAR deployed


AdminApplication: Configure web module attributes of an application

Application name: TAFJJEE_EAR

Web module name: TAFJServices

Starting weight: 1000

Classloader mode: PARENT_LAST

Usage: AdminApplication.configureWebModulesOfAnApplication("TAFJJEE_EAR",
"TAFJServices", "1000", "PARENT_LAST")

Return: If the command is successful, a value of 1 is returned.


Create a new web module config:


Modify web module attributes:


Create a new web module config:


Modify web module attributes:

OK: configureWebModulesOfAnApplication('TAFJJEE_EAR', 'TAFJServices', '1000',
'PARENT_LAST', 'false', 'true'):

TAFJ application deployment saved

Setup Browser

BrowserWeb will be deployed from path /u01/Temenos/Install

WASX7327I: Contents of was.policy file:


// Template policy file for enterprise application.

// Extra permissions can be added if required by the enterprise application.


// NOTE: Syntax errors in the policy files will cause the enterprise application FAIL to start.

// Extreme care should be taken when editing these policy files. It is advised to use

// the policytool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files

// (WAS_HOME/java/jre/bin/policytool).


grant codeBase "file:${application}" {


grant codeBase "file:${jars}" {


grant codeBase "file:${connectorComponent}" {

grant codeBase "file:${webComponent}" {


grant codeBase "file:${ejbComponent}" {


ADMA5016I: Installation of BrowserWeb_war started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jca/t24ConnectionFactory and type

com.temenos.tocf.t24ra.T24ConnectionFactory, with JNDI name jca/t24ConnectionFactory is
not found within scope of module BrowserWeb with URI BrowserWeb.war,WEB-INF/web.xml
deployed to target

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application BrowserWeb_war completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application BrowserWeb_war with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application BrowserWeb_war is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application BrowserWeb_war installed successfully.

BrowserWeb deployed

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ Fix the database password:
Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1

Revalidate the passord and save

Data sources > TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source > JAAS - J2C authentication data >
T24AppStd01Node01/T24 database Restart the application Server.

Stop the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click stop

Start the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start TAFJJEE Application

It also contains a war file to deploy helper servlet. BrowserWeb Application
5.3 Configuring T24 in embedded mode
(Cluster 2 Tiers)
5.3.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode Cluster 2 Tiers in WebSphere WebSphere cluster Tier 2 Managed

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 2 roles:


JMS Server

The WebServer will have 1 role:

5.4 Configuring T24 in embedded mode (3
5.4.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode 3 Tiers in WebSphere

The AppServer and the WebServer is in managed mode.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 1 role:


The JMSServer will have 1 role:

JMS Server

The JMSServer will be WebSphere MQ

The WebServer will have 1 role:

WebServer Prepare BrowserWeb.

Before copy BrowserWeb.war in the install folder you have to make some changes.

Remove xmlparserv2.jar

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF\lib\ and delete xmlparserv2.jar

Set the correct JNDI Binding

Open BrowserWeb.war with 7zip

Go in \WEB-INF and edit ibm-web-bnd.xmi

Change the color in red

<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_jmsConnectionFactory"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_jmsConnectionFactory"/>


<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSQueue"/>


<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSReplyQueue"

<bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>

Save all and FTP BrowserWeb.jar in $TEMENOS_HOME/Install Setup properties

On AppSrv01 with t24user

Edit the file : in $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/

# cd $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/was/jython

# vi

Edit the scope

Scope: Cell=T24AppMng01Node01Cell, Node=T24AppMng01Node01,



# Node details






# JVM param

# -Xms and -Xmx of the JVM.




# Path details

# i.e [/u01/Temenos/TAFJ] or [C:/Temenos/TAFJ]


# i.e [/u01/Temenos/T24] or [C:/Temenos/T24]



# database details

# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted

# driver = [oracle11g,oracle-12c,db2_v10.x,h2-1.x.x]








# Read only database details


# 1. replace the x by the version

# 2. The password have to be encrypted







# MQ Details details

# DO NOT PUT "localhost" but the IP for MQ!






# Browser details

# path of your BrowserWar file

#browserWebHome="/u01/Temenos/Install" Configure T24/TAFJ in the Application Server

