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*Times New Roman, 12 point font, bold.

Single spaced paragraphs and one space in

between paragraphs, as well as top and bottom line.

Ms. Britts Example

At this moment, I am someone who is always

thinking and waiting for the next big idea to spring
into my head. At this moment, I am a 9th grade
teacher who feels the energy and enthusiasm of her
students. At this moment, I realized I am blessed
because the excitement running through my body is
something that becomes more scarce as I travel up the

At this moment I see faces, past and present,

who know me and I know them. At this moment I feel
insecure and unsure of myself because every step and
misstep I take is looked at under a magnifying glass.
At this moment I feel the pressure of making this first
year of high school memorable for all of my students.
At this moment, I am a 9th grade teacher who lives in
a perpetual cycle of rites of passage that I witness,
laugh over, cry over and grapple with all in 9 months.
9th grade, 9 months, the power of the number 9 and its
divisibility of 3...3 is a perfect number and it gets 3
chances to divide itself by 3. There must be something
magical about 9th grade. There must be something
that keeps me coming back for more all of these years.

At this moment, I am a teacher, a coach, a lover

of knowledge and a motivator to my students who
ironically enough are the ones who keep me motivated.

Guys Essay
At this moment, I am a teenager with feelings of
all sorts. Many have asked to explain them but I cant
I feel sad not because I am but my body wants me to
be. I feel sad for not the reasons that exist in our world
but instead my brain and the way it works causes these
emotions and I cant help but when I am sad like this
to feel like I need a reason to be sad, yet this never
discourages me. I instead use it as encouragement it
moves me it manifests itself in the form of stories
twistedworlds and the inhabitants just as twisted as
their worlds the darkness that shrouded them the
stories. I also translate this depression into what I
consume the stories I read the games I play as I enjoy
Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Dark Souls 1-3, some
smaller amater free writing pieces, and smaller amater
video games. But these stories and games encourage
me to share mine make what I wish to make the stories
that I make so that one day I can inspire and I can
create fascinate others with my worlds ponder the
twisted terms and how it would be like to live there be
there and take a walk in that land.

At this moment, I am a teenager with dreams.

That one day I can share these worlds and lands and
places for what they are. I dream to be able to inspire
others to do the same as I have been inspired. I dream
that I can learn to make, write, create, these worlds
and how to do it professionally. I dream that I can do
this while being payed for it as I have payed others for
theirs and at this moment this is what I dream
however far from now how ever confused I may be by
complex coding and its jargon however confusing,
frustrating, mind blowing, annoying, and just hard
these dream hard to accomplish these are my dreams.
But they are just dreams and however much I try I
could just end in a dumb job in a office my dreams
never found and my thoughts forgotten I could just
think of myself as a stupid kid dreaming about stupid
stuff wanting to become something I am not. But thats
not going to stop me.
Yasmins Essay

At this moment, I am a girl that needs her

family as much as she needs oxygen. I am a person
that can smile forever with no regret. I am a teen that
finds beauty and pleasure in listening to music. I am a
learner that wants to grasp all new information and
never let it go. I am a friend that is trustworthy and
loyal. I am a musician who is soft but powerful. I am a
student that wants to see her peers succeed and grow. I
am an enthusiastic writer that wants to always be
detailed, clear, and imaginative. I am an athlete that is
ecstatic about working out and improving.

I am a artist that can draw mandalas till the led

breaks. I am a crafter/reducer/reuser/recycler that can
make wallets out of duct tape, vases out of wine
bottles, calendars out of paint swatches, candles out of
old crayons, purses out of Capri Sun pouches, magnets
and pins out of bottle caps, bulletin boards out of wine
corks, chalkboards out of a old frame,pencil pouches
out of candy wrappers, inspiration board out of old
magazine clipping, and more. I am a person that
always wants creative freedom. I dont want anyone to
set my limits or to tell me what I can and cant do. I
am a thinker that comes up with new patterns and
designs to make my work interesting and unique. At
this moment, I am a girl with dreams and desires to do
the impossible and make a difference in this world.

