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4, JULY 1972

VIII. CONCLUSION [31 T. Chen and R. F. Bauer, On transient response of distributed

RC lines, presented at the 12th Midwest Symp. Circuit Theory,
Two approaches were combined in order to get an Univ. Texas, Austin, Apr. 1969.
J41 M. S. Ghausi and J. J. Kelly, Introduction to Distributed Param-
effective analysis scheme applicable for the calculation eter Networks. New York: Holt,, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.
of the frequency and time responses of general networks I31 M. S. Ghausi and G. J. Herskowrtz, The effect of shapmg and
loading on distributed RC networks, J. Franklin Inst., vol. 278,
containing nonuniform distributed elements. The non- pp. 108-123, 1964.
uniform lines are replaced by cascaded electrically uni- [61 R. Courant and D. Hilbert. Methods of Mathematical Phvsics.
vol. 1. New York: Interscience, 1953, pp. 407-4.12. .
form lines and the time response is computed by numeri- I71 E. N. Protonotarios and 0. Wing, Analysis and intrinsic proper-
cally inverting the Laplace transform. The theory was ties of the general nonuniform transmission line, IEEE Trans.
Micrwaue Theorv Tech., vol. MTT-15, pp. 142-150, Mar. 1967.
confirmed by calculating the a.pproximation to an ex- PI B. Ja. Levin, D&tribution of Zeros of Entire Functions, vol. 5,
ponential line, for which closed formulas are available. Translations of Mathematical Monographs. Providence, R. I.:
Amer. Math. Sot.,, 1964.
Both passive and active networks were considered. J91 E. N. Protonotarros and 0. Wing, Delay and rise time of arbi-
The methods given here can be easily applied to non- trary tapered RC transmission lines, IEEE Int. COW. Rec., pt.
7, pp. 1-6, 1965.
uniform LC lines as well, though it would not be pos- 1101I. I. Hirshman and D. V. Widder, The Convolution Transfornl.
sible to give simple bounds in the frequency and time Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 1955.
[Ill E. N. Protonotarios and 0. Wing, Computation of the step
domains. response of a general nonuniform RC distributed network,
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory (Corresp.), vol. CT-14, pp. 219-221,
111 L. P. Huelsman and W. J. Kerwin, Digital computer analysis 1121J. Vlach, Numerical method for transient responses of linear
of distributed-lumped-active networks, J. Solid-State Circuits, networks with lumped, distributed or mixed parameters, J.
vol. X-3, pp. 26-29, Mar. 1968. Franklin Inst., vol. 288, pp. 99-113, Aug. 1969.
PI a) E. N. Protonotarios and 0. Wing, Theory of nonuniform Jl31 -. Combuterized A~~oximation and Synthesis of Linear Net-
RC lines-Part I: Analytic properties and realizability condi- work;. New York: \GIey, 1969. - -
tions in the frequency domain, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, I141 K. Singhal and J. VIach,Program for numerical inversion of
vol. CT-14, pp. 2-12, Mar. 1967. the Laplace transform, Electron. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 413-415,
b) -, (Theory of nonuniform RC lines-Part II: Analytic July 1971.
properties in the time domain, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, [151 B. K. Kinariwala, Theory of cascaded structures: lossless trans-
vol. CT-14, pp. 13-20, Mar. 1967. mission lines, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 4.5, pp. 631-649, 1966.

A Computer Algorithm to Determine the Steady-State

Response of Nonlinear Oscillators

Abstract-In the computer-aided analysis of nonlinear auton- rithm represents a substantial step forward in the analysis of non-
omous oscillators, the steady-state periodic response is usually linear systems. In addition, the algorithm meshes easily with most
found by integrating the system equations from some initial state computer-aided circuit-analysis programs, and the initial iterates
until the transient response appears to be negligible. In lightly give information on the transient behavior of the circuit.
damped systems, convergence to the steady-state response is very
slow, and this integration could extend over many periods making INTRODUCTION
the computation costly. Also, one is never sure if a stable orbit
exists or if the response might eventually decay to a singular point. HE DETERMINATION of the periodic steady-
If a stable orbit does exist, sometimes it is difficult to determine state response of nonlinear systems, such as class-
the period T of the orbit. In this paper, a Newton algorithm is defined C amplifiers and oscillators, has been given much
which in the neighborhood of an orbit converges to it rapidly and consideration in the literature. In computer simulations,
gives a precise value for the period T of this oscillation. This algo-
present algorithms are required to analyze the dynamic
system from the initial state x0 at time to until the tran-
Manuscript received November 12, 1971. This work was sup- sient response becomes negligible. In lightly damped
ported in part by the National Science Foundation under Contract
GK-31633 and in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program systems, the analysis must extend over many periods,
(U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DAAB and the computational cost could be prohibitive.
07-67-C-01 19.
T. I. Aorille. Ir.. is with Bell Telephone Laboratories, North A Newton algorithm has been published [l], [2] for
Andover, Mass. 01845. the nonautonomous system \vhich predicts the periodic
T. N. Trick is with the Coordinated Science Laboratory, Uni-
versity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 61801. state w(ts) such that w(to) = w(t,+T), \vhore T is the