Execute the script

# ./ T24AppMgr01 admin Temenos_1

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ $WAS_HOME/bin/ -lang jython -f -

profileName T24AppStd01 -username admin -password Temenos_1

WASX7209I: Connected to process "T24AppSrv01" on node T24AppStd01Node01 using SOAP

connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess

Setup Environment


Driver classpath${TAFJ_HOME}/dbdrivers/oracle-

TAFJ_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

T24_HOME set to /u01/Temenos/T24

Java Virtual Machine

-Dtafj.home set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ

-Dhostname set to T24AppStd01

Min and Max Memory set to 1024 and 1024

TAFJ shared libraries created

T24 shared libraries created

Environment configuration saved

JMS Environment

T24Bus created
t24ConnectionFactory created

t24OFSQueue created

t24OFSReplyQueue created

t24OFSQueue - t24OFSMessageMDB activation created

t24BROWSERQueue created

t24BROWSERReplyQueue created

t24BROWSERQueue - t24BROWSERMessageMDB activation created

t24ARCMOBQueue created

t24ARCMOBReplyQueue created

t24ARCMOBQueue - t24ARCMOBMessageMDB activation created

t24TWSQueue created

t24TWSReplyQueue created

t24TWSQueue - t24TWSMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBQueue created

t24TCIBReplyQueue created

t24TCIBQueue - t24TCIBMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBCORPQueue created

t24TCIBCORPReplyQueue created

t24TCIBCORPQueue - t24TCIBCORPMessageMDB activation created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHReplyQueue created

t24TCIBWEALTHQueue - t24TCIBWEALTHMessageMDB activation created

t24CALLATQueue created
t24CALLATReplyQueue created

t24CALLATQueue - t24CALLATMessageMDB activation created

t24AMLQueue created

t24AMLReplyQueue created

t24AMLQueue - t24AMLMessageMDB activation created

t24SEATQueue created

t24SEATReplyQueue created

t24SEATQueue - t24SEATMessageMDB activation created

t24IFInboundQueue created

t24IFOutboundQueue created

t24EXECQueue created

t24EXECQueue - t24EXECMessageMDB activation created

tecEventsTopic created

JMS configuration saved

ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH set to /u01/Temenos/TAFJ/oracle-12c

Created JASSAuthData with Alias name : T24 database

Created JDBC Provider fro oracle 12c

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Created JDBC Provider with the name :T24 NON-XA ORACLE JDBC Driver

Set isolation classpath

Set isolation classpath Non XA

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source

Created JDBC DataSource with the name :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Setting the properties for DataSource :TAFJ NON-XA ORACLE Locking Data source

Oracle JDBC configuration saved


TAFJJEE_EAR will be deployed from path


ADMA5016I: Installation of TAFJJEE_EAR started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_EJB with URI TAFJJEE_EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to target

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jdbc/t24RODataSource and type

javax.sql.DataSource, with JNDI name jdbc/t24RODataSource is not found within scope of
module TAFJJEE_MDB with URI TAFJJEE_MDB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml deployed to

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application TAFJJEE_EAR completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application TAFJJEE_EAR with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application TAFJJEE_EAR is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application TAFJJEE_EAR is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application TAFJJEE_EAR installed successfully.

TAFJEE_EAR deployed


AdminApplication: Configure web module attributes of an application

Application name: TAFJJEE_EAR

Web module name: TAFJServices

Starting weight: 1000

Classloader mode: PARENT_LAST

Usage: AdminApplication.configureWebModulesOfAnApplication("TAFJJEE_EAR",
"TAFJServices", "1000", "PARENT_LAST")

Return: If the command is successful, a value of 1 is returned.


Create a new web module config:

Modify web module attributes:

Create a new web module config:


Modify web module attributes:


OK: configureWebModulesOfAnApplication('TAFJJEE_EAR', 'TAFJServices', '1000',

'PARENT_LAST', 'false', 'true'):

TAFJ application deployment saved

Setup Browser

BrowserWeb will be deployed from path /u01/Temenos/Install

WASX7327I: Contents of was.policy file:


// Template policy file for enterprise application.

// Extra permissions can be added if required by the enterprise application.


// NOTE: Syntax errors in the policy files will cause the enterprise application FAIL to start.

// Extreme care should be taken when editing these policy files. It is advised to use

// the policytool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files

// (WAS_HOME/java/jre/bin/policytool).


grant codeBase "file:${application}" {

grant codeBase "file:${jars}" {


grant codeBase "file:${connectorComponent}" {


grant codeBase "file:${webComponent}" {


grant codeBase "file:${ejbComponent}" {


ADMA5016I: Installation of BrowserWeb_war started.