Xanders Essay
At this moment, I am someone who is constantly
thinking about what ill do next. I never am not
wondering what I should do next. I'm always ready for
a challenge but always too lazy to challenge myself.
But im still always learning, discovering, and
exploring new things.

In this generation i'm able to learn new things

and find out what's going on in the world around me.
The big questions i'm constantly presented with, by
myself and other are; What do I do in the future? Who
will I be when I grow up? Will I travel? With all these
thoughts circling in my head, all I can say to them is I
don't know. All I know right now is that I have to be
my best me. I have to push myself to succeed. Even if
that means I have to leave friends, miss birthday
parties, or stay after school. I have to do it. I am, and I
will be a successful student, no matter how many years
it takes, if or if i'm not surrounded by friends, I know I

At this moment I am, a student, a peer, a

skeptic, a brother, a carrier of knowledge. Im a soon
to be big brother, I am me.

Tamaras Essay
At this moment, I am a 9th grade student trying
to do all my work and have good grades. At this
moment, I am a girl who likes to go to parties and have
a lot of fun. At this moment, I am a girl who loves to be
with her family and spend time with them. At this
moment, I am very hungry.

At this moment, I am thinking about what to

write because I dont have any idea what to write. At
this moment, I am a girl who is 14 years old. At this
moment, I am a girl who goes to church every Sunday.

At this moment, I am a girl who loves to go to

shopping. At this moment, I am a girl that is doing her
prep work. At this moment, I am in my grandmother's
house. At this moment, I am very sleepy. At this
moment, I am watching Netflix. At this moment, I am
in my pjs. At this moment, I am finishing my prep
Sydneys Essay

At this moment I am staring at the blank page

looking back at me in dismay. The whispers in my
head tell me Im not good enough. With all the
inspiration around me and the thoughts going through
me head, nothing is transferring from my mind to my
fingertips. And I look back and again the blank page
mocks me. I am ashamed. Why cant I write? What is
stopping me?

As I look around to see the other students, I

notice their eyes shining brilliantly at the computer
screen. Their hands moving swiftly across the
keyboard. Back and forth and back and forth. I have
so much to offer the world, but the communication is
lost, along with the mystery and wonder of who I am
and what I want to become. I know I am confident in
my abilities as a writer. I know that if I work hard
enough my dream come true, someday. But what does
keeping my ideas to myself, do? Nothing. I want to
make an impact, a difference. I want someone to read
one of my pieces and be inspired to make a change or
create beauty in a world that is unsure of it wants.

Writing has beauty and uniqueness to it. It has

the ability to never stop influencing. So as I look back
to my blank paper, I am no longer stumped. I no
longer have to keep all of the ideas and thoughts in my
head. Seamlessly, they pour out like a waterfall into
the sea of ideas only I have access to. And I sit in awe
of myself and contemplate what I have created.
Elijahs Essay

At This moment, I am At this moment, I am

ready to end the school year year. At this moment, I
have a ear infection I think that I will pass all of my
class. At this moment, I am study for my tests and
quiz. At this moment, I will ask teacher for help and
questions. At this moment I will stay after school to
finish all of my homework. At this moment, I will take
notes for all of my class to study. At this moment I will
finish the school year strong.

At this moment, I am a freshmen at High Tech

High. At this moment, I am I feel nervous for this
school. At this moment, I have the best teachers in this
school and my advisory teachers. At this moment, I
think I will do in this school for 4 years. At this
moment, I am struggling to read and write. At this
moment, I am finish all of my protects at home. At this
moment, I am will not ask for my parents for help.

At this moment, I am be ready to finish this

school strong. My teachers you are my best hope at
this school.

Isa Flowers Essay

At this moment I am a, daughter,
granddaughter, sister, cousin, student a learner. At
this moment I have so many emotion and feelings. Im
sad, mad, happy, excited, nervous. I feel confident but
also self conscious, but what girl doesn't feel that
way. I have so many emotions and feelings that are
bottled up and I don't know what to do with those
emotions to keep them in or to let them out, and if I let
them out then to who ?