period of the steady-state response. This algorithm has Orlgmal Network Sensltlvity Model
been applied to several nonlinear circuits with periodic
inputs of period T and both stable and unstable steady-
state responses of period T. It has been shown that the
computational cost can be reduced significantly in
lightly damped systems. In this paper we will briefly
review the nonautonomous result before we show how
the result can be extended to include the autonomous
oscillator system.


Consider the system of equations

t = f(x, t) 0)
where x and f are n-vectors and f is periodic in t of --diL dvL
VL dxoi dxoj
period T, is continuous in t, x, and has a continuous Cc) *
L. _ . -
first partial derivative with respect to x for all x and XL = f,(i,) dX, df,
d iL
- ~0 <t < 00. Henceforth we will assume that (1) has a IL(t,) = iLo dxoj diL dX,i
periodic solution w(t) of period T. Our goal is to deter-
gpr= {A; ~~;i~;o
mine the periodic state w(0) such that integrating (1)
from the initial state w(0) over the interval [0, T] we Fig. 1. Branch constraints in the original network and the sen-
obtain the periodic solution w(l) of period T. This is sitivity model. (a) Resistor branch. (b) Capacitor branch.
(c) Inductor branch.
essentially a two-point boundary value problem in
which the solution to (1) in the interval [0, T] must
satisfy the boundary condition mork, it is not necessary to write the system equations
in the normal form (1) as indicated in [2]. One can
x(0) = x(T). (2) apply direct sensitivity methods [8] to compute (6).
With this approach one chooses the state vector x as
T the set of capacitor voltages and inductor currents. For
x(T) = f(x, T) 03 + x(O) (3) each initial state xoj we derive a sensitivity circuit
JO model for the determination of ax( T, xa)/axoj as follows.
we can express the above problem in terms of the If the original circuit has a resistive branch constraint
mapping in =~R(UR) (8)
x0 = E(x0) (4) then the branch constraint for the sensitivity circuit
where x0=x(O), E(xo) =Jrf(x, T) &+x0, and x(t) model is (see Fig. 1)
satisfies (1) for O<t 5 T. diR $fR aVR
- = --
One approach to finding the solution w. of (4) is by (9)
ax0j dvR "R(t) 'axoi '
means of the Newton iteration [3]- [6] :
Similarly, the capacitive branch constraint
xoi+l = xoi - [I - E,,(x~~)]-~[x~~ - E(xoi)]. (5)
qc = fc(vc> v&o> = UC0 (10)
From our &sumptions it follows that for a given initial
state xoi, the system of equations (1) has a unique becomes
solution xi(t), 0 5 t 5 T, and the derivative

WT; xo)
Ex,(xoi) = -~

exists. In fact, it can be shown

ax0 xoi
[2] that
z (to)
={t7 7

XOj #
= VcO


&,,(xoi) = @(T, 0; xoi) in the sensitivity model. These models, including the
inductor, are shown in Fig. 1. Note that for each xoI
where @(T, 0; xoi) is the state transition matrix of the there is a sensitivity circuit model whose solution in
equation of first variation along the trajectory x(t). [0, T] determines one of the columns of @[2, 0; ~0~).
If an implicit multistep formula [7] is used to obtain Hence, n+l analyses are required for each iterate where
a numerical approximation to x(t), 05 t 5 T, it has been n is the dimension of x0. Again, consideral)le savings
sl~own that a numerical approximation to @(T, 0; xoi) can be I;zade if one notes that in the application of an
can be obtained with little additional cost [2]. Further- implicit multistep method, the Jacobian is identical at

