Hannah Lopez Updated Resume 6 1

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Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology Expected Graduation: May 2019
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE GPA:

Bachelor of Science in Education Graduation: May 2017

Endorsement in Speech-Language Pathology GPA: 3.96
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE

Practicum/Clinical Experiences
100+ hours of observation of teachers and speech language pathologists
Fall 2016
Collaborated with another undergraduate student in assessing, planning, and treating a client with an
articulation disorder in the UNO Speech-Language Hearing Clinic
Spring 2015
Collaborated with a general education teacher of sixth grade at Harrison Elementary
Gained experiences writing and implementing lesson plans
Worked one-on-one with students with special needs

Service Trips
Summer 2017
Volunteered at Give Kids the World Village in Orlando, Florida
Communicated with and assisted families there through Make-A-Wish with activities during their stay
Summer 2016
Volunteered and lived in South Africa for one month
Provided meaningful activities and played with infants recovering from illnesses

Service Learning
Spring 2016
Implemented language supporting activities with students at Blackburn Alternative High School
Communicated with the teacher, peers, professor, and students
Collaborated with teacher to contribute to curriculum
Fall 2015
Collaborated with a peer to create and present information on Speech-Language Pathology to a high school
Spring 2015
Studied early language development in children
Created a plan to facilitate language development
Met with a local parent to teach them how to implement that plan

University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE Fall 2015-present
Research Assistant
Administering the Infant Social and Communication Behavior Scales (ISCBS), Mullen Scale of Early Learning, and
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition on infants two months old to twelve months old
Recording and collecting data
Office of Civic and Social Responsibility | The Collaborative, UNO, Omaha, NE
October 2014-Present
Service Supervisor with Sustained Dialogue
Overseeing the Program Managers and helping them develop leadership skills
Working one-on-one with Sustained Dialogue to plan events with UNO students, serve as a trained moderator,
and facilitate dialogues
Leading volunteer events at UNO
Attended the National Impact Conference
Program Manager with Habitat for Humanity Council Bluffs
Collaborated with UNO and Habitat for Humanity
Worked one-on-one with volunteers in the ReStore
Created potential homeowner program materials
Program Manager with Omaha Northstar
Participated in administrative activities
Researched and organized donor information

Hillcrest Health Services May 2015-September 2015

Elder Assistant
Assisted the elders with activities of daily living and cleaning
Participated in activities to engage the elders
Created relationships with elders and coworkers

All Midlands Health Services May 2015-September 2015

Certified Nursing Assistant
Worked as needed to fill various CNA positions around the Omaha area
Gained experience working in hospitals and different nursing homes

Completely Kids November 2013-January 2015

Support Staff
Worked with at-risk children every day after school and during the summer
Wrote curriculum for other staff members to use
Trained new staff


Dance Marathon, Graduate Advisor (2017-present), Director (2016-2017)
Student Affairs Committee, Student Representative (2015-present)
National Student Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, UNO chapter
Fraternity and Sorority Life Service Trip, Co-Trip Leader (2016-2017)
Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, Vice-President (2016-2017)
Collegiate Panhellenic Council, Treasurer (2015-2016)
Gamma Delta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta, Activities Chairperson (2013-2014), Ritual Chairperson (2014-2015)
Fraternity and Sorority Life Legacy Award Recipient (2017)
Rodrigo and Mary Lopez Student Service and Leadership Award Recipient (2016)
Susan Buffett Scholarship Recipient (2013)
UNO Chancellors Scholarship Recipient (2013)
OPS Future Educators Scholarship Recipient (2013)

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