I have so many things on my mind and i'll be

honest, school, family, friends - (DRAMA), boys,
United - soccer. School soccer thats on the top of my
list that i'm stressed out about and nervous about. If I
will make the varsity or jv or not, and if I make the
varsity im going to play against seniors. I'm so scared
about that because if I play against seniors that means
i'll have a team with seniors and i'm nervous if im not
going to be good enough. But i'm also really excited for
that challenge that i'm going to face.

Ikers Essay
At this moment I am a boy that is very clumsy
when it comes to impressing someone. I try to make
good choices but i still get pulled in by the bad ones.
One who is insecure of talking to a girl or even to his
own friends. I am someone who came from a loving
family and a home that always had a plate of food on
the table. I realize that the actions my parents took
when I was a toddler has made me into who I am right
now. My mother taking me across the bridges where
cars would pass on the freeway below, created the
passion I have for cars. I am someone who loves school
ever since I touched my first book when I was 6
months old.

At this moment I am trying to keep a 4.0 G.P.A

in order to make myself feel accomplished and my
family happy. I am lucky enough to have a dad that
trusts me to work at his business saturdays. There
must be something special here because I have gained
more talking skills here than I have at school. I am
now 14. I am very fortunate to be sharing the same
birthday as my father. 14 divided by 2 is 7, being the
number people I have to make me laugh when I feel

At this moment I am trying to take advantage

of my childhood. I am trying to enjoy not having big
responsibilities, except doing my school work and a
couple of chores. I am only trying my best to set a good
patch for my future. To have many doors open in my
life. All I need to get motivated is my family.

Davids Essay

At this moment I am David Hernandez, a normal

person like all of you who just loves to live life. I am
normal like all of you, though everyone is different in
one way, shape or form. Im going to explain who I am
right now as a person. At this moment, I am a duelist
in this card game called Magic The Gathering which is
a fun game I like to play because it really brings out
my best strategies in just one duel I play because Im
trying to make the best deck to counter other cards
and I dont know my foes cards. At this moment, I am
a nice caring person who loves to help people in one
way or in different ways. For example, at my last
school there was this program called reading buddies
which was when the older kids help the little kids love
to read, understand why reading is important, and
help them get good at reading. I also like to compare
myself to this card called Scorchwalker in Magic The
Gathering because his special ability is sacrificing
himself to make others stronger.

At this moment, I am a person who really loves

basketball. My passion for basketball is great because
everyday I want to go to a park to play basketball, but
I cant all the time. I really love basketball because it
brings out every talent that was hidden inside me and
it just starts awakening me to try my best no matter
what! At this moment, I am a person who loves the
Green Bay Packers. I think they are the best football
team because when they play they dont always play to
compete, they play to win and have fun out there. Also
my favorite player Aaron Rodgers is on the team and
he is the reason why everytime I play football I want to
play quarterback all the time and I always practice my
throws. At this moment, I am a person who is always
living and trying to live life to the fullest by succeeding
in life. I love life and nature because its just natural
how everything around us has been here for billions
and billions of years. I am David Hernandez and this is
who I am.

Sophia Gs Essay

At this moment, I am happy to be in high school

and ready to change my old habits of middle school. At
this moment, I am ready to set goals for myself for my
new transition to high school because in middle schools
my grades werent that good and this is high school
and everything counts to get into a good college. At
this moment, I am trying to get a perfect 4.0 GPA.

At this moment, I am trying to find myself,

what my interests are, I think I want to play the piano
or something in music to do in my free time. At this
moment, I am trying to be a better sister to be kinder
and helpful. At this moment, I am trying to be more
confident about myself. At this moment, I am feeling
the pressure of doing everything right and not making
any mistakes. At this moment, I am worried what my
life is going to look like as I grow up. At this moment, I
am trying to be the very best I can be so I can be ready
for whats ahead of me.

