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Name(s): Sla Karpat

Deniz Akyel
Small Group - Play Integrated Math Activity
Unit Title
Shapes (Circle)
Grade Level
48-60 Months
60 minutes
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
The 4 year olds will identify the circle shape, describe its characteristics and compare circle
to square and triangle with 85% accuracy.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
The square, triangle, and circle shaped materials that the teacher brings to the classroom
3 boxes for the game
Classroom Materials
Prezi Presentation:
Animoto Video:

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and

Teacher-directed: Presentation
Child-directed: Games

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require
Learner Participation)]
After teacher introduces circle shape to children by using materials and Animoto video, she
uses a Prezi presentation which includes circle, square and triangle shapes. This
presentation focuses more on circle and its characteristics while also makes children
remember square and triangle shapes.

Individual Learning Activities -

Group Learning Activities Children find the hidden materials shapes as

triangle, circle and square when the music
plays and put them into the related boxes as a

Teacher introduces the circle shape to the children. They do some discussion about the
characteristics of circle. For example, it has no edges. She shows a video made with
Animoto. This video includes many pictures of circle shaped materials. Then, the teacher
shows the presentation to the children and children find a chance to internalize the circle
shape while finding a chance to compare circle with square and triangle so that they can
practice all of the shapes. After practicing the shapes, teacher tells children that they are
going to play a game. She says I hid some triangle, circle and square shapes in the
classroom. You will find them as groups while the music is playing and put them into the
related boxes and when the music stops, you will freeze. After the game is over, children
discuss about the characteristics of these shapes one more time.

Measurement & Evaluation

Assessment Questions:
Descriptive Questions:
What was the game that we played?
Which materials did we find in the classroom?
Questions related to objectives:
Which shape did we learn today?
What are the differences between triangle, circle and square?
Affective Questions:
How did you feel while you were playing the game?
Quiz made with Google Forms:

Measurement & Assessment Activities -

for Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities After the game is over, each group will talks
for Group Performance about their shapes and their characteristics. For
instance, triangle group talks about triangle.
Then, they do the quiz together.

Homework (optional) -

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
If the internet does not work in the class, teacher can print the quiz for the children. Also,
he/she can show the presentation and the video which are downloaded before from his/her

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