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Sophia Gonzalez

Ms. Britt & Ms. Regina

9th grade

December 15, 2016

Design Proposal Reflection

This was just a couple of paragraphs that explained who were were, what our

space/design was, an what fundraiser we were going to do. We had to explain how we were

dedicated and how this school is different. This also had what our space was and what we were

designing. We also had to explain how we would fund and how it would relate to our artist. This

all had to be from the artist and what he wanted for the space.

Something that I would revise is that since we did this as a group I didnt write that much

so I would have liked to write more. I could have written more stuff about who we were and

what our purpose was. I also didnt really understand the funding part, so I would have liked to

research more on that. I feel like I could have written more. I just would have liked to take more

time to figure out how we were going to do this.

Something that I would have pushed myself in would have to be researching more about

grants. I would have liked to research more about the grant process to see what grants we could

have used. I would have also like to write more about what we do as ninth graders. I could have

written what we like to do and how we are dedicated to this project. I feel like I could have

pushed myself more on how to design the space more too.

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