Gavins Essays
At this moment, I am, a pubescent 14 year old
boy who wants to do so much and explore the world.
This world is filled with beauty. I want to explore the
vast and beautiful mountains all over the world. I
want to go to the most famous landmarks in the world.
I want to meet new people with cultures much more
different than mine. I want to explore. I as a human
being believe that there is so much that we have not
discovered in the universe.

I want to follow my passions and put as much

effort that will make me successful and happy. I am
happy but sometimes my emotions are all over the
place. I will pursue my passions and be successful in
them. I want to explore. I want to be successful. I
want to to always be happy. I am 14 years old and
have the rest of my life to make myself happy. I want
to be free and I always will be as long as I do my best
to keep myself that way. I will always be happy as
long as I work for that.

There is no where I can't go. With time, hard

work, and determination there's no where I can't go in
my life.
Sophia Is Essay

At this moment I am 9th grade freshman trying

to be herself meeting new people and having fun
But at the same time im trying to focus on school and
have good grades at this moment i'm really tired and
overwhelmed at school I didnt get any homework in
the middle school or should I say i didn't do the
homework but im changing that this year. At this
moment I am in cross country and trying to stop
myself from quitting because I want to do this up until
senior year. Im also thankful for my friends and
family who spread their positive vibes and keep me
At this moment I don't know what to write
about i feel like i've gotten everything it out like if
there is nothing more to me i'm still trying to discover
who i am all I know is that i'm in gods hands no matter
what and that failing is okay and making mistakes is
part of growing up at this moment I wish I was
sleeping and dreaming of something beautiful. I'm
happy with myself and who i've become at this point I
still have a lot to learn and live but like i've stated
before I did really bad in school and now that i'm
happy with myself so far I think i've grown
academically and emotionally I am a bit more
responsible and know how to handle situations better
At this moment I can't wait to go to sleep and
start a new day tomorrow i'm in a very happy state in
my life and I can't wait to read this in the future and
see how far i've gone.

Erics Essay
At this Moment I am...
At this moment I am always looking at the past,
always wondering what I will do in the future. I look
back at the things Ive loved in the past, but have now
faded away. The times we shared, the fun, the laughs,
the games. It all seems so distant, but so real, is what
I'm looking for nostalgia? Is there something I'm
missing? Why can't I just go back and Enjoy these
great times and moments? I guess I can look back at
these times, and remember the moments we had, for
Nostalgia. I don't realize how fast I'm growing up,
maybe its best if I look past these moments and focus
on the future and what it has to offer.

At this moment I am lost, what will I do when I

grow up, where will I go to college, what job will I
have, what car will I get, what friends will I make and
lose? More importantly what will bring me happiness
in the future?

At this moment what brings me happiness is

baseball. This sport is more than just a game to me, it
drives me to become the best I can be. So I practice, I
work on perfecting my swing, my fielding and
throwing. At game time it gives me the opportunity to
show them who I am, what I play for and why I'm
At this moment I am happy to have grown as a
person. At a young age I didnt have the best
influences, I grew up with two older brothers and a
sister in a not so good neighbourhood. This impacted
me a lot because I didnt know the difference between
right and wrong. I found it normal to laugh at
offensive jokes or not take important issues seriously. I
developed a love for books in 5th grade and it wasnt
until 6th grade when I started to read nonfiction
books. I read books that actually educated me and I
spent my time online seeing things, like people fighting
for their freedom and equality. This opened up my
eyes, letting me see things that I couldnt see before.
Books and the internet sort of became a way for me to
learn things. Not things like math but things like what
was going on in the world. I started to learn more
about the injustice happening everyday and how
speaking up helped in big ways. Although I have
grown quite a lot in the past few years I still plan to
grow more and better myself as a person to the
furthest extent. I want to be the best I can and hope
that in the future I do accomplish my goal.