each step for each of these circuits, and only the forcing and define a new vector
vector changes. Thus the algorithm can easily be used
v = [x01, x02, . , XOLI, T, XO~+I, . . . , xo& (15)
with current circuit-analysis programs.
It should be pointed out that Director [9] has pro- Then we can write (14) as
posed an adjoint network approach to the evaluation of H(v) = 0 (16)
(6). However, this method does not appear to be com-
where H(v) = XO--(x0, T). The Newton iterates are
putationally as advantageous as the previous two
given by the expression
methods because the original equations must be inte-
grated in the forward direction and the trajectory ++1 = vi - [&I-H(vi) (17)
stored and the n adjoint networks necessary for the
where the Jacobian Bi=dH/&l V,Viand ~~~(0) =wok(0).
determination of (6) must be integrated in backward
iVote that for j#k,
Finally, sufficient conditions for the convergence of dH a
-= --
this algorithm have been reported [a]. The sufficient dVj
ax ho- Go, 01
conditions are that the initial and successive trajectories
x(t), 0 5 t 5 T, be in some E neighborhood of the periodic
solution w(t) and that the Jacobian Wxo, T)
= [%(Ti, 0; xoi)]j (18)
dXOj V,Vi
Ai = [I - E,,(x,+)] (12)
which is the jth column of the state transition matrix
be nonsingular in this neighborhood. Thus the algorithm of the equation of first variation about the trajectory.
can converge to an pnstable periodic solution w(t) and Also,
this has been verified [2]. Also, a bound on the trunca-
tion and roundoff error in the computation of the peri- = - f(xi(Ti)). (19)
odic state w(0) has been established which gives.some
useful results [2]. We conclude that

THE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM Bi = [wli, . . . , w-ii, -f(xi(Ti)), yk+li, . , w,] (20)

Consider the autonomous system where +ji is thejth column of [I-@(T, 0; xoi)].
In Appendix I it is shown that this algorithm will
t = f(x) (13) converge in the neighborhood of a stable orbit and the
period T. A bound on the truncation error is obtained
where x and f are n-vectors and f is continuous in x in Appendix II. These results lead us to the following
and has a continuous first partial derivative with re- algorithm.
spect to x, for all x. Again we assume that (13) has a Step 1
nonconstant periodic solution w(t) of period 7. Then For the given initial state xoi and period Ti, compute
w(t+c) is a solution of (13) for any constant c. Further- t-he solutiofi x(t) of (13) for 0 <t _< T.
more, r;(t) is a solution of the equation of first variation
Step 2
on the orbit w(t). Hence, @(T, 0; xoi) has one eigenvalue
Compute the state transition matrix @(Ti, 0; xoi) of
of unity [lo] w 111c. 11 makes the Jacobian (8) singular.
the equation of first variation on the trajectory xi(t, xoi).
Thus the Newton algorithm outlined in the previous
section will not work because 1) the Jacobian is singular Step 3
even on a stable orbit w(t) of (13), and 2) the period 1 In the convergence proof given in Appendix I, it is
is not known precisely. Next we define a modified shown that fk(xi(Ti)) must not equal zero. Therefore,
mapping and show that it converges in the neighbor- select k by \(f(xi(Ti))l/ =maxk Ifk(xi(Ti))) . Then let
hood of a stable orbit. wol; =xolii. Note that in this method, an initial k and
Define the two-point boundary value problem as wok are not required.
Step 4
x0 = qxo, T) (14) Form Bi and calculate vi+l from (17).
Step 5
where x(0)=x0 and @x0, T)=sr f(x) dtfx,,, T>O.
Return to step 1 with v i+1 and xOl;i+ =wok unless
Thus we have n equations (14) and n+l unknowns, w.
and T. However, recall that if w(t) is a periodic solution
of (13) of period T, then w(t+c) is also a periodic Step 6
soitition of (13) of period T. Thus any periodic state stop.
w(0) on the orbit w(t) will suffice as our initial point.
With this knowledge let LIS assume that wok(O) is kno\\-n


Usual Integration Newton Modified Method

computation computation
computation time to time to
time to obtain obtain
number obtain xp-l(p--l. xlm-yp--l.
of accurate i xoli and T 112 x~--l and ?m m xom-r) and P
variable digits cycles (seconds) iterates (seconds) iterates (seconds)
xoli or xlmel(Tm--l; xpel) 2 - 49 301 13 6 33
4 108 717 14 7 37
6 183 1083 15 8 42
Ti or T* 2 10 47
4 5: 3:: 13 61 i at
6 86 554 1.5 70 6 33

