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Tugas Kuliah Anak

Nama: Edwinantha Rama

NRP : 1410211171

Iris Atrophy, Cataracts dan Hipotony Following Pheriperal Ablation for Thershold
Retinopaty of Prematurity

A 592-g baby was born after a gestational period of 24 weeks 6 days. At 8 weeks of age
(33 weeks' PCA) the patient was diagnosed as having stage 3 threshold ROP. The patient received
confluent laser treatment for both eyes and developed bilateral hyphemas and cataracts. Partial
lensectomies were performed when the baby was 12 weeks old.

The patient was referred to William Beaumont Hospital for evaluation. The right eye was soft with
evidence of iris atrophy and had large lens pearls, which reduced the view of the posterior pole.
The left eye had a normal IOP and anterior segment. Fundus examination demonstrated attached
retina and suggested regression of ROP. The patient underwent a vitrectomy, membrane peeling,
and removal of retained lens materials in both eyes. Subsequent follow-up examinations showed
both eyes to be phthisical.

Deskripsi kasus

Hubungan dengan prematuritas adalah terdapat beberapa kasus kelahiran premature

dengan adanya ROP (retinopathy of Prematurity). ROP timbul akibat adanya imaturitas
pembentukan mata yang menyebabkan gangguan pada retina. Kejadian ini sering timbul di
trimester 1 atau 2. Pada penelitian di atas di kemukakan adanya terapi ROP yaitu Exocyrotherapy
yang merupakan terapi dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi dengan kemudahan terapi
dibandingkan cryotherapy.

Terapi tersebut dapat menimbulkan komplikasi berupa Atrofi Iris, Katarak dan Hipotoni,.
kejadian komplikasi ini merupakan insidensi yang rendah dibandingkan dengan keberhasilan
Terapi Exocyrotherapy.

Penatalaksanaan (Secara Singkat)

Terapi ROP:



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