Joshuas Essay
I am a 9th grader who turns in their work even
though sometimes I have to do it in the morning before
school like at 8 in the morning.
At this moment, I am someone who is battling
a cold , My nose is stuffy and I am getting pretty
irritated because I am sniffling every time I breathe.
At this moment riding my skateboard every chance I
go outside . At this moment I am trying to land a
kickflip because right now every time I attempt to land
the trick I land primo. At this moment I am this
morning . At this moment I am playing Nba live on my
phone when I am bored . At this moment I am trying
to be really active by riding my skateboard or walking
my dog during the day.
At this moment I am 14 years old . At this moment I
am wondering what I should do in the future. At this
moment I am wondering what college I should take in
the future.At this moment I am writing a essay. At this
moment I am about to print.

Nattalies Essay

At this moment, I am someone who looks

towards the future. I am someone who regrets the past,
misses the present, and for what? When I think about
the past I tend to replace the word forget with

Living in the moment is only easy when Im not

worrying. Worrying about whats going to happen
next. Worrying about getting into a good college.
Worrying about getting the perfect 4.0 GPA.
Worrying about what others are going to think of me.
Worrying about not being good enough. Worrying
about not being the best me I can be. But why? Why
do I put my mind, body, and time through all this
worrying? Its a repeating cycle of Whats going to
happen if..? to Itll be fine to Why did I do this, I
could've done so much better. But why? Why do I go
through all this regret. Why do I see my work as not
being good enough, instead of seeing it as beautiful and

When I write, why do I push myself to be

perfect? Writing is not meant to be perfect. Writing
is a form of expressing your feelings and
communicating your thoughts in a way you cant do
talking to someone face to face. It displays such
beauty, strength, and individuality, and music is the
same way. I play the violin and when I play a song, I
want the sound to radiate across the room, leaving
people in awe.

I want my music to mirror my emotions, for it to

have meaning, and appeal to my audience. I want to
meet the high standards I have set for myself, trying to
be the best I can be in every aspect of my life. So if you
ask me again who I am at this moment, I am 14 year
old Nattalie Mikail. I am half mexican, half armenian.
I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a student. I am
someone who is passionate, focused, and determined. I
am someone who seeks advice and knowledge. And I
am someone who is waiting to see what the future

Nicks Essay
At this moment, I am in my 9th grade
humanities classroom, writing this essay with an
empty stomach, wishing to eat something. There are
some kids next to me, having a conversation on music,
and their favorite artists. My teacher is requesting
peoples songs, so she can play them. Im awaiting one
of my favorite songs, Best of Both Worlds, by Van
Halen. I love music. Its my life in one word. Writing
songs, playing in concerts, and having a good career is
my dream, and I hope to accomplish it one day. Im
inspired by my dad, Van Halen, and Green Day.

First of all, I love my dad. Hes a goofy, talented,

funny person. Hes taught me to draw, and play music.
Hes always there for me. Secondly, I love Van Halen,
because they are such a cool, old style rock band.
Green day inspired me to play the bass. Music today is
literally rap talking about drugs, money, women, and
being a thug. Van Halen doesnt really have a message,
but they talk about love, and living life to the fullest.
Green Day is just pure awesomeness to listen to. Their
songs arent about love, well most of them arent, but
their songs are enjoyable.

I hope to be a famous musician one day. I hope

my name spreads, and I can bring happiness to
someones life, just like Van Halen, and Green Day.

Drake Ps Essay
At this moment I am nervous. I have a race
coming up in 1 day. Lots of pressure, as one of the
fastest on the team. My competition is not coming to
the race so Im a little frustrated because ive been
waiting to race him. Im also feeling very sick which
frustrates me because at this race I want to be able to
do my very best, I should come in first for HTHCV,
but as of now I dont know if ill be healthy enough.
With all of that in my head my main goal is stay relax
and get healthy. Im ready to rest well, and get ready
for the race tomorrow.