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name jca/t24ConnectionFactory and type

com.temenos.tocf.t24ra.T24ConnectionFactory, with JNDI name jca/t24ConnectionFactory is
not found within scope of module BrowserWeb with URI BrowserWeb.war,WEB-INF/web.xml
deployed to target

ADMA5068I: The resource validation for application BrowserWeb_war completed successfully,

but warnings occurred during validation.

ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.
ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application
Server repository.

ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.

ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in


ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application BrowserWeb_war with the

appContextIDForSecurity information.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5005I: The application BrowserWeb_war is configured in the WebSphere Application

Server repository.

ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.

ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application BrowserWeb_war is complete.

ADMA5013I: Application BrowserWeb_war installed successfully.

BrowserWeb deployed

[t24user@appsrv01 jython]$ Fix the database password:
Login with user and password Admin/Temenos_1

Revalidate the passord and save

Data sources > TAFJ XA ORACLE Data source > JAAS - J2C authentication data >
T24AppStd01Node01/T24 database Restart the application Server.

Stop the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click stop

Start the Managed Server

In the AdminConsole

Domain Structure

Menu>Server Type>WebSPhere application server

Select T24AppMng01 and T24WebMng01 and click start TAFJJEE Application

It also contains a war file to deploy helper servlet. BrowserWeb Application
5.5 Configuring T24 in embedded mode
(Cluster 3 Tiers)
5.5.1 Configuring T24 in embedded mode Cluster 3 Tiers in WebSphere

The AppServers and the WebServers is in managed mode and cluster.

The install of WebLogic AdminServer will be a separate instance.

The AppServer will have 1 role:

The JMSServer will have 1 role:

JMS Server

The JMSServer will be WebSphere MQ

The WebServer will have 1 role:


TAFJ Setup
What is TAFJ
TAFJ (Temenos Application Framework Java) is a Pick BASIC runtime and compiler, written in
100% java. It allows compiling and running Pick BASIC programs. TAFJ has been written
specifically for T24 needs, and all tests and proof of concepts have been done using T24. TAFJ
also manage the connectivity on JDBC compliant databases like jBASE, Oracle, Microsoft SQL
Server, DB2, derby, derby (Embedded). It comes with an embedded exporting tool for migrate
your Pick data to Oracle.

Install guide

Java JDK
To install TAFJ, the only prerequisite is having a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.6.x or
1.7.x installed. To check what version of java you have, type in a console:

>java -version

java version "1.7.0_51"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)

If the version reported is not 1.6.x or 1.7.x, you should install it. Java JDK can be downloaded

NOTE: If you have installed java 1.6 but the command java -version doesn't report the correct
version, this is certainly because your PATH environment variable points to another version.
This is a bad practice to have your java virtual machine (VM) in the PATH. We highly
recommend removing it. The best practice is to set-up an environment variable called
JAVA_HOME pointing to the root directory of your Java Development Kit (JDK) installation.
Then, you could reference JAVA_HOME/bin in your PATH environment variable.

The different scripts in <TAFJ_HOME>/bin will REQUIRE the environment variable


On Unix/Linux/:

export JAVA_HOME=<path_to_your_jdk>

Or update your file: .profile

On Windows:

START Menu > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables

You could use System variables (Preferred) OR User variables to set the JAVA_HOME.

set JAVA_HOME=<path_to_your_jdk>

Setup TAFJ
The installation comes as a single .tar file. On Unix/Linux, run the tar -xf <filename>
command. On Windows, you can use 7zip to extract the zip Contents.

$ tar -xf Setup_[version].tar

$ ls




Then run the script .sh on UNIX or .bat on Windows operating system.

Note: That the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set before running the scripts.

The following section will show a typical install procedure on a UNIX platform. The procedure
will be exactly the same on Windows. The user input is in [blue]. If you have values in
brackets, these are the default values (typing <ENTER> is accepting the default).

Note: If you do not have the T24 sources you will need to give any existing directory in order to
continue the setup. The insert directory is optional.

A Step by Step TAFJ Installation


$ . ./Setup_TAFJ.<version>.sh

On Windows:

> Setup_TAFJ.<version>.bat


YAJI v 1.6

Starting setup...


. Welcome to the Installation program of TAFJ .

. This setup will install the necessary libraries to .

. compile and run BASIC programs as well as some .

. additional tools and Eclipse plug-ins. .

. Note that nothing will be modified outside of the .

. directory you will specify for the installation. .

. To fully uninstall it, just delete the directory. .


Press ENTER to continue. <ENTER>


Please enter the install Directory.


