Beware It Can Happen To You!!!

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It can happen with you

I was on my way back to home from college in an overcrowded bus yesterday. It was jam packed
to an extent that you could easily guess the brand name of the deodorant your fellow passenger
had used, moreover in order to crawl inside the bus you need to first search your legs

OK I know I just cracked one of the worst P.J………………….Well let me come to the focal point of
my blog then.

The bus was full but still there were only very few sounds you could hear but yeah those very
few sounds were of 1990`s Kumar Shanu`s heartbreak songs which was played on the music set
sponsored by our neighbor…….any guesses????????? Well no prize for guessing, it’s CHINA…..
Suddenly a roaring sound of slap echoed in the bus. In a flash the scene changed, music
stopped……..all I could see was a 19 year or probably much younger than that, boy lying down
and begging mercy as he was bitten badly by passengers of the bus. I was taken aback and then I
asked the person standing beside me that what happened just then. He said that the guy teased
a lady who was sitting there. I looked at the lady and she must be around 45 I guess. Now in the
meanwhile, in all these mess another lady who was standing beside that guy came to his rescue
giving an argument that it wasn`t boy`s fault as he fell over that lady because he lost his balance.

Before I could see the climax of the story bus reached my stop and I had to miss that high
voltage drama. I was disappointed but I had no other way out except going back to my home.
But this incident forced me to think about that boy, in fact not only him but many of the
innocent guys who are victimized in the name of eve teasing. Now the question is “ Who is the
victimizer?” Well! My answer will be “FEMINIST PSYCHOS”…….I know it’s a new term for you all
but when I thought of naming such species then this title suited my purpose best.

Feminist Psychos are over enthusiastic feminists!!! They can find anti feminist strands in any
issue. You name them and they will give a feminist dimension to it. Obsession with television
serials where female gender is oppressed by none other than their own gender may be one of
the biggest reason behind such bent of mind. Well I have few do’s and dont’s to safeguard guys
like us from Feminist Psychos

 Don’t go near a girl at lonely places like park,bus stand etc. Maintain minimum 5meter
 Always stand in between males in a queue
 Avoid standing near females in any public transport
 Buy three tickets even if you are going to watch a movie alone…I mean buy adjacent
seat’s ticket as well
 Never wear dark shades sun glass in public
 Maintain 100 mts distance if you see a girl driving
 Never use your camera cell phone where there are females………even if its for calling
 Never ever smile in public, it may be can be mistaken

Ah! List is endless but we all know that precaution is better than cure………..I am not against eve
teasing or supporting it. All I am trying to convey is that sometimes issues are exaggerated too
much. I am not saying that teasing is nonexistent. But I am sure this is not happening to such an
extent that these attention seeking feminist psychos think. I hope I will not be the next victim
and you guys take care as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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