At this moment I am a student, athlete, and

partner, ready to go and eat and take on life. Ready to
sleep, ready to have fun, ready for everything.
Isaacs Essay
At this moment, I am someone who constantly
needs to be entertained. am someone who struggles to
stay on task. I am someone who is distracted by every
little thing. I am someone who lets problems consume
me as opposed to overcoming them. I am someone who
enjoys making and listening to music. I am a soon to
be big brother who hopes to be a great influence. I
hope to be wealthy and successful.

At this moment, I am a lone wanderer in a

region familiar to a lot of people. I am someone who is
constantly stressed by something that could have been
avoided. I am someone who prefers to escape reality
rather than facing it. I am someone who wants to to be
wealthy and successful but doesn't seem to want to
work for it. I am someone who is terrified of failure yet
doesn't do anything to prevent it. I am someone who
stares fear in its eyes and runs away.

At this moment I am tired of bashing myself. I

am someone who is sick of running away. I am
someone who wants to fly with the flock. I am someone
who is ready to face present challenges and those to.
Alinas Essay

At this moment, I am currently feeling really

sick but energetic. I feel like I have a fever, my throat
hurts everytime I talk and cough, and I cant stop
coughing. But for some reason I am feeling really
energetic but dead in the inside. I really didn't want to
come to school today but I knew my mama would not
let me stay home and I did not want to miss any school
work. Most of the time Im a very energetic person,
which I am proud to say. But days like this make me
want to stay in bed all day and sleep. I feel low on
energy but Im going to get through the day.

UPDATE: I got through the day! I actually feel worse

than I did before. Im on the verge of losing my voice
and my throat is starting to hurt even more. I
remember every time Id get sick as a kid, my parents
wouldn't believe me because I use to always pretend to
be sick so I wouldn't have to go to school. When I was
actually sick the school nurse would call my mama to
tell her to pick me up and when she would pick me up
she would always say ayy mija. Once we got home
she would send me to my room and would make me
soup, give me vicks, medicine, and would tell my dad
to bring home sprite or gatorade on his way home
from work. Whenever I am not feeling well my dad
calls me to check up on me. I love my dad so much. I
love my mama so much. I am so grateful to have them
in my life and for everything they do for me.
Roys Essay

At this moment, I am sitting down on a chair

writing my essay while listening music.
At this moment I am feeling in a very good zone and
mood with the music that is playing because it takes
me to a new place at is relaxing and makes me want to
keep writing. Also writing is something that is going to
help me in the future to be able to enter a good college.
The college I want go to is M.I.T because that is a
school that focuses on engineering and science and in
the future i want to be a civil engineer.

At this moment, I am feeling inspired by others and to

keep giving examples of how I am feeling at this
moment so people get to know be better and know
what Iwant to be and do in the future.

Estefanias Essays

At this moment, I am attending High Tech High

and I felt really good also confident because it a new
beginning in my life to get to know more about high
school and what I want to be when I go up. At this
moment, I am fifteen and soon to be sixteen and it
been the best past years of my life getting to know all
my family and friends and who ever been their for me.

At this moment, I am a soccer player since I was

8 years old I been loving its since day one and its my
favorite sports but I also enjoy playing others sports.
At this moment, I am a very friendly person I enjoy
hangout with my friends going shopping, movies,
party and going dancing or just being all together. At
this moment, I am helping other by donating food,
clothes and stuff we dont use any more and by going
to shelters and just helping out with anything they
need like to talk to someone or just not to be alone.

At this moment, I am trying new thing like

trying to make a better person to myself and to be a
confident teen girl with some great dream and hope
for the future. At this moment, I am a believer that
this school will help be success for college and make
me work hard to go anywhere I want to go for college.
At this moment, I am motivator from my teacher to
work hard and to do the best I could do to make my
parents happy and proud of

Gracies Essay

At this moment, I am 14 years old, and on a new

adventure (High School.) I enjoy helping and
motivating others, laughing with my family and
friends, and being goofy and silly. At this moment, I
am someone who cares, loves their family, and is
devoted to them.