As a first example, the van der Pol equation
$1 = x2
22 = /.L(l - x12)22 - x1 (21)
with p= 0.01 was considered. First, the Newton algo-
rithm was run with xOro= 0.1, ~~~~~0.0, and T=6.283.
Convergence occurred in two iterations to the point
~er,~=O.l X 10mg, and wo2= 0.0, the origin, obviously an
unstable orbit (singular point) and demonstrating that
the Newton algorithm can converge to an unstable orbit.
A second starting point of xor= 1.0, xozo= 1.0, and
TO=9.425 was chosen, and the algorithm converged I
to wol = - 1.8792221, wo2= -0.68563713, and (4
T = 6.2857472, the stable orbit of period 2.
For comparison, the above equations were integrated
from the- same initial state xoio= 1.0 and xozo= 1.0 and
with k= 2 and wok(O) = -0.68563713. The period Ti i2 0.99 il
was determined as follows. For wOk=constant and
&(O)#O, the periodic soltuion w(t) must intersect the
hyperplane wok = constant in the state space x 2M times,
M a positive integer. In this example M= 1. Thus

T(xoi) = (time required for the solution ILA~(~) of

the initial value problem ri=f(u), u(O)
= uoi, and zloki= wok to take on the value
wok 2M times 1. (22)
The new state xoi+l is set equal to xi(Ti). This technique
corresponds to integrating the state equations for a (b)
number of cycles until the transient response decays Fig. 2. Transistor oscillator. (a) Circuits.
(b) Transistor model.
and is referred to as the usual integration method in
Table I.
Finally, a modified method was used to obtain w(t) As a final example, the periodic response and period
and T as follows. The state equations were integrated T of the transistor oscillator in Fig. 2 was computed.
for two cycles with Ti determined by (22), then the This circuit was analyzed with two of the above meth-
Newton algorithm was applied, the thought being that ods (the modified method excluded).
the initial transients might result in a poor initial In both algorithms, the initial starting point \vas
estimate of w(t). All three results are compared in Table x01 o=x~~=x~30=0, X~~~=~O.O, and T=O.OOO1, and
I. It is quite clear that for this problem, the modification both algorithms yielded the same convergent point,
was. quite successful, however, additional research is woi = 0.2417426, wo2 = - 0.01535934, wol = 0.01691009,
needed. wo4 = 10.00000, and T = 0.0001223024. A comparison of

TABLE [I There exists a nonsingular matrix P such that

\k=I-@=P-JP (A3)
Newton Algorithm Usual Integration
k=4 k=4, w,,~=10.000000 where,
time required time required
s-2 for m iterates i for i cycles
iterates IIv~*-611 (seconds) cycles Ijv-GII (seconds) (A4)
61 l.62X1O-6 327
i l.3oYJ
Ow5 122 :t 0.018X10-6 522
is of Jordan form. We see that one and only one eigen-
value of J is zero, with the corresponding eigenvector
the algorithms is. given in Table II. In Table II, f =f(wO), since
lb- $ II is the Euclidian norm of the difference between
*f=f-@f=f-r=o. (A3
the mth Newton algorithm iterate and the convergent
point $. The quantity ]/Vi---811 is also the Euclidean
norm where Vi was determined by the usual integration Theorem
method with k = 4. The nXn+1 matrix [q tf] has n independent col-
CONCLUSION Proof: 1) \E has n- 1 independent columns, since
A Newton algorithm has been proposed for the de- only one eigenvalue of + is zero by hypothesis. 2)
termination of the periodic response and the period of [\k if], therefore, has rank n unless there exists a y such
oscillators. In lightly damped systems, the examples that \kr = f. 3) \Ef = 0 implies
have shown that this algorithm converges quickly to a
JPf = 0 W)
periodic solution which may or may not be an asymp-
totically stable orbit. A unique advantage of this thus
algorithm is that it computes the period T of an oscil-
Pi = keb (A7)
lator very precisely. It is believed that further modifica-
tion of this algorithm will make it an effective tool in where k is a nonzero constant, the vector eb has a 1 in
the design of oscillator circuits. row b and zeros elsewhere, and b corresponds to the
column of J which contains all zeros. 4) Since a y is
APPENDIX I desired such that
*y = f 648)
this implies that
The autonomous system (13) with n-vectors x and f
is assumed to have the following properties: 1) f(x) is JPy = Pf = keb. (A9)
continuous in x for all x; 2) df/dx is continuous and uni-
formly bounded for all x; and 3) there exists a periodic Equation (A9) contradicts our assumption, since row
solution w(t) to (13) of period T which is asymptotically b of JPy=O. Thus [\k;f] must have rank n. From (AS)
we have
orbitally stable, i.e., only one eigenvalue of @(T, 0; WO)
= 1, and all other eigenvalues have magnitudes less than fl\kl+ fz\E2 + . . . + f?l9n =. 0. (AlO)
one [lo], [l l]. Conditions 1) and 2) imply that there
exists a unique continuous solution x(t; x0) to (13) which Thus the nonzero fj give the linear dependence of \E.
is continuous in x0 [ll]. Also G(T, 0; x0) is continuous Choose k such that fk#O. Then B(8), where the caret
with respect to x0. denotes that v is constructed of the periodic point values
Since the system is autonomous, w(t), the derivative wo and T and has n linearly independent: columns SO
of the periodic solution of the system of first variation that [B(G)]- exists. Let
on the orbit w(t) [lo], satisfies (All)
IImwll = 6.
k(t) = aqt, 0; wo)w(to) (Al) B(8) is continuous in w. and T since @ and fare con-
tinuous in these quantities. Thus for all E >0 there
exists an open ball S,, center 9, and radius r,>O such
I&) = f(w(T)) = f(wg) = +(T, 0; wo) f(wO). (A2)
Ilm - m9II < E 6412)
Thus f(wo) is an eigenvector of @(T, 0; wo) correspond-
ing to the unique eigenvalue of unity. Let us now show for all vES,. If e is chosen such that ~6 < 1, then from
that the Jacobian (20) is nonsingular for some integer K. the perturbation lemma 163, [B(V)]- exists for all