'C:\TAFJ_GA' doesn't exist. Create (y/n) ?Y

Extracting appserver/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/jsf/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/jsf/iceFaces/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/jsf/iceFaces/1.8.2/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/jsf/iceFaces/1.8.2/pushserver/ (dir)

appserver/icefaces/jsf/iceFaces/1.8.2/pushserver/push-server.war (bin)

appserver/jboss/ (dir)

appserver/jboss/jboss-app.xml (text)

appserver/jboss/jboss-classloading.xml (text)

appserver/jboss/openmq-ds.xml (text)

appserver/jboss/opnemq-queue-ds.xml (text)

appserver/jboss/readme.txt (text)

appserver/jboss/t24-ds.xml (text)

appserver/jboss/tafj-service.xml (text)
appserver/TAFJJEE_EAR.ear (bin)

appserver/was/ (dir)

appserver/was/createManagement.bat (text)

TAFJSync/log4j-1.2.13.jar (bin)

TAFJSync/ (text)

TAFJSync/logs (text)

TAFJSync/README (text)

TAFJSync/TAFJSyncServer.jar (bin)

TAFJSync/tSync (text)

YajiAddOn.classYajiUtil.classGetting available devices .... [DONE]

Creating first project "tafj" ... [DONE]

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\conf\'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\conf\.properties'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\conf\.data'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\dbscripts\oracle\javaload'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\dbscripts\oracle\javaload.bat'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\dbscripts\oracle\javaunload'.

Updating : 'C:\TAFJ_GA\dbscripts\oracle\javaunload.bat'.


. Thank you for having installed TAFJ .

. *** IMPORTANT *** .

. Please make sure that you have the environment variable .

. JAVA_HOME set to a JDK 6 or above. .


Press ENTER to terminate.

Exploring the Setup result

The path where you installed TAFJ will be referenced as <TAFJ_HOME>

In the install Directory


appserver/: The directory containing the different application server configuration like jboss,
Websphere application server etc.

bin/: The directory containing the different executable scripts (tRun, tCompile, ...).

CodeCoverage/: The directory containing the cobertura jars.

conf/: The configuration directory.

data/: This directory contains classes and java folder. classes folder holds the all the compiled
class files (.class) and java folder holds .java files

dbdrivers/: The directory containing the drivers needed to different database communication.

dbscripts/: The directory containing all the database scripts.

doc/: The directory containing all the documentation.

eclipse/plugins/: The directory containing all the plugins to enable the TAFJ perspective in
eclipse IDE.

ext/: The default directory containing java extension (see specific chapter).

lib/: The directory containing the TAFJ libraries

JMSInjector/: This directory contain JMSInjector.

Regression/: Contains some scripts perform regression tests.

samples/basic/: The directory containing some BASIC Code samples.

TAFJSessionMonitor/: The directory containing some TAFJ MV42 Monitor tar.gz file.

In the Data directory


/tafj/: The default project directory

/tafj/classes/: The default directory where the compiled BASIC goes (like globuslib).

/tafj/java/: The default directory containing the BASIC converted in java.

Setup Eclipse Plug-ins

Once the setup of TAFJ is completed and if you have eclipse v.3.7.x or above installed, you can
simply link the contents of the directory <TAFJ_HOME>/eclipse/plugins in your directory

1. Create a file in <ECLIPSE_HOME>/dropins.

2. Edit the file and add a property key : path=<relative_path_to _TAFJ_HOME>

3. Set the path with the relative path from <ECLIPSE_HOME> to <TAFJ_HOME>


For the directory structure:


| +---eclipse



Once done, in order to verify that all TAFJ Plug-ins are loaded with eclipse, you can go in the
Eclipse menu:

Help -> About Eclipse SDK, press on Installation Details, and Tab: Plug-ins
Setup project
A project is a specific setting of properties. All properties of a project are in file properties in
<TAFJ_HOME>\conf. the name of the project is given by the name of the properties file.

To Create a new project base on a properties file, copy the file <TAFJ_HOME>\conf\.properties
and renamed it with the name of your project.


All scripts in <TAFJ_HOME>\bin need a project (properties) to work. To specify the project to
use with a script, pass the argument: -cf ProjectName


tRun cf EX

You can omit the -cf argument to use the default project. The default project is specified in the
file <TAFJ_HOME>\conf\.default. After a setup of TAFJ the default project in

By conventions, the java and class path for TAFJ of a project have to be set under:

<TAFJ_HOME>/data/<ProjectName>/java and classes

for :

# Specify where the java files will be generated

# by the compiler = <tafj.home>\data/myProject/java

# Specify where the classes files will be generated

# by the compiler = <tafj.home>\data/myProject/classes

How it works with properties file and .default

When you start a script in <TAFJ_HOME>\bin the mechanism is:

All executions are logged with TAFJ. TAFJ use the standard LOG4J open source.