At this moment, I am as free as a bird. I am

free of most responsibilities. Since I am at a young age
of my life I do not have many responsibilities as
opposed to adults. I do not have to work, pays bills and
taxes, drive, pay for anyone else's things, support a
family, and many more things that adults often have to
do. I am free and have all the potential in the world to
do anything I can imagine. People my age usually take
for granted how little our responsibilities are.
However, we have it easy while we are watching
television or on our phones our parents are working
unbelievably hard to provide everything they can for
us. I will not take for granted how easy I have it and
will not complain of homework or doing chores.

At this moment, I am a self conscientious

person that always tries to do their best. I am someone
who can do anything if I just put my mind to it, and
never give up. Right now, I can't imagine what my life
holds for me, but I know I'm enjoying every moment
right now.

Kenneths Essay

At this moment I am Inspired. Inspired to write

this essay, inspired to play and enjoy music, inspired to
be myself and inspired to push myself towards
greatness. I know I have a good balance between
responsibility and carelessness. At this moment I
thrive to be free. Free from having stereotypes and
free from prejudice. I have a very careless opinion
about clothes and style. I dont think that matters
compared how important other points are. If humans
were able to eliminate all are prejudice and
stereotypes this world would be a better place.

Ive had a taste of the freedom. The freedom

where tolerance is a virtue. I went to this festival in
Mexico where we would express ourselves however we
wanted. There was one activity that we did called a
Temascal where we would crawl into a dark room
no more than 3 feet tall and everyone would start to
sing tribal Mayan songs to get the energy flowing. The
people outside would grab huge obsidian rocks off the
fire and put them in a pit in the middle of the room.
After about 8 or so rocks, the leader of the group
would grab a bucket of water and an empty horn and
slowly pour the water on the stones. Since the small
room was closed the vapor would hit you like a wave of
life threatening heat. In the end its a really spiritual
experience and if everyone wasnt singing to keep the
energy up, My body would have most likely given up
and died.

Since then, my life has been changed for the

better. I might be a bit more superstitious and my
outlook on life has completely changed. Some say its
dark while others say i'm the most optimistic person
the know, but what I do know is that it is me, and no
one can change that no matter what they say.

Solis Essay
Everything at a stand still, everything frozen in
time except the girl I see in the water of the ocean and
me. I look at her and see myself, but we are different. I
feel inside of all of us is a person that is your true
strength who you were meant to be but not yet are.
Thats her, the girl I see when I look at a mirror, a
puddle, or the ocean. We are like night and day, she is
from a different world, an alternate reality. She is
divergent even when we have the same aspirations,
same problems we think about them in new lights. She
is selfless, brave, intelligent, honorable, and is a caring
When I see her in the water of the ocean, she is
crying from a far fueling the oceans waters. When I
jump into the water to see if I can help I could never
find her and waves become more and more trying to
keep me under. The seaweed becomes shackles that
keep me under. Almost losing myself I fight to rise up
and I dont forget that I have to help her. I break free
and rise up. Breathing fresh air, and swim out of the
water. I finally see her again and she smiles knowing
something. I touch the water and a ripple forms but
always bounces back to its original form. She is still
smiling, she is a part of me. She knows that we are one
and her smiles are mine, her cries are mine. We might
have filled an ocean with tears but without are past
tears we might not have realized, who we are. At this
moment, I am Soli a girl still finding out who she is but
has become one step closer to knowing.

Sofia H.
At this moment I am excited. I am excited for what
the future holds, as overused as that saying is, its true
to what Im feeling at this moment right now. This
year has been a year full of new things. Im at a new
school. In a new grade with new people. Everything is
different to what my old school was like. Im excited to
begin on the projects we have planned and to work
together with my peers. At this moment I am also
nervous. Ive always been shy and quiet. It has been
hard coming out of my shell and participating in class,
but Im trying my best. Even if I speak only a sentence
aloud to the class I feel accomplished knowing that Im
getting better. At this moment I am ecstatic to
continue on with the school year, and although Im a
bit scared, I know Ill do alright.

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