Research Planning Background: Ananta Galih Nusantara / 2314100052 / Teknik Kimia

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Ananta Galih Nusantara / 2314100052 / Teknik Kimia

Research Planning


Students are people who study in purpose to collect many knowledges, so that they can
change the face of the world into the bright future. Students have a big responsibility to make a
wonderfull world. To make all of it become true, students must know how they place theirselves
in the right place. Students must do this thing to avoid the danger from many factors. One of the
dangerous factor is cigarette. When students start to smoke a cigarette, they also start to destroy
theirselves. Destroying their health and their mind. The negative effects of cigarette use go well
beyond health problems. Students who smoke a cigarette is also associated with mental health
issues, lower academic performance, high-risk drinking, drug use, and high-risk sexual behavior.

Cigarette is a big bomb which place this world in danger. If students always smoke and
smoke a cigarette, they will become lazy and if they become lazy, who will build this world?
Based from this serious problem, I will research why student smoke a cigarette.

Research Problems

1. Why do students start to smoke?

2. What factor that make students hard to stop their activity in smoking a cigarette?
Significance of The Research

Students fell fear to smoke a cigarette because of its negative effects.

Students that have already smoked a cigarette stop to do that again.

Research Method

I will share many question forms to many students in ITS Surabaya. The question forms
contain the questions from research problems. I also will interview some students (2-3) in purpose
to get a direct information. From this section, I can face to face understand their problems in
stopping smoke a cigarette.

Key Reference

Rodney M. Coe, PhD and Jerome D. Cohen, MD. Cigarette Smoking among Medical
Students. Public Health Briefs, 169-171. Retrieved from

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