The setting of the loggers for TAFJ is in the file <TAFJ_HOME>\conf\

In this file you can change the level and the appender of all loggers. For more information read
the documentation of LOG4J.

If the file doesnt exist, automatically TAFJ recreate a new one.

File :


# Technology & Research Dep.

# Log file configuration

# TEMENOS (c) 2009

# This file contains configuration

# parameters for the log4j logger.


# Note :The 'File' must have only slashes '/' and never backslashes ''




log4j.logger.T24=INFO, t24

log4j.logger.BASIC=ERROR, basic
log4j.logger.PRINTER=ERROR, printer

log4j.logger.DATABASE=ERROR, database

log4j.logger.JQL=ERROR, jql

log4j.logger.LOCKING=INFO, locking

log4j.logger.COMPILER=WARN, compiler

log4j.logger.DEPENDENCY=INFO, dependency

log4j.logger.RUNTIME=ERROR, runtime

log4j.logger.DBIMPORT=ERROR, dbimport

log4j.logger.SQLTRACE=ERROR, sqltrace

log4j.logger.ITYPE=ERROR, itype

log4j.logger.EXECUTE=ERROR, execute

log4j.logger.IOSERVER=INFO, ioserver

log4j.logger.MDB=ERROR, mdb

log4j.logger.EJB=ERROR, ejb

log4j.logger.MONITOR=ERROR, monitor

log4j.logger.FILTER=ERROR, filter

log4j.logger.COBERTURA=ERROR, cobertura, merge

log4j.logger.DBIMPORT-COMPARER=ERROR, dbcomparer

log4j.logger.UPDATER=DEBUG, updater

log4j.logger.JQL-NOTSUPPORTED=ERROR, jqlnotsupported

log4j.logger.API=INFO, api

Log folders customization

By default you will find above mentioned logs under following folders:

<TAFJ_HOME>/log : for TAFJ logs

<TAFJ_HOME>/log_T24 : for T24 logs

This default behavior could be overridden by using following properties:<PATH_TO_YOUR_TAFJ_LOG_FOLDER><PATH_TO_YOUR_T24_LOG_FOLDER>

It has to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through environment properties or JVM

You cannot use the file for that purpose as loggers get initialized before tafj
properties get loaded.

Logger context and multi-tenant

In a multi-tenant environment you may want to define a specific logger context to differentiate
the logs from the different tenants. It could also be useful for debugging purpose where a user
can define its own context.

By using property


you will find your logs under :


<TAFJ_HOME>/log_T24/<YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME> : for T24 logs

Same feature apply to overridden log directory as mentioned above.

When using a context you will also generate a dedicated file to configure your appenders:
TAFJTrace.<YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME>.properties file.

Like log directories properties it has to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through
environment properties or JVM arguments.

TAFJ doesnt use Environment Variables. All setup for TAFJ is based on a properties file.
.properties is a file extension for files used in TAFJ related technologies to store the
configurable parameters of an application. These are known as Property Resource .

Each parameter is stored as a pair of strings, one storing the name of the parameter (called the
key), and the other storing the value

All properties are loaded as a Java System Properties.

All Properties can be overload with -D<key>=<value> set to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

A value can contain:

A string as a value


tafj.home = \Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ

A string including keys


tafj.home = \Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ = <tafj.home>/UD

A String with an Environment variable

tafj.home = <%TAFJ_HOME%> = <$TAFJ_HOME>/UD

TAFJ use the JPS (Java Print Service.

On Windows, JPS use the Printer Manager. You can connect any printers installed on Windows.
The Printer has to be online.

On UNIX/LINUX, JPS use CUPS (Common Unix Printing System). CUPS is not install by
default. You have to install it. Please refer to your OS documentation for the installation.

In the properties file, category printer, the setup of TAFJ automatically adds your printers online
with default driver name PRN #. You can affect the channel to any drivers name.


# Printer


# Printer list

# This list has been generated during the setup. You can modify it at any moment to reflect any

# change to the printer list.

# If the Channel 1 is missing (or remed-out), it will be defaulted to the default printer (if any)

# of your operating system.

#Specify where is the &HOLD& directory when SETPTR is used with the HOLD option = <>/&HOLD& = PRN0 = PRN0

temn.tafj.driver.device.0 = HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)

temn.tafj.driver.class.0 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

Check TAFJ Installation

To Check to installation of tafj, you can execute the command tDiag. The command will show
you the where is set TAFJ_HOME, the version of the JVM, the version of TAFJ, the default
project and all details of all projects set in <TAFJ_HOME>\conf.