v in S, and odic point wo, one can always perturb wo and integrate
the system equations for several periods, or find the
(A13) eigenvalues of. @(T, 0; wo) *

With the smoothness conditions assumed on f(x) it
follows that [x0-x(T; x0)] =sr f(x) dr is Frechet dif-
ferentiable with respect to 8. Thus at P, for all a>0 Let w(t) be the periodic solution of (13) of period Tt
there exists an open ball S,, center 9, and radius rr > 0, and let we(t) be the computed periodic solution of (13)
such that for all v in S, we have of period Tc. For simplicity assume that the backward
Euler formula is used to compute we(t); then the error
11[x0 - x(v)] - [wo - x(@l - fw)[v - OIlI at the i+l step is
5 /Iv - i+ (A14)
Ei+l = Wi+l t - Wi+l


x(v) A x(T; x0) XOk = wok. (Al3 =[I-h:lwi+:l -[ci + Ti - Ri] (A21)

Next we will show that the Newton iterates converge where Ti is the truncation error andRi is the roundoff
for a point v sufficiently close to P. error. Assum.e that Ri= 0; h is chosen so that n = Tc/h
is an integer. Then
The point t which is a solution of H(O) =wo % = wy2-q - w(P)
-w(T; wo) ~0 is a point of attraction of the mapping = M, . . . Mleo + M, . . . M1To

v = G(v) + M, . . . MzTl + . . . + M,Tn-l (A221

where G(v)&v- [B(v)]-[x0-x(v)], i.e., there exists a where Mi= [I- h(df/dx) 1w,c]-l and M, . . . Ml
ball S with center 0 and radius r >0 such that for all =W(T, 0; wOC)=at(Tt, 0; wo). Again using the back-
ViES, the point vi+ES where vi+l = G(vi) and ward Euler formula we obtain
limi,, Vi = P. wt(Tc) = ~~(2) + (T - Tt)f(w(T)) + 6, (A23)
Proof: Choose u, c, and the ball S such that
P(a+c) < 1, ~8 < 1, SCS,, and SCS,. We can write where 6, is small for Tc- Tt small, which implies

llG(v) - G(S)11 = /Iv - [B(v)]-[x0 - x(v)] - tll. (A17) E, = Wt(Tt) - w(T) + (T - 7yf(w(T)) + 61
= J/f, . . . M,(wt(0) -we(O)) + M, . . . MlTo
Let Q= [B(V)]-, where /IQ/\ <P for all vE.5. The fol-
lowing equation is equivalent to (A17) : + M, . MzTl + . . . + M,T,-1. (~24)

