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The Goshorns Step by Step

June 2017
Were So Blessed
There is no way of saying this, except we are
very sorry for being so late with our newsletter. Weve
never gone two months without one. Thankfully, we
spent 49 days in the states speaking but unfortunately,
time got away from us.

While we were in the states we were blessed

by several people who are going to support a couple
of kids from the orphanage as they prepare to leave
the orphanage and attend college. We also received
Jennifer jumped back into the prison
donations for more Spanish Bibles and Audio Bibles.
ministry and next year she will have four additional
We let everyone know that we are in our 5th year in
women ministering with her. Early in May,
the field and plan on staying in Peru indefinitely.
Katherine was the maid of honor in a Peruvian
Another blessing was that our Peruvian team wedding and recently finished her first year of High
continued the programs effectively. We are now in the School. Matthew and his girlfriend are now in Peru
process of growing our Peruvian team and exploring visiting until July and Daniel and Audrey will be
more opportunities. Jennifer was asked to help out in here shortly for 2 weeks. We are treasuring this
another orphanage which she will do on Fridays. I put time that our family will be together.
together a group of men who are willing to join me
As you can see, a lot is going on and we
two nights a week making home visits to some of the
truly need you to be in prayer for us and our
fathers of the children in our feeding programs. These
Peruvian team. Please consider supporting us
men have told their children that they do not believe
financially and sending a team next year. The last
anything in the Bible is true. Their children are not
page of this newsletter will explain how to go
permitted to attend church but, thankfully theyre
about this.
allowed to attend our program. Our goal is to build
relationships and eventually share scripture. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS.

We humbly thank you for your continued

prayers and financial support. If you havent
yet, we ask that you would prayerfully
consider financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners this
ministry can not continue to grow. We love
you all and thank you for being part of Gods
work in Peru.

A local church we work with asked Jennifer if we could have the kids from one of our programs
perform a dance at the churchs anniversary celebration. We had just returned from the states, so we had
very little time. We informed Katherine that the kids needed to perform a dance and she got busy working
with them. The day came for the performance and we arrived with time to practice. Being in Peru we
never expected the program to start on time, and we were correct. First, we had to walk down the road
from the church to eat and meet various pastors including one from Brazil. I was getting a little impatient
because it is now 2 hours past the time we were told the kids would preform and they were getting
restless. When we returned to the church there were around 400 people there. But, the performance did
not start then either. The church caught us by surprise and presented us with a gift thanking us for being
part of their history and for helping in the community. Needless to say I felt a little bad for my impatience.
Finally, Katherine and the kids performed their dance and it all went great. We feel so very loved by the
Peruvians and I sometimes wonder whos blessing who. Learning to have patience, especially with time, is
definitely something the Lord is teaching me. I cant thank the Lord enough for showing me that I dont
have to be in control because Hes got this.

2 Corinthians 12:12 The signs of a true apostle were performed among you with utmost patience,
with signs and wonders and mighty works.
Page 3 The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
Continued physical, emotional and Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding
spiritual protection. programs
Additional financial and prayer Prayers that relationships at the
support, orphanage will grow.

Discernment as we continue to Prayers that discipleship groups

explore ministry opportunities. will grow and spread the word of
Travel mercies in Peru and for our
children visiting this summer. Prayers for prison ministries
Prayers for the home visit ministry
Jennifers mom Joan as she battles
cncer. Praises for our Peruvian team.

Prayers for parenting from a

We are thankful for the support od Mark 16:15
the body of Christ.
distance. He said to them, Go into all the
We are thankful for our health.
world and preach the gospel to all
Prayers for Daniel, Matthew and
Audrey while they live in the U.S.

God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods Kingdom
in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at: and go to give to a missionary and use our
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

Please help by sharing this with

whomever you wish.

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