Home : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ'

Conf directory : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/conf'

Log directory : 'D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/log'

Version : DEV_201404


java.home : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\java\jdk1.7.0_51-64\jre

java.vendor : Oracle Corporation

java.version : 1.7.0_51

os.arch : amd64 : Windows 7

HostName : wkshome01

IP Address :

Runtime : Double Byte SysSeparator


Default Project : 'tafj'

- Project : 'tafj'

Basic source : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\samples\basic

Java src dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\tafj\java

Java classes dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\tafj\classes

Update dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/updates


Java default package : com.temenos.t24


DataBase URL :

DataBase user :

Locking mode : JDBC

Locking name :


Current dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD

Como dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD/&COMO&

Hold dir : D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ/UD/&HOLD&

UD encoding : UTF-8


Timezone : Europe/London

Local : en_US

Debug enabled : true


JMS logger enabled : false

Logger API enabled : true

TEC disabled : false


Session monitor enabled : false

Session monitor host : localhost

Session monitor port : 8377

TAFJ on Multiple Servers

If you install TAFJ on multiple servers, you need then to setup the port range for each sever and
be sure no port id will be duplicate on others server.

On each server in the properties file, set the key : temn.tafj.runtime.port.range

# set the port range of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.port.range = 10-45,76,89,2,130-150

temn.tafj.runtime.port.range =

Scenario 1

All the servers have a NFS/MAP to a share HDD where TAFJ is installed.

No Need to setup any port range. All servers will share the uid (unique ID file).

Scenario 2

Each servers have HDD file system where TAFJ is installed.

You need to setup for each TAFJ a port range. Each servers will have his own uid (unique ID
WebSphere v7 v8 configuration for T24
solution with TAFJ
You can configure the following websphere resources either by using the administrative console
or by running jython scripts. This document only covers script mode. For console mode, please
refer to Websphere documentation.

Script Mode

The configuration can be run automatically on your server by using some jython scripts.

Note: These scripts cant be used on an existing configuration. To create a new configuration
from scratch, first create a new profile and then run the configuration.

Creating a profile

You can easily create a new profile by using the tool %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\


To run a jython script your server must be started and your PATH must contain:
%WAS_HOME%\bin: the path to your websphere\bin directory

%TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython: the path to the jython files

Edit the file setUpEnv and set the following properties i.e. :

set WAS_HOME= C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

set HOST_NAME=localhost




set SERVER_NAME=server1

You can then launch createStandalone.bat and the targeted profile will be created in your
WAS_HOME\profiles directory.

Edit the file Create createStandalone and choose the param enableAdminSecurity to add at the
end of the command to the scripts:

-enableAdminSecurity false


-enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName tafj -adminPassword tafj

Launch createStandalone
One step configuration

To have a working deployment you need to configure:

Environment variables and shared libraries (TAFJ and T24 libraries)

JMS resources (Communication channels between applications )

JDBC data sources (Database connectivity)

Applications deployment (TAFJ ear file, BrowserWeb )

You can run all configurations: environment configuration, JMS configuration, JDBC
configuration, application deployments for T24 and TAFJ by using a single script or by doing a
one step at a time configuration.

Previously you have had to fill out the main configuration file:

This file contains the variables that are needed at each configuration step. If you need more
information about these variables or if you want to adapt the scripts to your specific use case
please refer to the next section of this document.
The below assumes you are using a local Oracle database with database name TAFJDB and no
MQ Series message broker.

If you want to use another database or MQ, fill out the below properties in and modify
the file appropriately.


# Node details





# Path details




# database details












# database oracle specific

#use xdb.jar for Oracle 11g

#use xdb6.jar for Oracle 12c



# database db2 specific

#use type 4

#use type 2



# Browser details

# path of your BrowserWar file



# MQ Details details

# DO NOT PUT "localhost" but the IP for MQ!





To find your cell_name, go to WAS_HOME/{$PROFILE_NAME}/config/cells. The directory

under here is your cell name. If you go under this directory and then the nodes directory, you
find your node name.

Multiple profiles

Please note that if you have multiple profiles defined and if you want to execute the scripts
against a profile which is not the default one you will have to add to the command presented
below the profile name.