l/W) - W>ll = j[QQ-*(v - 3) - Q[xo - X(V)] Now since wc(Tc) =we(0)+& and wt(T1) =wt(0) we
+ Q[B(P)](v - 0) - Q[B(O>](v - 0)
[I - M, . . . M1][wyO) - w(O)] + (T - Tl)f(w(T))
+ Q(w0 - x(+)11. 6418)
= M, . MlTo + . . . + M,T,-1 - 61 - 82. (A29
Thus grouping the second, third, and fifth terms to-
With the constraint z&(O)k =wc(0)k we obtain a meaning-
gether and likewise the first and fourth we obtain
ful error given by
lIG(v) - G(Q)Ij 5 P(u + e)[lv - 911 W9)
[B(v)][P - PC] = M, . . . MIT0 + . . .
where P(u+E) < 1 for all v in S. Since P(u+E) < 1 and + M,T,+I - 61 - 82. (A26)
lIvi+l - 811 = llG(vi) - G(O)11 5 P(c + c)Ijvi - 911 (A20) Solving for [OL-CC] and assuming the product of Mi on
then viES implies that vi+lEs; furthermore, the right-hand side ,of (A26) all equal to 1 we obtain
limi,- vi = t. This completes the proof of convergence
in the neighborhood of 3.
One should note that one of the assumptions was that
the periodic solution w(t) be asymptotically orbitally If the Newton algorithm converges, & is generally
stable. This was a sufficient condition for the existence quite small, e.g., &=PXlO--? on the CDC 1604 com-
of the inverse of B(3). However, as in the nonauton- puter, which is a 48-bit machine. The error formula
omous case, it is possil)le for the Newton algorithm to (A27) implies that the product of the norm of the in-
converge to a periodic point which is not asymptotically verse of the Jacobian with the truncation error must be
orbitally stable. To determine the stability of the peri- kept small, or else large numerical errors can occur [2].

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Formulas for the El ements of Lossy Low-Pass

Ladder Networks

Abstract-Realizability conditions for low-pass ladder networks lossy with Q values not necessarily equal. The element
containing inductances and capacitances with losses not necessarily values are expressed in terms of the Taylor coefficients
uniform are presented. Explicit formulas for the element values are
derived in terms of the Taylor coefficients and also in terms of the
and in terms of the numerator and denominator coeffi-
coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of the cients of the driving-point impedance. Necessary and
driving-point function. Using these formulas, necessary and sufficient sufficient coefficients for the Taylor coefficients and the
conditions for the driving-point function are obtained. In addition numerator and denominator coefficients of the driving-
the relation between poles and zeros of Su and the Taylor coefficients point impedance are presented. The Taylor coefficients
of the driving-point function are derived. From these relations the
element values can be calculated from a knowledge of the poles and
are expressed in terms of the poles and zeros of the
zeros of SI1. The results presented constitute a generalization from source-port reflection coefficient &I. By using these
the lossless to the more practical lossy low-pass ladder network. relations the network elements can also be expressed in
terms of the poles and zeros of Sn. The results derived
here can be extended to lossy networks which are ob-
N THE RE.ALIZATION of lossy filters the stan- tainable by means of frequency transformation [5].
dard procedure is to transform the problem to the
realization of a precorrected lossless filter [l ]- [4].
But precorrection suffers from a disadvantage in that TAYI.OR~ERIES COEFFICIENTS OF THE
it is applied either to the transmission coefficient S12 or DRIVING-POINT IMPEDANCE
to the reflection coefficient Sn but not to both. The re- Let S12(p) =K/ [ n;=l(~-Xj)] be the transmission
sult is that the network function \vhich is not precor- coefficient of the lossy low-pass ladder network shown
rected deteriorates. In this paper we present a solution in Fig. 1. Let Sll(p)= [IT~=l<p-~~)]/[II~=l(~-~,>]
to the realization problem of a restricted class of lossy be the reflection coefficient at the source port. Since the
networks without the use of precorrection. network is passive it follows that [6]
The class of networks considered here are lossy low-
/ Sll(jW) 12 5 1 1 Slr(jw) I2 5 1 - m < w < cc) (la)
pass networks with all the trarismission zeros at infinity.
The inductances and capacitances are assumed to be and

1 Sll(jw) I? + /SIC($) I3 I 1 - 00 < w < ~0. (lb)

Manuscript received November 5, 1971; revised February 14,
1972. This work was supported in part by the National Research If the two-port is lossy, the inequality sign holds at all
Council under Grant A3813. A portioll of this paper was presented
under a different title at the International Symposium on Circuit finite frequencies. The poles of Sri(p) are the same as
Theory, Los Angeles, Calif., April 1972. those of .5&(p). The zeros of .Sll(p) can be specified
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. independently of S12(p) as long as (1) is satisfied. Later

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