-profileName %PROFILE_NAME%

Security enabled

If you have enabled the admin console security you will be prompt to enter your admin user and
password when executing the script or you will have to add to the command presented below
your admin user and password.


The script of the complete configuration is located at %TAFJ_HOME%


Edit the file and comment and uncomment what you need:

print "Setup Environment"


print "JMS Environment"




print "Setup Database"








print "Setup TAFJ EE (MDB & EJB)"


print "Setup Browser"


Launch the following command from %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython dir on the

command line for one step installation.

%WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin -lang jython -f -profileName

Note: The property t24dpPwd is not correctly set, you have to run the administrative console to
re-enter it manually as shown below.

Security Global security Java Authentication and Authorization Service J2C

authentication data T24 database DB2

password: *******

Click OK.
Click Apply then Click Save.

One step at a time configuration

This section will cover in details each configuration step presented above in the One step
configuration section.

If you have executed the One step configuration you dont need to execute the following

Environment configuration

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

This script will set the following properties:

T24_MODELBANK_SHAREDLIB, TAFJ shared libraries, -Dtafj.home

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration and tafjHome, t24Home to specify the environment variable

To do so edit the file at %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ and set the following

properties i.e.:





To find your cell_name, go to WAS_HOME/{$PROFILE_NAME}/config/cells. The directory

under here is your cell name. If you go under this directory and then the nodes directory, you
find your node name.

Multiple profiles

Please note that if you have multiple profiles defined and if you want to execute the scripts
against a profile which is not the default one you will have to add to the command presented
below the profile name.

-profileName %PROFILE_NAME%

Security enabled

If you have enabled the admin console security you will be prompt to enter your admin user and
password when executing the script or you will have to add to the command presented below
your admin user and password.


Launch the following command from the command line:

%WAS_HOME%\bin\ wsadmin -lang jython -f

You can browse the administrative console to check that this step has been correctly done.
Environment WebSphere variables

Environment Shared Libraries

Server -> Server Type -> WebSphere application servers -> #profileName# -> (Server
infrastructure) Java and Process Management ->Process definition -> Java Virtual Machine

Generic JVM arguments : -Dtafj.home= %TAFJ_HOME%

Exemple : -Dtafj.home= /opt/wasapps/TAFJ

JMS Resources Configuration

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following actions:

Create a service integration and adding a bus member

Create a JMS connection factory

Create JMS Queues

Create a JMS topic

Create activation specifications

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
might have already done it previously in the environment configuration step.

Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

%WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin -lang jython -f

You can browse the administrative console to check this step has been correctly done.

Service Integration Buses

You should see: T24Bus

Message engines status (under Buses->T24 Bus -> Messaging engines) should automatically be
Check connection factory was created:

Check activation specs created:

Check queues created:

Check topics created:

JDBC Resources configuration

T24 Oracle 11g database configuration

When you setup the datasource you have to use the drivers provide by the database. The
%TAFJ_HOME%\DBDrivers is just a helper. We cannot guaranty the drivers we provide with
TAFJ is working for all version of Database.

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following actions:

Create the T24 Manager Database Credentials

Create a JDBC Provider for TAFJ

Create a DataSource for TAFJ

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
must also define the following properties to identify your Oracle database and provide a user id
and password for authentication i.e. :






Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

%WAS_HOME%\bin\ wsadmin -lang jython -f

You can browse the administrative console to check this step has been correctly done.

Note: The property dbPwd is not correctly set, you have to run the administrative console to re-
enter it manually as shown below.

Security Global security Java Authentication and Authorization Service J2C

authentication data T24 database

password: *******
Click OK.

Click Apply then Click Save.

T24 DB2 database configuration

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following actions:

Create the T24 DB2 Database Credentials

Create a JDBC Provider for TAFJ

Create a DataSource for TAFJ

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
must also define the following properties to identify your DB2 database and provide a user id
and password for authentication i.e. :








Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

%WAS_HOME%\bin\ wsadmin -lang jython -f

You can browse the administrative console to check this step has been correctly done.

Note: The property dbPwd is not correctly set, you have to run the administrative console to re-
enter it manually as shown below.

Security Global security Java Authentication and Authorization Service J2C

authentication data T24 database DB2

password: *******
Click OK.

Click Apply then Click Save.

T24 MSSQL database configuration

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following actions:

Create the T24 MSSQL Database Credentials

Create a JDBC Provider for TAFJ

Create a DataSource for TAFJ

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
must also define the following properties to identify your DB2 database and provide a user id
and password for authentication i.e. :







Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

%WAS_HOME%\bin\ wsadmin -lang jython -f

You can browse the administrative console to check this step has been correctly done.
Note: The property dbPwd is not correctly set, you have to run the administrative console to re-
enter it manually as shown below.

Security Global security Java Authentication and Authorization Service J2C

authentication data T24 database MSSQL

password: *******

Click OK.
Click Apply then Click Save.

TAFJ Application deployment

TAFJ application deployment can be run automatically.

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following actions:

Deploy TAFJJEE_EAR.ear application

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
must also define the tafjHome as root folder to locate the applications to be deployed i.e. :


Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

wsadmin -lang jython -f

You have to stop and restart your server to start the applications.

Type the following command in the command line:

stopServer <your server name>

Type the following command in the command line:

startServer <your server name>

You can then browse the administrative console to check they have been correctly deployed and

Console Mode
You could also manually deploy or redeploy TAFJJEE_EAR.

Applications New Application New Enterprise Application

Select local file deployment option and the TAFJJEE_EAR.ear file under %
TAF_HOME%\appserver folder and click on next.

Select Detailed - Show all installation options and parameters.

Click Next.

Step 1: Let default values and click Next.

Step 2: Let default values and click Next.

Step 3: Let default values and click Next.

Step 4: add TAFJ shared libraries and T24 shared libraries

Finish the wizard letting the default value and clicking next.

Validate at the end of the installation processing that TAFJJEE_EAR.ear application was well

Click Save.

After the deployment

To avoid websphere classloading issue as websphere uses internally axis, a specific classloading
policy should be applied for the WAR class loader policy of TAFJJEE_EAR.

Select Class loader for each war file in application.

For the module TAFJServices.war, axis libraries have to be loaded from the application and not
from websphere libraries.

Select Classes loaded with local classloader first (parent last).

TAFJ servlets
TAFJJEE_EAR.ear file will set MDB (TAFJJEE_MDB.jar) and EJB (TAFJJEE_EJB.jar) to read
message from JMS Queues, call T24 and publish response in reply queues.

It also contains a war file to deploy helper servlet.


For more information please refer to the TAFJ-AS TAFJ documentation.

tDiag Servlet

TAFJJEE_WAR_TAFJ contains a servlet which could be used to get details about TAFJ


tShow Servlet

TAFJJEE_WAR_TAFJ contains a servlet which could be used to get compilation details about a
specific routine



to get details about JF.INITIALISE.CONNECTION

Execute Servlet

TAFJJEE_WAR_TAFJ contains a servlet which could be used to post message to the JMS queue


to post START.TSM submit START.TSM in the form.


The following properties need to be set correctly to run TAFJ within an application server
context. = false

Other TAFJEE functionalities

TAFJEE application offers many other functionalities like monitoring, changing log level, como
viewer please refer to TAFJ AS documentation for detailed information.

T24 Application deployment - BrowserWeb.war

T24 application BrowserWeb.war deployment can be run automatically.

The script is located at %TAFJ_HOME% \appserver\was\jython\

It will execute the following action:

Deploy Browserweb.war

Before running it you have to define some parameters such as node, cell and server name to set
the scope of the configuration in the %TAFJ_HOME%\appserver\was\jython\ file. You
must also define the browserWebHome as root folder to locate the Browserweb.war to be
deployed i.e. :


Launch the following command in the command line (refer to Environment configuration for
additional command parameters).

wsadmin -lang jython -f

You have to stop and restart your server to start the application. You can then browse the
administrative console to check it has been correctly deployed and started.

Console mode

You could also manually deploy or redeploy BrowserWeb.war.

With the admin console, under Applications\New Application\New Enterprise Application

Select local file deployment option and the browser.war file click on next
Select Detailed - Show all installation options and parameters.

Click Next.

Step 1: Let default values and click Next.

Step 2: Let default values and click Next.

Step 3: Let default values and click Next.

Step 4: Let default values and click Next.

Step 5: Let default values and click Next.

Step 6:

bind: jms/jmsConnectionFactoryto jms/t24ConnectionFactory

bind: queue/t24OFSQueueto jms/t24OFSQueue

bind: queue/t24OFSReplyQueue to jms/t24OFSReplyQueue

Step 7: Let default values and click Next.

Step 8:

Context Root : /BrowserWeb

Step 9: Let default values and click Next.

Click Next and Finish

Note: In the Enterprise Applications page, select BrowserWeb application and click on start.

Browser the URL : http://IP_Add:9080/BrowserWeb/servlet/BrowserServlet

Where IP_Add is the IP adresse of the WebSphere Server.

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